《From Beast to Man and Back Again》Ch.18 Registering


"Register at the guild?"

"Yup, you've already gotten a feel for which weapons you like right? Two lessons for each and you already understand the basics well enough. You were already a pretty good at fighting when we started. You're stronger than those idiots that pickup a weapon for the first time once they become an adventurer. It's not like they send newbies on hard missions. I think it's time to tell the old man you're ready to start 'adventuring'."

"If you think so Garet. I was always ready, I've just been waiting for you two to give the okay."

"I have to say I agree, but it's better to be safe than sorry right? On a side note, are you sure you want to keep learning about all the weapons. If you were to concentrate completely you would be able to master it."

"But I am focusing. I'm practicing with the daggers and hand to hand combat every day five days a week. The other ones I'm only going to practice one or two days a week. And they help me learn more about the two I chose."

"I know. It's actually pretty impressive what you're doing, but are you sure you can handle it? Going through such rigorous training isn't always good for the body. Besides isn't two of those days your off days? You're suppose to use those to rest your body and mind."

"You know my lineage. I can easily handle the training, my base is better than most because my mother has raised me to be stronger since I was born."

"That doesn't sound like a good thing. It can stunt a child's growth if they exercise too much you know."

"I'm different. Unlike bipedal children I first started walking when I was three months old. Human babies walk at the earliest of nine months right? I' mart of a race that has fairly limitless growth. Humans can to, but they don't live long enough. My mother is three hundred years old and she is still very young. She's going to live longer than elves do. I'll probably live longer than an elf does too. My race is based of of an animal that grows quickly at birth and lives a long time. My body's ability, not its age, is growing as fast as that type of animal does. I have the potential of humans, longevity better than an elf's, and the epidemic growth of a young animal.NThis is the best time for my training. My mother taught me all of that Garet."


"I know, but does that mean I can't worry about you. You're still a kid Chaise. It's my responsibility as an adult and as your friend to make sure you'll be okay. Hmpf hmpf, cheeky kid, don't question my methods."

"Both you and the old man has told me to question your methods."

"I regret nothing."

Garet starts laughing and breaks into a run. I chase after him. Finally, after a month, I've gotten approval to start as an adventurer. The kids at the orphanage told me more about adventurers and it's sounds like a lot of fun. We run into the house, the door is currently removed from its hinges so that Garet can't kick it in. We burst into the old man's study. Garet clicks his tongue in dissatisfaction when he sees the door is open. The old man looks down at Garet arrogantly and then changes back to his normal expression.

"I assume you've come to tell me that you think Chaise is ready to start adventuring?"

"Yup, so what do you say old man?"

"Chaise you've figured out how to use those basic spells I taught you right?"

"Yeah, I can use them, but I still don't understand how they work. Besides my style is much stronger and more efficient, why can't I just do it my way?"

"People would take too much notice of you if you did. It would end up attracting the wrong type of attention. That aside, if you can use the basic spells I taught you then that means you'll be able to heal yourself if you get injured... Okay I think it will be alright if you join the guild. I'd take you there myself, but that might cause too much of a ruckus. Garet, would you mind taking him to sign up?"

"Of course I'll take him. I was planning to go even if you didn't ask me to. We'll head off immediately. Let's go Chaise!"


Me and Garet sprint out the door. We race to see who'll get to town first. Garet won, he taunts me about it as we walk. He likes to tease me while we're training too. I don't really mind though, mother's taunts were much more annoying than his are. When we step into the guild's building, it's not all that wide but it is three stories tall, the smell and sound forces me to fold my ears and hold my nose. The old man has told me that I'm not aloud to ever switch ears, because people would notice if they're different. I have to pretend to be a beastman. Half of the room on the first floor is being used as a restaurant. The rest of the first floor is for registering things, (new adventurers, job requests, accepting jobs, turning fulfilled jobs, etc.), at a counter. The second floor is where people go to look at the different tasks. The third floor is only for the people managing the guild. We walk up to one of the counters and talk to the...person sitting behind it. I can't tell what gender they are!


"Hey Jul, taking time off from working as an adventurer again?"

"Yeah, fighting so much gets stressful you know. Although I'm not sure this desk job is any better. So what are you here for Garet? You haven't taken any jobs and I don't see any request forms in you hands."

"I'm here to help this little guy register."

Garet pushes me forward. I'm still trying to figure out if they are a boy or a girl.

"Hello, I'm Jul. What's your name?"

"I'm Chaise. Umm... I'm sorry but are you a girl or a boy? I can't tell."

Jul's expression freezes and Garet looks at me with a mixture of horror and pity.

"I am a guy."

Jul speaks through his teeth with a forced smile. I can tell he's very upset, but I don't know why. Will it help if I explain why I couldn't tell?

"Oh, okay. I can usually tell by scent, but you don't really smell like either. You actually smell a bit like water, and that barely has any scent either."

Jul seems taken aback. He also looked shocked when I said he smells like water. Garet is confused by something, and didn't notice Jul's expression.

"Wait, so you tell gender by scent? Do you not tell people apart by sight?"

"Yup. Bipedals a look to similar, I can't tell them apart by just sight yet. I remember people based of of their scent, coloring, and voice."

" *pfft* That's pretty funny Chaise. Sorry Jul, but at least he wasn't confused based on your appearance right?"

"Yeah, sorry I got mad at you Chaise. I'm just tired of people thinking I'm a girl based off of my face. So you're signing up as an adventurer right? You just need to fill this sheet out."

Garet grabs the paper and pencil Jul was holding out to me. I'm still not able to read and write very well. But I can recognize most of the letter now. Garet talks to Jul as he writes.

"Jul would you mind helping him out whenever he selects a quest? He can't read yet so he need someone to help him. He is strong enough for hunting and fighting quests, but he needs to stay around the city. He's learned the basics for some weapons and he is an experienced hunter. He can also use the most basic spells for fire, water, earth, wind, and healing."

"Okay, in that case his first quest can be to hunt some slimes and maybe a mini boar."

"He's stronger than that Jul, you could start him off with goblins and I think he'd manage."

"What are goblins?"

"They're ugly green monsters that look like child size humanoids."

"Those things? They're gross, but the slightly bigger things they stay with are more annoying. The giant green ones were the grossest. They are also the hardest to defeat. I barely beat them by together with the wolves, and we could only do that because they're so stupid."

Garet and Jul look at each other shocked.


"Those would be ogres right?"

"He's not bragging is he?"

"No he has no idea what would be considered impressive."

". . ."

". . ."

"Let's just send him to hunt the slimes and boar okay?"

"Yeah, anything else would attention grabbing."

". . ."

"Okay Chaise the only thing left to do is make you your card. Do you know how to do this?"



Jul reaches under the counter and grabs a rectangular piece of metal and a purple, slightly transparent, rock. He puts the card in an indentation in the rock. The old man told me about these cards. They give a value to your basic qualities like strength, health, and mana. It can also show race, but you kind hide any information on it with a thought if you don't want it seen. Most people only leave their name and adventurer rank showing. Apparently summoned beings can see a transparent blue square that shows even their abilities, but no one knows how. Everyone else just has to settle with the cards. Instead of using the needle Jul tries to hand me, I use my fingernail to cut my hand enough for a drop of blood to escape. It lands on the card. The rock and card start to glow bright white.

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