《Reverse Reincarnation》06: Morning awkwardness


For a brief moment, I thought I was still at home, going to start another ordinary day. But when I fully left sleep’s embrace, everything rushed back. I opened my eyes to a familiar yet unfamiliar ceiling, feeling confused.

Sighing, I sat up and stretched. After the training session yesterday, Aston had brought me back to my room, saying that sleep was recommended the night after a soul journey. I’d expected to have trouble falling asleep, but it had actually happened quickly as the mental fatigue dragged me under.

Now, I felt fresh, well-rested and ready to take on the world. Today, I promised myself, I will find some answers.

But first, I should probably see about more mundane concerns. I climbed out of bed and haphazardly smoothed out the covers. Then I looked around. Usually I didn’t sleep unclothed, but I didn’t exactly find any pajamas here. So I’d slept in my underwear, including a surprisingly modern bra.

I opened the big closet that I’d apparently been too tired to notice and whistled at the large variety of clothes I found. Some were simple, pants and shirts, others robes and gowns more elaborate than what I’d worn. But I didn’t know if colors might have some significance, so I wasn’t sure what to choose.

It was only then I noticed that the robes I’d worn yesterday lay folded over a chair, where I’d definitely not left them. They looked and smelled freshly-laundered. Had someone been in here to collect and deposit them while I was asleep? Creepy. I need to establish some boundaries.

At least they probably hadn’t gone through my closet, and I knew what to wear now. So I pulled out some fresh underwear and quickly changed into the robes, my hands deftly tying the knot before I even realized it might be a problem.

I could sense some presences outside. It was a bit like the prickle you got on your neck when you felt like you were being watched, but far more detailed. I somehow knew their position and intensity. There were a few guards at the door, including Aston, and some weaker signatures bustling about, probably servants. I took a look around the room and noticed the side doors that probably led to others where they could be. Shrugging, I checked.

To my pleasant surprise, the first door led to a bathroom. It was pretty nice, tiled in some white stone, with a pool sunk into the floor and a few qi appliances in other places. There were bottles of things that smelled like shampoo, lotion and the like, and fluffy towels. Shaking my head at myself, I disrobed again and dove into the pool.

It was nice, but I wanted to get going, so after a minute I got out, dried off and put my clothes back on. Then I checked the qi-things until I found the hair dryer, which was actually a red gem, and let the streams of hot air dry my hair. I combed it quickly with a carved wooden work of art and got out.

It was only when I’d already stepped through the door that I realized someone stood in my room. I really need to work on my situational awareness. Wait, isn’t that the same woman I first saw?


“Princess Inaris.” The woman cupped her hands and bowed deeply again. She was standing near the freshly-made bed.

I nodded in greeting, unsure how to act. A bit of awkward silence ensued.

Finally, the servant broke it. “Is there anything you require?”

I scratched at my cheek. “Breakfast would be nice. Food and drink, but no wine or anything. Oh, and I prefer not to eat meat.” Actually, I wasn’t a vegetarian, I just tried hard to only eat meat from acceptable sources where animals didn’t suffer. But since I didn’t know where the palace got their food, and I didn’t really want to explain myself, it would be better just to avoid it.

“Right away.” The servant bowed again, then scurried out of the room.

I glanced at the guards behind the wall, then turned to inspect the contents of my bedroom. There was a weapons rack in a corner, with a few shiny blades and what looked like a crossbow, all of them tingling in my new sense, like a prickle from static electricity. There was also an obvious vault with qi that just radiated the feeling of alertness. Apart from that, a desk, a few chairs, tables and a couch, plus the side entrances. One of them was locked, one led to the bathroom and the other to what I would have called a sitting room if it was in the place of the bedroom instead of leading out from it.

I turned to the vault and tapped its steel door. There was a locking mechanism unlike any I’d seen before. I prodded at it, and before I knew what I was doing, I let some of my qi out into the lock, twisting it in a familiar configuration. The lock clicked open.

Well, that happened. Curiously, I poked my head through the vault door. The inside was more of a small room than a safe. A number of items lay on the floor or on a shelf, all of them glowing with qi. Weapons, jewelry, a few that I couldn’t categorize. But my attention was drawn to the only mundane object: a piece of paper lying on a stone surface. I picked it up, and almost dropped it when I recognized that it contained English words. In handwriting that somehow felt intimately familiar.

My dreams?

Leaving alone and said to be dead.

Why do spirits like me?

There is more to us than it seems.

Something is off. Perhaps someone, I don’t know. Mother doesn’t like me asking questions about some things. It might be related, it might not.

I sucked in air through my teeth. This was really something. The first part could be a poem, although not a very good one, if not for the last part. My predecessor had taken these notes, marked down questions she couldn’t answer. And I had no clue what it all meant.

After a moment, I noticed black edges on the paper. Turning it around, I found more writing.

Possible explanations:

1. There’s a spy, infiltrator, or someone who otherwise secretly wishes harm on myself, people close to me, or the clan as a whole.


2. I’m somehow sensing that I will fail or be hurt significantly. Failing the breakthrough, or a bad life for the soul journey.

3. Someone is playing with or testing me. Might overlap with other points.

4. A random expression of the darkness affinity, perhaps even a spiritual or medical problem.

5. My dreams are picking up impressions, emotions or connections, due to my darkness affinity. It is sometimes associated with dreaming.

I rubbed my temple and stared at the notes. Well, at least I had a few hints now. So, my predecessor knew English, probably taught by her mother. I wouldn’t have chosen it, but for her, this must be the most secret language she knew. So far, so good. But what exactly did she mean?

I put the note down carefully and backed out. I just need to keep an eye out and learn more about this world and my situation. Maybe wait and see if I have any weird dreams.

A sudden noise startled me. I turned around, watching another servant enter the room. I almost hadn’t noticed his presence. Quickly, I closed the vault door, watching as it clicked into place and its qi covered the lock again.

The servant was a younger man. He bowed gracefully without moving the tray he carried a centimeter, and set it onto the table. Shrugging, I walked over to the table while he left and sat down.

The food was all new to me, but tasted good, so there was that. A little more savory than I was used to for breakfast, but the fruits were great. I only realized I wasn’t actually hungry after I began to eat, but I didn’t want to waste it and I didn’t feel full either, so I indulged. But a lingering unease prevented me from truly enjoying it, and I ate quickly.

After I finished, I left the room, looking around. Apparently, they’d noticed I was up, because a few additional guards had showed up. Now there were three men and two women. They all looked young, strong, and attractive. I had to be careful not to let my eyes linger on the tight clothing some of them wore. One of the women, a hot brunette, had a daring neckline that I tried not to notice.

Seriously, why is everyone here hot? It’s getting annoying. Is it a cultivator thing or is someone testing me?

“Let’s get going,” I said.

Aston answered, “Where to, Your Highness?”

If I had an appointment or schedule, he would have mentioned it. I really wanted someone to explain things or a few books, but decided that I should get to know the place first. Scope out my surroundings. “Can you give me a quick tour?”

He half-bowed and the rest of them formed up, and so we set off.

While Aston led me around, he explained the layout of the palace and I asked a few questions. I made an effort to focus on the tour, pushing considerations of my discovery back. Apparently, we started in the Imperial family quarters. Those were for the Empress’ closest kin, with space for favored retainers and a few chambers that could accommodate servants or guards if needed.

“Her Majesty’s rooms are on the next floor and the roof of the tower,” he mentioned, “but let’s not go there.”

The next section, after we descended one staircase and turned to the side, were what I privately called the VIP apartments. They provided housing for other members of the clan, distinguished guests and a few high officials who didn’t have their own homes. The walls were actually more decorated than before, with colorful tapestries, paintings and frescoes. The few people we passed moved aside for me, but their bows were shallower than Aston’s. Their clothing looked at least as expensive as mine. Something in the way they eyed me was appraising, and I realized they definitely knew about the soul journey. I quickened my steps a little.

“This way leads to the throne room and royal audience chambers,” Aston proceeded.

I shook my head. “Let’s go around.” I didn’t know if the Empress was there, but I didn’t want to risk meeting a throng of courtiers.

We walked on. Most of the rest of the central complex and outlying buildings housed the government, a lot of office space for various ministries and departments, and the infrastructure needed to keep them running. I ran across what had to be a magical printing press. Aside from that, I just tried to keep up and keep myself oriented. By this point, I’d gotten used to the way people reacted to my presence.

Aston showed me the general layout of the palace and the ways that led to other parts, like quarters, barracks (most of them empty), kitchens, and so on. “Then there are the workshops of the royal alchemists, tailors, blacksmiths, …”

Finally, I put a stop to it. “Okay, that’s enough. I’ve gotten the basics. Now …” My eyes lit up as I realized the most important location. “There’s a library, right? Let’s go there!”

A hint of a smile cracked through Aston’s calm expression. “Of course, Princess. There are several in the palace. The lower courtyard holds the public library, open to everyone. The various departments keep archives, and many esteemed personages have their own collections. Unless I’m severely mistaken, the honored princess has one in a side room. But if I may be so bold, I would suggest the Imperial Family’s private library.”

“Sure. Lead the way.”

“Right here.”

I smiled in anticipation as I followed Aston back. “How big is it? How many people are going to be there, actually?”

“It holds thousands of storage items and books. The Imperial Family’s private library is only open to the Empress, her closest family, meaning her children, and a few others lucky enough to be granted access as a reward for their service.”

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