《Fallen》Chapter 9: Soulmates


No. It was different.

While the little girl felt as if something dangerous but incredibly sweet was right in front of her. However, she needed to kill the boy if she didn’t want to end up suffering afterward.

Whereas, Lucifer felt as if he was a meaty horned rabbit in front of a batch of hungry vicious coyotes. But, he was a horned rabbit which could kill the coyotes and escape safely.

While he was still stunned by this strange feeling, the girl jumped from where she was and landed in front of him. She started smelling him before her eyes shined in a dangerous way.

“I want you!”

Vlad was stunned. Clara was flabbergasted. The others felt like they had just seen a naked old man turning into a beautiful woman. Unable to tell what they should feel about her words.

However, Lucifer was thoroughly afraid.

He jumped back and placed his staff between him and her.

“Don’t approach me!”

Vlad was close to vomiting blood out of anger, he wasn’t the only one.

Fuck! A girl of your age tells you that she wants you and you reject her as if she was a plague!

The little girl was a bit surprised by his words but didn’t mind them. She took out a dagger from her dress and pointed the tip at Lucifer’s left chest.

“You’re the only one who made me feel like this! As if I’d let you go!”

Vlad didn’t know what to think anymore. He could only wonder if he was born at the wrong time.

The little miss sure is bold…

Clara could only sigh, but she had to stop these two from going any further. They’d hurt each other at this rate.

“Young miss, you shouldn’t use-“

Before she could say anything else, the little girl body rushed towards Lucifer, dagger in hand.

Lucifer saw her coming and swung his staff, intending to knock her down, and maybe killing her at the same time. However, his attack was blocked by the blade of the dagger and only managed to send the little girl flying toward the counter making her crash into it.

Seeing this Vlad and the other were too stunned to move. They hadn’t expected that Lucifer would seriously hit her. Thus, they had no time to react when they saw him charging at her with a sword made of mana at her.

The little girl quickly regained her wits after the shock she suffered after being hit. She hadn’t expected Lucifer to be this strong. She had underestimated him. But now, she wouldn’t make the same mistake twice.

Daggers made of darkness were sent directly at Lucifer. The latter made the mana sword in his hand disappear before taking his staff with both hands to deflect the incoming daggers. However, one managed to cut the back of his hand, letting out smalls drop of blood.



As the two children were about to continue their battle, a bald bearded old man was going down the stairs to see what was the source of all this ruckus. When he caught a glimpse of the state of the counter and the disheveled hair of his lovely daughter, he couldn’t help but grow angry.

Seeing the anger written all over the face of the guild master, Clara, and the others couldn’t help but feel their legs grow weak.

“G-G-Guild master… This is…”

“Dad! It’s his fault!”

While pointing at Lucifer, the little girl said in a grieved tone and tears started to appear in the corner of her eyes. She was faking it. 100%.

“What! You’re the one who attacked me first!”

“You’re the one who fled after making me feel like this… You’re the one that I need…”

Let alone the guild master who hadn’t been here since the beginning, even those who witnessed everything were easily misled by her words.

“Y-You! What did you do to my baby daughter?!”

An incredible amount of anger was sipping out of the guild master’s body, while Lucifer was tilting his head unable to understand what made him this angry.

“I didn’t do anything yet. However, if she keeps this up I might end up killing her.”

The little girl giggled at Lucifer’s words while everyone else had a shiver running down their spine when they noticed that the temperature of the room had gone down by many degrees.

“You’re mine! So, I’ll be the one killing you.”

While licking her small rosy lips, her gaze became as sharp as her dagger before she jumped toward Lucifer with clear intent to kill. However, she was caught midair by a slender hand.

She was first surprised before fear invaded her face when she noticed who dared to stop her.


A tall woman with a blueish skin and fairy wings on her back was standing behind the little girl while holding her in the air with a hand. Her eyes were closed but it seemed as if she could see anything around her. Unlike Clara who exuded a fiery charm, her clothes and aura made her look like an ice empress, dignified and mature.

“Stop causing unnecessary trouble. Dear, look at what you have done spoiling her. Now she goes around saying words like ‘kill’ and her speech is clearly unrefined.”

The woman’s voice was neither loud nor low. However, every and each of her words had more strength than that spoke by the guild master. The latter who had been blinded by anger earlier was now sweating bullets when he noticed that his wife was here.

“Honey… It’s not what you think… Apparently this brat-“


“Had done nothing wrong. I was here since the beginning. It’s our daughter who’s at fault here.”

After putting down her child on the ground, she approached Lucifer’s location with steady steps.

Looking at her, Lucifer was feeling unwell.

I didn’t detect her presence. Did she use {Stealth}? If she did, she must have reached a way higher grade than me…

After giving a sweet smile at the child in front her, everyone in the room felt their heartbeat accelerating a bit, even Clara. However, Lucifer grew even warier and pointed the edge of his staff toward her.

“I’m sorry for the trouble our daughter brought to you. Although my apologies can’t compensate for the fact that she tried to harm you, I wish that you could forgive her.”

“No. She’s crazy and dangerous.”

“Who’s crazy? You’re crazy!”

She didn’t refute for the ‘dangerous’ huh?

Vlad who had been watching from the sideline since earlier cleared his thoughts before finally interfering.

“Sorry vice guild head, Lucifer will obviously forgive her… Ahem, in fact, we came here to register him as an adventurer so that it could serve as his identity card.”

While giving a meaningful glance at Lucifer, Vlad tried to sooth the situation.

Lucifer knitted his eyebrows since he really didn’t want to be involved in a guild where he might end up being with this white haired crazy girl.

“I know already. Clara, you should have complied with Vlad’s request. You should know that as long as one has the ability, he can become an adventurer. My daughter is an example.”

“No. I don’t want to be in the same place as this girl. Why would I stay with someone who wants me dead?”

Hearing Lucifer’s refusal, Vlad’s face became complex. He couldn’t retort. However, the woman who called herself as the little girl’s mother was still smiling.

“I see. What if I promise that from now on she won’t try to harm you in any way or another?”

Lucifer didn’t believe these words. He could still feel the gaze of the little girl on him as if he was a delicious cooked chicken running around in a street of beggars.

“I don’t believe it. She’ll try to kill me, thus, I’ll do the same.”

“But, I can really solve your problem if that is your only reason for refusing to join our guild.”

“What is it?”

The smile on her face grew even wider. Lucifer felt as if he was being led into a trap.

“Become my daughter’s soulmate.”

Lucifer tilted his head hearing those words.

Clara fell butt first on the floor, her legs had given up on her. Vlad was filling dizzy, multiples stars were dancing around his eyes.

These two were lucky, the bystanders choked on their foods while the guild master fainted on the spot.

The little girl tilted her head too. Unable to understand the meaning behind her mother’s words.

“What is a soulmate?”

“Oh, nothing much. It’s like a bond linking two people by their soul making them able to share both their strength and some other things. And it prevents the two concerned people from killing each other.”

“Oh… Such a thing existed…”

“But mom! He… smells so good…”

Her last words were only whispers that no one could hear but from seeing her drooling face, some people started to question the sanity of their young miss.

However, after thinking about his a little with Mephis, Lucifer shook his head.

“I can’t become her soulmate.”

The woman’s smile fell.


“I just can’t. It’s not that I don’t want to. I just can’t.”

“Well, you don’t know if you don’t try, right?”

“No. I know. She has a lot of divine power, right? Way more than what could be considered normal or rare.”

Hearing his words, the body of woman trembled a little.

Does he know? Impossible! Even apostle wouldn’t able to tell! Looks like I really can’t let you, little boy…

“Yes, she was lucky enough to be granted a strong blessing. However, I really doubt that it could prevent you from being her soulmate.”

Since she was still persistent, Lucifer decided to ask the System itself.

System, can I become her soulmate?

System It is indeed possible. And since Host has unlocked {Masochist}, no pain will be felt in the process.

Hugh....How? I thought that my soul couldn’t hold any divine power.

System It is right. However, Hos has forgotten that host held within him fallen gods’ soul fragment. Host can form a link between himself and the opposite part through it. However, Host needs to be low on devil’s power in order to reduce the resistance.

This isn’t good.

After making his decision, Lucifer looked at the woman’s beautiful face.

“I can’t make it right now… I need to prepare myself otherwise it won’t be possible…”

“Oh, of course. But please, do register. Like this, you won’t get into trouble if you're questioned by the guards for your unusual appearance.”

It was only then that Lucifer finally noticed. Besides the guild master and the little girl, no one in the room seemed to be human. At first, it was only a hunch, but now it became clear to him with the woman’s word.

This kingdom was not human dominant.

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