《Musical Land Trilogy》Book 1 Chapter 26


Marie had on her coat and scarf as she held her student ID and her cell phone. Her dad pulled into the parking lot of Lennon High. "You have fun, okay? Call when it's done, and I'll come pick you up."

"Thanks Dad. Love you."

"Love you too."

Marie got out of the car and closed the door. She walked over to the ticket line, feeling out of the loop. She stood in the line with people wearing blue, white, and black, the Presley High colors. She texted Albert, hoping he'd answer quickly.

She got her ticket and made her way to the stands surrounding the marching band field. Albert texted where they were, and she headed in the general direction.

As she made her way toward the stands, she realized how little she knew about sports. She thought the majority would be students, and maybe their parents, but there were a ton of people, young and old, on both sides of the field. A lot of people had face paint on and a few held banners in the air. The excitement was palpable. Marie rubbed her upper arms.

She saw her friends waving to her. With a wave, she headed up the stairs.

"I'm glad you came," Albert said as she got to them.

Marie sat next to him.

"Face paint?" Billy asked, holding up three jars.

His face was mostly blue and white with some accent of black.

"Um, no thanks," Marie said.

Billy sighed. "Is no one but me going to show school spirit?"

"We have our own way of showing school spirit, Billy. See? I'm wearing my one pair of blue shoes." Abe lifted his ridiculously long legs to reveal his off-blue shoes.

"If Elvis decides to show up to one of these, he will be sorely disappointed in all of you," Billy said.

Marie laughed. The speakers turned on, and Marie heard heaving breathing amplified across the field.

"Welcome to the Presley vs. Lennon Marching Band competition!"

The crowd went crazy. Marie felt her simple clap wasn't enough.

"Welcome to the field, our visitors, Presley High!"

An eruption of booing happened on the Lennon side. The shock must have registered on her face.

"Is this the first time you've been to a competition?" Abe asked.

"Well, no, but... I mean, wasn't Lennon an activist for peace?" Marie asked.

"Just cause the guy was an activist for peace, doesn't mean the students are." Billy cupped his hands over his mouth as he continued. "Because they're all in denial we're totally going to CRUSH them!"

Marie watched while the people around her cheered for Presley High. As the marching band started, she found it rather enjoyable. Sure, she didn't get sports, or why people were yelling and screaming during what was literally a musical performance, but it was cool to see the band play some songs as they marched to create shapes or figures. At the very end, the marching band created a figurine of Elvis Presley and even made his hips wiggle. The crowd went nuts.


The Presley side screamed and cheered as the marching band marched off the field. The color guard remained behind. They did their ten-minute routine to loud cheers and applause. Marie could have sworn the color guards' limbs were made of jelly.

Lennon High was announced, and again Marie was surprised at the booing.

"It's sports, Marie. It happens all the time," Albert said.

"It feels weird." She didn't know how to describe it. She felt like an outside observer, not understanding the passion people had for sports. Why did an audience give themselves one hundred percent toward one team, and have such vile hatred toward the other?

Lennon high marching band began their routine when Abe glanced next to him. "Hey, has anyone seen Billy?"

Marie and Albert glanced over to see Billy's seat empty.

"He was sitting right next to you. Did you see him go?" Albert asked.

"Last I saw him was when our guys were finishing up their routine." Abe checked his watch. "Fifteen minutes ago. Where is he?"

Marie frowned. "You don't think he went to find his girlfriend, do you?"

"I didn't think of that. He might have," Abe said.

Albert scoffed. "Come on, guys, do you honestly think Billy is stupid enough to go over to Lennon's side to find his girlfriend when his face is painted with Presley High colors?"

There was a pause, then Abe and Marie glanced at Albert. The smile on Albert's face disappeared. The three of them jumped to their feet and made their way out of the bleachers.

They circled around to the other side of the field. Abe was trying to call Billy on his phone as they ran.

"Where do we even start?" Marie asked as they appeared behind the bleachers.

"There's three bleachers. Let's split up and meet behind them. We should check there too," Albert said before giving a shiver.

Marie studied her section of bleachers. She went up the stairs, trying to watch for anyone with a blue and white face on. It should have been easy in the sea of green and red. Dejected, she walked back down the stairs. Abe finished his section and met up with her.

"No luck?" Abe asked.

Marie shook her head. "None."

"We'll check out behind the bleachers while we're waiting for Albert. It might take him a bit longer. Come on," Abe said.

They walked around the bleachers to the back. Abe checked his phone again.

"You knew Billy since elementary school, right?" Marie asked.

Abe stuck his phone back in his pocket. "Yeah, I did."

"How'd you two meet?" Marie asked.

"Billy made friends with everyone in elementary school. It's the kind of kid he is. But, as time went on and we started growing up, his-" Abe paused, looking like he was trying to find the right word, "-quirks became too much for some kids to handle."


Despite the many layers, Marie still felt the autumn chill and began rubbing her arms. "But you were one of the few who stayed?"

Abe scanned the darkness behind the bleachers for Billy. "His friendship is important to me."


Abe nodded, then faced her. "I've got depression. Take pills for it every morning. But some days are harder than others, despite the medication." Marie was sure he saw his cheeks grow pink. She doubted it was from the cold. "On those days, I like to be around people who make me smile. It makes things easier. Billy is someone who makes me smile."

"I didn't know you had depression."

Abe gave one of his minuscule smiles. "But you probably guessed."

Marie turned away. "I mean, it makes sense now that you mention it, but I-"

Marie stopped. Something moved out of the corner of her eye. It was a hobo. She squealed before grabbing Abe's arm and hiding herself behind him. Abe used his free arm to grab her shoulder protectively before he even saw the hobo. He turned, then watched the grimy man with curiosity.

The hobo was behind the fence lining the field. He had a slow, limp-like walk and turned his dirt crusted face toward them. Marie shivered, her mind flashing back to her first encounter of a hobo up close. The hobo continued to watch them, his eyes full of sadness, before turning back and limping along.

"Huh." Abe watched the hobo disappear into the night. "We should tell Billy we saw Elvis. It'd make him happy." When Abe's gaze fell on her, he got concerned. He clearly didn't expect her to look scared. "It's okay. They're not allowed in the field. Security would stop them."

"I know. It's embarrassing, but hobo's freak me out." Marie didn't know if she should tell Abe what happened in early September, though it wasn't like she recognized the hobo. "Childish nightmares which won't go away. I'll be fine."

Abe nodded. Her hands were still around Abe's arm. She let go, feeling embarrassed.

"Let's go find Albert," Abe said.

They walked a few more feet when Albert limped around the bleachers and saw them. Billy was next to him.

"You found him!" Abe said.

Billy smirked as he smoothed his hair back into a pony tail. "You act like I'm a lost dog."

In the light of the marching band field, Marie saw Billy better. The paint on and around his lips was smeared off, but his left eye was swollen bad.

"What happened?" Marie asked.

"I found my girlfriend!" he said.

"I meant your eye."

Curious, Billy touched his eye and winced. He then broke out into a huge smile and threw his fist into the air. "Yes! I'm going to have a black eye! I've always wanted one!"

Marie turned to Abe for an explanation, but he shrugged.

Billy put an arm around Albert's shoulder. "Look at us, Albert ol' pal! Surviving beatings and not caring one bit! Albert and I are now the bruised blood brothers! Sounds like an awesome band name, doesn't it?"

Albert stared at Billy. He let the corner of his mouth twitch upward. Marie was trying to follow Billy's line of thought.

"Do we need to report this?" Abe asked, bending down to get a closer look at his eye.

"No, no," Billy said. "I mean, it was my fault, but I couldn't help it. Tension was high, and I love my girlfriend! Some guys thought I was taking advantage of her, but she flung herself in front of me after the first hit, begging them to stop!" Billy acted out what happened as he flung himself in front of Albert. Albert looked surprised, and he as well glanced at Abe with a questioning look. Again Abe shrugged. With how excited and bubbly Billy sounded, Marie had to remind herself he narrowly avoided a serious beating. Or worse.

"You are an enigma, Billy," Albert said.

"Where was he?" Marie asked Albert.

Albert stuffed his hands in his pockets. "Found him wandering his way back to Presley's side, giggling and singing about the joys of forbidden love."

With a flourish, Billy grabbed the chain link fence with one hand and threw his other hand out into the air. Joyous music immediately filed the air as Billy closed his eyes and leaned out against the fence.

"Fooooorbiddeeeeen LOOOOOOOOVE!"

Marie shook her head with a smile on her face. Billy ended the repeated line and raced back toward their seats. "Come on, guys! They're about to announce the winner! We don't want to miss it!"

Albert gave Abe a glance. "Why do you hang out with him?"

"Why do you?" Abe asked as he matched Albert's glance.

Another twitch of a smile crossed Albert's face. "Got me there, Abe."

They made their way back to their seats right as the judges finished going through the points of the competition. Marie got situated in her seat when they announced Presley High the winner. There was a chance Marie would go partially deaf from the screaming on their side.

Billy had a huge grin on his face, his eye swollen shut. "Best! Competition! Ever!"

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