
Gabriel wasn't quite sure how to intervene. As the little lady wasn't doing any damage to the Draugr besides maybe emotional damage. Gabriel decided to break up the fight and put the Draugr out of his misery.

"Cough... Cough... excuse me little miss, do you need a hand?" Gabriel asked, as he coughed a couple of times to get the crazy woman's attention.

The little lady paused in her slapping at the unexpected noise and looked up to Gabriel who was standing in front of her. The Draugr looked at him too, it might have been Gabriel's imagination but he could have sworn that the Draugr was giving him puppy eyes like he was a damsel in distress and Gabriel was here to save him. Gabriel pulled a face and shouted in his head 'I ain't your Prince Charming you creep!'

The young lady looked at Gabriel and then back down to the Draugr. After a couple of seconds she finally seemed to come out of her rage state before jumping of the Draugr with a yelp and grabbing her wand. Gabriel took this chance to intervene properly. He activated INSPECT (LVL 1) while looking at the Draugr.

[Draugr the Tripper. LVL 4 ]

Health – 130/150

Inspect Level too low to see skills and extra info.

Gabriel yelled "Get behind me" to the young girl but to his surprise the Draugr ran behind him instead. Looking fearfully over Gabriel's shoulder at the little girl. It appeared the Draugr wanted Gabriel to help him defeat, what appeared to be the real monster in this cemetery.

The lady had the shame to blush at the fact she scared a zombie so much he was now hiding behind a human for protection. Gabriel turned around and said "I don't mean you! You ugly creeper, I was talking to the lady". He said while pointing to the lady. The Draugr took on the look of a bullied girlfriend and grew into an enrage state before roaring at Gab.


[Draugr has entered berserk state. For 30 seconds has 50% increase in Movement speed and 100% increased Damage. Takes 50% extra damage in Berserk state]

"Shit." Gabriel muttered.

The Draugr lunged at Gabriel while he quickly side stepped before driving a knee into the Draugr's stomach. A [-3] popped up above the Draugr's head. Gabriel then took a couple of steps back to reposition himself and took a traditional sword stance. His smile began to grow as he started to focus on the battle, his inner battle demon was coming out.

This Draugr had no weapon only its elongated claws for attacking. It took a couple of quick steps towards Gabriel before swinging it's claws in a horizontal slash at Him. Gabriel ducked under the claws before swinging at the exposed side of the Draugrs head with the flat end of his blade. A [-25] damage notification popped up above the Draugr.

Gabriel smile grew even wider, while his normally blue eyes started shining with their purple glow. Gabriel knew that the trick with the Iron Short Sword was in the description, "Far too heavy at the tip". The weapon could bring out some OP damage numbers at the start of D.O, if you used the heavy end as a bash weapon instead.

Gabriel continued to dodge the claws and crazy lunges of the Draugr by side-stepping smoothly and in some cases rolling. It looked like they were doing a choreographed dance routine. With Gabriel spinning and sliding all over the place, using the flat of his short sword to knock away the attacks he couldn't avoid. Gabriel knew with his low level and no armor, it would only take A couple of hits and he would be toast. Not including the Draugr even has a chance of inflicting a poison effect if Gabriel was scratched by it's nails.

The little lady on the side was watching the display only a few feet away, completely forgetting she could be giving Gabriel a hand. She was mesmerized by Gabriel's smooth movements, as well as the fact he was using a sword to bash in a zombie skull but more than anything else, she was thinking 'What's with this strange man's glowing purple eyes. They are lovely'.


She was sure you couldn't change your eye color in the character creation. She thought that it must mean it was his natural eye color or a secret skill. The more the little lady looked at Gabriel, the more she believed he looked familiar to her somehow.

Gabriel managed to finish off the Draugr after rolling under a lunge and coming up behind it. He gave the Draugr one more bash on the top of his skull, creating a big dint that oozed out purple looking goo. A series of notifications went off in Gabriel head. Before checking them, he stuck his hand out to touch the Draugr's body and clicked yes to a screen that said [Loot All?]

[Slayed - Draugr the Tripper LVL 4 - 250 EXP awarded]

[Loot obtained:]

10x Silver coins

1x Minor potion

1x Rusty bronze key

[Congratulations Osiris! You have Leveled up! Current Level 1 – EXP required before next Level – EXP 0/500] The EXP required for every subsequent LVL is double the amount from the previous level.]

[You have gained 1x (AP) to distribute when you please] You gain an Attribute Point every Level and a Skill Point every five Levels]

Gabriel swiped the nonexistent sweat off his brow and turned to look at the little lady. She was just staring at him with a curious look. When Gabriel was about to introduced himself. She quickly spoke first.

"My name is [Lil Tiger], thanks so much for the hand. I can't believe they made Zombie molesters in this game. I don't know what would have happened to cute little me if you weren't here".

[Lil' Tiger] said all this with a big smile and a finger on one of her dimples.

Gabriel thought 'Molester? all he did was touch your leg, you're the one who jumped on him. "Tiger" is right' but he kept those thoughts to himself and replied.

"No problem at all. My name is [Osiris]. By the way did you mean to come here? You looked a little lost when you came towards the entrance."

"Yes, I don't know how I got here. I have been lost since I logged in, I am looking for the Novice Village. Can you tell me where it is?" [Lil' Tiger] asked.

Gabriel was baffled. He thought 'How do you get lost when you spawn right in front of the god damn Novice Village, she must have the worst sense of direction in the world'. Gabriel once again, kept those thoughts to himself. Feeling a little proud of himself, the old him would have spouted all that and made things awkward as hell.

Gabriel replied, "No problem, just head down towards those two trees and just keep walking in a straight line, you will find plenty of people and they can keep you on the right track".

"Thanks a bunch. Here! let's add each other and I will return the save you gave me today. Okay"

[Lil' Tiger LVL 5 – Priest of Ishtar has sent you a friend request, do you accept?]


"Okay I am off [Osiris]! Talk soon, good luck with the Molester Zombies, watch your behind!" Lil Tiger giggled while she skipped away.

Gabriel barely heard her; he was still focused on the [Priest of Ishtar] part of Lil Tiger' status. 'How did she manage to find the hidden Sumerian goddess of love and war so quickly'. Gabriel looked back at Lil' Tiger skipping off into the trees. 'That lady is odd', he thought 'she could be quite useful in the future though'.

Gabriel then turned into the cemetery and said to himself "Time to bash some Draugr heads".

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