《Powerless》Chapter 31 - vs Monster Tamer



In a castle made completely of white, in a room decorated with nothing but white walls, sat a woman.

She looked like she was frozen there, in time and in space, nothing around her seemed to influence her as even the totally empty room seemed separated from her.

She sat there with her head towards the ceiling and her eyes closed as if she were sleeping, looking at her she would even seem like a statue, intricately carved with the utmost care, displaying the ultimate beauty.

The calm expression didn’t stay for long though, as quickly her eyes jolted open. The calm and serene atmosphere around turned cold enough to freeze the air.

Feeling the sudden change, the huge wooden doors made of one of the most precious of woods, the Ice Garden’s holy Snow Tree, opened and a man wearing an armour with a bluish tint came running inside.

“Mistress! What happened!?”

The woman, moving her long silky white hair from eyes looked towards the man who entered. Her expression seemed cold, signalling the man that his tone of questioning wasn’t well received.

“This one asks for forgiveness! I just felt discomfort with the room so I came running in without permission. I will accept any punishment for this action!”

“Shut up.”

These two words completely lacking of any strength pushed the man down onto his knees. His face, devoid of all blood, tried its best to hide the terror he was feeling.

“Now, tell me. The idiot you sent to kill the otherworlder, did you not tell him of the other objective, the reason he was given that formation? Why is he wasting that precious formation in such a useless place?”

“N-No, Mistress. He wasn’t informed due to the confidentiality of the issue, he was told to use the formation as soon as he located the otherworlder. We didn’t notify him of the actual objective as we were sure the otherworlder would be in the city. We-”

“Enough. I want to ask you this, due to the actions of Runnar, can I consider this a failure?”


“Who was the head of this operation?”


“Do I have to repeat myself?”

“It was Sir Kinfly!”

“Execute him. Promote Talon to take his place. As for the idiot Runnar, let’s just hope for him that he dies by the hands of the otherworlder, otherwise…”


The man rushed out as quickly as he physically could, leaving the woman alone as she once again closed her eyes.


“How vexing…”

Her voice disappeared in the empty room.

Hearing my sudden scream, all their feet stopped as they looked at me with worry, especially Silvia.

I quickly put my hand up to signal them and gestured them to move on. I didn’t want them to tell them about my situation yet, they were perplexed but they still did as they were told.

[Host has been affected by a target rune. As long as the creator of this rune is alive, it cannot be removed.]

[Effects of the rune –

All monsters under Tier 4 are hostile towards host. (Formation active) All monsters under Tier 3 are hostile towards host. (Formation inactive)


[Host is advised to remove the rune.]

Dammit. What do I do?

Reading the effects, I’m pretty sure I’ll be okay with Tier 3 monsters, but if they come in hordes, then that will be a problem, but it’s not only that but Tier 4 monsters as well.

Let’s confirm something first, since all monsters are hostile towards humans, then turning them hostile must mean that they will look for me. I don’t know the range of the thing, I can safely assume it to be indefinite, which means I must move fast.

Who knows, they might be making their way here. Shit.

Now comes the question, I most probably need to kill the person responsible for this, otherwise I’m never going to get rid of this thing on my neck. So, should ask for help from this soldiers?

From the situation that I can sense from here, the Troll King is still alive and thankfully, Miss Rosalie is also doing well as her presence also hasn’t weakened, just what kind of stamina is that? Being able to hold their own against a monster of that calibre.

But since the fight is still going on and the result of the fight is still not clear, I cannot ask for help from these people. They need to go down there and help Miss Rosalie.

I don’t why, but the entity who placed this on me is specifically out for me. But that’s odd as they don’t even know me nor do I know anyone in this world, this also means that they are aware of my status as a person not of this world.

Since they know of my identity and are still out to kill then I can safely assume that I’m not welcome here.

But if I’m not welcome here, then who gave me this system, clearly it wasn’t with me on earth. If the higher powers of this world didn’t want me here then why would they grant this system to me?


Dammit! Just thinking is getting me nowhere. I need to go out and confront the person who did this. But can I?

He is capable of executing this strong of a magic, then he clearly isn’t a weakling. But judging by the Tier of the monsters he can control, I can assume this person is at the very least stronger than a Tier 4 monster.

I can easily fight Tier 3 monsters, and I can also probably fight a Tier 4 monster, if I assume what Silvia told me then the Mother Troll I fought outside was a Tier 4 monster.

But I know how difficult that fight was. If it weren’t for the support skill by Silvia, then I might’ve never won so easily, who knows how long that fight would’ve lasted.

Should I take her with me?

No! Although her skill is pretty useful, if the monsters come in hordes which I assume how they’re going to come in, she would become too much of a liability as I would need to constantly protect her.

Fuck it. There’s no point in wasting any more of my time. I need to do it on my own so I might as well do it.

“Captain! Can you give me one more of those pills, I will surely pay you back.”

“Sure, you don’t need to pay me back, but what happened back there?”

“It is something that I need to deal with, I’m sorry but I cannot accompany you any longer, the task given to me by Miss Rosalie is also completed, and I have some urgent business that I need to attend to, I will have leave before you.”

“Can we help?”

Asked the commander.

“No, you guys should continue down this tunnel as Miss Rosalie would need you guys more, you should reach her in a few minutes.”

Saying that I took the pill and swallowed immediately before heading towards the entrance.

I want to find the person before the monsters start swarming me without reason.

On the floating disk, Monster Tamer Runnar was sitting with his face as white as a sheet of paper.

He had used up all of his Aura into creating that formation. So it was a state of fatigue right now.

“What the fuck! Why are there so few monsters!? I thought this was supposed to be one of the most monster infested forests near East Green. Don’t tell me… it was the Trolls!?”

The man suddenly realized that the trolls would’ve hunted everything near their vicinity as they were preparing for their breeding time.

“Dammit! But still, the few monsters that are coming here running, let’s just hope they are enough to kill him, or I’ll have to go down myself.”

Just as he was thinking this, from the corner of his eye, he caught something rushing out of the entrance of the cave.

Rushing out and into the open, the man suddenly stopped. Runnar was quite a few hundred metres above but he could see him clearly. The man, Grant just stood there for a few seconds and suddenly moved his eyes towards the clouds.

Runnar felt his blood go cold as his eyes met with the man below.

“He can see me from down there…?”

Before he could process what happened, he saw the man bend down and pick something up, after playing with the small stone he picked up, he made a pose that seemed very strange to Runnar.

He had a leg slightly above ground with the hand not holding the stone slightly raised as well. It looked like a throwing stance but none that he had seen before. But before he could figure out what was happening, he felt a sudden surge of Qi from the man and the stone the man was holding came flying through the air and passed by his right cheek, grazing him.

It had missed making any fatal damage.

He involuntarily touched his face and felt something warm as there was a deep cut where the stone had grazed through.

His eyes that were full of malice were filled with anger as he aimed his hand towards the ground and fired a magic spell.

A powerful gale of icy cold wind, similar to Silvia but much more powerful came flying towards Grant but he didn’t stay to take the attack as he had long moved from there.

The man saw him running in a certain direction, it was fairly close to where he was flying but not towards the town, and strangely away from the monsters running towards him.


“This guy! He has a monster sensing skill! He wants to keep an eye on me as well as stay away from monsters at the same time? Dream on!”

Runnar felt a huge headache coming as he saw the man picking up more stones as he continued running around him.

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