《Divine Inheritance》Twenty-One: From the Highest of Highs...


The chirping of birds. A soft breeze blowing by. The warmth of the sun beating down. I opened my eyes to the paradise in front of me. I did it. I actually did it! Standing, I slowly turned around in place. Trees and grass as far as I could see. Blue sky and clouds above. I heard the river that I had placed behind my home. Looking at it, I could see the large window leading to the ballroom, but it appeared to be empty. The house was now built into a hill, kind of reminiscent of a hobbit hole. Wonder if the wives will let me put a round door in? I thought.

“Not a chance,” I heard. I turned and saw Rhia standing behind me. I smiled and held out my arms.

“I did it, babe,” I said. She threw back her head and laughed, then bounded into my arms, kissing and hugging me tightly.

“I missed you so much,” she said into my ear as she squeezed me tightly. “Never leave me for that long again.” My shoulder started to get damp as tears fell from her eyes. “We all missed you. You were so close, but so far away.”

I wrapped my arms around her and squeezed tightly. “How long?”

“Eight months. I know quite a few women that want to have a word with you about that.”

“Eight months? Wow. It only felt like a couple hours to me.”

She leaned back from my shoulder and gave me a quick kiss. “Come on. If I don’t get you back inside soon, there’s going to be a revolution in the Council of Wives.”

I laughed. “Can’t have that. Lead the way, my dear.” We held hands as we walked towards the large window, passing through it like it wasn’t even there. “We’re going to have to put a door in somewhere,” I said as I surveyed the room. Couches, pillows, and blankets seemed to be the standard for décor these days. Everything was clean and neat, but it definitely had a lived in feel. Rhia kept walking past the couches, pulling my arm with her.

“Come on. If you take too long, their reception won't be as warm as you’re hoping for.”

Chuckling, I allowed myself to be pulled along. We’d barely stepped into the hallway when I was nearly bowled over by a black, white, and blonde missile.

“My Lord!” Hannah wailed as she wrapped her arms and legs around me and started planting kisses all over my face. “Oh I missed you so much, My Lord! Please don’t leave us again! I love you so much! Don’t ever leave us alone again! I love you I love you I love you! No one gives it to me like you do, My Lord! I need it so bad! Plea- urk!” Hannah’s frantic greeting was cut short by Rhia grabbing the maid by her collar and yanking her off of me. The blonde woman hung in Rhia’s grasp as she was rotated around to meet her eyes. Purple eyes stared into golden ones before Hannah looked down. “I’m sorry, Mistress Rhia. I just couldn’t help myself when I saw him.”

Rhia put her down and released her hold on the shorter woman’s collar, smiling. “I know, but there are six other women waiting for him, and you’re hogging his time. Do you want to explain to them why he took so long to get there? Especially Persia?”

Curiously, Hannah’s face paled a little at the mention of Persia, and mutely shook her head no. Raising an eyebrow, I looked between them, but they both ignored me as we started walking down the hall again. Six? Who are the other two? Lily, I can guess, but the last? Did Isabella come back? Or is it Aura? She didn’t know me well enough to want to see me that eagerly, did she? And since when did mentioning Persia earn that kind of reaction? Questions swirled around my head as we approached our destination. Opening the door to my residence, I found five women waiting for me. Su smiled warmly at my arrival, and, as she was the closest, she was the first to close in for a hug and a kiss. Then she stepped back, her eyes promising a more personal greeting later.


Linda barreled in next, roughly pulling my face to hers as she did her best to suck my soul from my body. Then she released my mouth and grabbed my ears.

“Eight! Fucking! Months! Do you have any idea how hard it was to work wondering when you’d come back to us?! We waited and waited and waited!” Hands still firmly gripping my ears, she pulled my face down for a kiss again. Then she rested her forehead against mine. “I missed you so much, you asshole.”

I wrapped my arms around her waist and hugged her tightly. “I am so sorry, Linda. I had no idea it would be that long. I promise not to do anything like that again without checking with all of you first, ok? I love you, and don’t want to put any of you through that again.”

She sniffed, clearly holding back tears, but nodded. “Good. I love you too, you big dummy.” She released my ears, punched my chest, and traded places with Shu, who was much more gracious in her welcome, as she was in most things. Draping her arms over my shoulders, she smiled up at me.

“Hey stranger,” she said, smiling.

“Hey you,” I responded.

“Welcome home.” She leaned up and kissed me, no less passionately than Linda, but much less violently. When she released me and stepped back, I could see streaks down her cheeks where she’d been crying. I vowed to myself to never leave the women like that again.

Suddenly a shock of pink hair was in front of me. I looked down to see Lily fidgeting nervously. I smiled and opened my arms for a hug, when she fell into, her arms wrapped around my waist.

“You missed me too?”

“We all did, in case you didn’t notice. I haven’t been able to dream since you left. I saw nothing and it scared me.” She looked up at me. “Please don’t leave us again?”

“I already promised Linda I wouldn’t do anything like that again without consulting everyone, ok?”

She gave me a smile and nodded. She was about to step out of the hug, then suddenly leaned up and kissed me. It was a chaste kiss, no tongue. Just a pressing of lips together, but it was pleasant. Blushing, she retreated to the other side of the living area.

I held my arms open and asked “who’s next?”

A green hand grabbed mine from my left and a green body snaked into mine for a hug. It took me a moment to register Aura pressed so closely to me. Hesitantly, her arms wrapped around me. A little surprised, I wrapped my arms around her as well, her slim body feeling delightful against mine. Last time I’d seen her, she could barely make eye contact with me, and had only kissed my hand for good luck. Now here she was, clinging to me like a second set of clothes.

“Aura?” I asked, as she hadn’t said anything yet. Just hugging me tightly. I looked at everyone over her shoulder, and they all looked back with smiles on their faces. What had happened while I was out there?

“Thank you,” she whispered. “Thank you so much. You have given my people a home. I can never repay you for what you’ve done. But I would like to spend the rest of my life trying.”

“Wha-” I began before she pressed her lips to mine. My god they felt fantastic. Her tongue slipped through to caress mine, and suddenly I had questions about the level of skill she was displaying. I seemed to recall Drake telling me she was untouched by man.


Untouched by man, yes, I heard Rhia in my head as she smiled at me. But I think we’d both agree that Persia is no man. Just enjoy it. She’s been waiting for this moment almost as long as we have.

Understanding bloomed in my head at what she was telling me, then I gave in to the moment. How long I held the green beauty for I couldn’t say, but when she finally pulled away, she immediately moved to take a seat on the couch.

“Wow,” she said. “You ladies weren’t joking.”

“Right?” Linda said. “He’s got a certain knack for it.”

I looked around the room while they bantered but couldn’t see who I was looking for.

“Where’s Persia?” I asked, and everyone answered by pointing towards my bedroom. I raised my eyebrow in confusion.

“It’s not what you think, stud,” said Linda.

“She just wanted to greet you in private,” said Rhia. Everyone in the room was exchanging glances and knowing smiles, so I figured something was up. Eyebrow still raised I turned and made my way over to my room.

I knocked on the door softly as I opened it. “Persia? I’m home, baby.”

“An interesting turn of phrase,” she said as the door opened to reveal her sitting on our bed. She looked very happy to see me. She also looked very, very pregnant. I froze, sure my eyes were the size of saucers. She awkwardly pushed herself up to a standing position, and that triggered something in me. I was immediately at her side helping her stand.

“What are you doing? Take it easy. Oh wow, you’re huge!” I babbled. She shot me a dirty look.

“Huge? That’s what you say to me after sitting in the yard for eight months?”

“Uh, bu, uh, eh?” I said intelligently. Her dirty look broke and she broke into melodious laughter, her eyes twinkling.

“Welcome home, My Husband.” She kissed me, her belly pushing in to me. She leaned back and rubbed her belly. “Meet your daughter.”

“A little girl,” I whispered as I dropped to my knees, my hands caressing her stomach. I laid my ear against it, closing my eyes and listened. I felt a thump against the side of my head, causing me to open my eyes in amazement at the same time there was a flash of light from the doorway. I only half acknowledged the gaggle of women crowded there, or the cell phone in the hands of a certain pink haired oracle. I looked up at Persia, whose grin was threatening to split her face.

“I’m gonna be a daddy?”

“You’re gonna be a daddy.”

“I’M GONNA BE A DADDY!” I whooped, standing and grabbing Persia under her arms to lift her high in the air. She looked shocked for half a second, then erupted in laughter. The women at the door, however, weren’t so amused and cried out in panic. Realizing what I’d done, I gently set her back on her feet and pulled her into a hug, tears freely falling down my cheeks. A wave of dizziness overtook me at the rapid assault of emotions I was under, so let go of Persia and sat on the edge of the bed. She took the opportunity to sit on my lap and stared lovingly into my eyes.

“But wait,” I said, suddenly recalling something. “I thought I fixed it so that no one could get pregnant. It’s what you all asked for.”

Persia smiled, stroking my hair. “Not me.”

“What?” I said.

“You did that to them before you’d met me. I never asked for it, and it never occurred to you to ask me. And our first night together happened before we even realized it was happening, remember?” My eyes widened.

“Wow. The first night? But wait, I also fixed myself. Even if you weren’t part of the no pregnancy group, I still was.”

Rhia moved to the front of the group, a half guilty expression on her face. “About that, dear husband. I have a confession to make. That same night when you two dragged me in to bed? I may have used that new power you gave us to do some tweaking of my own.”

I swear, if my eyes got any wider they’d fall out of my head. “You WHAT?!” I yelled. Suddenly the room was empty save Persia, Rhia, and me. The rest of the girls beat a hasty retreat, and I was thankful for it. If I was going to go nuclear, the less witnesses the better. Guilt surged through our link in a wave that nearly made me stumble, but I’m sure the anger that I felt at the personal invasion hit her just as hard.

“You better start talking fast, woman!” She flinched. The last time I’d spoken to her in this fashion, I’d just discovered Texas was missing. Discovering she’d turned my tap back on, so to speak, without my knowledge or permission, using my own powers against me, didn’t rank as high as a national tragedy, but damned if it wasn’t one hell of a personal violation, and I was fucking pissed. She knew it too, feeling it all come from me in waves, and I was greeted more guilt, fear, and abject shame.

“I wanted a child! With you! I know I should have asked and discussed it first, but the opportunity presented itself and… and I took it.” She was crying now, sinking to her knees. “I know it was selfish of me. I was weak at the moment, but you still had to face the asteroid ship, and we didn’t know how that was going to turn out, and that night was so magical… I couldn’t bear the thought of you not coming back from that ship without me ever carrying your child…” She was bawling now. Her words devolving into wails of anguish. She pitched forward, burying her face in the carpet and spreading her wings to her sides, pressing them to the floor. She started reaching her hand back to where it met her shoulder blade and, taking a deep breath, braced herself.

Shame! I thought, quickly remembering her display when offering her wings to me after telling me what happened to Texas.

“JOHN! Her wings!” Persia cried out, also realizing what Rhia’s intention was, but I was already moving, my anger placed on the backburner. I grabbed her hand before she could rip her own wing off. Her grip tightened momentarily, fighting against me before giving up the urge and collapsing. Gently I pulled her into my lap where I sat on the floor and held her.

“I’m sorry,” she wailed. “I’m so, so sorry.” She clung to my chest and sobbed. I had no words of comfort for her. I didn’t know what to say. My rage was diluted, but I was still hurt and upset. If she’d only asked me, I would’ve said yes in heartbeat. Nothing would please me more than to have a child or twelve with her. I wanted to tell her that, but the words wouldn’t come. So I just held her. Persia watched us from where she sat on the bed, a sad look in her eyes.

“She told me all this before,” Persia said softly. “After you stepped out, as we called it. When we discovered I was pregnant. We knew you’d be upset, so we wanted to tell you when you found out about me, hoping it would lessen the blow.”

Rhia continued to sob into my lap, although it was less wailing now and more whimpering. I still couldn’t think of anything to say. I desperately wanted to pull them into a hug and say everything will be alright. I really did. But I couldn’t. I felt… I don’t know. It hurt. I felt sad. I felt angry. I felt confused.

I felt betrayed.


Persia watched John carefully tuck Rhia into bed after she cried herself to sleep. She felt waves of emotion pouring out of him, and it broke her heart. She knew what he must be going through right now. She watched as he walked to the door, and her hopes rose a little when he paused with his hand on the knob. Without turning, however, he sighed and looked at the ceiling.

“I need some time. I’m going for a walk.”

She nodded, even though she knew he wouldn’t see it, and when the door closed behind him she lost the control she’d been holding and started weeping. This was supposed to be a happy occasion. He had created a world. He was reunited with all the women who loved him. She was pregnant. There were supposed to be celebrations all around. Instead, here she was, crying next to her sister who’d tried to shame herself by ripping her own wings off after confessing a betrayal. It was with the best and most loving of intentions, but a betrayal nonetheless.

She curled up on the bed next to Rhia, placing a protective hand on her swollen belly. Intellectually she knew this was Rhia’s fault, but she couldn’t bring herself to blame the woman she loved more dearly than a sister. She knew exactly how Rhia felt about wanting a child with John. All of them did, including Lily and Aura. His charisma had a way piercing a girl through the heart leaving them hopelessly devoted to him. She’d actually fallen in love with him long before they’d met, just watching him interact with everyone. He was always so happy and cheerful. He was such a clown, and she’d laughed herself silly watching his antics at the White House years ago. Every time she’d tried to work up the nerve to speak to him, however, she’d lose it at the last second, choosing instead to watch him some more from the shadows.

She’d envied the affection he’d shown Su and Hannah. She was downright jealous of the obvious love he had for Rhia. When Linda and Shu eventually joined him up here, she’d decided it was too crowded. She’d trusted Su and Rhia as much as she’d been able to trust anyone back then, and she had a passing acquaintanceship with Hannah since they both worked as maids, but Linda and Shu were unknowns at the time. The closest she’d been able to get to John was befriending Ryo. She’d spend countless hours playing with her, wishing she could share those moments with him. Her fear of betrayal and abuse prevented that from ever happening, and when Rhia ordered her brought before the very man she loved and feared, it terrified her. But her fears that day never came to pass. She’d offered herself to him as she thought he’d want, only to be comforted by him instead. He said he trusted her. He gave her a name. He took the vow, although she hadn’t realized at the time that he knew nothing about it and was just being nice, but even after learning the truth he never took it back. He just pressed forward, helping her overcome one trial after another until that fateful night, where Rhia took away his decision… and gave her a daughter.

No, despite everything, Persia could not bring herself to blame her sister. Not when she’d blessed her with such a treasure. She didn’t know how this was going to affect John, especially since it was such a crash after riding so high on the joy of creating a new world and reuniting with everyone. She only hoped he’d recover. She resolved herself that she’d do her best to help him if he needed it. He’d given her a new chance at life. She had to repay the favor. Reaching out to hold Rhia’s hand, Persia vowed to help both of her most precious loved ones. She was still holding her hand when she fell asleep.


I walked. For hours I walked. Traversing this new world that I created, not seeing a damn thing. My mind was at times full of more thoughts than I could concentrate on, and at other times devoid of anything. I moved on instinct alone. I didn’t feel the sun. I didn’t feel the wind. I didn’t feel the rain when it rolled in. I came to a lake just as the rain died down and sat at the base of a nearby tree, watching ripples form on the surface from the last of the raindrops.

I was still upset, obviously, but I think the rain eventually pounded its way through my thoughts. I knew Rhia would never intentionally set out to hurt me. I fully believed it was a heat of the moment decision for her. Before that union, she didn’t have the ability to make the changes she had. So she took the opportunity presented in a moment of unbridled passion. I really could understand where she was coming from. Long ago, after my wife left me, I’d given up hope of ever having children. Children were a commitment, and that word was a big nope zone for me. If you don’t commit to something, it can’t betray you. It can’t leave you. It can’t clean out your bank account and disappear with a meth dealer from her hometown!

Obviously, I still had some issues with my ex. Logically speaking, I knew that she was dead, caught up in Inton’s little fireworks display who knew how many years ago. Six? Was it seven? I’m supposed to know these things. Why can’t I remember? Whatever. It doesn’t matter. She’s dead. She can’t betray me anymore. Her ex won’t be able to call on his gaggle of toothless tough guys to kick my ass when I go to collect my car. None of them would be able to hurt me anymore, because they’re dead and I’m a god that built a fucking planet!

But they weren’t the only ones who died. Millions died. People who did care about me. People who would’ve walked to the ends of the Earth with me if I’d only asked. Friends. Army buddies. Family. My parents. They all died too. In a flash of light, they were gone. So fast it never even occurred to them that they should be scared. What were they doing at that moment? Sleeping? Dreaming one second, nothing the next? Were they out partying, celebrating another day down? Watching tv? Fucking? Does it matter? One second there, the next second gone. Erased from existence. So many friendly and loving faces gone. All to find me. The asshole that lived. The guy whose biggest concern at the time was what cartoon should I watch next. The guy who didn’t even mourn for so much loss of life. The guy who realized he’d never see his parents again and only thought “at least it was over quickly.”

Why the fuck were those women in love with me? I’m a god damn psychopath! Who looks at a death toll like that, which includes his own family, and says “that sucks,” then moves on? Normal people don’t think like that. Sure, I gave Rhia that speech about being cut off from my feelings and suppressing my anger and whatnot, but that’s not right. How can I expect to guide humanity anywhere? I got way more pissed at Rhia for turning my swimmers back on than I did about cratering Texas.

I wanted to go back and apologize. She just wanted to have my child. I want her to have my child. But if this is the kind of person I am, what right do I have to raise a kid? I suddenly worried for the little girl Persia was carrying. What if she turned out more like me than her mother? Could Persia save her? Teach her what it means to be loving and caring and, above all, empathetic? I don’t know if I could. I needed advice. Who can I turn to though? The girls here love me too much. I couldn’t trust that they wouldn’t try to save my feelings. Drake? He practically worships Persia, and he wouldn’t say anything to me that might cause her pain. I wish Pope Hans were still alive. He was a great man, and I miss our talks. Who’s left? My sister’s still alive, but she thinks I’m dead. I can’t just pop up now after so long. She’s built a happy life. I’d just intrude. What do I do? What do I do?

What do I do?

What do I do?

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