《Musical Land Trilogy》Book 1 Chapter 22


"Everyone pull out your notes! We're going over different singing techniques," Mrs. Hamilton said.

The door in the back opened right as Marie pulled out her notebook.

"Oh, yes. Class, we have a new student. I'd like to introduce you to Sophie Germain."

Marie whipped her head around fast. She had to verify for herself. She didn't dare trust her ears. "Sophie!"

Marie covered her mouth, not realizing she screamed. Sophie gave her a huge smile and waved. The official had a strong grip on her arm and shook her to stop her from waving.

Mrs. Hamilton glanced from Sophie to Marie. "Oh, you two know each other?"

"I have strict orders from Mr. and Mrs. Germain. Those two are never allowed to work together," the official said.

Mrs. Hamilton gave the official a stare. "There are only six students in this class."

"Just make it work, or you will have the wrath of the Germain's on you."

Mrs. Hamilton sighed. "Okay, okay. Bring her in and sit her on opposite sides."

The class lasted forever. Marie kept shooting Sophie looks, and Sophie kept miming something to her. Marie assumed it meant they would talk later.

At long last the class came to an end. Marie ran to catch up with Sophie.

"Hello! What? How? Tell me everything!" Marie said.

Sophie laughed as she looped her arm through Marie's. "It's quite the story. When I came home from the sleep over, my parents were waiting for me, no exaggeration. They were grumpy. My parents start tag teaming. They told me what a horrible influence you are, and I infuriated them by laughing. The fight escalates, and my mother has the gall to forbid me from ever seeing you again. My dad agrees, and it makes me angrier than I'd ever been in my life. They should know when they forbid something, I find a way out of it. So the emotions are flowing through me like crazy, and music starts to come, and my brilliant plan hits me like lightning. The music starts, and I refuse to sing. No one warned me how incredibly easy it is to not sing. At this point my parents are livid and are singing at me to sing. I don't sing a single word, and I still have not said or sung a word to my parents. Ug, I hate them. Now they have no choice but to put me in this program to help me with my singing problem, since it's a first-time offence and I'm a minor." Sophie laughed. "It's brilliant. I still get to hang out with you, and I bring shame to my parents."

Marie couldn't help but smile, yet still shook her head. "You don't have to do this."

"Yes I did. They were threatening to end our friendship."

"But you're not a bad singer or dancer."

"If my parents refuse to let us have sleepovers, then I'll go with the next best thing, being in class with you for three hours, five days a week."

"This will show up on your files when you try to get a job anywhere."


"And you think I care? It's not like I'm going to do anything with the S.E.A. My parents ruined that for me a long time ago. Let's have fun in dance class. Or, at least, as much fun as we possibly can."

Marie did enjoy seeing her friend and was floored she would go to such lengths to see her. Then again, Marie would do the same if she was in Sophie's situation. Marie felt a new surge of anger at the Germain's. They simply had no idea who their daughter was.


Marie lay awake in her bed, staring at the ceiling. She thought again about Sophie. Sophie was brought in because she refused to sing. She said her parents had no choice but to bring her in, which played over and over in her mind. Once again she wondered why Mr. Edison wasn't arrested. He had to be the key in all this, and for some reason, he pushed her away. She should just ask him about the incident between him and Mr. Freud, but she was afraid she'd be met with the same coldness as before.

Marie closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She would ask him. She just had to gather her courage. Tomorrow morning, before she lost it all.


Marie walked into school and placed her lunch box in her locker. She didn't stop to think as she headed toward the science room. Her bravery kept slipping away like fog in her hands.

Mr. Edison stood at the table in the front, going through folders. Marie closed her eyes. If she could perform a monologue in front of a bunch of whispering students, she could talk to her teacher about this. She pushed the door open and walked in before she questioned herself anymore about it.

"Marie, good morning." Again, it was different and not at all like his normal friendly self. He didn't even look at her as he continued to sort through the files. Marie stood behind the table and folded her arms.

"You know all those weeks ago when you asked if I saw Mr. Freud in here?"

Lifting a file folder out of the box, Mr. Edison placed it on the table before he continued sorting through the folders. It was as if Marie wasn't in the room. She pushed forward.

"Well, I lied. I did see him in here. And I have questions."

Mr. Edison's fingers stopped. It was the only physical indication he had listened. He raised his head, studying Marie as though she were an amoeba under a microscope. He finally opened his mouth. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

In a millisecond, Marie felt the deep emotion of betrayal. She thought Mr. Edison cared about her education and wanted her to do her best. She thought a million things and would have thought of a million more if Mr. Edison didn't put a finger to his lips and give her an intense look.

Marie cocked her head to one side, curious.

"It was good to see you Marie. Now, hurry along. I have a class to prepare for."


The confusion and curiosity deepened. Mr. Edison put a gentle hand on her shoulder and ushered her in the direction of his office. Marie about asked a question, but Mr. Edison again put his finger to his lips, shaking his head.

Marie waited in his office while Mr. Edison opened a drawer and pulled out a device, about the size of a salt shaker. He turned it on and Marie heard a tiny electronic whine. He put it close to Marie's ear, the one with the second piece wrapped around it.

"They figured out a way to bug this second piece, so I'm not taking any chances," Mr. Edison said, his voice quiet.

A different million questions tumbled into her mind as her eyes widened.

"I can't tell you much. I won't answer any of your questions. I debated whether to tell you at all, but I know your type. You'll go around asking other people questions, and I won't allow it. You're already under the S.E.A.'s suspicion. It could get dangerous."

As she opened her mouth to ask one of her million questions, all that came out was, "What?"

"When you overheard Mr. Freud and I arguing, did your chip activate?" he asked.

Marie struggled to remember the day. So much happened since then. "I think so. Yes. I remember now. It activated enough to tell me it was a duet between you and Mr. Freud."

Mr. Edison nodded. "I thought so. I'm sure the S.E.A. got notified you were in the area, possibly overhearing, and now they're making sure you're not meeting with me."

Her mind was a blur with how fast it was generating questions, and still all that came out was, "But why?"

Mr. Edison gave a sigh. "I have information which makes me dangerous in President Arnold's eyes. Blackmail, if you will. I've never told anyone, but he's paranoid. It also gives me the opportunity to go through life without singing, and not receive too many consequences. The S.E.A. wants to make sure I haven't let you know my blackmail. The less you know about me, the less you associate with me, the safer you will be."

Marie stared at Mr. Edison, her mouth open.

"Why would I be safer? Am I in danger? Would the S.E.A. hurt me?" Marie asked.

"The less you know the better."

But she couldn't stop. The questions kept coming, and she needed to know the answers. "How did you even get a job if President Arnold thinks your dangerous?"


A new question came. "Are you part of the Mad Scientist underground?"

"You have to trust me. The less you know, the better."

Marie watched as Mr. Edison pulled the device away. She frowned. It was dangerous to ask questions, but Macbeth! He couldn't assume she'd walk away quietly. Marie grabbed his wrist to keep the device in place.

"I have a right to know this one question. Am I in danger at the S.E.A.?" Marie asked.

A far off look came to Mr. Edison's eyes as though he was double checking if it was a safe question to answer. "No. As long as you stop asking questions."

"So they are dangerous?" Marie asked.

Mr. Edison opened his mouth, then closed it. He shut his eyes and rubbed his temple. "Yes. Keep your head down, do what they say, and you'll get out of there soon. Do not fight back. You're too young to get involved."

Marie's lower lip pucker out. "I'll be fifteen in November."

He gave her a gentle glare. "Too young."

As she released his wrist, she shook her head. "This is ridiculous, Mr. Edison. You tell me the government everyone reports to is dangerous, and you expect me to follow along with what they do because I'm too young?"

"Yes," Mr. Edison said. "There are others fighting it, Marie. You're not old enough."

"Are you fighting with them?" Marie asked.

"Marie," Mr. Edison started, then paused. His voice went quiet. "I support what the underground does, which is why I'm not joining them. If I do, the S.E.A. will find them because like I said, they keep a good track on me."

This new information made her frown as her heart beat against her rib cage. Mr. Edison wanted to keep her safe, but should she give up and do what he said?

Mr. Edison took her silence as an opportunity to turn off the device and put it away. She had no choice but to follow Mr. Edison out of the office.

She folded her arms and made her way out of the classroom as Mr. Edison returned to his folders. Her mind threatened to burst with unanswered questions. It occurred to her she was wandering aimlessly in the halls with a blank look on her face. It felt as though Mr. Edison had thrown back the closet door to show her the monster in the closet, only to close it again and say someone else was taking care of it and she should sleep easy at night. Her mind went numb as she tried to understand everything Mr. Edison refused to tell her. How bad were things in Musical Land?


Marie looked up and saw her friends. She blinked. "Oh. Hi."

Abe took a step forward. "Hey, are you okay?"

"Fine," she said too quickly.

"Did something happen?" Albert asked. "What's going on?"

"No, I just..." Marie felt a headache coming on. She wanted to tell them everything but knew she couldn't. "I need to think things through."

Albert looked like he wanted to press it, but Billy gave him a nudge.

"We're always here if you need to talk," Billy said.

She tried to make her blank face force a smile but wasn't sure she was successful. "Thanks, guys."

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