《From Beast to Man and Back Again》Ch.26 They're really only scuffles


I've got my student card now. The SS class got their cards first. It reminds me of my adventurer card. I also have permission to take jobs from the guild, but only through the academy. The dorm supervisors are in charge of what jobs we can take as adventurers and when we can take them. I can get a big job once a month at most. It will be quite a few months until I reach A rank.

We have the rest of the day to do whatever we want, classes don't start until tomorrow.

I expected this, but it is a little much. As I step outside fifty people challenge me to a class battle.

"Really guys? I'm flattered. We should probably fight at the practice area though. Come on, let's go."

They seem surprised from my happy tone. Did they think I would cower? The easiest way to go about this should be starting with the strongest and working my way down from there, but if I start from the bottom each person would be more satisfied and no one would run before I can fight them. Which is better?

I turn to look at my challengers. They are spread across the practice field.

"So, should I start with the lowest class or the highest? I'll let you guys decide."

They start to murmur to each other, trying to decide. Oh? It looks like the A class has decided. No S class students challenged me so they are the strongest in this group. I can tell what group people are in from watching the testing. I figured out how strong the people from each class generally are.

"The lower classes will fight first."

*chuckle* "Alright then, make a line."

It seems that they'd rather take the safe route. Letting me tire from the sheer number of fights while they learn how I fight. Not a bad plan. That is, if I didn't train my body too.

My first opponent has stepped forward to meet me. They are very nervous.


"Haha, no need to yell I can hear you."

His face turns red at that, in embarrassment not rage. I reach out and shake his hand.

"I'm Chaise, SS class. I am best at a nonofficial type of magic, but I'll be fighting with attributed magic instead. I mainly use the fire, wind, and, to a lesser extent, shadow and neutral attributes. By the way, you probably shouldn't announce what your strongest attack before a fight."


"Ah! Yes, sorry."

"It's fine. Whenever you're ready."

"Okay! O solid ground which hides great strength, float in air and change to eight, pierce this foe that shows such hate, Stone Lances!"

He waves a wand while he casts. Eight lances tear themselves from the ground. This is the intermediate version of the beginner level spell earth arrows. Not bad. As he fires, I counter with a movement spell.

"Wind step"

I casually jump and the wind pushes me forward, I land behind Henry. The lance all converge on my previous position.

"Nice aim."


"Gale force"

As he turns toward me I cast a spell. It sends him five feet back and holds him to the ground. The only damage this spell can do is from the knockback. Both of my spells are considered from the lower end of middle level. I don't plan on using anything stronger than top intermediate spells for these fights.

"Do you surrender?"

"Hah, yeah."

He knows when to give up. I reach out and help him up. He seems like a nice kid, just over eager.

"You're not even using a wand and you can cast with only the names. I knew you were better the moment I realized that. Which I only had time to do once I was on the ground. I never had a chance did I?"

"Maybe, but I'll tell you what, stick around to watch me beat the A class challengers. They won't do much better than you. It'll be fun."

"Okay. Thanks for the fight."

"No problem. Okay, who's my next challenger?"


"I am. We are allowed to use weapons, yes?"

After defeating the C class students, nineteen of them, I then moved on to the B class. This girl is the last of the eight B class I get to fight. Even though I started with the weakest class so many people withdrew their challenge. After this is just four A ranks.

A girl has stepped up. She has black eyes and hair, which piled up on her head. A red length of fabric decorates her hair, matching her belt, on which is a sword.

"Wands are weapons aren't they?"

She pulls out her sword and snorts.

"Hardly. O noble flame you flicker and die, I need more power for me to fight, clad my body in fire so hot, I refuse to let this battle be for naught, Burning Soul!"


She charges me with her sword already arcing down, covered, like she is, in flames. Every single opponent I've fought shouts their spell. Well, at least she is the first one to use a weapon. It's not like magic is the only thing the academy teaches.

"Your sword form isn't bad, but you should focus more. Also, your swings are a bit wide."

I'm dodging her sword by spinning around her. It's not the most efficient way I know to dodge, but it's fun.

"Flame Tyrant"

I clad myself in flames with a spell at the same level as her's, the only difference is that it does nothing to strengthen my body. I move in closer to her, close enough to be out of her sword's range, and hit her on the temple with the edge of my hand. The dizziness from the hit causes her to black out for a moment. Her flames go out, I also release mine, and I catch her before she hits the ground. Her eyes flutter open and her expression changes to confusion then shock. She becomes flustered and starts looking around. She tries to stand by herself, but can't ,because she's still dizzy, and leans on me. The guys in the glare at me for some reason.

"H-how!? I had a weapon and was covered in flames. How did you hit me without getting hurt at all!"

The crowd realizes what she says is true and start trying to guess how I did it. I help miss challenger to stand. She wobbles, but stays upright.

"Easy, the flames cancelled each other out. They were the same heat so neither of us would be burned from it, and with two fires there wasn't enough air for either of them to burn properly so they both weakened. Next challenger please~."

Miss challenger, she never introduced herself, moves to the side. She has a red face and she is clenching her fist. Now she nods to herself. It seems she's come to a decision. It's probably that she'll challenge me again once she stronger.

I turn my attention to my next opponent.

"Kael Mitchell, A class, water attributed. Wicked sea, my fickle mistress, I call you to now come, your rage is what I need, pour your power unto me, Raging Temptress."

Finally someone who didn't shout! Too bad I still heard him. This is an intermediate spell, shouldn't he be able to do better?

I could avoid this, but he's smirking at me because fire can put out water. He's still underestimating me isn't he? I think it will be fun to do this simply through overpowering him. Unlike the weaker ranks, I don't have to worry about crushing his self esteem. Besides, I'm bored.

"Flame Tyrant"

The people in the audience start questioning and laughing at me for trying to fight water with fire. I begin to pour mana into easing the temperature of my fire. My opponent's storm of water begins to boil. The water that comes near me turns to steam. It scalds him and he forgets about his spell, dropping it. He falls on his bottom and stares at me in shock. A little pain and the inexperienced will be distracted. I dial back the heat and stand over him.

"Do you give up?"

He grits his teeth and looks away.

"...yes, I give up."

"Mm kay."

I release my spell.



After beating the A class students, I spent the day wandering around the academy with Shiva and Asura, trying to get a sense for it myself instead of relying on the map. No one else challenged me today. No one else was challenged by so many students. Clover had the most of the others at twenty two, a mix of C to A like me. Adalric and Jacob were each challenged by an S class student, both challengers were easily put down. The other three weren't challenged at all.

I regret crushing the A class students like I did. I was being arrogant and underestimating them, and even though nothing happened my attitude is still a problem. I vented my annoyance with them in battle, which is something I shouldn't do. I only feel sorry for venting though, they underestimated me until the final man, they had the beating coming.

I'll be better about respecting my opponents in battle next time.

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