《Musical Land Trilogy》Book 1 Chapter 17


The alarm clock shrieked through the quiet morning. Marie turned it off out of habit, then rolled over and stared at the ceiling, the last of the nightmares fading from her mind. She battled off bullies by throwing her chemistry set at them, but they still charged like monsters.

She blinked, letting the absurdity of it dissipate the fear it brought. Reality would be far more terrifying. Her day hadn't even begun, and she was scared. She closed her eyes, mustering the last ounce of courage in her soul to throw the covers off and get out of bed.

Marie got out of the old uniform she slept in and put on a fresh one. She walked out of her room and saw her dad staring at the table. His shoulders were slumped, and he looked drained despite the empty coffee cup in front of him. He got up and put his dishes in the sink as Marie walked into the dinning room. She tried to smile when her dad gave a concerned glance in her direction. Her dad did care, and he wanted what was best for her. A warmth filled her soul as she realized she did love her dad.

"Good morning," Marie said.

"Good morning."

There was a beat of silence before Marie grabbed the box of cereal and poured herself a bowl.

"I better be off. Don't want to be late."

"Okay, Dad." She finished pouring the milk.

"Have a... a good day at school," he said.

She swallowed the lump in her throat. "I'll try."

They glanced at each other once more. They knew today would be the start of a new kind of normal, and neither one of them knew what to expect.

"I love you, Marie," he said.

"I love you too, Dad."

Her dad smiled. He walked over and enveloped her in a hug. Marie felt tears come and wished she didn't cry so easily.

He broke from the hug and placed his hands on her shoulders. "You call if anything happens. I'll come get you. Okay?"

Marie nodded. "Thanks dad."

He gave her one more masked look of concern before closing the door. Marie scarfed her cereal down and headed for the metro.

If the S.E.A. wasn't going to pick her up after school, she would have stayed in bed all day. She didn't know how much trouble she'd get in with the S.E.A., and she didn't want to find out.


Marie waited for the metro and already heard whispers. She wasn't sure how many whispers were because of her, but it made her uncomfortable either way. She tried to cover the second piece by her ear with her hair.

She got on the metro and stared out the window, trying not to think about the day. Before she knew it, she got off at Allemande Station and walked the short distance to Presley High. She saw, despite the chilly early morning wind, Albert, Abe, and Billy standing by the door, chatting with each other. Marie felt tears warm her eyes and struggled to push them away. She couldn't cry today.

The brown paper bag crinkled in her sweaty palms as she made her way toward the front door by her friends. They saw her and came to meet her. Abe and Albert handed over her backpack and lunch box. None of them gave the extra piece in her ear a second glance.

"Thanks," she said. "And, hi." She didn't look at them as she put her brown paper bag in her lunch box, then shouldered her backpack.

They mumbled their hello's. Marie gave a sigh. "You don't have to do this, guys. I've been picked up by the S.E.A. As far as high school cares, I will forever be a social outcast and a possible criminal. You don't have to be dragged down with me."

"I'd rather be a kind friend than a popular student," Abe said quietly.

Albert glanced at Abe with a smile. "Agreed."

Marie tried to smile but found she couldn't. Instead she wiped away another tear. "Thanks, guys."

They walked with her to her locker. Marie heard the whispers as she made her way through the school. Some snickered, some whispered, others were brave enough to shout out "Charity case!" Each time it brought Marie's head lower and lower to the ground. Abe, Albert, and Billy stood around her as though to make sure people knew they weren't ashamed to be with her.

They killed time as they waited for school to start. The boys chatted, but Marie couldn't bring herself to join them. It was enough she was there.

The bell finally rang, and she followed Albert to Biology. She sat down, her head in her hands. Students began filing in and Marie tried her best to ignore them. It helped to stare at her desk and nothing else. The five minutes were a swirl as she tried not to overhear people's conversations, yet not being able to help herself.


"Okay, class. Bell has rung, let's begin."

Marie raised her head for the first time since entering school and stared at Mr. Edison. She had no idea how to describe the small emotion building inside of her. She had sung a song, granted it was horrible, but she did sing, and she'd been picked up by the S.E.A. However, Mr. Edison flat out refused to sing, and the S.E.A. left him alone. Why was he different?

Curiosity mixed with annoyance brought about a desire to talk to Mr. Edison and figure out what he knew.


After choir, Marie took a deep breath and mentally prepared herself to go to lunch. Lunch marked a full twenty-four hours since her freshman test, and what a whirlwind it had been.

Marie made her way to her locker by herself, except for the whispers and giggling which followed her. People pointed at their nose, then pointed to her and laughed. Others stared at her, frowns on their faces as they shook their head. Marie headed for her locker and put in the combination. Her hand shook so much she had to put it in twice. She grabbed her lunch box before she closed the locker.

"Hey, you're Einstein's girlfriend, aren't you?"

Marie's heart dropped to her stomach. She knew his voice. Marie turned to see Adolf with one of his marching band buddies. According to the guy's letterman jacket, he was a member of the brass section. Marie's palms began to sweat, and the handle of her lunch box began to slide.

"Leave me alone," Marie whispered, backing away.

Adolf continued to move toward her, and Marie wanted to run to the safety of the lunchroom. Yes, the kids would point and laugh, but at least she wouldn't feel like she was in danger.

"I knew Einstein's love life wouldn't amount to much. Just a worthless charity case."

Marie felt the sting of it and kept backing away. "I'm not talking to you."

"Why? Because you don't know how?" Adolf cackled at his biting joke. Marie turned to leave, Adolf's brass buddy appeared in front of Marie, keeping her in her spot. She wanted to retort but fumbled with the words. Adolf laughed again.

"This is too good!"

For every step Adolf and his friend took toward her, Marie took two backwards, until she hit a row of lockers. Adolf about said something when Marie heard a different voice.

"Is there a problem here?"

Marie turned to see Mr. Ross heading over to them. If Marie didn't have to run past Adolf, she would have gone to Mr. Ross and hid behind him.

Adolf straightened. "No, there's no problem here."

"Hello Adolf. Why, it's been a few years since you were in my beginning drawing class. How have you been?"

"Um, good Mr. Ross."

"You had such a way with the paint brush. I hope you're continuing to develop your skill with it."

Adolf turned to Marie and seemed to glare at her. Marie had no idea how this was her fault. She heard feet running up the stairs and then pause as they got to the top of it. She knew without seeing that it was her friends.

"Come, Adolf. You must tell me about your latest drawing. When I saw you I knew you would do a lot of good in the world through your art."

Mr. Ross walked over to Adolf and his jock buddy, steering them clear of Marie. As they left, Marie saw her friends at the top of the stairs.

Abe used his long legs to cross the distance between them in no time at all. "Are you okay? When you weren't at lunch we got worried."

"I'm fine," Marie said automatically, though she didn't feel it.

She turned around right as Mr. Ross turned to make eye contact with her. He winked and gave her a smile. Marie returned a grateful smile to him as he, Adolf, and the muscle descended the stairs and out of sight.

"Come on. Let's go eat," Albert said.

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