《Divine Inheritance》Thirty One: A Pup's Perspective


“This was a bad idea,” I said to no one in particular. “Shouldn’t have done this. Should not have done this.” I paced the length of my study, convinced my nervous energy was showing in an aura floating around me.

“Probably should’ve thought of that before letting the cat out of the bag a couple weeks ago,” Linda said, taking obvious delight in my discomfort. She glanced around at the other wives currently sharing the room with us. “Didn’t you guys have this grand plan about when to unveil the presence of aliens and other gods and all that?”

“I had an idea. Well, part of an idea,” I said, not giving the others a chance to answer. My tactic was so obvious half of them rolled their eyes at me. “Look, it just slipped out. Just be thankful it happened after this much time and not much earlier. Who knows what might’ve happened.”

“Yeah. Someone might’ve started some weird cult or something,” Angela offered.

“Or tried hitting on the first alien they saw with their own eyes,” Aisha tacked on.

It was my turn to roll my eyes. “I knew telling you about your mother’s first trip to New York was a bad idea.”

Rhia and Persia shared an amused look but didn’t come to my rescue. Traitors, I thought to them.

It’s not like they’re wrong, dear, Persia thought back. Out loud she said “What’s done is done. Our job now is to see it through. Shall we get going? We’re going to be late.”

“A god is never late,” I said. “Nor is he early. He arrives-”

“Precisely when he means to.” I turned and glanced at the duo that finished my sentence for me, eyebrow raised. Junior and Uther shrugged in response.

“Come on, Dad,” Junior said. “We’ve all seen The Lord of the Rings.”

“You really need to come up with some original material,” Uther added.

I glanced at Linda and Ephine. “Just how attached to these guys are you?”


“They’re definitely cut from the same cloth you are,” said Linda.

“I can wipe out interstellar civilizations with a thought, dear,” said Ephine, a dangerous grin on her face. “Just something to keep in mind.”

“Uh, right. Well then, as a punishment for being little smartasses, we’re going to do a Naruto filler marathon later.”



“Believe it!” I said, giving them a thumbs up. Grinning as they slumped together in defeat, I turned back to everyone else and clapped my hands together. “Right then, let’s get going, shall we?” Receiving nods from my family, everyone stood and made their way to the door. Carrying Miranda on her hip, Lily approached me and whispered.

“You’re not really going to put them through that, are you?”

I stared at her in horror. “Oh god no. That would mean I’d have to sit through it as well. I’ll make up something later about why we don’t have to do it. This is just what they get for ruining my line.”

She shook her head and started for the door. “That was Gandalf’s line, dear. Not yours.”

I shrugged. “If I have seen further than others, it’s because I’ve stood on the shoulders of giants.”

“That was Newton,” Shu said as she passed me.

I groaned. “You know what I meant by that.”

“We got it, Daddy!” Aisha told me happily as she and Angela left the room.

Rhia came up to my side, slipping one arm through mine, her other hand resting on her belly. “Come on, dear. People are waiting.”


Ryo glanced at the bustling traffic moving to and fro from where she was laying by the front door of the big house her John had made. There were a lot of people moving about in a rush, and none of them seemed to be in the mood to play with her. Even John’s children were busy. The little one, Miranda, had tried to play with her earlier, but her mother had said she wasn’t allowed to in her nice clothes. Ryo knew not to take that as an insult. She knew her fur got all over everything. Whatever was happening today must be special if even the kids weren’t allowed to play. She let out a sigh and laid her head between her paws on the cool marble floor. It was going to be a boring day for her.


Sometimes she missed the old days with John. Just her and him in a small apartment. He used to play with her all the time and talk with her. Yes, she liked all the kids running around the house now, but she never got to lay down with John anymore and cuddle. If only that night of pain hadn’t happened. Now twenty years old, Ryo was aware she wasn’t like others of her kind. She knew she was an old dog by any measure you chose to use, but she didn’t feel that way. She felt just as good as the day she woke up in the big slippery room on the big bed by John.

Ryo’s head shot up, ear cocked towards the door. Someone was here! She jumped to her feet just as someone knocked, her tail wagging. She could make out the voices coming through the door, their scents leaking through the wood, and Ryo knew she was about to get an enthusiastic greeting. Finally! Someone fun was here!

“Ryo!” Petra cried as the door was opened and she caught sight of the black lab. Ryo let out a happy bark at the blonde teenager’s arrival and bounced on her front feet, eager for the crushing hug she was about to receive. Petra Federova delivered as always, dropping to her knees in front of the dog to wrap her up in big bear hug. Ryo ecstatically tried to lick her face in return but was disappointed when Petra stopped her. “Not yet, girl. I spent too long on my makeup to let it be ruined before I can show it off.” She leaned in and whispered in Ryo ear, like it was a big secret, “it’s the first time Mom let me put on makeup and I want to see Uncle John’s reaction.”

Ryo didn’t understand what makeup was, but she knew about being happy to see John, so she wagged her tail happily. Her eyes closed reflexively when a hand reached down and started scratching behind her ears. Oh, how she loved that and soaked it up for the second that it lasted.

“Hey Ryo,” Isabella said. “Where’s Daddy?”

That greeting was cut short when a maid answered the blue haired woman. “The master is in his study with his family. We’ve been asked to escort the Oracles to the dining room upon their arrival. If you would please follow me?”

Ryo watched in disappointment as Petra stood and followed her mother, but she turned and whispered “I’ll be back” before disappearing behind another set of doors. She sat back on her haunches and stared at the hustle and bustle happening around her. She saw John’s children and mates come from around a corner and start walking towards the same door that Petra and her mother had just entered. Then she saw him, walking arm in arm with Rhia. Ryo liked Rhia. She always spoiled her when John wasn’t looking. John looked her way, causing her to stand in her excitement. He watched her tail wag happily, then grinned and patted his leg.

“Come on, girl!”

Ryo fairly bounced in excitement but contained herself to a trot over to his side. He reached down and patted the side of her head. She closed her eyes and let herself be rubbed, pressing her head into his thigh. Enjoying the attention, she awkwardly walked pressed to his side as they entered massive dining room. Maybe today wouldn’t be so boring after all.

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