《The Fourth Faction》Chapter 14 - Body and mind


AN: Hi


While doing some research, Lien Qui found out that it was possible to make anonymous accounts online without need for any kind of identity documents. Everything was done online. However, there was still the need of an initial payment before the full activation of the account. And it wasn't cheap.

It was nice to know, but that was something he wasn't going to use until later. He temporary gave up on the idea of getting his own computer, and turned toward something just as interesting and important. Physical training. He was at the age where he could start to train in a physical activity without damaging his young body.

“Well. In the future I will have to fight against the Confederacy and the Zergs. And probably some Protoss as well, not everyone of them are Like Tassadar and Zeratul. If I find myself forced into a close quarter combat situation, I will need an efficient martial art. Even during the time of my battle preparations I will probably have to deal with some criminals or other annoying people. When dealing with someone or something that is trying to kill you, you must end the threat quickly.”

“Even more so in this world. I don't need something flashy, but something quick and decisive. Muai Thai, a martial arts made for the battlefield. Krav Maga, a martial arts made to quickly kill enemies. Jeet Kun Do, 'minimal effort maximum effect and exterem speed', fast and powerfull attacks, and disgards stiff stances for more flexibility and impredictability. Brazilian jujitsu, an excellent martial arts when it comes to pinning, holds and locks, but a little weak in throws I think.”

“But that is for unarmed combat. Here, I will mostly fight with guns. But then again, if I'm dragged in CQC a gun won't help much. I will probably need a good weapon. Zergs exosqueletons are hard, so a blade won't be very effective unless I can target the joints. A trauma weapon might be good but it will probably heavy and requiert to much momentum and energy... No, if zergs can pierce armor with their scythes, I can probably make blades sharp enough to do the same”


“So, I should also learn a weapon based martial art. Kenjutsu is quite attractive, especially since I find japaneses curved swords cool. Silat, eskrimas and kalaripayat also deal with weapons like daggers and short swords. Though I think they may not be well suited against zergs, maybe. There are also many chinese martial arts that deal with bladed weapons, but I'm not that knowledgable about them.”

After thinking about it for a while and making some research on the net, Lien Qui found out that many mixed styles of martial arts were born. And many ancients ones were still preserved. He found a style that was based on muai thai with a few elements from silat and kalaripayat, making it more flexible and deadly.

There was also a new form of jujitsu that had been developped, efficient in all throws, holds, locks and pinning techniques. Finally, he found a style of armed combat for short and long sword that mixed elements from western and eastern styles. Lien Qui decided that those 3 combat style would be the base of his own CQC ability. Especially because the school teaching them were close to his home and accepted students starting from 5 years old.


“Mom, dad?”

“What is it, son?”

“I want to learn martial arts.”


“Sweety, why do you want to do that? You will get hurt you know? Besides, you're too small, it'll be too dangerous for you.”

“But I want to be strong. I want to be strong so nobody will bully me. And also so nobody will bully sister Sophia when I'm with her. Besides, men must be strong! Isn't dad strong? I want to be even stronger!”

“... Hahaha. My dear little boy.”

“I already searched! I found 2 school that are close to the house!”


“Yes! And they take 5 years old students! A school for hitting and a school for holding! Holding is enough when there is only 1 bad guy. But if there are many, I can't hold all of them with only 2 hands, I will have to hit them and knock them down!”


“... He really though about it well Khunying.”

“...Well? Let me think about it...”

“Really? Then I'll ask you again next week! Here, I even took the adresses of the school so you can look. I'll be sure to train well!”


The following weekend, Lien Qui and his parents went to see the 2 martial arts schools and their instructors. Because Lien Qui seemed sure of what he wanted to learn when they were speaking with the instructors, both them and his parents were satisfied. They were convinced that Lien Qui wouldn't stop after a few weeks or a few months.

Kito and Khunying already knew that their son was very bright, and more mature than he seemed. They were worried because he was still young, be in the end, they relented. His lessons started the following month, 2 hours per week for each school, so 4 hours of martial art training each week. He didn't tell them about the weapon school because he though there was no way his parents would allow their 5 years old son to learn to use blade.

For the following year, his personal preparation plan consisted of training his martial arts, studying physics and technology, and training his hacking and programing skills whenever he could. The addition of martial arts training had a very good effect on his mind. He could finally indulge in some exciting activity. It lowered his stress and increased his focus for studying and hacking. He made a lot of progress in everything thanks to his maturity and stable state of mind.

On his sixth year, he was finally proficient enough to hack into low security systems. Because he still didn't have his own computer, it took a lot more time to infiltrate the targets. But at the same time he was learning to make stealthy, fast and decisive attacks on systems. He also made a lot of progress in programming the softwares he used for hacking.

Hacking required a lot of scouting and the programmation of the infiltration software. Because he had little time doing the observation of the target personally, he made scouting programs. They would do most of the job and he would only need to look at the final report. What couldn't be left to the software he would do it himself whenever he could.

Both the computer of his parents and Sophia's computer had spywares made by him. So long as the computer weren't turned off, and connected to the net, the spywares would do their jobs. And since the computers were rarely turned off, Lien Qui could get good informations from them.

As he improved his scouting softwares and spywares, he also imrpoved his attacks softwares from the data he received. He had infected many low security systems and computers with his programms, and he was slowly starting to set his eyes on medium security systems. After all, he had gained a great understanding of the architecture of the systems from this world. He felt greatly enlighted.

That year, for Christmas, Kito and Khunying gave Lien Qui a computer as a birthday gift. It was an old model made for children. For Lien Qui, it was one of the greatest gifts his parents could give him. Certainly, the specs weren't on par with the currents computers available, but it still remained a reliable machine.

Once he received that computer, Lien Qui completely redisgned the system and the softwares. He simplified some parts and adaptated and improved some others. He implented his own security software, which was a modification and fusion of his best spywares and attack softwares. He added some layers of defense and concealment programms.

He spent days building the defenses of his computers, and more time improving his attack softwares. He was going to make the first steps in building his rebel group: hacking a small bank and stealing money to open an anonymous account in a big bank...


AN: See ya

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