《Powerless》Chapter 30 - A bloody formation



Grant and the others didn’t take too long to find the location of the other Queen. With the strategy used to defeat the previous one, they didn’t have much problem dealing with this one.

The people who were with Grant were happy, happy that they were done with the queens and all they had to do now was wait.

Although the others were rejoicing, the man himself wasn’t. He couldn’t bring himself to be happy looking at his status.

[3200 EXP gained.]

[EXP cannot be used. EXP Stored.]

He was now sure, unless he figured out a way to finish the conditions, there was no way that he would be able to level up again.

It wasn’t wrong to say that he had no idea where he would even start with this.

“I should finish up HP soon, at least I’ll have one less thing to worry about.”

Grant thought sighing.

This wasn’t an end to their problems as well. The others couldn’t sense it like he could, but he was sure, the king was still alive.

And judging by the aura of the monster, the monster wasn’t really weakened either. He wasn’t as powerful as it was when Grant first sensed it at the entrance of the cave, but it was still too strong.

Grant knew, if he faced something like this right now, he was surely done for.


Now that he recalled, he just increased his HP by 79, that kind of strength wasn’t something to scoff at, the increase in HP was equal to a couple of level ups, so didn’t that mean that his body was stronger as well.

“Maybe I didn’t feel it because I’m injured…?”

Whatever the case was, he was sure that he was a little stronger than he was before he entered the cave.

“I’m still not sure about being able to fight the troll king or not, if I was at full HP, maybe?”

Thinking of something, he called out to healer who healed his leg.

“Can you heal me again, I think we should head towards Miss Rosalie now that the Queens are taken care of.”

“I agree, Mr Grant. But I think you need a fatigue releasing spell rather than a healing one, and sadly I don’t know any of them. We don’t carry around fatigue releasing pills either, if you want I can give you a normal healing pill, I’ve heard that it can ease your fatigue a little as well.”


Grant looked over his own body after hearing that, but he was shocked. Other than a few scratches here and there, there weren’t that many injuries on his body. Sure, when the Queen slammed him on the wall, his HP may have reduced, but he didn’t get any injuries from it, his Qi made sure of that.

But if that was all true, then that meant that his low health right now was entirely due to fatigue.

Ever since he came here to practice his skills, he has been tangled in a lot, from saving Silvia to fighting the mother troll outside the cave and now this.

The amount of fatigue he has is no joke.

“Then give me one of those, we’ll rest a little and then make our way towards the bottom where Miss Rosalie is.”


West Gate.

Kyle and his party had heard of the situation inside of town so they ordered the guards to go help the other gates while he and his team took care of the Flying Naga.

“Brace yourself. [Shield Tackle]!”

A green aura covered Kyle’s shield as he rammed it into the huge Naga that was coming towards him.

It was weird seeing someone stop something three times their size, but stop it he did.


With an aura of red covering Jacob’s sword, he used it to jab it in the Naga’s head, but it wasn’t going to just stand there to take it.

As it sensed the sword, it flew to the side avoiding the jab in just the time to avoid any fatal strike, but Jacob’s attack still managed to take out its eye.

Clearly angry by the attack, the remaining eye of the Naga glowed a poisonous green and a strikingly huge cloud of the same colour escaped the creature’s mouth.

“Look out! It’s poison!”

[Strong Gale]!

Shouted Gina from the back, she launched the arrow that she had in place, then using her Wind attribute spell, [Strong Gale], blew the poison gas in the other direction, saving the party.

Luckily for them, the gas flew in the direction it came from, towards the Naga.

Using this opportunity that made the creature totally blind, Jacob jumped towards the Naga while Walter soundlessly applied a strengthening buff on him. Aagon too, prepared his strongest magic which all shot from his hand at the exact moment that the creature was blinded as he too was waiting for this exact moment.


Following his attack, Jacob’s sword pierced the neck of the creature.

With a notification they all knew.

“Finally the thing went down. Looks like we really can take on a Tier 5 on our own, haha.”

“Is that what it looked like, huh Kyle?”

“Come on Walter, don’t be like that, luck too is part of a fight.”

“Whatever you say, leader. Sigh…”

Walter’s worry was right. The thing gave them too much trouble. It kept flying around and then bashing into them from all over the place, not only did Jacob not manage to hit it, even Aagon was having trouble.

If it weren’t for the opportunity and the lucky strike from Jacob who knows how long would it have dragged on?

“Where to now?” Aagon asked to the guard who had stayed behind.

“Towards the southern gate sir!”

“Lead the way!”

Seeing the four consecutively shooting flares, the man on the disk was worried.

“Damn, all of the kings showed up already? I’ll have to be quick. If they finish them off and come here before I’m done with the Formation, then there’ll be no meaning.”

The amount of magic energy he was releasing was no joke. If there wasn’t such chaos going on in the town, even they might’ve sensed it.

While he was giving the formation its final touches, he was carefully sensing the situation inside the cave as well.

The man was a Monster Tamer, as long as it is a monster that he has tamed then he is able to share a vision with them.

“I can’t believe that I’m going to lose three Tier 5 and one Tier 6 monster trying to hunt down a single man. But there’s no choice now, the man is too dangerous to be kept alive.”



The formation in front of his face, completed, started spinning rapidly, then while spinning, it started expanding while it flew away from the man and positioned itself in the sky, as its expanding nowhere near done, it didn’t stop until it covered an area of more than a kilometre around the cave that Grant was in.

“Now begin, Mass destruction, [Monster Agitation Formation]!”

As those words left this mouth, the man felt all of his Aura leaving his body until there was nothing left. Using that same aura, the structure of the formation glowed a blood red.

“Damn, that’s why I didn’t want to use it.”

In the radius of a kilometre, every single beast under Tier 4, regardless of type would be agitated and go in a frenzy, if it was only that much, even then this would be too strong as a monster in frenzy is twice as strong as its normal self.

But what makes this formation deadly is the fact this frenzy and anger can be directed. As long as the caster of this formation specifies a target then all the monsters below Tier 4 would instinctively know of the target’s position.

With a wave of his hand, a red bloody rune flew off his palm and into the cave.

In there, Grant was waiting for the green healing pill to do its job and was resting with his eyes closed.

Without notice, the rune came and slammed itself into his defenceless neck.


With an indescribable pain, he roared out, surprising the others but they couldn’t do anything to him, as Grant was busy with the pain as well as the notification that immediately came to him.

[Host has been affected by a target rune. As long as the creator of this rune is alive, it cannot be removed.]

[Effects of the rune –

All monsters under Tier 4 are hostile towards host. (Formation active) All monsters under Tier 3 are hostile towards host. (Formation inactive)


[Host is advised to remove the rune.]

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