《Shiv-The Child Of Oberon》Arc 1- Chapter 1: Birthday Bash(proofread)


Proofread by: Daylius and Vikingstad

Year 2040

Jan 31, Tuesday, 9pm

‘What a pain! Why is Ojii-sama so keen on these stupid parties’, these were Ryu’s thoughts even when he was flocked by almost a dozen cute ‘ojou-samas’. He was already tired of those girls trying to hit on him. He began to look around for a savior. ‘Somebody help me’, he cried mentally.

It was like that his thoughts were read, his cute little sister had come to his rescue or so he thought.

“Nii-sama, why are you flirting with all these girls and not talking to Mia?” she was throwing daggers at him with her eyes. The girls around him understood that staying any further would cause an Armageddon. So they left the siblings with a lady-like bow.

“Nii-san”, she was now pouting. His little sister was truly horrifying. She called him ‘nii-sama’ when there were outsiders in the vicinity. Now that they were alone she had reverted back to ‘nii-san’. But the true horrifying aspect of Mia was her dazzling black eyes. And now those eyes were glaring at them.

But suddenly the glare was gone and those eyes had the warmth of a hundred sun. He smiled; those eyes had always been a lighthouse for him.

“Nii-san, I… I have something for y…you!” she said, blushing lightly.

‘Sooo cuteeee! What is this cute being! ‘If not for the people around them, he would have already cuddled her by now.

“Mo! Nii-san! Are you listening!” and there she pouted her cheeks again mesmerizing Ryu. But this time he responded. He didn’t want to suffer his little sister’s imperial wrath.

“What did you get me Mia?” he asked with puzzled look.

“Not telling.” She pouted again and turned her head away with a ‘hum’.


“I too have a present for you. Don’t you want it?” Ryu knew this was the only way.

Mia was overjoyed. She looked at him with puppy eyes.

Ryu took a small box from his pocket, wrapped decoratively and presented it to her. Mia took it and opened it. Inside the box was a chain of silver with a locket. There was a ‘DK’ on the locket. Mia knew what the ‘DK’ meant. It was her father’s name after all. She was about to cry but held her tears in and quietly whispered to her brother.

“Thank you.”

She then wore the chain around her neck and gave Ryu a pose! Ryu laughed at her gesture and patted her head. Mia then held his hand and dragged him to another room. There his mother was holding a sword, a katana to be precise! She paced towards Ryu and wished him a wonderful birthday. Then she stretched the katana towards him.

“This has always been passed down to the heir of the Yasahiro family. An heirloom, a tradition, an honor. It was your father’s and now, it is yours!”

Ryu was trained in martial arts. His grandfather had seen to it. From the day he had come to Japan, he was trained rigorously. His grandfather had said “We are warriors. A warrior must know the way of the sword”. He had heard from Isamu that their ancestors were once proud samurais.

Ryu accepted the sword. He then looked at the sheath. The sheath alone was a masterpiece. It was black in color with silver fittings. It was as if it was depicting the existence of two opposite forces. He then unsheathed the sword, gently as if it were his own child. He knew the code of bushido. He was holding a true katana for the first time. He wanted to cherish that moment.


The katana was 60cm long. A beautiful curve and a sharp edge! He understood that the sword was treasured and was subjected to great care. ‘Beautiful’ that was the only thought he had.

“Sekisetsu” Ryu heard his mother’s voice. “Sekisetsu is the name of the sword. It means snowfall”

‘Snowfall’ thought Ryu. He was about to ask his mother the reason why it was named so, but before he could ask, his grandfather suddenly appeared.

“Boy what are you doing here, the guests are leaving. You are the host of this party. Bid them a proper farewell. Come on now. Carry that sword with you too. You are now the formal heir. Let the world know.”

“Yes Ojii-sama”. Ryu bowed to his mom and walked towards the hall. On the way Isamu said “I got your game boy. It is in your room”.

“Huh!!” Ryu was puzzled. The game was not even released yet. It was scheduled to launch the next week. “How?”

Isamu smirked, “Boy you are asking the world’s richest man how, Blasphemy!”

Ryu smiled too. ‘True. You are a scary man Ojii-sama, a scary man’.


Year 2040

Feb 9, Thursday, 11am

Ryu was excited. In an hour the game he so badly wanted to play was going to be launched. He had been waiting for it for a week. Ever since his grandfather gifted him a capsule with lifetime subscription, Ryu had been researching about the game.

He wanted to know as much as possible as he could. Phoenix Enterprises had been giving information about the game on its official website. Like all others Ryu too was gathering all the info that he could. He switched off the computer and looked at the capsule eagerly.

He had already gathered enough knowledge. He knew that there were currently only 3 playable races, humans, elves and dwarves. Ryu was against dwarves as he didn’t like their short stature. He was debating on whether to choose between elf or human.

He considered both the options. DRAGON LORD was set on the world of Orrinshire, a peculiar name he thought. Currently Valmoor was the only discovered continent. The game authority had refused to give any further information on the existence of any other continents.

The continent was split into 3: eastern, central and western. The elves and humans had 3 kingdoms each. The names were known but the location was not. So he was unable to choose. He eventually gave up on it, he could think about that after he logged in. When he looked at the clock it was 11:50.

‘It is time, let’s rumble’

Ryu jumped into the capsule and turned it on.



“Yes” replied Ryu excitedly. ‘Here goes!! Buhahahahaa





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