
After Gabriel met his family for dinner and played with Max for a while, before he went back to his room. Gabriel booted up his old busted up laptop and waited what felt like an excruciatingly long time for it to get to the home screen.

“I really need a new computer and to burn this piece of shit. Who even has these old school models anymore, it’s as heavy as a brick.” Gabriel complained.

The computer finally finished booting up, Gabriel checked the forums first and saw all the posts about [Osiris] being the first player to leave the Novice Village map. Gabriel chuckled at all the posts saying he was at fault for why they suck.

He also checked out all the new reports talking about Deliverance Online and how more people were leaving other VR games and ordering the new Dive equipment. Gabriel also knew in about one week; Boundless Entertainment would make a monumental announcement. The Central World Bank had agreed to accept the Gold on D.O. as proper currency. Due to the large base of players and the long shelf life that D.O. provided they would recognize it as a stable currency.

This allowed players to trade D.O. currency for their nations currency, forever changing the world of D.O. as companies,hedge funds and even countries started investing in players and guilds. The returns were significant,not just from advertising and videos but also from D.O. currency itself.

Gabriel had a plan to make some significant gold before that announcement. The rich guys playing it would spend gold like water to obtain gear early on to flaunt their stuff.

Gabriel checked his phone before jumping into the capsule and saw two missed calls from his best friend Tom, he decided to call him back as he planned to be on D.O. again for the next 12 hours. After a couple of rings Tom answered the phone sounding out of breath.

“Tom!? Is that you? Are you exercising? It can’t be! Have you become a Pod person. Stay right there I will get my dad’s shotgun and put you out of your misery!” Gabriel feigned panic.

“Oh Fuck you Gabriel. Why don’t you take that shotgun and just blow off that tic-tac you got in your pants and just become the woman we all know you wanted to be” Tom retorted.

Gabriel laughed. Tom was too quick with his retorts and as always, the first to laugh lost the verbal spar.

“Alright, alright you win. Have you got D.O. yet?” Gabriel acquiesced.

“Yeah, the capsule is being delivered and installed today. I am at dad’s factory right now and will jump on when I get home.” Tom replied.

“That’s awesome man. Remembered what I told you. Take it slow and get used to the mechanics. Don’t forget to choose the Dwarf race and the Warrior class. When you get to the Capital city Roma I will take you to get a Unique class after you get to LVL 15” Gabriel explained.


“Alright man but you remember I like doing crafting and stuff in MMO’s. I want to be a famous dwarf blacksmith and make my weapons & armour. With the popularity of D.O. I reckon I could advertise my dad's factory if my equipment become famous enough.” Tom explained his plan to Gabriel.

“Don't worry Tom. I remembered. I already told you I got some insider information about a Unique profession that will be good for crafting and fighting. I got to get back to it man.” Gabriel promised.

“Oh, right before you go Gab. Lucy asked me for your number today. You cool with me giving it to her?” Tom asked.

“Hmm Melissa’s friend. I wonder what she wants.... well, whatever shouldn't be a problem just give it to her. Maybe I left something at Melissa’s and she gave to Lucy to give back to me” Gabriel reasoned.

“Alright I will PM you online when I get to Roma Gab. Got to get back to work. Later Tic-Tac" Tom said before hanging up.

“Ha! Later dumpling” Gabriel laughed before hanging up as well.

Gabriel once finished with Tom got back into the capsule and logged in.

Waking up back in the lands of Valhalla, Gabriel got up from the Inn Bed and got a notification

[For sleeping in a Bed within the safety of a closed room for four hours you received 5% increased stats for 4 hours]

This was one of the reasons Gabriel rented a room to log off. Better and more high-quality rooms gave better buffs but Gabriel didn’t want to spend the money on that just yet. Another reason was that falling asleep outside in the street gave you debuffs instead.

Gabriel made his way down stairs and out to the main street of Roma. It was 10am in D.O. right now as the world worked on the same 24 hours cycle as Earth. Gabriel had a day before he needed to head to the Legionnaire camp and he planned to spend that working on his profession.

Gabriel went to the closest canal and grabbed a gondola, like he was hailing a taxi. Before getting access to mounts at LVL 20 gondola’s were one of the fastest ways to get around Roma. Gabriel asked the gondola driver to take him to the Temple district. After a short 15 minutes ride Gabriel got off at one of the busiest areas in Roma.

With long strides, Gabriel made his way down the crowded streets. On either side of the streets were different temples. Some huge colossal ones filled with gold trimmings and other more modest temples looking like an Asian teahouse. They all had statues of different gods out at front and priests standing in front offering blessings and selling their gods wonderfulness to the people passing by.

All sorts of different people were heading in and out of the temples. Even though the main pantheon of Roma was the Roman Pantheon. It didn’t mean there wasn’t other temples for the different pantheons, they just had less people going in and were on a smaller scale.


Gabriel didn’t come here for the temples or Gods though. He was looking for a man who should be out the front of the Greek God of Medicine [Asclepius]. Most gods had a priest class that could help people with the power given to them by their gods. However just like anything there were certain Gods who are just better a specific thing, like blacksmithing, different type of weapons or crafts and even Gods how specialized with healing.

Halting after the long walk, Gabriel finally arrived in front of a fairly popular temple with most people going inside having some sort of physical injury or sickness they needed healing. All the Imperium citizens were lined up nicely, as disrespecting a temple was a quick way to get you banned from there. One also mustn't think the nice priests out front don't know how to bring the pain. There is a saying in D.O. “don’t fight a priest in their temple” as they are almost invincible. Gabriel shuddered at the memories of him learning that the hard way.

The reminiscing Gabriel was currently looking for one such man by the name of [Manius], after causing several different commotions at the temple of [Asclepius] he was finally banned for life. Nobody could truly blame the guy though. He was at his wit’s end looking for any way to heal his daughter who had fallen sick and was slowly dying. The priests at the temple have tried to heal her multiple times to no effect. [Manius] came to the temple everyday begging them to try again but they explained to him it wouldn’t work and their time was better spent on people they can actually help.

Gabriel spotted a dispirited middle-aged man on his knees in front of the statue of [Asclepius]. Mumbling something to himself. Gabriel's eyes lit up as he headed over to him.

“Excuse me are you [Manius]?” Gabriel asked with a soft voice

Gabriel got no reply from the man, so he continued.

“I have heard from the barmaid at the [Golden Juggler] that your daughter [Diana] is unwell. I believe I might know what ailes her, I was wondering if you could let me have a look at her?”

Finally getting [Manius] attention, he turned to look at Gabriel.

“Who are you? I don’t know you. I have had enough of scammers trying to take advantage of me. Don’t think I won't crack your skull and drop you in a canal” [Manius] warned Gabriel with a threatening glare.

Gabriel remembered the guide written in the past about [Manius] and his sick daughter. The player who finally managed to get his trust after building his trust over many days and after curing his daughter he had received one of the most valuable Professions is D.O in the past. Gabriel didn’t have days to waste coming here trying to convince [Manius] so he decided to put on his acting cap and get to lying.

“I understand sir. Just after hearing about some of the symptoms your daughter was showing. It sounded similar to something my sister had before she... passed... away.” Gabriel choked back fake tears and continued.

“I vowed that day and after a lot of research found out the cause and cure for her ailment however it was too late for my darling little sister, I just hoped I could not see a tragedy similar happen again but I understand you don't trust me. I will take my leave”. As Gabriel turned to walk away while wiping away tears in his eyes that were from him secretly pinching his thigh. [Manius] caught his arm.

“Wait stranger! Don’t leave just yet. I am sorry, I have been tricked many times and have become callus. Forgive me. Could you please tell me some of your sister's symptoms and I will tell you if they are similar?” [Manius] asked in a pleading tone.

[Familiarity with [Manius] has increased from Indifferent to Neutral]

“Not a problem my good sir. Well, my darling sister started off with having bad nightmares. Then she took a fever. Finally, she started to wake up with black splotches on her skin. Her hair eventually turned grey and skin wrinkled like life was being drained from her before finally falling into a deep coma that she never woke up from.” Gabriel recited.

[Manius] just stared at Gabriel for a long moment. Making Gabriel sweat a little, thinking ‘did I say to much? He doesn’t think I did something to his daughter does he’. Gabriel’s worries were unfounded as [Manius] sprung up from his knees and took a hold of Gabriel’s hands.

“You are exactly right! My daughter Diana has black splotches on her body and only this morning I noticed the grey in her hair this morning! It must be the same thing that took your sister. You said that you know a cure? What is it? I will give you all I can if you can help my daughter!” [Manius] Shouted while pulling on Gabriel's arm.

[Quest Received! A father’s dreams and a daughter’s nightmare (Unique)]

Task 1. Heal Diana – 0/1

Time limit – One week (GT)

Rewards: ????

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