《WARZONE: Modern Warfare in a Fantasy World》Chapter 7 - Adventurers


After the breakfast was served by Jeanne for Connor, he inquired about the pricing of the meals a bit more in detail. Apparently, in Sethra, beef was a luxurious delicacy. Not everyone could afford it due to the amount of work spent on raising the cattle, the scarcity of livestock farmers and of course preparing the meat to serve the palate of the customer itself. After Connor was done eating his breakfast, he paid another 2 silvers for it.

‘What am I going to eat if I am not eating these though…’ Connor thought. Because what he was eating was a very basic breakfast menu or dinner, for what its worth. A piece of bread, some soup, a few slices of beef and of course, some vegetables. For a drink, Connor opted in for a drink called “mead” although he had never drunk it before in his life, he had to admit that it definitely tasted better than the water he initially drunk yesterday. In real life, Connor did not enjoy drinking alcohol, but he had to make an exception here, for sure.

Standing in front of the inn after leaving through the door, the eyes of the villagers and hawkers on the street were on him once again. No one questioned his attire or the submachine gun dangling from his shoulder. People just carefully glanced at him a few times before turning their eyes downwards. Connor looked back at some people who were glancing at him, only for those people to immediately turn away and disappear amidst the crowd.

On the other hand, he did notice a few adventurers coming in and out of the inn or just wandering around the streets, purchasing various items from the hawkers. Putting whatever they bought in their backpack, not paying him any mind when compared to the villagers. Some adventurers maybe glancing at him for a couple of seconds and then just turning around, continuing their business as usual.

‘Yesterday was definitely less crowded than this… I thought this was a mere run-down village but it is definitely bustling with activity today.’ Connor thought. In fact, yesterday, the only people he saw were the villagers and occasional city guards. Today, however, the streets were bustling with activity with adventurers included. Even the Sleeping Oak Inn had tens of customers sitting in the restaurant.

“Oi, are you going to move any time soon?” a voice boomed behind Connor. Connor was startled when he heard the noise bringing him out of his famed thinking frenzy. “Ah, sorry ‘bout that. I was thinking of something.” Connor said as he turned around. The man in front of him was at least two meters tall and possibly a few hundred kilos, or at least that was what Connor thought. Looked somewhere to be in his thirties. One thing was certain though. The man was definitely double, no, triple his size. ‘No doubt his voice is that deep.’ Connor thought. Even though the man looked overweight, it definitely wasn’t fat. It was all muscle. Compared to his arms, Connor’s arms were basically a piece of random stick you would see near a tree. ‘Geez, this guy definitely lifts.’ was the only thing that came to Connor’s mind after having to physically look up to see the guy.


“You sure don’t talk like you look, kid!” the man started laughing. Connor raised a brow in return. Not understanding the meaning of what the man had said. The man started moving as he continued laughing. “What the hell? Huh… who is that I wonder.” Connor spoke in a hushed tone. Behind him, a normal-looking man, at least in comparison to that guy came out. Bowing in front of Connor once. “That would be Bjorn. Our party, The Decimators’ tank. My name is Richard, Leader of The Decimators, pleased to make your acquaintance.” the man said towards him. Richard was old… Connor assumed he would at least be in his late forties if not older. “Ah. I see.” Connor uttered while looking Bjorn’s wide back. “He’s huge when compared to anyone I’ve seen so far, why?” he asked the man who identified himself as Richard. Hearing Connor’s question, he looked towards Bjorn as he started speaking up.

“Bjorn… has an interesting past. Due to several factors, he started training himself at a very young age. Spent a decade working as an adventurer and continued to improve himself. In the end, he was able to discover his hidden skill, Adamantite Body.” Richard said before asking a question. “Ah, my manners. May I inquire who you are, esteemed sir?”

“Connor.” Connor answered.

“Connor....” Richard trailed as he was inquiring a bit more detail.

“Ironheart, Connor Ironheart.” Connor responded.

“I see. Ironheart… I don’t think I’ve ever heard of a noble family called Ironheart in Aure before, esteemed sir, are you a visitor from another kingdom perhaps?”

“A-ah, yes. I was just passing through and wanted to visit the village, see how it’s like.”

As they were talking, a voice behind Richard sounded out. “Old man, come on, stop chatting this much. We need to catch up to Bjorn before he gets lost again.” a young man spoke. “Ah, you’re right. My apologies Sir Ironheart, we shall meet again should it be written in our fate.” Richard said before bowing to Connor once again and leaving with several people in tow.

Connor sighed and followed the directions to the Adventurer’s Guild. He wanted to ensure he would not run out of money anytime soon. Though one thing was in his mind while he was headed towards the Adventurer’s Guild.

‘Hidden skill? Adamantite Body?’

‘Do they have access to the system as well?’

‘Can’t be… The system doesn’t have a skill tree or something, I did not see it on the advertisements for the game as well.’

‘Come to think of it, I think it has been almost 24 hours since I got teleported here… Are the developers going to get me out anytime soon?’

Connor was thinking when he arrived in front of the Adventurer’s Guild. Close to the novels he read and the movies he watched. The building had a big bulletin board in front of it where various people came, read the papers stuck on the board, some of them ripped the paper and took it inside the building while others just sighed and left.


The building was a four-story building, in comparison to most houses he had seen, the building wasn’t completely made out of wood. Luxurious materials like gold were adorning the sign dangling off the pole in front of the building that was mostly covered in stone.

Adventurer’s Guild, Sethra Branch

Connor looked towards the door and walked in.

Connor felt different when he walked into the Adventurer’s Guild. In comparison to the inn he was staying at, Adventurer’s Guild both felt more modern and spacious. There were people behind glasses, just like bank clerks, talking with people and taking notes on papers that looked like parchments. Connor noticed people walking to different sections of the building for different things. One of the clerks were handling the papers that were posted on the board. He saw the guy who ripped one of the papers on the board, giving it to one of the clerks as he presented a piece of glass where the clerk took it and put it on the desk. As soon as the glass piece touched the desk, the glass suddenly lit up. Projecting an image on top of it. Just like a hologram in the modern world. Connor couldn’t really see the details but he could vaguely pick out some sort of writing in the hologram. After that, the clerk touched the desk before the hologram started to change. After the hologram changed, the glass had a hint of a silver light ray passing through. This short spectacle that took less than half a minute, surprised Connor.

‘That… looked cool.’ he thought.

Connor found a vacant female clerk and moved to the booth.

“Hello there.” he started the conversation. The young clerk immediately fixed her attire and in a professional way, greeted Connor.

“Greetings, my name is Louise. Welcome to the Sethra Branch of the Adventurer’s Guild. How may I assist you today?” Louise said.

“I would like to register myself as an adventurer.” Connor replied.

“Understood! Do you have a sponsor for the registration?” Louise answered happily and asked.

“I don’t, do I need one?” Connor asked, when he was talking with Jeanne, she had only talked about adventurers and Adventurer’s Guild briefly and definitely did not mention any sponsor requirement.

“No, of course not. However, if you do not have a sponsor, you would have to pay the registration fee, which is one gold per person.” Louise answered. As soon as Connor heard this, his face contorted which made Louise continue. “This registration fee is used for your adventurer token.” she said while taking out a piece of glass that somewhat resembled a horse and showed it to Connor. “This is an adventurer’s token. When an adventurer registers to the guild, they receive a special, magic imbued glass that is customized to their liking. Unfortunately, both the enhancements and the material used for this piece of glass is expensive, hence the one gold registration fee.” she explained professionally.

“I understand.” Connor said and put his hands in his pant’s pockets before withdrawing 1 gold from the system, he did not want it to appear magically in his hand in front of someone else like yesterday. He then took it out and gave it to the clerk.

“Here you go.” Connor said as Louise took the coin.

Noticing the weird symbol on the coin, she looked up at Connor for a second before putting the coin on something that resembled a scale. A few seconds after she put the coin, the scale glowed yellow. She took the coin back and put it in some kind of a drawer.

“I confirm that I have received one gold as a payment for the registration fee.” Louise turned towards Connor. “May I ask your name for the record?” she asked.

“Connor Ironheart.” Connor answered which elicited another “looking up” from Louise before she wrote it down and gave a paper and quill dipped in ink. The paper was only big as an average adult male’s palm. “This is for the customization of your token. Please draw the shape you want. If you do not want any customization, that is fine too. It will look similar to the plates used by the kingdom.” Louise told Connor as he took the paper and quill.


‘Well… it’s just a small thing anyways.’

Connor thought and started drawing a scythe that had a skull in its blade.

‘That looks badass.’

After finishing the drawing, Connor gave the quill and paper back to Louise.

“Thank you, please take a seat there. While I process these.” Louise said as she pointed to a few nearby vacant chairs.

NWI Class Registration Complete

Selected Class: Adventurer

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