《Musical Land Trilogy》Book 1 Chapter 24


After drawing, Marie and Albert chatted as they walked to their lockers. Marie felt a weight being lifted off her. It was a small weight, but a weight, none the less. She'd finished taking her tests. Sure, she didn't know her grades yet, but she did her best. More importantly, she didn't have a mental break down. She tried to sweep away the small dread in her stomach about what her grades would end up being.

Beside her, Albert slowed to a stop, his eyes ahead. Marie followed his gaze until she saw Adolf, with five marching band members behind him, all brass players. Albert swore under his breath then turned to Marie. "Go on ahead without me."

Marie's eyes traveled back and forth between Adolf and his bully league. "Why are they here?"

"Please, Marie. Just go," he begged quietly.

The trepidation in his eyes made her want to stay next to him.

"I warned you, Einstein. You only mess with me once, because I don't leave you in a state where you'll mess with me again," Adolf said.

A hot twist formed in Marie's stomach. Albert glanced at the strong jocks uncomfortably as they got closer, and at the same time he straightened his back as though resigned to his fate, and willing to take whatever they threw at him.

"You don't have to do this, Adolf," Marie said.

"Your boyfriend here needs to be made an example," Adolf said, still glaring darkly at Albert. "No one sullies my good name with rumors."

Albert met Adolf's dark glare with his own. "You sully it yourself just by existing."

In a moment, Adolf was next to Albert and pushed him. "I'm warning you. Shut up or take the consequences, you disgusting mad scientist."

Albert pushed back, which made the brass members circle around Adolf, Albert, and Marie. If Albert noticed the ring, he didn't show it. As the ring closed off, Marie began to regret her decision. She should have left to get a teacher.

"You say rumors, but what I heard was fact! Your dad accidentally married his cousin! Your ugly mug is proof enough of those findings. I guess the rumor you're worried about is whether you parents knew they were cousins before they did the deed."

No words passed Adolf's lips. The brass members reacted fast, grabbed Albert's backpack, and pulled him away. It left Marie with enough time to gasp. Albert struggled, but there was only him against five brass players. One of them ripped off his backpack as the other rammed Albert against the locker.

"No one's coming to help you, mad scientist," a brass player said as he punched Albert in the gut.

"Stop!" Marie shouted. She grabbed the nearest brass player who was about to punch Albert again and tried to push him away. "Leave him alone!"

Adolf grabbed her wrist and drug her from the brass players.

"Let go of her!" Albert yelled hoarsely at Adolf. He didn't get to say much else as the brass player punched him in the face. Marie struggled in Adolf's grip, but he held on tighter, making her gasp in pain.

"Please, tell them to stop!" She couldn't look him in the eyes. "They're hurting him!"

"That's the point, sweetheart," Adolf said. "It's clear Albert isn't afraid of physical pain, but you, however. If I can hurt you, he'd be brought under submission."

Tears filled Marie's eyes as she listened to the fists contact flesh and Albert's cries of pain. A numbness entered her heart. She had to stop this somehow.


Adolf took a lock of her hair and twirled it around his finger. "If only you were prettier, I'd know exactly how to hurt Einstein."

Her knees weakened as she realized what Adolf implied. Adolf lifted the finger with the lock of hair twisted around it, staring at it as though it was something vile. "I prefer blondes. Lucky for you, isn't it?"

Bile crept up her throat and tears fall down her cheeks.

Mr. Ross appeared out of nowhere, placing a hand on Adolf's shoulder. "That's enough, Adolf. Let her go."

Adolf sent a nasty glare in Mr. Ross's direction before he loosened his grip ever so slightly. Marie forced her arm out of his grip and moved away until she felt her back pressed against the cool lockers. The brass players had stopped hitting Albert and were being corralled by a small group of teachers. Mr. Ross nudged Adolf in the direction of the other brass players before turning to Marie. He scanned her face as though checking to make sure she wasn't physically hurt.

"Marie? You all right?" he asked.

Marie nodded, rubbing her wrist where she could still feel the ghost of Adolf's fingers around it. Mr. Ross didn't look like he believed her. He about said something else when Abe appeared next to her.

"Marie?" he asked.

She found herself in his embrace, not sure if he instigated it or she did. Either way, it felt nice as she focused on calming down. She couldn't sing. Not now, not here. She didn't want anyone to know how terrified she felt.

There were complaints and shouts, but Marie forced herself to tune it all out as she began counting the periodic table in her mind.

"Marie, are you all right?" Abe asked.

Marie dried her eyes with the back of her hand and broke away from his hug.

"I'm fine," she whispered.

"No you're not. You're trembling. Let me help," he said.

The last of the brass members were being escorted to the principal's office.

"Steady, Albert. Steady," said a familiar voice.

Marie and Abe turned to see Albert. Billy was on one side, and Mr. Edison was on the other as they helped him to his feet. Albert looked awful. His face was bloodied, it was hard to tell where it was all coming from, and his eyes had a dazed look about them. As he stood up, he let out a gasp and held his side. Mr. Edison talked to him quietly, holding his elbow. Billy wasn't sure what to do.

Marie ran to Albert, wanting to hug him but afraid it would cause him pain. The tears returned to her eyes.

"Marie." Even Albert's voice sounded dazed. "Are you all right?"

Annoyance put the terror she felt at bay for a moment. "Look at yourself in the mirror, pal. Let's get you helped first."

"We'll get you to the school nurse and call your parents," Mr. Edison said.

Albert nodded, then winced. Marie didn't know what to do, other than hold his free arm while he noticeably limped down the hall. Every so often, Mr. Edison made sure Albert had support on the other side. They made their journey to the school nurse, which was close to the main office. Inside, they heard a group singing, though they couldn't make out the words. Marie caught Mr. Edison rolling his eyes.

The nurse met them at the door and had Albert sitting on a table. She began tending to his more serious wounds, mopping up the blood from his face. Mr. Edison left to go to the main office.


Abe leaned against the wall next to Marie. "Are you sure you're okay?"

Nothing would convince Marie to look at Abe. "I'm sick of that question."

"Then maybe you should answer it honestly."

She became aware of how much her knees were shaking, and she still had a mental tally of the periodic table in her mind. "I don't want to think about it, okay? The... the guy is not worth my time."

"You can't shove this away, Marie. What did the junior say to get you shaken up?"

If she repeated what Adolf said, she was going to sob. Then she would start singing.

"Fourteen, silicon, fifteen, phosphorus, sixteen..."

This was how she always stuffed down emotions. It was second nature. Marie took a deep breath, forcing herself to calm down. She wouldn't cry, she wouldn't sing. No matter how unhealthy it was, she had to stuff these emotions down until she found a more private place to release them. She and Albert were fine, though Albert a little worse for wear, but not horribly hurt. Marie was shaken, but Adolf only gave threats.

"Eighteen, argon, nineteen, potassium..."

"I'm not okay, but I will be. I don't want to waste time singing. We need to help Albert," Marie said calmly.

With a nod, Abe's usual sullen face deepened. Billy had his arms crossed, watching the nurse carefully as she tended to Albert's wounds.

Albert had a damp rag draped over his nose, and he'd dab his lip occasionally with the same rag. He held an ice pack to his ribs. The nurse left to call Albert's parents, and the three friends took the opportunity to step closer. Albert didn't meet anyone's eyes. He seemed embarrassed.

"Hi." Albert's greeting was muffled through the rag.

"What happened?" Billy asked.

"Oh, you know, I discovered embarrassing information about a bully who wouldn't leave me alone, spread it, and got a lashing for spreading it," Albert said. Marie was able to discern his words, but his speech was muffled not only by the rag, but because of the blood and what she assumed was a broken nose.

"Adolf is a creep. You shouldn't be squabbling with him," Marie said.

"And what? Back down?" Albert asked. "Take his bullying?"

Marie folded her arms. "You can't beat a bully by becoming a bully yourself."

"And you can't beat a bully by hiding, either," Albert said.

She pursed her lips together. She had no reply. It hit way too close to home for what Mr. Edison told her to do at the S.E.A., and how she still felt uncomfortable about doing it.

The nurse poked her head inside. "Marie Curie?"

Surprised, Marie turned. "Yes?"

"Just got a message. They want you in the main office."

A spike of panic hit, but she smothered it down. Now was not the time to sing, and she had the feeling her chip was just waiting for the smallest spike to send her over. She glanced at Albert. "I'll come back."

She made the short trip to the main office. Thankfully the singing had stopped, but she still heard raised voices. She was ushered to the principal's office where Mr. Machiavelli, Mr. Freud, and Mr. Edison were arguing.

"Ah, here she is. We'll get the first-hand account," Mr. Machiavelli said.

"Tell us what happened, Marie," Mr. Edison said.

With three adults staring at her, it didn't help her feelings of muffled panic, but she pushed through and gave her account of what happened with a shaking voice. She omitted Adolf's threats against her, because she didn't want to remember them. Albert's jibe about hiding from bullies came back to her, but she dismissed it for now. Through her peripherals, she saw Mr. Edison staring at her as though he knew she hid something.

"You see, Tom!" Mr. Freud said. "You heard it yourself. The boy provoked those upper classmen."

The comment tore Mr. Edison's attention from Marie to Mr. Freud. "It doesn't mean those upper classmen should be excused from beating the tar out of Albert."

Mr. Machiavelli waved his hand as though trying to swat away Mr. Edison's concerns. "This is simply boys getting out their wiggles. I'm sure they're nervous for the upcoming competition."

"And they get their wiggles out by, again let me repeat myself here, beating the tar out of Albert! You honestly see nothing wrong with this?"

Mr. Freud shrugged, not meeting his eyes.

Marie jumped as Mr. Edison slammed his open palm against the desk. "You gave those boys a slap on the wrist for what they did, all because suspending the brass section will make you lose the competition! You both disgust me!"

Experience told Marie that someone in this emotional state should be singing, but Mr. Edison wasn't. There wasn't even background music to go with his anger. She herself started to feel the burn of anger in her stomach but tried to smother it so she wouldn't sing. The strangest emotion Marie felt was jealousy. She wished she could show her emotions as openly as Mr. Edison without the fear of singing. She wanted to feel the anger at what Adolf threatened to do to her instead of sweeping it aside.

Mr. Machiavelli straightened the papers on his desk. "This is a first-time offense, Tom. The punishment needn't be severe."

Even though Marie wasn't the focus of Mr. Edison's glare, she could still feel the heat of it as Mr. Edison faced the two men. "You'll get your second chance. You all but gave them permission for them to do this again to another poor soul."

He left the office, slamming the door behind him. Marie worked hard on trying to calm her racing heart.

Mr. Machiavelli seemed to remember Marie. "Ms. Curie, you may go."

They didn't need to ask her twice. She headed back to the nurse's office to see Albert. She needed to feel anger and rage at what happened, but she didn't. As the jealousy of Mr. Edison's blatant display of emotions subsided, she began to feel numb.

Mr. Edison's warning rung in her ears. The principal and school counselor were not interested in helping them until after Marching Band season. Mr. Ross seemed to have a handle on Adolf, but they couldn't have Mr. Ross escorting them from class to class. In fact, any teacher escorting them seemed unnecessary. Even though there were teachers who could help, there would be times when they were alone, without teacher supervision, and Adolf seemed to smell when they were alone.

Marie entered the nurse's office, now starting to get crowded since Mr. Edison was there, talking with Albert. Albert turned to her when she walked in. Something shifted between them after their brief conversation, and Marie found she didn't like it. She wanted Albert to be safe, but Albert saw her ideas as cowardice. But he had been beaten. Bad. And it might happen again.

She wanted to talk to Albert, but not here. Not with these many people. She didn't dare hope they'd all leave and give her a moment alone with him. Not when he was hurting.

They stayed until Albert's parents showed up. Albert's mother began fussing over him, and Marie felt a familiar loneliness hit her. While Albert was with his parents, the nurse again came over to Marie.

"The S.E.A. agent is waiting for you outside. He wanted me to notify you."

"Oh. Right. Thanks." Marie quietly left the office, the numb feeling inside of her slowly turning her hollow.

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