《From Beast to Man and Back Again》Ch.28 Lunch


When the teacher finally came back, he was carrying the students who had passed out during their run, which was all of them. I think that Garet was right to call him a monster. Although his training will probably be good for me. I'll eventually start having fun in this class, but I pity the other students. The teacher drops the students, and they hit the ground with a large thump. I'm not the only one that cringes at the sound.

"That should be enough for today! You guys can take care of the sleepers. Tomorrow it will be your turn. HAHAHAHAHA!"

He's definitely a monster.

Everyone shoulders at least one person, I carry five. We take them to the infirmary, they were expecting us. Apparently this is a normal occurrence. I'm a little worried for tomorrow. Oh well, It's lunchtime. I go to the cafeteria with Lavender and Shiva. I don't know where Asura is, he disappeared when the PE teacher chased after the runners. Sometimes I just can't understand what Asura is doing... It's probably best if I don't.

The cafeteria is full of people. We get in line to wait for our food, and some of the people offer to let us go before them. I thank them, but refuse. It's bad to take favors you don't need, for multiple reasons. Once we get our food, we manage to find an empty table and sit down.

"Mmm, this food looks better than the old man's, which isn't actually that hard to do, but it might even be better than Miss Ramount's cooking, which would be an accomplishment."

"I thinks so too Chaise. Although I agree with you, it's probably not fair to criticize Mr.Neil's cooking, after all you can barely cook too."

"Yeah, but he's been the one teaching me. Mmm! I was right~ It must be because so many nobles come here. They demand high quality for their living conditions."


"Wow, this food is really good!"

My ears twitch when I notice that a group of people are walking over here.

"Well speak of the devil."

"Hmm? Oh."

Lavender looks around when I say that. When she spots the group coming towards us she grimaces slightly. Shiva doesn't respond because she noticed them right after I did. They stop right behind me, a final clack of their leaders shoes sound when they stop. It's pretty obvious that he's practicing making that sound. It's funny because he's not the first person I've meet that has done so.

"Are you...Chaise, is it? I have come to make you an offer to join me. I am the second prince of Belairgia, and am likely to become the king. I have noticed your strength as an SS class student, and would like you to work for me...If you agree, once we've graduated I will officially hire you as a mage of my kingdom, maybe you can even become the royal mage...have anything you want... as for the reason... You have great potential and would become a major asset to the kingdom..."

I continue eating as he talks, not looking at him at all. As he speaks he moves to the other side of the table so that I’m facing him. He really just doesn’t know when to stop talking. Why do I have to deal with these kinds of people?

“. . . So are you willing to accept?”

I pause in my eating and look up, with my spoon by my mouth.


I promptly put the spoon in mouth and look back at my food. I glance up at… What was his name? Any way, he seems to be shocked and hasn’t fully processed my words. As he speaks next his face slowly turns from white to red.


“...Excuse me? You said...no? Wh-WHY NOT! I’ve offered you anything you want, you are a commoner. You should be in awe that royalty, such as I, would go so far as to even speak to you, let alone with respect and an offering!”

He rants for awhile. This can only end one way.

"Sorry, but I don't care. Why should I care about silly human politics? I'm not one of your citizens and you are not a danger to me, so I don't even need to show you any respect. Especially since I am part of the SSclass, while you are an A class student. My position here is higher than yours. You may leave."

I say it with a smile on my face and laughter in my voice. I gesture with my spoon for him to go. After spewing a few threats he finally leaves. It's tiring to act like that, how do the nobles manage to behave that way all the time?

"Hahaha, I can't believe that actually worked for you."

Some one else has arrived at the table. This one is?... He looks like a little kid. He's only half as tall as I am, and has brown hair and eyes. This is the Dwarf prince isn't it?

"Do you mind if I sit with you?"

"Not at all. Lavender?"

"Please do."

"Thank you!"

He sets down his tray and starts eating. Once he finishes his mashed potatoes, he wipes his mouth and starts talking to me.

"The nobility here are unnecessarily arrogant aren't they? They don't have any real reason to be so proud of themselves."

I set down my fork, I was about to start eating my cake, and looked at him.

"Is it different for dwarfs?"

"Yeah, they're super proud of themselves, but they can back it up. For dwarf nobility if you aren't talented, someone else will get your position. That applies even more so to skilled artisans, that's why dwarfs are renowned as blacksmiths. The heavy competition sets fire to your bones, and you can't help but want to be the best. The willingness to admit a loss, but stubbornness in refusing to admit defeat, it's the best!"

"So you enjoy the new rule for classes?"

"Yeah, I'm already S class, so I'm not interested in becoming SS class, but the people challenging me really keeps me on my toes."

"Excuse me you're an enchanter right?"

"Mmhhmm, since I have a talent for magic I decided to practice something that will make my creations even better. ...Sorry, I didn't catch your name...I never introduced myself did I? Sorry about that. I'm Joule Goffe, son of the current dwarven king. More importantly, I am a blacksmith and an enchanter, nice to meet cha."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Lavender."

"Chaise, pleased to meet you."

"Go back a bit in the conversation, how did you know I was an enchanter, and why did you ask?"

"I watched you take the tests for admittance. The reason I brought it up is because Lavender is taking classes in enchanting."

"Really! Yay, comrade."

He grabs Lavender's hands with sparkly eyes. He begins a torrent of words. At first Lavender is taken aback, but gradually she warms up to the conversation and matches his enthusiasm. The subject is enchanting of course.

I listen for while, then watch them as I finish eating. Eventually I leave. I can't follow the conversation. Even Shiva is lost by it. They seem to be enjoying themselves, so I don't want to disturb them. I wave goodbye and head to my next class. I think I can count Joule as a friend from now on.

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