《From Beast to Man and Back Again》Ch.27 But I know this


Author's note: I am so sorry for the delay. My family never tells me when and what were doing and I'm not old enough to refuse to come so my schedule can be hectic. I didn't even get the chance to post this already edited ch. Please forgive me.


Finally! Classes start today. I get dressed in the uniform male students have to wear: white shirt, black jacket, and grey pants. Instead of the fancy shirt the uniform came with I'm wearing a white t-shirt. The jackets SS students have, have gold colored cuffs to distinguish us. I tuck my student ID into the front pocket of my jacket. The wolves have decided to join me for class. My classes are: The History of Magicians,The Study of Magic Beasts and Monsters, PE, Geography of Our World, and Theory of Magic: SS.

Between my fourth and fifth classes I decided to have a self study period instead of another class. History, PE, and Theory of Magic are mandatory, the only difference is what theory class you're in. Halfway thru the year it's we are given another chance to choose our classes. What classes are available to you depend on your class you rank at, and what classes you have completed. My classes start at seven am. I eat lunch during the noon lunch hour.

I walk to the cafeteria and eat breakfast with Lavender and the other kids from the orphanage. Clover already ate and is reading in the library. I say bye to the other kids and go to my first lesson of the day with Lavender, who is in the same class. We sit towards the back of the room.

"Okay students, It's time for History! I know you may think your predecessors are worthless, but I don't care if you do, okay? Good. Now as far as we can tell, high humans were the first race to learn how to use magic. Yes, there are races that are born knowing magic before them, but they didn't have to learn, did they? . . ."

*sigh* I'm disappointed, this was the first thing the old man taught me. I sit through the class, but I don't learn anything new. The teacher comes up to me after class.

"Chaise, is it? You looked eager before the class started, but you seemed to deflate soon after. Is something wrong?"

"The old man already taught me about the subject. I'm worried that I'm going to learn nothing new."

"By old man you mean...the headmaster? Yes, I know more on about history than he does, but I won't get much of a chance to prove it in this class, the other students don't know as much as you do. Tell you what, on the days where I'll be teaching something particularly interesting I'll tell you, and on the other days I'll quiz you to see if you' do already learned what I'll be teaching for the day. If you pass you can skip the class for the day. This way they'll be no wasted time. This policy will go for everyone. I'll announce it to the class tomorrow."


"Thank you sir."

"No problem, I just prefer for time spent to be useful."

I like this teacher. I hope that all of my teachers are like this.

"Chaise, I've got to go. My theory class on enchanting is going to start soon."

"Sure Lavender, see you at PE. Sir, is it alright if my wolves come to class without me?"

"If they come to learn and are well behaved? Of course they can. I let the students come to class didn't I?"

"Haha, thanks."

I need to rush to my next class. I started learning hands on about this topic as an adventurer, knowing more about danger is always a good thing.

Yeah, this class will be good for me. The teacher was excited when she spotted Shiva and Asura trailing behind me. Even more so once she new they weren't tame. She's a bit of an eccentric. I think Asura made some kind of deal with her when I wasn't looking...

It's now time for PE. I find Lavender and a few other orphanage kids and stand with them. I finally get to meet the 'monster' that even Garet is scared of.

Danger! I jump away from where I am, but a giant hand catches me by my jacket and hoists me into the air. My hair and fur are completely puffed and my ears can't lie any closer to my skull. I twist my body and wrap my legs around my attacker's arm, sharpen my nails and dig them into the arm trying to tear it as much as possible, and bite the hand holding me as hard as possible, whipping my head back and forth. I force my mana form a pulsing dome around me, just big enough to surround me, fluctuating between different attributes to try and do more damage. Finally I'm released. I roll and leap away, turning in the air so that I am facing my attacker. I land in all fours, crouching to get ready to use my momentum to launch myself at the enemy. My eyes are wide and my pupil is only a slit. My breath comes out as a slow hiss.

"Whoa boy! Settle down. I was just going to make an example of why mages need to train their bodies. Clearly you already understand huh? Dang, you even made me bleed."

This- Is this the teacher? He freaked me out. I barely even realized he was there before he grabbed me. He came up through the ground. I noticed a slight tremor and then the ground started to break. I didn't even hurt him that much. He might not even need any stitches for the wounds I gave him. *sigh* I run a hand through my hair, close my eyes, and force myself to relax. The other kids are completely confused right now. The teacher raises the arm I wounded so that the surrounding students can see it.


"You all should take a page from this kids book! If you weaklings took the attacks he just made you would be cut down to the bone, even they would take damage too. It's possible his bite would tear of your limb once he starts to whip his head back and forth. Since you are the strongest mage here I thought it would shock you and the other students when I beat you without even sweating, making them more willing to train their bodies. But dang kid, I didn't expect you to be so physically strong. I could tell that you've trained, but not to this extent! I'm impressed! You have great reflexes and instincts."


"Hahaha, relax. I ain't gonna hurt you...now. I was never going to injure you... too badly."

"Chaise are you okay!?"

Lavender comes running over, my other friends are shaken from their stupor and follow her shortly.

"Don't worry, I'm fine, just tense."

"That was cool."

"What was that spell you used? I haven't even heard of anything like it!"

Now the crowd begins to stir. The teacher claps his hands to get their attention.

"We need to move on with the lesson! I need you kids to divide into two groups! Ones that have trained their bodies go stand by the SS kid. The rest of you stand to my right. Oy! I can tell who has trained their bodies, go to the other group...Good, the clueless group gets to come with me. I'll focus on you lot for this first lesson. We're going on a little jog. The rest of you are to train by yourselfs, SS kid is in charge. Well? What are you waiting for?! GO! HAHAHAHA"

Everyone leaps into action when he yells. The students he's taking burst into a sprint and he starts chasing them. He is strange. Seriously strange.

"Chaise, could you help me with my form?"

The teacher has been gone for forty five minutes now. I feel sorry for those poor kids he's chasing.

"Sure, but I'm not all that great with a sword Lavender. And you have it down pretty well."

"You're still better than me Chaise."

I slide my hands across her arms, adjusting them slightly to fix her posture. She's pretty good and only needs minute adjustments, so I'm not sure why she always asks me to help her. I have her crouch a little lower and turn a bit more at an angle. I move her figures in her grip slightly.

"That should do it. Does that help?"

"Yes~, thank you Chaise."

She's practically beaming. I didn't even help that much though? Oh well. I turn back to continue my training with my daggers when some other girls with swords come over.

"Excuse me, Chaise? Could you help us with our forms too?"

"Hmm? Sure, but I may not be able to help depending on what style you use. Besides there are better swordsman than me here right?"

"Oh none of us use anything fancy. We are just using the basic style taught to nobles. We wanted to ask you because you seem very approachable."

"Okay, I should be able to help you then. Those styles aren't too hard."

So it's because I act friendly. I help them just like I helped Lavender. I also tell them a few tips on how to imagine right form, while I fix they're posture.

"""Thanks for the help~"""

Once I finish helping them they thank me and leave giggling.

The surrounding guys are glaring at me. This isn't the first time I've been glared at like this. It seems to have something to do with girls, but I haven't figured out what yet. I asked Clover before and he looked at me like I'm an idiot and then he left. When I asked Lavender she simply said "It's nothing, don't worry about it". I'll figure it out eventually.

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