
Gabriel was standing motionless at the entrance to the [Draugr Barber of Demon Street] Crypt. He couldn’t believe what he was reading, the chance to raise familiarity to (Friendly) on the first conversation with NPC’s was fantastic.

However, to be able to have the same chance when dealing with a god was almost game breaking. Gods were one of hardest characters in game to raise familiarity with. Some of the high-level gods would take up to 10 special quests of all manner just to raise to (Interested). The familiarity levels were as follows.

Mortal Enemy








Majority of Gods depending on your affinity will start with (Indifferent) and it wasn’t until (Interested) that you could get some actual benefits from them.

Although the chance for the skill to take effect was only 25% that could still be increased through raising the level of his luck Stat. Which was one of the hardest stats to raise along with charm as you couldn’t use your (AP) to increase them. It was only through [Unique] gear, quests, titles or achievements.

There was also only one God in Deliverance Online that could give you a blessing that helped with a luck stat. [Fortuna], the Goddess of chance, luck and fate. Ironically you needed a lot of luck to even find this goddess to begin with. Some players speculated once that [Mouse] was the champion of luck but it was never proven.

Gabriel’s recently laid plans were spinning in his head, as this skill could open a lot of doors, he thought were closed for him. Although it still would boiled down to luck. The sounds of a battle reached his ears pulling Gabriel out of his stupor. Gabriel realized that none of this mattered yet as he had to get out of the Novice Village first and enter the main map.

Walking out of the Crypt in a jolly mood, Gabriel felt a tingling on his neck. He had a feeling of being watched. A sort of six-sense he trained after years of escaping ambushes and assassins. Throwing out a quick sweep of the area couldn’t produce anything that stood out. Gabriel had a feeling he knew what was watching him and decided to get a move on.

Gabriel looked towards the sound of fighting he just heard. Surprised to find that it was the [Wolfpack] using his tactic to pull [Draugr] into the entrance of an adjacent crypt and belting them.

After waiting a couple of minutes for them to finish the [Draugr] off, Gabriel then ran over.

“Hey guys! You seemed to be doing well. I just wanted to mention that I’m heading back to the Village and I hope to see you in Roma soon. I also have 2x keys left over for the crypts that I won't be using now; I will hand them over to you” Gabriel offered.

Gabriel planned to originally take down a couple more Elite crypts for another LVL and gear. But with the feeling of being Watched becoming increasingly heavier, time was of the upmost importance now.

“Thanks [Osiris]! We will pay you back this favor in the future and don’t you worry we will see each other in Roma”

[Rex] thanked Gabriel while accepting the keys. After waving goodbye to the party, Gabriel took off at a jog back towards the village.

The feeling of something just over your shoulder didn’t dissipate until Gabriel made it all the way back in the Village and standing in front of Tu Manchu. Even then the feeling of being watched just lessened not disappeared entirely.


“Hahahah! Well look at this! the mighty hero returns and I can see by that lovely black streak in your hair you must have been successful” [Tu Manchu] laughed out.

[Tu Manchu] completely ignored the line of newbie players trying to hand in and accepting new quests that were in front of Gabriel.

While laughing [Tu Manchu] took a step that seemed weightless before appearing right in front of Gabriel. Putting a hand on Gabriel’s shoulder and gripping hard. Gabriel felt a slight tugging sensation before the world seem to be speed past and he was standing in what looked like a large cellar with [Tu Manchu].

At the spot were Gabriel just disappeared, a sharp pair of eyes hidden by a large dark cloak was looking from a nearby rooftop before issuing a dry chuckle and disappearing with a swish of the cloak.

Gabriel took stock of his new surroundings. The cellar they were currently in didn’t seem to even have an entrance.

There was a Mural on one of the walls, of a large Egyptian type Pyramid with thousands of soldiers in identical garb standing at the bottom, looking like guards. Beneath the mural was a wooden chest with beautiful golden scroll work on it.

“So, boy how did it go, did you bring the item I requested?” [Tu Manchu] asked while sticking out his hand.

Gabriel took out the comb he got from slaying the Barber and handed it over to [Tu Manchu]. [Tu Manchu] took it off his hands with delighted smile and immediately started to use it on his moustache with long satisfied groans coming out at the same time.

[Quest completed! (Personal) (Hard) - Find the Draugr Barber of Demon Street and kill him]

Recommended: LVL 5.

Task 1. Slay [Draugr Barber Shop Quartet] (4/4)

Task 2. Slay [Draugr Barber] (1/1)

Task 3. Get moustache comb from Draugr Barbers corpse and return it to [Tu Manchu] (1/1)

Hidden Objective. Complete above 3 tasks in 12 hours (GT) for special reward.


+50 (RP) with [Tu Manchu] Unique Class (unknown) Unique weapon (See Tu Manchu for further details)

“You have done well boy; I don’t know how you did it but Congrats none the less. That Barber would have given me a run during his prime, given he was a in a weakened state due to the curse but his speed was still no laughing matter” [Tu Manchu] praised.

[Tu Manchu] was quite impressed with Gabriel. He thought he had the makings of a fine warrior in him.

“Now for finishing in such a timely manner. I have another fine reward to present you with. I have been safekeeping this for a strong warrior such as yourself and if I am right with your recent actions, you will be needing this now more than ever” [Tu Manchu] said.

[Tu Manchu] beckoned Gabriel to follow him before making his way to the chest. Taking a golden key out from within his robes he opened the chest and pulled out a bundle wrapped in a dark red cape. Unwrapping the cape produced an odd-looking sword. The handle looked like it was made out of ivory with what looked like hieroglyphics burned across the handle.

The blade was about four feet in length and was shaped like a question mark with a sharp protrusion at the tip. The blade was made from a shiny black material, Gabriel thought might be Adamantine, which was on the same tier as Mithril, Adamantine being a harder metal but less likely to hold enchantments then the lighter Mithril.

The dark red cape was odd, it looked like it was made out of thousands of long feathers entwined together so tightly there was no gaps between. Gabriel could take a closer look now it was unfurled. The feathers still had some traces of white in some areas but with the majority having what appeared to be covered in a dark red dye, giving the cape a glossy look.


[Tu Manchu] stroked the cape, with fond memories reflected in his eyes.

“This cape used to be worn by one of the greatest commanders in all of Valhalla, [Thutmose] of the Sarragos Kingdom in the East. He was once a slave of the Imperium Empire along with the current Pharoah of Sarragos, [Amenhotep III]. Over 50 years ago they were captured and used as battle slaves to fight off the Orc invasion that reached the Capital city of Roma. [Thutmose] along with [Amenhotep III], led over a 100,000 battle slaves in the fight against the Orcs. At the end of the day the Imperium Empire was victorious however at the cost of close to a million lives it was Pyrrhic victory”. [Tu Manchu] said in a powerful voice filled with pride.

[Tu Manchu] was caught up in his retelling as he stroked the cape, tears started to form in his eyes. Gabriel was listening to the story with rapt attention, he remembered reading about the history of the Great Orc invasion in the past but listening to what appeared to be a firsthand account was something else entirely.

“I was just a simple mercenary at the time but I can still remember the sight of [Thutmose] and [Amenhotep III] fighting back-to-back under the waves of enemies. With their signature feathered [Capes of Horus] flapping in the wind they looked magnificent. Shortly after the battle, the Emperor of Roma gave freedom to all slaves who fought for the Empire and gave out hefty rewards. At the end of the day there was only 1000 Sarragos battle slaves left, the elite of the elite. With them in tow, [Amenhotep III] with [Thutmose] as the commander led a bloody battle to re-take the kingdom of Sarragos from the Orcs and greedy merchants who held power and enslaved their fellow people. Many bands of mercenaries, myself included followed them to battle at the thought of riches and fame. The 1000 surviving warriors were renamed ‘Medjay’ and were [Amenhotep III] personal guards with [Thutmose] as the commander. After grueling years of battle, they were victorious but all was not a happy ending. [Amenhotep III] grew paranoid of [Thutmose] rising fame and power. He had him assassinated, I was one of the men hired to kill him, my biggest regret”. [Tu Manchu] said his powerful voice softened.

[Tu Manchu] was openly crying now, with years of grief and regret etched on his face. Gabriel felt his heartache for him as he could sympathize with that feeling of regret on your shoulders.

“[Tu Manchu], you don’t have to continue if it is too hard...” Gabriel said.

“No. I must unburden myself of this guilt. I believe you may be the only man who could help me.” Taking a deep breath to Compose himself [Tu Manchu[ continued.

“After the ambush, [Thutmose] kneeled surrounded by his fellow Medjay with wounds from multiple weapons covering his body. His feathered cape covered in his own blood losing its pure white color. In his last breath he summoned the power of [Horus] to curse [Amenhotep] and the Medjay for their betrayal, not allowing them to ever be able to take a step in the Sun of the Sarragos Kingdom. Turning them forever into creatures that stalk the night, never to know the feeling of warmth again. Turning the Sarragos Kingdom into a den of the Dark. As I was the only one of the group involved in the assassination who didn’t raise his weapon against [Thutmose]. I was spared from the curse and ordered by [Amenhotep III] to dispose of the body of the commander and bury him in an unmarked grave. I took [Thutmose] cape and Khotesh and fled Sarragos. Now take these items and if one day you get enough power Osiris, I hope you can bring upon vengeance to [Amenhotep III] and the cursed Medjay”. [Tu Manchu] said the last part with a resolute look.

With the finishing of the story, he handed over the cape and Khopesh to Gabriel.

“I vow in the name of [Horus] and the fallen warrior [Thutmose]. Once I have enough strength, I will avenge his death.” Gabriel vowed.

[Horus has heard your oath for vengeance upon the betrayers of Thutmose. He has now offered you a quest of great difficulty. Horus will be watching your exploits]

[Quest received! Destroy the fallen Pharoah Amenhotep and his 1000 Medjay (Unique) (Impossible difficulty)]

Task 1. Slay or free the Cursed Medjay – 0/1000

Task 2. Slay or free the Cursed Pharoah Amenhotep – 0/1

Task3. Lift the curse of darkness off of the Four main Cities of the Sarragos Kingdom – 0/4

Rewards: ??????

Gabriel also took the two items off of [Tu Manchu] and inspected them. The items took his breath away, even though Gabriel was expecting the description it was still amazing to see.

[Horus’s Feathered Cape (Divine) (Sealed) (Bound)]

Special effects:

Increase Agility by 5% total Keeps body warm in cold conditions and cold in hot conditions Triggered Skill – Glide – allows a player to glide for 30 seconds in a straight direction as long as the player is 10 feet above the ground – 20 second cooldown. (Sealed) (Sealed)

[Thutmose’s Khopesh: One-handed sword. (Legendary) (Sealed)]

Damage: 30-50 (Slashing)

Chance of critical: 5%

Special effects:

10% Chance to disarm opponent if they are wielding a shield. +4 Strength +4 Agility Item skill: Call of the Pharoah. Use 50 mana to summon a Medjay (Pharao's personal guards) For 30 seconds. The Medjay will be two levels above player's level. Equipped with Khopesh and Scorpion shield. (Sealed) (Sealed)

Description: Used by many of the elite guard of the Pharoah. Excellent at slashing. The inside curve of the weapon could be used to trap an opponent's arm, or to pull an opponent's shield out of the way.

Gabriel was over the moon with these two items. They were also sealed which means they could be powered up and Gabriel knew just how to do it. Gabriel was following off of a Player called [Scorpion King] in the past, who managed to kill the Pharaoh and take over the Sarragos Kingdom but instead of freeing the people he ruled just like the cursed Pharoah.

The [Scorpion King] was a champion of [Anubis] and his wolf guards were notoriously hard to beat. He raged a fairly successful campaign across Valhalla. Gabriel was one of the many mercenaries he hired. It took a combined player base of 100,000 thousand and up to a million NPC soldiers to take the [Scorpion King] down.

It was during this war that Gabriel got the nickname [One man Army] as he held a town gate by himself against the combined might of the High-Elves and Humans. Sadly, this moment also put him on Leonard Braxen’s radar as a potential recruit which led to his downfall later.

Gabriel clenched his fist at the memory. Swearing to himself he would not be just one among the masses like last time, he would step up and be something much more.

“Osiris? Are you okay my boy, your hand is bleeding.” [Tu Manchu] asked after seeing Gabriel’s hand drip blood.

Gabriel just noticed he was clenching so tightly that his fingernails had dug into his hand.

“Sorry [Tu Manchu], your story just reminded me of some things” Gabriel lied.

“That’s okay my boy. Now I must warn you now. You must leave this village as soon as possible. I am sure you have felt a pair of eyes on you recently. There is a guard in charge of every Novice village. It is to control you new travelers to make sure you don’t step out of line or get too strong too quickly. All in the name of keeping ‘balance’ or so they say. You must slay [The Watcher] of this village to take his portal key and leave the area. The moment we leave this cellar, he will know about the items you hold. He will take you away and you will have to fight him by yourself. If he kills you, all your possessions will be taken away and you will drop to LVL 0.” [Tu Manchu] warned in a grave voice.

[Tu Manchu] looked at Gabriel’s serious face and knew he had the young man’s full attention.

“Now luckily I can give you a boost because of a couple of conditions you have filled. I can Give you a [Unique] Class instead of the Basic warrior one. Take a look to see if you want it or else you can choose any of the other basic classes” [Tu Manchu] offered with a friendly smile.

[Tu Manchu] threw his hands in the air and a screen appeared in Gabriel’s vision.

[Congratulations! You have met the criteria for the hidden class (Medjay)]

[Class Novice Medjay (Unique) -Warrior based]

Increased mastery of one-handed weapons and small to medium size shields Increased 5% DMG with all hand-held melee weapons Increased 10% to all stats when fighting in the Sun Extra 1 (AP) per level to endurance or strength 50% resistance to Fire based attacks


[Summon Javelin] – LVL 1: Cost –25 (R) for every javelin summoned – DMG 25 + STR stats. [Heavy Chop] - LVL 1: Cost 25 (R) - to use a strong downward slice with any one- or two-handed melee weapon dealing 100% extra of weapon based DMG. [Heat of the Desert] – LVL 1: Cost 100 (R) - adds fire Dmg (equal to STR stat) to weapon of choice – 15% chance to inflict burn status with each strike – Duration 2 Minutes – Cooldown 1 hour [Sun Flare] –LVL 1: Combust all stored Rage points to send a flame-based attack from players body outwards to 10 feet. DMG = total amount of Rage points used. Push back effect and 25% chance to inflict Burn status – Cooldown – 6 hours.

Gabriel immediately accepted the class. It was one of the best classes this early in the game and it was upgradeable too. Gabriel could still learn more skills from Warrior class trainers or skill books as well.

“Good my boy. I can’t give you too much information on [the Watcher] as even I don’t know much about them but I can see that they seemed to hold the blessings of the Shadow Goddess Nyx. So, beware of the shadows. Let me know when you're ready and I will take you back to the village” [Tu Manchu] warmed Gabriel.

Gabriel equipped the Khopesh and One-handed Axe. Unequipping his daggers. He also put on the Feather Cape. With the bronze armor and the dark red cape, it gave off quite an imposing site added with Gabriel’s glowing purple eyes and large physique.

“I am ready [Tu Manchu]. Thanks for everything” Gabriel declared.

“Don't mention it boy. I should be the one thanking you for taking up such a difficult task on my behalf. Now let’s go, prepare yourself young [Medjay]”

[Tu Manchu] put his hand on Gabriel’s shoulder and as fast as one could blink, they appeared in the center of the village again. Gabriel barely had time to take a breath before what looked like a pool of shadows appeared beneath his feet and a pair of gnarled hands grabbed his ankles yanking Gabriel through the ground. Leaving the other players stunned in silence at the abrupt appearance and then disappearance of Gabriel. The players got out of their stunned state and started hysterically yelling.

“What the fuck was that!?” A Dwarf man cried out.

“Did that guy just get pulled into the underworld or what!?” A dark elf woman said while looking at the ground

“I am getting the hell out of here, what if, whatever took that guy is still beneath us!!??” A human male screamed before sprinting away.

“Same here!! I’m only one level away from picking a class, I am not sticking around here to die and lose a level!!” A Dwarf yelled before following the human male.

The players started freaking out in the Novice Village some players running off, some stabbing the ground with their weapons and others even climbed the village houses while staring at the ground, expecting something to rise up and pull them into the underworld too.

[Tu Manchu] looked exasperated at the crowd.

“Nothing is going to attack you here you fools! That warrior was just transported to another place for a special quest. That’s all. Everyone is perfectly safe. No if you want some quests come over here and you there! The idiots on the rooftops! Get down from there before I take off my shoe and beat you with it!” [Tu Manchu] roared.

While [Tu Manchu] was busy berating the other players, Gabriel was standing in the middle of a circular chamber with a moat of flaming lava around the borders giving of a little bit of light. It made the whole chamber give off random flickering shadows.

Out of the shadows about 15 feet from Gabriel, appeared a form rising from the ground. The shadowed figure was covered head to toe in a black tattered robe. It was not a large figure appearing quite small with a slender frame. Gab couldn’t make out any features on their face but a pair of red shiny eyes. Gab quickly Inspected the robed figure

[The Watcher – LVL 10 - (Hidden Boss)]

HP Pool – 5000/5000


The robed figure abruptly pulled out two silver scimitars from beneath their robes and charged at Gabriel.

“Let's do this!” Gabriel yelled.

Gabriel started to smile as his blood began to boil, he pulled out his Khopesh and axe readying them for battle before charging towards the robed figure. Gabriel's eyes seemed to give off purple light stronger than what the lava gave off.

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