《Shiv-The Child Of Oberon》Prologue 2(Proofread)


Proofread by: Daylius and Vikingstad

Ryu woke up from his nightmare; his eyes were wet, a tear almost rolling down. He wiped it with his hand and looked out of the car. He could see the mansion now. He sighed, that place had been his home ever since they had come to Japan, his maternal grandfather’s home.

He remembered how he and his sister were asked to change their name and become Japanese citizen. Ajay was shocked, his name was the only memento left by his father, and he was heartbroken when he was denied the final memento of his father. But he had to agree, he was in a different country, his mother’s country. He agreed to

it because he no longer wanted his mother to be troubled.

His mother was desperately trying her best to live for the sake of him and his sister, and he understood that. The despair he felt had made him sensitive to his mother’s pain. He had sworn on the day that he reached this new home to never make his mother cry.

His thoughts were disturbed by the opening of the door of the car. Kiro had opened the door as always, and was now slightly bowing. He got out of the car and stretched lightly. His mother was standing in front of him, smiling. She was still just as beautiful as she was in the past. Her eyes were black. Long black hair, slender figure with the right curves. Most men found her irresistible, a perfect beauty.

He went near her and hugged gently. Miyuki hugged him back, patting his hair and asked,

“How was the party? Did you make any new friends? A girlfriend, perhaps! ”

Ryu rolled his eyes; the very gesture was so cute that she cuddled him again causing Ryu to blush.

“No mom, I would rather be fed poison than be friends with those fools. They want my power, not me.”

Miyuki sighed, she knew the answer already, yet she had hoped that Ryu would have found somebody to befriend. Her son had been alone since the time they came here, only opening up to her and his little sister, Mia.


“Come inside son, you seem tired.” said Miyuki.

The moment he stepped inside he was hugged by a really cute being, his little sister.

Ryu smiled a smile he gave only to his close ones. Mia, his little sister was a treasure chest for him. He was the one who had always taken care of her, making sure that she would get the things she wanted, that she would always be happy. Her smile had always made him happy.

“If it isn’t my cute little sister, have you been a good girl all this time?” enquired Ryu.

Mia blushed; she liked being called cute by her brother, “MO!! Nii-san, don’t tease”, pouted Mia. Ryu laughed gently and carrying the 12 year old girl in his arms walked inside.

He stepped inside a large hall decorated with extravagant luxuries. ‘What a bother’, he thought. And in the middle of the hall, a man was sitting on a chair reading some book. The man raised his head. When he saw Ryu and Mia, he closed the book and stood up.

Isamu Yasahiro was a man who now could be considered the ruler of Japan, mighty, wealthy, cunning and powerful. He was the 7th head of the Yasahiro industries, a weapon production industry. He had used the 1st nuclear war to propel himself and his company to tower above all others in Japan. He single handedly then supported Japan from the after effects of the war, he truly was a King to the Japanese now.

This man was Ryu’s grandfather. Unlike his tardy and strong physical appearance, the man was kind and humble. He never liked to trash those without power or money like most nobles/rich did.

Ryu had asked his grandfather why he had different view than the others. Isamu had said,

“Son, if money was life, how can one love another?”

Ryu had no idea what that was supposed to mean. He was confused but did not ask anything further.


Isamu was now standing in front of him, smiling. But Ryu saw in his grandfather’s eyes a hint of guilt. Guilt for throwing his grandson amongst power hungry wolves. Ryu had since long understood his grandfather’s thoughts and kindness. He stepped forward and gave him a hug. Isamu smiled, he thanked the god for giving him such a wonderful grandson.

“Boy, it’s almost time for your birthday, I hear!” Isamu asked, his eyes sparkling.

Ryu had a shiver, he knew the meaning of those sparkling eyes. His grandfather was planning something. Ryu nodded, hesitantly!

“Wonderful, this calls for a party my boy, lets invite the whole of Japan”.

Ryu froze like he was stabbed in the heart. Another one of those troublesome parties. He recovered quickly and before his grandfather started this good for nothing party preparations he talked, “Ojii-sama, there is something I want to say”.

Isamu turned back and said, “Well shoot my boy; you don’t need permission to speak to me.”

Ryu: Well! For my birthday, I want it to be just us Ojii-sama. No foreign people, I am going to be 17 and there is something that I want you to get me as present, if it isn’t too much trouble for you.

Isamu: Trouble? What are you saying my boy? Everything that I have is for you and Mia. You are the next heir for Yasahiro industries, the 8th head, the next King. How can it be a trouble for me? Tell me, what it is that you desire.

Ryu: It is that there is this game that is going to be released a week after my birthday.

Ryu was hoping that this topic would make his grandfather forget about the birthday party.

Isamu: A game? Is that what you want? Just a game?

Isamu had doubts in his eyes. He was hoping that his grandson would ask for something grand. ‘Just a game?’ thought Isamu.

Ryu: It is not some ‘just a game’ kind of thing.

Ryu was nervous. The game he wanted was one of a kind. The very first vrmmorpg the world had ever seen. If it was a normal game he would have procured it with his own pocket money. But this thing was damn expensive. DRAGON LORE, the game said to be a revolution in the gaming world and other fields as well. The game capsule was not too expensive, it had a onetime cost of 300$. Most people could afford one, as most countries were now financially stable.

The problem was the monthly subscription. Phoenix Enterprises, the developer of the game were truly cunning. They gave a free 1 month subscription to everyone who ordered the capsule. People were overjoyed. But that was short lived. The next statement made them shudder. From the second month onwards a subscription amount of 500$ per month.

Ryu too was flabbergasted. He could not believe the amount. He was the richest 17 year old boy in the world, but even he didn’t get that much money. Every month his grandfather would give him 1000$ as allowance. Of this, half would be usually spent on Mia. So, Ryu had no other choice but to depend on his grandfather.

Isamu: What is this game you speak of?

Ryu: Ojii same, the game is called Dragon Lore and is going to be viral soon. Please buy me one that is all I ask.

Isamu: Very well boy, I shall get you one. Now if I take my leave, I have a party to prepare!

Isamu smirked, pacing him out of a pale and colorless Ryu.

‘DAMN!!! I am so dead’ he thought.



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