《L.I.F.E. Begins (Book 1 - Complete)》Sorry! Not quite a chapter just yet...


L.I.F.E. Begins 041: Testing, Testing

Surprisingly, I woke up the next morning without being prompted or by having an alarm go off. I opened my eyes and looked up at an unfamiliar ceiling, then remembered where I was. I glanced at my exposed chest, and saw Alyssa snuggled up to it. She had a bit of drool coming out of her mouth, so I knew she was having a productive and deep sleep.

By the looks of it, she had kissed several parts of my chest, which included parts on the real side. I knew this because she hadn't quite removed all of her makeup the night before, and traces of it were left in strategic spots on both halves of my chest. I couldn't fault her for it, because if she had been laying on her back and had given me permission to cuddle up and touch her chest, I would have kissed hers as well.

Since I didn't want to wake her, I went over the research files again and highlighted the things I wanted to check for myself, once I got a hold of a portable maintenance kit. I was tempted to have one delivered, then I remembered that Nurse Deloris would be over later to give me a sponge bath. I used my free hand to reach down to the floor and opened Rusty's back panel, and typed in a quick message and asked her to bring the kit with her. I set it for a delayed delivery, because I didn't want to take the chance that it would wake the nurse up so early in the morning.

I gently stroked Alyssa's back, and she wiggled her body in closer to me somehow. I could feel her press herself against me, and the warmth of her body would have made me sweat if I hadn't already adjusted my own internal temperature to compensate for it. I laid there in her warm embrace for what seemed like hours, and then I heard a soft beep from Rusty. I reached down to him again and flipped out his back panel.

Nurse Deloris had received my message, and was on her way over to meet with me.

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