《Powerless》Chapter 32 - vs Monster Tamer Part 2



Deepest depths of the troll's cave, Rosalie.

Something has changed. My fight with the troll king that seemed to have reached a stalemate suddenly changed.

[Flame Root]

The burning red lines of energy shot straight towards the Troll King.

Until now, this would’ve been enough to push it back, but not anymore. I don’t know what happened, but its strength seemed to have soared a bit.

Not that I’m complaining, the stronger it gets the more fun it is to fight.

I should be happy in that way, but I’m not. Rather, I’m very angry right now.

The reason? The bastard is not looking at me! Now that it has gotten stronger, it should focus on me! I am the one it is fighting right now.

I spent all this time trying to agitate it to take me seriously and this is what I get? It is not even focusing me but rather on the door behind me!

Like there is something way more important than this fight.

“I’ll make you regret looking away…”

I said grinding my teeth.

My Aura Spear moved, like a cannon fired, it didn’t stray from the trajectory and just pierced the chest.

The impact pushed its body from where he stood and directly into the wall behind it. Immobilizing the creature for a few seconds.

More than enough time to finish it off. Since it doesn’t seem to want to fight me then that’s it, no more point in dragging this along any more than needed.

After the spear was halfway into its body, I called my most powerful fire magic.

[Flame Burst]!

Magic power concentrated on both of my palms, this magic power, aided by the flame branch, started heating up. The air seemed to have heated up as a spherical area around my palms now glowed a bright red.

With careful control that even magicians would find hard to achieve, I controlled the power in my left hand and grabbed the head of the troll who was pinned against the wall.

Then using the remainder of all the heated energy, I passed it on my spear. Since the spear itself is made from my own aura, it can pass my magic energy very easily.


The cave room vibrated with the troll king’s roar.

“I wanted to enjoy this a little more, but you don’t seem like you’re enjoying this, so I’ll end this quick.”


The area around the wounds keeps burning while also healing. But I can tell, the healing is also slowing down continuously. Even if the troll king has super regeneration, it cannot heal itself indefinitely.

If it could regenerate indefinitely then it wouldn’t be a Tier 5 creature, its place would be on the mountains.

After coming to this place, I have found only two fun things, one of them is this thing, and the other… let’s hope he isn’t as boring as this.

Between the east gates and the trolls cave, Grant.

After my first throw, I ran. The guy on the platform shot a magic attack at me but I dodged it before it could hurt me.

I was running in the opposite direction of all the presences that were on my tail. I also tried to not move too far away and to keep as close to the man as possible.

If he ran away right now, then I would have no way of removing this rune. Although the thought of taking a life is too much for me, I don’t think I have much of a choice.

I mean, if it’s between my life and the life of the guy who is trying to kill me, I’m going to choose myself, no competition.

But before I do any of that, I have to first find a way to get him down of that platform.

I also have to do it quick. The presences in the distance, they keep getting stronger with each passing seconds, with our distance shrinking and shrinking.

With the huge amount of presences that I can sense even from here and then judging by the direction they are coming from I have a very bad feeling.

As I was running, I was also dodging the attacks that the guy was throwing at me. Thankfully, he was conservative with the number of attacks he was throwing, but the bad thing was, he was also waiting for the perfect opportunity with each attack, making his attacks more deadly and precise with each iteration.

“Hey! I don’t even know you, why are you trying to kill me!?”

I finally shouted at the guy seeing as running wasn’t doing anything. The guy slowed down after hearing this. There was a few seconds of silence, but then I heard a fairly young and tired voice coming from the man.


“Why, you ask? Ask that to yourself, you freak!”

He bellowed back.

“I don’t know if you’re mistaking me for someone, but I-”

“I’m not mistaking you for anyone, otherworlder!”


That word sent a shock down my spine.

How does he know? And even if he knows, why is he attacking me? I didn’t do anything!

No! No! No! Think!

The only person who knows I’m slightly abnormal is Rachael, but even she doesn’t know that I’m not from this world.

Does he have a way of knowing that I’m not of here?

Status? Is it my status?

Since he called me an otherworlder with such confidence, then it probably means that he is certain that I’m one. Maybe there are more people here like me? Do all of them have a different status like me? Is this how he figured me out?

Did someone rat me out? With that thought, a face flashed before my eyes, but…

No! She has no reason to!

It is also true that people have been looking at me weirdly ever since I came here, the receptionist, the guard, even Aagon and Kyle’s team, they all gave me weird looks, so if I think about it, it can be anyone of them or none of them.

I don’t know anything right now, I also won’t get anywhere by blaming anyone.

The only person who can answer these questions is the man on the disk.

My eyes inadvertently moved towards him, I don’t know what he saw in them, but I saw him flinch. That small moment was enough.

[Weight Control]

I reduced my body’s weight by 80 kilos, making me almost as light as a feather. Then using [Qi Manipulation], I increased the strength in my legs. My muscles tightened, brimming with power.

By the time he realized that I’m trying to do something it was too late. Like a rocket, my body shot towards the sky, without much weight on me, I overshot it a little and flew a little higher than even him, who himself was a few hundred metres high.

As my body positioned itself above his head, I increased my weight again, this time putting almost 200 Qi in it, raising my weight by 400 kilos. I dropped down on the disk.

I kicked down on his head which he tried to cover in a hurry with his hands but failed. With a crack, my leg passed through his defence landing straight on his head.

My kick also tilted the disk enough that he lost his balance. I used this chance to grab him, who was hunched forwards because of the tilting disk and my kick, by the shoulder yanking him down to the ground with me.

We both fell down, but the man took the most damage as I was on top with my 400 kilo body.

HP: 136/425

With my fall I heard a few cracking sounds and a mouthful of blood being vomited out.

I honestly don’t know whose bones were cracking right now. Even I feel that my body will limp if I lose concentration of a second. My HP which had finally recovered reaching almost 300, reduced down to 136.

I quickly used 160 Qi and removed 320 kilos off of me. Getting finally lighter, I moved off his crushed body.

Seeing as I didn’t get any messages of the rune disappearing, then it means that he is still alive, thankfully.

I can’t have him dying without answering a few questions.

“Now… haah… tell me…. Who sent you… after me?”

I asked while trying to breathe.


“L-Like I’d tell you that… cough! Go ahead and kill me! You won’t get any answers, you freak!”

This is going nowhere.

Just as I was about to ask something again, my worst nightmare appeared.


A howl, a very loud combined howl made my attention switch from him to the back where the sound came from.

The man seemed to be waiting as the moment my attention swayed away from him, his hand that was laying on the ground shot up and a very powerful wind came and pushed me back violently smashing my body into a tree.


HP: 125/425

My vision moved up towards him and he had a small white pill in his hand that he swallowed immediately.


A white glow surrounded his body and he slowly started getting up. To make things worse, my eyes scanned the line of trees in the distance seeing a scene very similar to one I’ve seen before.

Hundreds of wolves being led by a snow wolf, all making their way towards me.

This could not get any worse.

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