《Shiv-The Child Of Oberon》Arc 2- Chapter 4: Happenings(proofread)


proofread by Daylius

Chapter 18

Rebuilding the village

‘Hah! I could not bring back her dad’. Shiv was lying down under the shade of a huge tree just outside the village premises. He did not want to be with them, it reminded him of his failure and a crying Bella.

‘They are just a computer program yet why is it that it hurts so much’ for a person who had lost his father, Shiv could very well understand the pain Bella felt. ‘This is too realistic. Do they have emotions as well?’ Shiv was deep in his thoughts, his eyes closed.

A day had passed since the chief of the village had sacrificed his life to protect Shiv. A scene Shiv did not want to remember. To distract his mind Shiv opened his stats bar.

“Open Stats bar”


STATS WINDOWCharacter NameShivAlignmentOberonRace: Draman(demi human)[/tds]Level65ProfessionGrand CommonerTitleNoneFame100Health: 1760Mana: 1500Strength: 90+5Agility:93+5Stamina: 80+5Vitality: 83+5Wisdom: 70+5Intelligence: 76+5Luck: 10+5Perseverance: 19+5Offence:86Defense: 0[td4]Magic ResistanceWind: 1%

Fire: 1%

Water: 1%

Earth: 1%AffinityWind: 1%

Fire: 1%

Water: 1%

Earth: 1%SkillsDragon's Roar- Beginner Level 1

Heavenly Element Sword Technique- Beginner Level 3

Heavenly Element Form 1 Kaze- Beginner Level 5

Heavenly Element Form 2 Hono- Beginner Level 5

Magic mastery- Beginner Level 3

Water mastery- Beginner Level 4

Earth mastery- Beginner Level 4

Wind mastery- Beginner Level 4

Fire mastery- Beginner Level 4

Identification- Beginner Level 1

Presence detection- Beginner Level 2

Blood aura- Beginner Level 1QuirksAcrobatics

“So every point I assign to vitality increases my HP by 20, similarly mana increases by 20 for every point of wisdom. Even though my stats are off chart for a normal lvl 65 player, I am still weak. Sigh” Shiv once again closed his eyes trying to figure what to do next once he leaves the village. He was considering going to the capital of Bredon Kingdom.

“What are you thinking lying down alone?”

Shiv was startled to the sudden voice. He got up and looked at the one who had just talked to him. His face became to pale when he saw that it was Bella who had spoken.

“Why are you here Bella?” Shiv asked without making eye contact with the young girls. Guilt struck his heart, he was unable to look at the girl who he had failed.

“I can’t come here?” asked Bella, still grief stricken.

“Of course you can. You can sit here. Then I will be going” rising up Shiv began to walk away.

“Why are you running away from me Shiv?”

“…” there was nothing the boy could say, he flinched.

“Do you plan to leave me here alone?”

“You are not alone. You have got people here”

“Is that so? Is that why you have been avoiding me? Do you feel responsible for my father’s death?”

“I am sorry. I am sorry” was all he managed to come up with. His guilty heart could not endure the pain.

“If you are sorry then take responsibility. Look after the village of my father. Look after us. That is your punishment”

“Eh?” Shiv turned back and looked at the girl for the first time after the incident.

“Become the new chief of the village Shiv. Inherit my father’s will”

“I cannot Bella. That is not someone like me should inherit. It is yours”

“Mine? You want a fragile girl like me to run a village? Are you going to abandon me after making me an orphan?”

The word orphan struck his heart like a dagger. His body trembled. It was then Shiv recalled the late chief’s final wish ‘Hey boy. Take care of my daughter for me will you?’. Shiv walked forward, closing in on a crying Bella. His eyes no longer had guilt or dismay. There was no longer fear or doubt, the boy had found his path to retribution. The girl looked into the boy’s golden brown eyes and smiled weakly. To her surprise she was hugged. His right hand on her head patting it gently.


“You are not an orphan, you have me Bella. I will be your family, I will be your brother. And I will protect you and the village you hold dear”

The girl smiled once again, her heart now had a ray of hope, a touch of love. She cried silently on her brother’s shoulder. “I understand brother.”


That evening, all the surviving members of the village was gathered. They stood at the village center square not knowing why they have been summoned. A young girl and another young boy were standing before them.

“My people! I know you are busy with sorting out things between you family but the matter I have to discuss is much important. Our village has been destroyed and we as of now are unable to survive.” The villagers nodded, it was a fact after all. The current state was a path to demise.

“For us to get back on our feet we need to rebuild everything from scratch. We have to bring back life to things that were destroyed. As my father would have wanted I want the village to prosper once again. But for that to happen, we must choose a new chief. I cannot take the position of a chief as I am too young and inexperienced. Does anyone wish to take over?”

There were chattering that could be here and there, but none were brave enough to come forward. They were not neither ambitious nor brave enough to bear the responsibilities of a chief.

“Then I would like to nominate the next chief. I wish the hero of our village to become the next chief”. This again caused some disturbance among the crowd. Some liked the idea while some were against it.

“How can an outsider become the chief? Preposterous” said a man who was in his middle 40s.

“Preposterous? May I ask you why you not thought it preposterous when the same man risked his life to rescue you?” the man was silenced instantly. It was then Shiv talked,

“It’s ok Bella. They will be troubled by this sudden decision. For now let us stop the election of a new chief here and concentrate on the rebuilding of the village. I will help out too. If, by the time the rebuilding finished, the villagers feels that I am worthy to be a chief then I will take over as the chief. Is that not better?”

“Very well brother” another uproar was caused when Bella addressed Shiv as brother. “Oh I forgot to mention. Today onwards I will be his little sister it seems” said Bella with a smile, one of the best smile she had ever had. There was no opposition from the people.


QUEST: THE NEW VILLAGE CHIEFYou have been nominated as the next village chief by Bella. But some of the villagers are not really happy with the decision. Change their hearts by the time the village is rebuilt.

Days required to rebuilt: till the village is rebuilt

Difficulty : E

Requirements: Bella’s support



New village chief

Maximum intimacy with villagers

2000contribution points


The quest will fail

1. if you are unable to gain everybody’s acceptance. (29/78)

Failure will reset all intimacy with Bella. You will be banned from the village.

‘So 29 are with me and the rest against. This is going to be tough’

“Bella and Agon come with me please” Shiv called out. The two followed Shiv closely. When they were pretty much away from the crowd Shiv began talking.

“I need to know more about the village. About the economy, about the resources available, about trade and all and mainly what all buildings the village had before”


“Well, the village was not that big to begin with so there was not much. But we had all that was needed. Our village has farms for food and there is a nearby stream for water. We have a mine north of here for metals. For wood we have the forest. Normally we do not do trades as ours is hidden village, but for the purpose of producing revenue we sell things at other villages. So that pretty much are our resources. There are no soldiers as we defend ourselves. Four people take turns to stand on watch.” Bella said.

“So that was the reason why your village fell so easily to the goblins eh. Once we have completed the rebuilding we will have to train the men. That means we will need a training hall. To fight we will need weapons and so for that we will need a smithy.”

“We have a smithy here. We have tailors, hunters, herbalists, farmers, blacksmiths and masons” replied Agon.

“Bella how many houses do we have now?”

“Currently we have 17. We used to have 31 before.”

“So almost half was destroyed. What about the warehouse and granary?”

“We have them too. By god’s grace they are still intact.”

“Hmm I see. Bella I want you to gather the head of each profession here as soon as possible”

“Yes brother” and Bella ran away to the village.

“Agon don’t you have a school? Or library?”

“Why do we need those? They are of no use” the reply was fast.

“Is that so. I see” Shiv was now thinking about ways to improve.

‘So for now we need to rebuild the houses. We need to repair the smithy and other shops. Since the granary is intact farming will be the main source for food. Then next is a training hall. It is going to be tough’


“Hello everyone who has gathered here. I have asked you to come here so that we could talk about the rebuilding plans for the village.” Shiv addressed the gathering

“Why do we have to listen to you?” was what some of them asked.

“The answer for that question is simple. The next time somebody attacks you, you will be much more prepared. Or do you wish to be slaughtered?” it was Bella who replied. She did not like the attitude of the people towards the one who had rescued them.

“Now now Bella. Don’t get so angry. So gentlemen and ladies shall we?”

Everybody present there nodded. A total of 9 were gathered there. Norn the blacksmith, Blina the herbalist, Lylda the huntress, Rihthor the tailor, Ames the mason and Gery the farmer. The other three were Shiv, Bella and Agon.

“I will come to the point directly. I want to build a couple of new things in the village. A training hall and a school”

“Training hall and school? Why do we need them?” the same question as Agon had asked them.

“Sigh! Listen people. Without a training hall how can we produce people capable to protect the village? Do you think soldiers are born from air or something?” Shiv’s voice raised. He was getting angry at them. ”And the school. We are going to open up the village for others and turn the village into an educational spot. That will earn us more money and more people”

“Open the village to the others? What nonsense are you spouting? We have remained hidden for centuries and we take pride in that fact”

“Oh I see. So you don’t mind your children dying for your stupid pride. I understand, you value your village’s pride more than your own family’s life. Very well. I am sorry I did not know that you disliked your family so much.” The 6 who were being addressed had cold sweats. All of them had been captured by the goblin along with their family. They had seen people being villagers, they had seen the relatives of those who were beheaded crying, screaming.

“We agree. We agree” they surrendered, their memories haunted them.

“Good. We will be setting up shops of each profession except for the smithy. The outsiders will be allowed to trade in those shops. For now we will only be selling things as we lack revenue to buy products. The next thing is we will send some of our children to the neighboring town so that they can learn new profession. Doing so will help us improve our village. We will have to build an office for the chief and we will be collecting tax for the purpose of improving the village. The tax amount will be set to a very low amount for now. That is all”

“These things are new to us? How do you know these?”

“The place where I come from has these kind of things. So what do you say? Shall we start rebuilding? It is going to be hard”

“Fine. Let us begin in a day.”

“Ames, can you prepare the blueprints for the buildings I mentioned?”

“Very well. Then I shall have my leave” Ames then left.

“That is all for now. Then you may leave”

After everybody left Shiv and Bella remained.

“Brother? Are you going to be all right?”

“Don’t worry Bella. Everything will be fine. For now let us focus on rebuilding the village.”

“Where do you plan to sleep?”

“Just like always, on a tree branch.” Shiv replied with a smile.

“No can do. You will sleep in our house. If you don’t listen to me then I won’t talk to you ever” Bella pouted.

“Fine fine” Shiv surrendered with a smile. Bella reminded him of Mia, both where stubborn as hell. They both then walked towards their new house, with a smiling Bella leading the way.


Somewhere in the forest near the village, a young girl was walking aimlessly. She had been walking for days in search for a village so that she could restock her supplies and repair her weapons. The girl was coming from the neighboring kingdom of Han intending to go to the Bredon capital city. On her way to Bredon she was robbed by bandits and left astray in the forest. It had been 2 days since she had been robbed. Luckily she had some food and water left with her which let her wander around the forest. Cursing her luck she moved forward.

“Do not move? Who goes there?” Agon shouted. He had been on watch for that night. He was sharp and so any movement caught his eyes. He shouted again. “Who goes there? What do you want?”

The girl replied “Water, I need water, please” and then fainted.


Year 2040


Feb 21, Tuesday, 3pm

“Sir, we were denied permission to meet Ryu Yasahiro. It seems there was an attempt to his life and so he is now under protection” Yuki informed her boss.

“Dammit. First that stupid AI and now this boy. Why is life so hard?” Allen was sulking.

“But we have information about the boy’s location”

Allen’s eyes lit up, “Where?”

“Incheon, South Korea”.


Year 2040


Feb 21, Tuesday

“Welcome Mr. Brian Woltale. Thank you for joining our show. It is a pleasure to have met you” reporter Nagi Kinoshita said with a smile.

“The pleasure is all mine Miss Nagi” beamed Brian.

“It is not often that we get a celebrity like you. Well! Let me introduce you to those watching the show. You all would be familiar with the latest sensation of the era, Dragon Lore. I know you are, everybody in the world is. So this young man here is the one who has topped the leader table from the very start. Let me introduce you to Adrian, the apostle of light”

When this was being said Brian Woltale was overjoyed. ‘I will find you soon Ryu Yasahiro’ was what his mind was whispering.


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