《Inescapable Escapism (A Psychological Isekai Fantasy)》25. Shut up and drink


My cheeks hurt from laughing as I hauled myself out of the water, the rest of my crew still splashing behind me. My gaze immediately fell on Gem and her crew who were already out of the water, huddled in a group and talking excitedly.

My heart sunk slightly but still, I turned and started to help the rest of my crew out of the pool. The gravity might be lowered but somehow that made swimming so much harder. The water didn’t want to let go of us quite so easily which meant we were all exhausted by the time we dragged ourselves out of the water at the end.

Despite the loss, we were in high spirits. Once Aust, who was lagging behind, had been pulled out of the water and our time official was recorded, Leus had turned to me and threw his arms around my waist, lifting me into the air.

“You crushed it! I know you were nervous but you did so great!” he cried as he spun me around.

“Truly,” Vela said, reaching out to punch my shoulder lightly. “You did great. The way you managed to sort out that ridiculous phaser puzzle was spectacular!”

I smiled, a blush creeping over my cheeks as I looked down at Leus even though I had no real recollection of solving the puzzle.

I had glimpses of the memory. Just flashes of holding a weird-looking gun that shot a beam of light and perching on a tiny platform to point it at mirrors as my crew cheered me on but nothing more.

“Really! You did great!” Leus said, putting me back on the ground and placing a quick kiss on my lips.

I was taken aback, not quite sure how to react but the presenter interrupted us.

“Crew Eight Nine Six, congratulations on finishing the obstacle course! You are one of only one hundred and twenty teams to finish it in under two hours! If that crew hadn’t been here today, I have no doubt you would have been victorious,” he said with a glance at Gem and her crew. “Unfortunately, your time wasn’t quite good enough to take the top spot but you did very well so your dinner will be covered tonight!”

My crew burst into cheers but my hand buzzed, confusing me.

I stared down at my empty hand blankly before my gaze travelled to the clunky screen on my left wrist. It was about the shape and size of my phone but attached to a thick metal band that wrapped around my wrist. I couldn’t see any kind of closure or any way to get it off which made my breath hitch in my throat.

My hand buzzed again and I blinked, reality hazily coming back into view as I slouched down the stairs at my grandparent’s house, my phone clutched in my hand.

Did you get there okay? Phoebe had texted before sending a follow-up, Hope your mom isn’t being too bad today.

I smiled slightly, glancing around before pausing and typing my response.

Yeah, got here like twenty minutes ago. She’s not being too bad, just her usual levels of hell. My grandparents are just as bad as ever though.

I slipped my phone into my pocket and started down the stairs again, pausing at the bottom and straining my ears to catch a glimpse of the conversation which floated down the hall towards me.

“Honestly though. Don’t you think it’s about time that you cut your hair?” my grandmother was saying. “No woman over fifty should have hair longer than their shoulders.”


“I’m not over fifty just yet, Mom,” my mother replied in an upbeat yet tight tone.

My grandmother’s sniff was loud enough that even I heard it.

“Well, maybe you should go back to the dermatologist then. You have so much sun damage.”

I winced and turned away, starting towards the front door again.

I hated the way that my grandparents spoke to my mom but there was nothing I could do about it. Even if I were to go back in there and tried to change the subject or told my mom that she didn’t look that bad, it wouldn’t help. I knew that from experience.

I’d tried it before. I’d disagreed with my grandmother when she’d been complaining about something that my mom did, probably what she was wearing or something but I couldn’t remember, and it was like I’d done something disgusting or massively out of line. Even my mom had sided with her.

It was tough. I could see how rude my grandmother was to her but she still desperately wanted her approval.

I paused mid-step and glanced back at the house, my eyebrows furrowing together. How was what my mom was doing any different to what I did?

I sided with her even when she was being rude and tried not to antagonise her even when it wasn’t my fault. I was so careful around her and why? So that she wouldn’t explode or have a go at me? That never worked.

But it did make it easier. I’d stood up to her a few times before when I was a kid or when I’d been really tired and that had been hell. It wasn’t worth it.

No, as soon as I was old enough to leave the house and not look back, I’d stop treating her like she was a bomb, primed and ready to explode. I wouldn’t be like her. I would be better.

I hauled the last two bags out of the boot, having taken as long as possible with them, and closed it gently, hoping that no one would hear. If they didn’t, I could pretend that I was still struggling with the bags so that I had an excuse not to go back down for even longer.

Actually, I could say that I was unpacking. I could start to hang up some of my clothes, pretend I was worried about them looking rumpled or getting wrinkles. They’d understand that worry, surely.

I tried to hide my grin just in case anyone had come to check on me and accused me of being up to no good. I started back across the drive, ignoring the buzz of my phone in my pocket until I was at the top of the stairs. I paused, listening carefully before putting the bags down and listening carefully.

There were no footsteps or voices.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and read the text from Phoebe.

Oh, ew. Are they being dicks to you or just your mom?

Both, I sent back. Apparently my outfit signals the downfall of clothing standards.

I started to slip my phone back into my pocket before it vibrated again and I pulled it out.

Wait, what are you wearing that’s so bad?

I looked down at my leggings and t-shirt.

Black leggings and shirt. I should change immediately, can’t believe I ever let others see me in this, I typed back sarcastically.

Damn, was Phoebe’s response.

I’ve literally been sent upstairs to hide from them but mostly to get changed into something more appropriate.

My mom’s loud, desperate laugh floated up the stairs behind me and I hastened to grab the bags again and haul them to our rooms at the end of the corridor, as far as possible from my grandparent’s room.


I’m pretty sure that was intentional. They wanted to limit contact with us wherever possible.

I dumped my mom’s suitcase in her room before walking into my room and shutting the door softly behind me.

It was the same room I always stayed in when I was here. My mom was put in her childhood bedroom, I was in my uncle’s. It was pretty strange. The wall was papered with pictures that had been torn out of magazines, a weird mix of scantily clad men and women, mostly posing with motorcycles, and I was never sure what to make of them. I think he just really liked bikes but I was never too sure.

I sat down on the bed and checked my phone again.

You have not, Phoebe had written.

Oh yeah, was my response.

I stared down at the suitcases before me, knowing that I should start to unpack but…

Laughter erupted around me.

“Honestly though!” Col, the Captain of our crew, cried. “I thought for sure we were done for! I was absolutely certain that Leo was about to come through the door at any second and catch us in the gym!”

The laugh tumbled out of my mouth easily and I leant back into Leus’ arm.

“Wait, what were you even doing in the gym at that time?” I asked.

Col’s face turned a deep shade of red, almost the same shade as her hair.

“I was… meeting someone,” she said cagily.

“You were not!” Aust almost shouted, his bright pink cocktail sloshing onto the table below. “Who?”

We all looked at Col who was taking a slow and delicate sip of her drink.

“I just don’t think that’s relevant,” she said, looking anywhere but at us.

I couldn’t hold back the tipsy giggle that fell from my lips.

I felt wonderful. The world felt bright and fuzzy and I knew that I was grinning goofily but I didn’t even care.

“It definitely is!” Vela wheedled. “Who was it?”

“Bootes?” Leus asked. “Or wait… Cans? Cet! It was Cet, right?”

I gasped happily and looked back at Col who had turned an even darker shade of red.

“Alright,” she sighed finally. “How did you know?”

Drunken but delighted laughter exploded from us and I found myself almost doubled over the table, despite having no clue who any of those people were.

If they even were people, they didn’t even sound like names but then, neither did ours.

As the laughter died down, a woman came to the table, a silver tray tucked under one of her arms.

“Are there any empties I can clear off the table?” she asked with a smile that surprised me.

Some of her teeth had been filed into points.

Either that or they are that shape naturally.

I looked down at the table for the first time. We’d been told that our food was paid for and I had no idea how much time had passed since that moment, it had felt like seconds to me, but we’d clearly taken advantage of that. Half-eaten platters of food littered the table but they were outnumbered by the empty cups and pitchers that had been slotted into any clear space.

“Oh yeah,” Col said quickly, jumping on the distraction. “I think we’re done with some of these, right?”

She looked around the table where most of the others were chugging drinks to make space. My eyes widened and I grabbed my drink too, swallowing the deliciously fruity liquid as quickly as I could too before passing the empty cup over.

“Here,” Col said as she accepted my cup and the many others that had been held out to her. “Thanks!”

“Not at all, doll. Can I get you lot anything else?” the waitress asked.

“Yes!” Vela cried immediately. “What was that green one that we had like three rounds ago? It tasted really fresh and fruity but then the aftertaste made my tongue burn!”

A brief look of concern crossed the waitress’ face but she hid it quickly.

“That sounds like the ‘honey, give me another’! Do you want a pitcher or just a glass?”

“A pitcher! Wait, we need more though! Delph, you’ll have another, right?” Vela asked, looking around at me with wide glassy eyes.

I bit back a giggle as I answered.

“Sure. I don’t care what we have though as long as it’s strong!” I said, before reaching out and grabbing one of the semi-empty drinks in front of Leus.

I sipped it, unsure what had motivated me to do so, and shot him a cheeky smile that felt entirely foreign.

“Hey! That was mine! Can we get another pitcher of ‘spicy yet delicious’?” he asked, his words slightly slurred as the arm around my shoulder slipped down to my waist.

I smiled up at him dopily, his blue eyes barely in focus.

I didn’t know him, not really, but it felt so nice to have him touching me and holding me close.

“Of course, hun. Anything for the rest of you?”

I shook my head, still smiling up at Leus.

He ducked his head, nuzzling against my cheek before his lips found my ear.

“We should go up to our room soon,” he whispered, desire dripping from his words.

My stomach clenched with anxiety and I knew my eyes were wide as he pulled back and looked deeply into them but still, I nodded.

It felt too grown up, too fast even though I clearly had a history with the boy. We were dating in this fantasy and we seemed so comfortable together but part of me was still scared.

“That should be good. Thank you!” Col said to the waitress with a grin.

“Coming right up, sweetie,” she replied, her gaze lingering a little too long on Col before she turned away from us.

“So?” Aust demanded the moment the waitress was gone. “Was it Cet?”

Col groaned loudly and dropped her head back.

“I was hoping you would have forgotten,” she mumbled, sending another round of laughter through us.

“Nope! Tell us!” Vela cried.

Awareness of how loud and excited we were hit me suddenly and I glanced around the room over Col’s head.

We’d been seated around a circular table, half of us crammed into the booth, the rest on chairs but we weren’t the only ones in the dimly lit room. Other groups laughed and talked loudly, seemingly not caring about how loud we were being and right at the other end of the room, I could see Gem’s crew. Two of them were asleep, the little blonde one and one of the boys had fallen asleep slumped against each other, but the other three were still talking and drinking freely.

That made me feel a little less guilty and I was able to pay attention to what Col was saying just in time to hear, “So, we hooked up! Who cares?”

I burst into almost hysterical laughter as Vela cried, “Cet? Really though? Cet?”

“What’s wrong with Cet?” Col asked, her tone making it clear that she knew exactly what was wrong with Cet.

“He’s an asshole!” Leus said, his voice shaking with laughter.

“Plus he’s tried to poach you from our crew like six times!” I added, unsure where the information was coming from but knowing that it was true.

“Yeah, well… he’s hot,” Col said with a grin.

“He is hot,” Aust agreed with a sage nod.

“So… what’s he like in bed?” Vela asked, leaning forwards, the single light above the tables casting weird shadows on her face.

I grinned at Col’s flushed face and snuggled into Leus’ chest, the movement feeling somehow both so natural and yet so weird.

I could feel his heart beating through the thin blue t-shirt he’d changed into once we’d finished the obstacle course. He was so warm, his body so solid against mine but it felt so nice.

His grip tightened on my waist and he place a soft kiss on the top of my head, making happiness spread through me.

I was somehow so sleepy and comfortable but also wide awake. I felt like I’d never need to sleep again but at the same time, if I had the option, I’d cuddle up with Leus and never get up again.

“I mean, it wasn’t bed, it was in the changing rooms,” Col muttered as she picked up an overly large wing from one of the platters in front of her.

I wasn’t sure what animal it had come from but I knew it wasn’t a chicken.

“What?” Vela all but shouted, her tone incredulous. “You, miss prim and proper, slept with the Captain of the worst crew on the base in a changing room?”

Col looked like she wanted the ground to open up and swallow her, which would have been hard considering we were on a spaceship somewhere far away from any ground.

“I mean, they’re not the worst crew on the base. They do pretty good on all of their missions…”

“That’s not what she meant!” Aust argued, his words only just intelligible with how heavily he was slurring. “They’re the worst! Personality-wise!”

“Well, I’m not exactly going to marry the man!” Col countered. “I just wanted a little… you know what I wanted!”

Vela cackled loudly and I found myself grinning too.

“You wanted a little bump and grind? A little bit of fun? What? Zero-G and missions weren’t enough excitement for you for you?” Vela demanded with mock outrage. “You could have found a nice boy anywhere here or on the last pleasure ship we were on and yet you had to choose Cet, the biggest asshole in the world!”

Col looked around desperately and I knew she was checking to see if the waitress was nearby.

“We’re underage! The chances of me finding another guy who’s also underage here are slim if not none!” she hissed. “Plus, I don’t want a relationship, just a bit of fun so I don’t care that Cet is a dick.”

Vela shook her head, her lips pursed as she tried to hide her amusement.

“I mean, we run into that lot a fair bit,” she said, nodding towards Gem and her crew. “Could always try and hook up with Cas.”

Col’s eyebrows drew together.

“Isn’t he dating Aries?” she asked, turning to look at them entirely unsubtly.

I was fully aware that we were all staring at them too but they didn’t even turn towards us.

“I don’t know actually. They basically never touch but they’re always around each other,” Vela said, cocking her head as she examined them.

As if on cue, the boy, who I assumed was Cas, leant towards Aries and said something softly. She laughed and his face lit up.

I might have never been in a real relationship but I could see that he loved her.

“Eh, not worth it either way. I bet the Council are already eyeing that crew hard. I bet the second they graduate, they’re going to be snatched up for all of the best missions,” Col said with a sigh, turning back towards us.

I had no idea who the Council was or what that meant but I found myself nodding.

“Oh, do you think those are our drinks?” Aust cried, pointing across the room and barely avoiding knocking over a bunch of glasses.

Vela laughed and slapped his arm gently.

“Gods, Aust, you’re going to break everything!” she laughed.

He looked around the table blankly, his eyes unfocused and his movements a little too loose.

“I didn’t hit anything!” he complained.

Col laughed softly.

“You didn’t but there’s always next time,” she said, her eyes sparkling with joy.

She seemed a lot more sober than the rest of us somehow and I was a little grateful for it. Even in my tipsy, if not drunk, state, I knew we’d be suffering in the morning. We needed someone to make sure we got home safely

“Nuhuh! I’m good! I barely break anything!” he insisted as the waitress approached our table again.

“I have the drinks!” she announced, lifting a jug off the little robot that had followed her over and now waited behind her like an obedient dog. “Where do you want these?”

I stared at the robot, having to fight the urge to reach out and pat it. It was silver and came up to about waist height. There were even little circular shapes on the screen on the front that looked like eyes.

I loved it.

“Oh,” Aust cried and I ripped my gaze away from the robot to look at the pitcher waitress was holding.

It looked delicious. The bottom was a cloudy yellowish colour which then somehow transformed into a mouthwatering green before being topped off with a purple liquid. I had no idea what it tasted like but I wanted to know.

“Just in the centre, please. We can serve ourselves,” Col answered for us.

“Of course,” the waitress said, leaning over Col to put the drinks into the cleared centre of the table.

Col’s eyes widened slightly at how seemingly deliberately close the waitress was to her and Vela barked out a laugh before turning it into an unconvincing cough.

We waited in silence for the waitress to finish putting our drinks down before she turned again, winked at Col and left. The robot trailed after her happily and I found myself wanting to go and pet it.

“Well,” Vela said, reaching for a pitcher and pouring a large glass for her and Aust before offering it to Leus and me. “Turns out you didn’t need to go for Cet after all. You could have waited a week and hooked up with her.”

Col blushed a deep shade of red again and glanced over her shoulder at the retreating waitress.

“Shut up and drink,” she ordered.

“Yes, Captain,” we all answered immediately causing Col to groan and drop her head into her hands.

I had no idea where that had come from either but happiness danced within me.

“Another?” Leus asked, holding the jug and reaching for my cup with the hand that had been around me.

“Sure,” I smiled up at him. “But then we go upstairs?”

His eyes widened slightly and I knew that mine did too. The words had just fallen out without any thought and I hadn’t even known I was going to say that! Not that I didn’t want to go upstairs with him, I did a little even if it felt like a huge step.

I knew that, if I went upstairs with him, we’d probably sleep together or at least fool around. I wasn’t sure how to feel about that, I’d never even kissed a boy in real life, not properly.

I did want to though, I just hadn’t really even dated anyone which made it difficult.

“I’ll drink quickly,” he said, his tone seductive as he filled our glasses and passed one to me.

“Me too,” I said but my voice sounded uncertain.

“Grace,” my mom’s voice cut through the daydream and I blinked quickly to see her poking her head around my door. “Ah, thought I might find you up here. We’re going to go out to dinner in about half an hour. Do you want to shower before we go?”

Her tone told me that the correct answer was yes.

“Oh, yeah, sure,” I said, pushing all thoughts of Leus and his hand on my thigh out of my head. “I’ll go now."

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