《Shiv-The Child Of Oberon》Arc 1- Chapter 3: The Day Everything Began 2(proofread)


Proofread by: Daylius and Vikingstad


“Do you want to try the tutorial? The tutorial will teach you the basics of your new world!

“Skip please.”

” Very well traveller”. The cute little girl made a light bow and snapped her fingers. The sound produced had an effect on the surrounding as everything began to blur.

‘What is going on?’ while Ryu was immersed in his thoughts, he noticed that the little girl was nowhere visible “Huh!! Where did she…….” before he could complete his sentence. The ground beneath him disappeared. Ryu panicked. He was now falling into a bottomless tunnel, at least that is how he felt. Fear began enveloping him. His normally smart brain had already forgotten the fact that everything around him was virtual.

‘Somebody help’. He was about to shout these words when he suddenly stopped falling. He could now feel a solid object beneath his feet. He opened his eyes to see what it was, and was delighted to see a ground covered with lush and green grass.

“I am never ever leaving you again” shouted Ryu, now lying down and hugging the ground rubbing his face on it. If he were to be seen by somebody else they would have surely taken him for freak.

Ryu got up on his legs after the excitement of ground faded away. His brain was back in function. He realized that the world around him was a game created world. He could not believe his own eyes. Surrounding him was a green and beautiful world; he could feel the wind, the sun’s rays, and the trees shade. While he was busy enjoying his new world, Ryu was disturbed by a strange sound and the appearance of some texted box in front of his eyes.


Greetings Traveller!!! You have been reborn!!! A journey of adventure awaits you!!! Will you succeed in your path or fall prey to other’s will??? May the dragon god’s light fall up on you.


‘Dragon god?? That’s the first I have heard of that. So this world is under the dragon god’s power huh. No wonder, its dragon lore after all!’


You are in the plains of Draklake.

Draklake, the symbol of the dragon god. Plains with essence of the great dragon god, Oberon

You are the first to discover the plains of Draklake. You have been blessed by the great dragon god

Double exp for one week

You have been gifted the tattoo of the dragon.

All stat +15 for 2 hours.

+20 fame for discovering a legendary place

+10 fame for being the first to gain fame[/tr4]

‘Sweet! What is this turn of events? Am I a blessed creature?’ Shiv started laughing, more like roaring. He knew the importance of stats in this world. The online forums had stressed on the advantage of high stats and high levels. He was still laughing menacingly when he felt an acute pain on his right hand.

He lifted his hands to check the cause of the pain and was flabbergasted by what he saw. His right hand was glowing dimly; something was accumulating on the upper side of his hand stretching till his elbow.


[tr]You have obtained a skill: Oberon’s Bless (Passive) Beginner (level 1): You have been bestowed the dragon god’s blessing.Being blessed by the true god, Oberon, you have been granted power beyond normal. Your body is now tougher, faster and stronger.

+5 to STR, AGI, VIT and STA

+50 to HP and Mana

Unlock new skills at higher level

New status created: Fighting spirit: the blessing of the true god allows becoming more fierce in battle

Monsters below you level will now fear you

You may not distribute bonus stat points

New skill unlocked: Dragon’s Roar (Passive) Beginner (level 1): A thunderous roar!


A roar similar to Oberon’s imperial roar! Monsters in the vicinity will fear you. Allies will feel the dragon’s power

60 second paralysis. Defense decreases by 10%

5min increase in morale of allies

Mana consumption: 100

‘What the heck! Am I dreaming? Is this some kind of prank?’ Shiv was now skeptical. He had just started and already received so many bonuses. ‘It’s not like I don’t want them, well whatever’.

‘Maybe I should check out my status once. Now how was it’, “err, open status bar”


STATS WINDOWCharacter NameShivAlignmentNeutralLevel1ProfessionNoneTitleNoneFame30Health: 150Mana: 150Strength: 15Agility: 15Stamina 15Vitality 10Wisdom: 10Intelligence: 10Luck: 0Offence: 5Defense: 0Magic Resistance: None

‘Awesome. I’m the man’, Shiv admired himself. He then started looking around and something grabbed his attention.

‘Wow! What is that?’ a little close to where Shiv was, a disturbingly tall building could be seen. The building appeared black, in fact too black. It had an eerie feel to it and Shiv felt a ‘do not come near’ kind of aura from the building. ‘Is that a tomb or something? Maybe this is why there are no monsters nearby’. He had been wondering why he had not been attacked yet, he knew that at his present condition he was easy prey.’ Well I don’t see any other buildings around, guess I might as well pay it a visit’.

Shiv idly began walking on the paved road, towards the mysterious building in front.


“The gods have sent their chosen one, Gehambel” spoke an old woman.

“Not yet oh great Briskol, sage of the twilight” spoke an old man with a large stature.

“I agree. He must prove himself. He must know true evil and despair and then pass the test”, a much younger person spoke, but the voice was that of a lady.

“Very well. We shall wait”, replied Briskol.

The three were gazing at a small pool and in that clear liquid Shiv’s face was being reflected.



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