《Eye of Adventure》Chapter 30 “World's first in sight”
Chapter 30 “World first in sight”
The fight was won and the first obstacle is out of the way. The prequest has been completed.
It didn’t actually take more than few hours for Arata and his teammates to complete it. They left Karma at around 11:00 am and when Arata get back to the city, it was only little over 3:00 pm. That meant that completing the quest took roughly four hours and most of the time was spent on going to the tomb and back afterwards back again.
“If it going this fast then I was worried over nothing.”
Arata would not admit that but he was little scared when Rin told him that she already spent nearly a year on this prequest. If that was the time that she spent on a prequest how long would it take to complete the whole quest. It was true that Arata was not in rush right now and he liked to take things slowly but at the back of his head he always kept a thought that he wants to see Kotori again and he wanted to do it as soon as possible. When Arata first arrived in Karma, he wanted to go to where she is right away. He didn’t do it only because of his pride and the arrangement that he made with Kotori beforehand. Still, he thought that after a month or so will pass he will go to her right away. That was his plan at least. However Arata ended up joining a group for a quest and he could not execute that plan anymore. Still there was a hope as he saw that the quest may not actually take too long. Even if he still had no idea what that quest will actually be about after quick completion of the prequest he was in good thought’s.
“If it goes really fast I might end up doing the other quest as well. Although it’s a rank four and it looks really troublesome. Not to mention, that I don’t even have idea where would I could even start looking for some king’s descendant. Hmm… nah, that was a bad idea after all. I will leave this quest for some other time.”
During the completion of prequest Arata ended up receiving another quest which was completely independent from the one he first received from the wizard. The biggest thing about his new quest was that it was quest of rank four. Quest of those rank are meant to change the structure of the world or so Arata heard. It was said that upon completing some two quest of that rank two new races were unlocked. Also two guilds that managed to complete those quests are now worldly known as being the two strongest guilds of EOA. Those two guilds were strong before but when they completed those quests the fame they received was so overwhelming that it made them stick out from the rest. When that happen whenever good player would start looking for guild, they would try to join either of those two which got a revenue of completing quests of rank four and that made those two guilds even stronger afterwards. Still Arata had nothing to do with it and even if he heard about it, he would not find it interesting.
The fact was that Arata himself did not realize what it really meant to find a quest of rank four. For him, it was something that he happened to find and ‘maybe’ in the future he will decide to do it if he finds some time. He himself would not be surprised if one day in the future while opening a quest log he find that quest there and think “what is it doing here?”.
In the end, it was fault of the king that he gave a job to resurrect his empire to someone like Arata. Normal player would right away try to get the job done, but Arata was simply drinking a café while eating a cake in some random restaurant that he found. His main occupation right now was to look at the rain that was pouring from the sky.
When Arata arrived in the Karma after the fight with crimson knight he didn’t really have anything to do, so he ended up going on a tour around the city again. Still because it was raining on the way, he quickly found a restaurant that sold cakes and ended up ordering some. When he finished the first portion he ended up ordering more, as those were good case. Also he had a lot of gold and even if there was a negative effect of eating to many cakes, that did not applied to this world so Arata kept on devouring one cake after another.
The time Arata spent while waiting for a meeting time with Levi and Rin was just like that, nothing happened. Arata ended up sitting in that restaurant for few hours thinking about usual stuff. Which meant mostly about the ‘person he wanted to meet’. If Arata didn’t have anything to do, his thoughts would usually go in that direction.
When the time of meeting was drawing near, Arata went before Rin’s house. Just to be sure that even if he gets lost he won’t be late afterwards. Still because Arata did not get lost he arrived about half an hour before the time. The rain was still pouring from the sky and it didn’t look like it will change any time soon. Although with his blue umbrella that he bought some time ago in Karma it didn’t present much of a problem.
Arata ended up standing before Rin’s house. Of course he could ring a bell and enter as she was probably inside but after thinking about it he decided not to. After all, their tries to talk with each other one on one always turned into either ‘deadly silence’ or ‘…after that don’t speak with me ever again’.
With those results, Arata had no hopes for normal conversation with Rin alone as another try would probably end up in similar effect. Arata decided to avoid that.
-what are you standing outside for? Come in.
But then while standing he heard unexpected words that came from now opened door. Naturally the one who said them was Rin. Her clothes were little different than before, she was now wearing a dark blouse in gothic style with long sleeves. Her hair was also different as it was going through the shoulder at front rather than falling at her back. When seeing them in different position, Arata once again realized how long they were.
-… .
Because Arata did not respond in any way as he was slightly surprised Rin got little irritated.
-is standing in random places and looking at the rain is still one of your hobbies?
She asked.
-ah no I was just surprised by your look.
Rather he was more surprised that she called out to him but he could not say that.
-anyway just come in!
“Why did she shout at me?”
Whatever she shouted or not, Arata followed Rin’s instruction and entered inside. They ended up sitting in the living room in which ‘the party’ was held yesterday, it was still not completely cleaned up for that time. Rin ended up sitting at the opposite side of the table on the couch and started to comb her hair. It seemed like she was doing it before as well as she pick up the comb from the couch.
“Hmm, maybe I should try again.”
Arata didn’t want another deadly silence to occur so he started.
-I don’t remember even having that hobby, you know.
He referred to what Rin said earlier.
-is that so. I do remember you doing it quite often thought. Even if it’s not your hobby you liked doing it at least.
-how can Rin know that?
Arata knew that he should not ask that question and that he should not bring that subject up but somehow he felt that something changed today.
Hearing his question a small smile appeared on Rin’s face.
-you know what Arata. It was stupid to try to imitate that we don’t know each other, so let’s stop it already.
“Oh, I wasn’t expecting this.”
-you sure? I thought you had some reason for us to act like that.
-it’s not like that reason disappeared but I simply don’t want to continue like this, you should realize how hard it was for us to actually talk because of this rule.
-well I did, still what brought the change out of sudden?
-it was… nothing, I just felt like it will be better this way.
The way Rin slightly answer signaled that it was not nothing.
-so first you thought it will be better if we ‘act’ but now you changed your mind and think it will be better this way?
-is it so bad? Don’t you know that woman is flighty? Also it’s not a complete change I still don’t want to talk about the real world with you…
“So nothing is changing after all.”
Their conversation ended in the end as Arata thought that he did enough progress for the time so he didn’t try to bring anything else up. But then after about five minutes it was the Rin who said something.
It wasn’t much though and she once again ended up shouting at him.
-did I do something wrong?
-no but you keep staring my way.
-why does it bother you?
-it does!
“I asked why.”
-anyway, I would say I wasn’t staring at you, it’s just I am sitting opposite of you so it might seem so.
-ah, is that so…
Rin was satisfied with his answer and the silence continued once again but after four minutes, once again.
-now you definitely stared at me!
-I wasn’t, you are seeing thing.
Arata quickly defended himself.
-you were!
-why does it bother you?
-it does!
“Once again, I asked why.”
-anyway it’s probably because you are the only moving object in the room and people usually get focused on those rather than something static.
-… .
Rin gave him a strange look after his answer and now it was Arata who asked ‘what’.
-nothing, it’s just that you are as strange as always.
Rin answered.
-I am not strange and if you are so bothered with me being here why did you invite me in the first place?
-so it’s my fault now?
-I didn’t say that but it’s definitely not mine!
-fine next time I will leave you to your hobby then!
Their conversation was really not planning out well.
-eh, why did we ended up fighting again?
-coz you were staring at me.
-fine I will look away!
-you don’t have to, do what you want.
And then Rin said to him this.
-but you just said… ah whatever… .
“I can’t understand her after all.”
After some time Arata ended up asking random question.
-so why did you grow your hair so long?
-why do you ask?
-I have been looking at how you comb your hair for some time so the thought just arrived in my head.
It was really the case.
-so you have been staring at me!
-as I said moving objects are more interesting than static one…
Rin face palmed her forehead after she heard Arata’s comment.
-also you always used to have them short.
Arata added at the end.
-I didn’t grow them long by myself.
-what do you mean?
-it’s simply in hair in this world does not get longer on its own. You should have already notice it by now.
-now that you mention it they don’t grow at all.
Arata went with his hand over his head.
-that’s why I didn’t grow them but they were like that from the beginning.
-is that so, still you could cut them down right?
-I wanted at first but as it turns out you either need a special ‘headdresses trade-profession” for it or visit NPC headdresses. None of those are available at the start of the game and by the time I found one, I got used to my hair being this long so I didn’t feel like cutting them anymore.
Rin explained.
-well you look definitely better with them like this.
-you think so?
-yea, at least you look more like a girl now. I always preferred girls with long hair you know.
-no… nobody is interested in your tastes!
Rin once again ended up shouting at him although first word did not come out smoothly.
-yea, you would be the last one to care about that.
-exactly! Anyway it’s you who should do something about your hair. What with that color?
-haha, it’s cool isn’t it?
-from which side?
Rin was brutal.
-now I am hurt.
-if you are hurt then change it.
-I didn’t say that I don’t like them like that, they are the part of my identity as Arata.
-how stupid.
Rin only answered with that.
Arata was not sure if their conversation was going good or bad but there was a conversation at least so it was definitely better than before.
-hey look Levi is finally here…
Arata saw through the window their last party member. Although only for a second as Levi was running because of the rain. He did not have an umbrella like Arata but he was not getting wet as instead of umbrella he summoned a yellow barrier over his head, although it looked like keeping it up for so long was tiring for him. Soon after Arata saw him he could hear the knock on the door. Unlike Arata, Levi had no hesitation in doing so. Still, it didn’t look like Rin was going to open the door any time soon as she stayed on the couch and continued to comb her hair.
-you won’t let him in?
-it’s still 10 minutes before the meeting time and I am at important part right now.
It looked like Rin was not concerned by Levi staying outside in the rain that much.
“How that’s part any different than before.”
Rin said that it’s important part but for Arata did not do see anything different than before.
The knocks on the door did not stop though.
-guess I will let him in.
Arata finally stood up.
-if you must.
Rin’s answer was not that enthusiastic though.
-don’t be so negative towards him. We completed the quest today thanks to him, didn’t we?
Rin looked away.
“I really can’t understand her.”
Arata walked toward the doors and opened them.
-if you were inside you should have opened them sooner!
Said Levi while entering. It looked like his plan to use spell to block out the rain did not work and he was now soaking wet.
-I told you, you should buy an umbrella at that time.
Arata reminded him as at the time he was buying umbrella he was with Levi.
-whatever, I will dry out in five minutes, so where is the princess?
-who are you calling princess!?
Rin also appeared in a hallway.
-who else than…-
-let’s go Arata.
Rin completely ignored him and picked up her umbrella from the hanger. It was a white umbrella with orange oranges on it.
-wait a moment, I don’t have an umbrella. Oh, I know share it with me, Rin.
Levi spoke out.
-I would rather die than do so.
Rin didn’t think much about this answer.
-ah, don’t joke like that, you don’t hate me right?
-I do hate you.
Rin merciless toward him. Still Levi was not someone to be pushed back because of it.
-I see, in that case I will go with Arata.
-I would rather die than do so.
Arata repeated what Rin said a second ago.
-ah, don’t joke like that, you don’t hate me right?
-I do hate you.
Rather the whole conversation repeated itself.
-ah fine, if any of you don’t want to share umbrella with me why don’t you two share it and give me the free one.
Rin clearly reacted to those words as she jump up a little but Arata right ahead replayed.
-it’s you who didn’t want to buy one so why would we accept this proposal. Remember when we were in the shop didn’t you say something along the lines, ‘I like the rain falling on my face so I fine without one.’
-ah, at that time I was talking about warm spring rain not a thunderstorm.
The weather today was indeed something along those lines.
-that shop over there sells umbrella so go there and stop whining.
Rin instructed him and pointed in direction of one of the shops.
-ah it’s so good that you care for me that much.
-… .
Levi didn’t wait much after seeing Rin’s last look. He hurried up to the shop. Two minutes later he was outside with new umbrella. With that secured, ‘the party’ ventured towards the wizard’s hideout.
-today’s weather sure is bad.
Levi started at some point.
-if you want to talk about the weather then count me off.
Arata answered right away.
-don’t be like that. Also that was just a way start the conversation. So Arata, what do you think our quest will be?
-hmm… I didn’t thought about it, whatever is fine.
-but wouldn’t you want some specific quest like rescuing a princess from a tower or something like that?
-why would I want something like that?
-because it’s a man dream!
-if we get a quest like that feel free to solo it.
Arata answered.
-thanks I will definitely take on that offer. Still you just said whatever is wine but I just thought of one type of the quest that would make you would you jump in joy.
-I don’t think there can be anything like that.
-you bet?
-I don’t feel like gambling but still I am sure there is no quest that would actually make me jump in joy.
-if you are sure then why won’t you bet?
-fine on what?
-let see… the loser has to listen to one order from Rin.
-why from me?!
Rin entered the fray.
-normally it’s the order from the winner but it’s unfair as I already won.
Levi explained.
-fine by me, so what are that quest Levi?
Arata agreed to the bed. As long as it was not Levi choosing it was nothing dangerous.
-why are you two deciding on your own!
Arata and Levi ignored Rin’s comment completely. Levi started.
-whatever the quest objective is going be doesn’t really matter but if it required us to go all the way to east to the other side of the ‘known world’ you would be quite happy, wouldn’t you Arata?
-ah… .
“He is right.”
-haha, that face tells us its bull’s eye!
-even so I wouldn’t jump from joy so it’s your lose.
-don’t be sore loser and accept that I won.
Arata couldn’t say anything to that. As even though the possibility was low and he wouldn’t do it in presence of others he might have ended up jumping in joy.
-… fine, it’s your win.
-see you can never be absolutely sure of something. Now then, Rin tell him what he has to do, I propose making him dance naked in the rain.
“Maybe, I shouldn’t make more bets with him. And especially not the ones that would involve penalty game.”
-I never agreed to take part in your stupid bet.
It looked like dancing in the rain will not be happening though as Rin still opposed the idea.
-it’s your one life time chance.
-Rin, he won’t shut up till you do it.
Arata was not counting on slipping out from the bet, as he knew Levi already more that he would want to know him. In the worst case scenario it would end up in Levi choosing it so it was better to let Rin do it.
-fine if I must. Then Arata, tell me why do you want to go there?
Rin ended up asking a simple question.
-you asked a question? Boring. Rin you can still change it or rather… I can answer to that question if you are interested in it and let me choose the order instead.
-who would be interested? I just asked to finish it quickly!
-don’t get too excited.
-who is getting excited! Anyway Arata answer quickly so he shut up already!
-it’s nothing complicated. I just want to meet someone who is there.
Arata answered like that.
-now! I done my part, don’t involve me in your stupid bets again.
The patently game quickly ended.
-eh boring.
Levi lost his interest.
-still Levi, is it really possible that we can get a quest that would send us that far? Shouldn’t it be a little closer?
Arata ended up asking as he wanted to consider a possibility of it to be true.
-I think it should somewhat closer but you never knows with a quests. Everything can happen. I once heard of a quest line in which guy needed to travel from one end of the world to the other few times, just to bring letters around. There were practically no fighting involved in it but you must agree that it’s not that easy of a quest right.
-for one, I definitely won’t play an errand boy.
-me neither, still this quest is supposed to be hard, right Rin?
-… .
Levi asked Rin for opinion but she did not answer.
-looks like she completely ignores you now.
Arata commented.
-so it seems. Anyway in the end we won’t know what type of quest it will be till we actually get it.
-so what type of quest would you like Levi?
-haha, I am glad you asked. Well one would be the one with a princess that I mentioned. On the other hand it wouldn’t be bad if we got a quest that in case of failure or success either one is fine would blow up the whole world…
Levi started talking about his dream quest with enthusiasm.
-wait! that would be bad as there would be no one who would know that it was all thanks to me that the world was destroyed so maybe only half of the world should get destroyed. Yes that would be the best.
His tastes were crazy though.
-aren’t you from what was it name ‘police order’? Shouldn’t you be like the good guy?
-maybe but right now, I am not on duty and you will agree that blowing up the half of the world does sounds interesting…
“Well I can’t say it doesn’t.”
-so in the end I think I want a quest in which you save the princess by blowing up the half of the world, yes that would be perfect.
-… .
Arata just face himself.
-you are really hopeless.
And then Rin somehow ended up commenting.
-then what type of quest you would want Rin?
-something that I could complete alone so I didn’t have to be in party with you.
Rin said without second of thought.
-ah don’t be like that, quests are to be shared, the more the merrier.
-anyway don’t involve me in your stupid talk anymore.
-you are surprisingly cold today toward me. Ah, it must be because of the weather…
Levi was as always not bothered.
-Arata you will agree on this with me right?
-don’t involve me in your stupid talk anymore.
Arata repeated Rin’s words.
-no, you too? Ah that weather. When will the sun goes up again? My friends can’t take the rain anymore. Sun come back!
=who is your friend?
Arata and Rin said it at the same time.
-I see that you two are in synchronization as always.
=could you finally shut up.
-fine, fine I get it. Let’s hurry up to the mage tower then. The weather does have bad effect on you two.
They arrived at their destination soon after.
The tower looked exactly the same as before. Even the hole that Arata made about two weeks ago was still there. Although Levi really wanted to see the spoken ritual, they once again entered through the hole. Inside the wizard was already waiting for them.
-congratulation on completing the test, took you long enough.
The wizard welcomed them in the room. ‘The party’, once again meet him while he was sitting on the rocking chair before his desk.
-you still didn’t hear about the secret.
Arata said that as the quest did involve telling Wizard the secret.
-all I need to know is that you know it. And as I said once before I also do know the secret.
-and how do you know that we know?
-thanks to my great power of course. Anyway your prequest is completed…
[You have completed ‘Test of worth’]
[You have leveled up by 60%]
[You have gained a level, current level 104]
“Ah this message appears so rarely now.”
Arata thought after seeing the message of gaining a level. As for ‘leveling up by XX%’ message, he last time saw it after 100 level barrier. The monsters that he killed so far didn’t give enough to make message appear, he didn’t see it even after defeating the crimson knight. Arata did not know that the crimson knight didn’t gave even 0 experience.
“If for nothing, the quests are the good source of experience.”
-now I will explain what I want you to do…
The Wizard continued and he finally started explain their quest..
-where should I start, ah that will be good way to start. What your ‘end objective’. You have to reach the silver temple that is located in heavens and when Rin does something there return safety. For a note I don’t know what is that something. So apart from that, any questions?
-… .
-… .
-… .
Arata, Levi and Rin stood dumb fooled.
-good you don’t have any so I will move to the first thing I need you to do.
All of them couldn’t say anything after the announcement for so long that Wizard really thought they have no questions.
-wait a minute!…
Levi was the first to interrupt.
-what do you mean heavens!? What silver temple you speak about!? What do you mean by something!? We demand some explanation!!
He voiced their thoughts
-eh, that’s why I gave you the time to ask questions. What I mean by heavens is heavens, and what I mean by silver temple is a temple that is located in heavens. Silver temple is probably its color, nothing more than that. And as I said I don’t know about that ‘something’ at least yet.
-okay, okay, let’s leave that something out. For now, I understand the temple thing. Some temple that is in heaven, yes easy to understand but what do you mean by heavens!…
Levi once voiced everyone’s thoughts.
-no, let’s calm down… hmm, I heard once of a village called heaven, is that what you speak about?
Levi finally got composed and asked.
“Ah it was this.”
Arata was relieved that it wasn’t something like that but then.
-no, no by heavens I mean heavens, you know the place where the gods and angels live.
Wizard answered like it was the most natural thing to say.
-tell us about it in details!
-but I never was there before so my knowledge is limited. I told you how that quest came to my mind right? I just happened to know that Rin has to get there, nothing else. I did once try to get the but I never was in heaven before.
-then how are we supposed to get there!
-Levi you are losing it. We just have to follow the quest and it will work out.
Arata interrupted him.
-oh you are right. Please continue then.
Levi once again calmed down.
-well, as for getting there. It’s not like I didn’t thought about it, I have everything planned out, to get to heaven you will have to go through the ‘heaven’s gate’ simple as that.
“I don’t think it is that simple.”
-do you know where that gate is?
Rin ended up asking.
-I do…
“He does?”
Arata was rather sure that he will get a negative answer to that but Wizard said differently.
-I do know where the gate is, whatever it will work or not is a different story though…
“I knew it.”
-well but I think it should work, there are high chances of that, about 50%.
-how is that high?
-it’s a coin toss chance what else would you want? Also from all ideas that I had to send you three to heavens this one seems the most possible to work. Others are under 10% of chances of working.
-wait you have different ideas as how to get there?
-well I do so if the first plan doesn’t work out we will focus on those it’s my job as a questgiver to make this quest possible to complete.
Wizard said proudly.
“I don’t think that making quests possible to complete is an important factor for him when he is making quests.”
Arata could see through his lie though.
-anyway before I tell you where the gate actually is, you need to get one thing first as going to the gate without that thing would be meaningless.
-oh, it shouldn’t be that hard, so what is it?
Levi asked.
-it’s an activator of that gate. As you can guess without it we can’t use activate the gate right. When I looked through my magical orb to get a vision on the gate, it was in its turn off state.
“I see so he at least confirmed that it does exist.”
-that make sense, so what is that activator and where is it?
-… .
The Wizard did not answer this question.
-beats me, you guys find out what it is and bring it to me…
[Questline: Silver temple in the heavens. Part one.
There was a legend that a silver temple exists. You meet the madman who asked you to reach that place and prove that it does indeed exist. Following the legend, the madman explains that the mentioned silver temple is located in the heavens.
The first thing that madman asked of you was to find the activator to the so called ‘gate of heavens’. You have to find out what it is and get it back to the madman and he will check if you founded a good thing.
Rank of the questline 3
Reward unknown
Warning: What madman says may be a complete lie. There is no recorded truth that someone ever reached the heavens or the silver temple. Whatever you believe in the story of madman is up to you.]
[Congratulation you found a quest of rank three. Should you complete it you will be the first person in this world who did complete the quest of that rank.]
[Achievement: Find a quest of a rank that has not yet been completed.]
Quest of rank 3 special requirement:
While you are in possession of quest of rank three or lower you are not allowed to die. Should you die the quest will result in failure. Other members of a party can still continue on without you but you can’t take part in that quest once again. Trying to do so will result in quest failure of other people who holds the quest.
The requirement lasts all the way till you receive the reward. Should you complete the quest and die second after its still ends up as a failure.]
Doing quests of such rank is at your own risk. Depending on your actions, you, those around you and the whole world may change forever.]
“That’s a lot of text.”
Arata got spammed with different in game messages. Unfortunately most of them were not a good news. While the message about failing if you die once wasn’t bad enough, the worst thing was the message about itself quest.
“Why is he called a madman here? I can’t say it doesn’t fit him but what does it says about our quest.”
In the quest the Wizard was listed down as madman. What did it tell about a quest itself?
-now then, do you have any questions about your first objective?
Wizard asked once again.
-you won’t tell us anything useful, will you?
Arata asked.
-it’s not my area of expertise and I am busy so I will not.
-you are not helpful.
-that’s the quality of the questgiver.
Wizard answered.
“Of questgivers or only yours?”
Arata already had experience of meeting other questgivers and they were much more helpful than this Wizard.
-I have one question. How will we know if the activator we bring is the thing we had to bring?
Rin asked.
-you have to make sure you will bring the right thing, still I understand that searches for old gate’s activators are not easy so if you bring the wrong item nothing bad should happen. I will only inform you that you should try better next time.
-I understand, let’s go everyone.
Their visit in wizard’s hideout didn’t take more than necessary and seeing that they won’t find out anything else if they stay there, they left quite fast.
-ah, and it was just getting good.
Upon leaving the tower Levi started lamenting.
-you are unsatisfied with the quest coz it’s not rescuing a princess?
Arata asked.
-that too, but I am unsatisfied coz having a quest like this is like having no quest at all.
Levi explained his reasons..
-don’t tell me that you got scared after reading all those messages.
-I am not scared Arata, I am just being realistic. Listen. There is not a single chance that we will finish this quest! Simple as that.
-don’t say that we won’t know till we try, you are with me on this, right Rin?
Arata was rather optimistic.
-well, I wouldn’t start this quest if I wasn’t going to complete it.
Rin answered although her voice was not confident as usual.
-see Levi, only you got scared.
-once again I am not scared but realistic. But okay, I understand that you two newbies didn’t get our situation yet so I have to make you realize it with little simpler words.
-said the newbie who got scared.
-exactly Arata, we are all newbies and that is the one reason we won’t complete this quest. Now then…
Levi thought for a second and continued.
-let’s start with you Rin. Please, answer me few question. You already completed few quest with higher rank right? How many times you happen to die while doing them?
-… .
Rin did not say anything but just looked down as even though she said she is going to complete the quest, she already did understand that the chances are slim.
-one down one to go…
Levi proclaimed his first victory and continued.
-now then Arata. Right now you do realize that for 100% no one completed quest of rank three.
-well, there was a message that stated this fact so it should be the truth.
Earlier on Arata did consider this information to be wrong but it seemed like actually no one ever did the quest of a rank of 3.
-then answer me this question. What does mean no one completed it?
Levi continued.
-no one means no one, there is nothing complicated in it.
Arata quickly said.
-exactly. Now then, imagine the best player that you meet so far in this game, for example… those two guys from your guild that completely destroyed the city triangle. Now once again the word ‘no one’. By saying ‘no one’ it actually means that they also didn’t manage to complete a quest like that, even though they were this good. So do Arata, get it now?
Levi was really good at making people realize the truth.
-… .
“Something that Gerald or Loki couldn’t do? Yea, that could be truly impossible for us.”
-two down, thank you very much.
Levi proclaimed his second victory after seeing Arata’s face.
-still Levi, wouldn’t it be awesome if we actually managed to complete it?
Arata did not lose his spirit though.
-if we completed it then we would earn glory and fame! Woman and money! Position and power! I am definitely signing me up for that but what can we do? It’s an impossible quest.
-still as you just said, it’s definitely worth a try now that we have a chance. Also, I think that there is nothing like impossible quests, there are only bad players that are not able to complete them.
-I can agree with your statement but in that case, what you said means that everyone is a bad player, because no one managed to do it so far. Anyway, Arata did you already forgot what I said before? Should I repeat myself once again, forget your guildmates, huge guilds that invested time and resources didn’t manage to do it either even thought they could use thousands of best players that they had on their disposal. And you tell us to do it in with just three people.
-ah don’t be so negative. I understand that if no one managed to do it then it’s really hard but whatever, I am doing it and nobody will stop me.
Arata would not bother to consider what others could not do. He would rather focus on finding out, what he can do.
-ah right I forgot. You are the type who won’t understand till you feel it on your skin. Whatever, you can go and die alone all you want, but I am not signing for it.
-and here you wanted to do a quest so badly, well whatever, see you Levi.
Arata answered like nothing.
-that’s all you have to say, you will really be doing it alone.
-I fine with doing it alone as well but Rin you are not leaving right?
-… .
Rin did not answer him.
-see, even she understood that it’s not possible.
-hey! Stop destroying morale of my party member and go away already, you sign out of it right? Anyway, Rin what about you?
Arata ended up shaking her shoulder.
It seemed like she really was not listening.
-welcome back from daydreaming.
-I wasn’t daydreaming!… well maybe I did.
-so, Rin what’s your thoughts on the quest, right?
Arata was not really concern by that and asked once again.
-but we will just end up dying, what’s the point of it?
Still Rin stayed realistic.
-eh!!? You too? Really, you guys don’t have the ‘call for adventure’.
Arata complained on them.
-it’s rather you who suddenly got too large dose of it. I remember that before you were always like “whatever is fine” but now all of sudden you have too much vigor.
Levi pointed out.
-it’s true that you are unusually energetic Arata, I never seen you like this before.
Rin also followed it up.
-hmm, that’s probably because my old gaming blood just started boil. This situation is something that I was always looking in games after all. You see, when I play games, I don’t do it half heartily. Victory or nothing, and in MMO’s you can only win if you are the first one. You should know that MMOs have very few winners and bunch of losers and in the end, games are most fun when you win. That’s why when I see a true challenge that no one did before me, I want to do it and be the first one to complete it.
Levi and Rin were looking at Arata with surprise as he made his monologue.
-you know that it’s a longest sentence that I heard from you so far.
Levi commented like this.
-is that so? It’s quite possible I guess. Anyway Rin, I will ask again coz it was your quest after all, can I just go ahead and do it?
-you can but I am not backing off, if you can do it so can I. Don’t think you are better than me.
In the end Rin also decided to take part in the quest although it was definitely not because she was convinced by Arata’s speech.
-that’s what I expected from you, now Levi?
Arata send a sharp glance at Levi.
-fine, I will do it. I can manage with one more death that awaits us.
-your morale is not good enough! If we are going to do it, we are going to win, with your attitude we are bound to lose, so either you change it or you are not needed!
-wait, Arata you really believe what you are saying!?
Even Levi started to waver after seeing Arata’s determination and his blue unblinking eyes filled with passion for victory.
-listen Levi, despite what you said, despite what you know, can you believe in victory!? Remember, all good players that you already meet and what can they do and all the quest you have done so far and all those deaths and now tell me that you still believe in victory. If you can do that, then nothing is impossible!
And somehow Arata’s determination influenced Levi as well.
-hell yea, bring it on! We will earn glory and fame! Woman and money! Position and power! Everything will be ours!
“One down, one to go.”
-Rin you also believe in complete victory, no chances of failure, right?
-I am not as simpleminded as him.
-no please answer me, DO YOU BELIEVE!?
Arata walked in front over, bend a little to be at her height and looked directly into the eyes few centimeters away from her face.
-what are you doing, stay away!
Rin tried to move back away from him but Arata catch he arms and hold strongly so she couldn’t escape.
-tell me, do you think that grandpa training wasn’t enough!?
-do you think that in this game, there can be something more terrifying that our summer camp training!?
-… .
-even if there is there is nothing that is more terrifying than our winter mountain training, right?
-well… .
-exactly the answer is there is not. And we did survive through both of those not once not twice but four times. That’s why, we will win, so now, once again answer me, DO YOU BELIEVE IN VICTORY?
Arata now moved even closer and closer to the point that their forehead were touching. Rin got red right away but her eyes were still open and Arata was directly looking at them.
-do you believe in victory Rin?
Arata repeated the question
-I do! I do! Now, get away already!
“Well that answer should be good enough.”
Arata thought like this seeing Rin’s reaction. She was no longer bothered by quest’s impossible rank. Arata nodded to himself.
“From the series ‘Whitesun’s secret’, ‘how to motivate your teammates when the odds are greatly against you’ by Wolfstark. As always it had a great effect. Last time I used it was during my guild test and that time it also had a great effect. Although its duration was quite small compared to what Wolf could do. I still have a long way to go to be as good in this as him. Still their answer was enough I guess.”
Arata was satisfied by the results of his encouragement. He for one knew, what was needed to be the ‘first one to complete something’ in game. Most of the times motivation and believing in victory took a huge part in taking the victory. While they were two parties of the average same strength the one that believed the most would win.
-by the way Rin, you got sick or something? I think that you have a slight fever, your forehead was hot.
Arata added at the end.
-it’s your fault!
Rin shouted back at him though.
-no, I wasn’t sick since lately so you didn’t catch it from me. Anyway if you want to go home and spend some time in bed to get better, then go ahead.
-I fine!
-well, you are energetic enough to shout so I guess it’s nothing serious. Anyway, we need a battle plan, I mean plan on what to do right now, let’s go find a place for a supper it’s getting late after all, we will then think about what to do while eating. Good thing that it’s not raining anymore…
While they were underground in Wizard’s hideout it stopped raining.
-Rin I am counting on your knowledge of the surrounding area to find us the good base of operation for tonight and for later discussion.
-why, did you start talking like that all of sudden?
Rin asked him.
“Guess I should stop with that.”
-yea sorry. Anyway find us a place where food is good and you can discuss things with ease.
-wouldn’t my house be best then? We can buy something on the way.
-it may have its merits but there is no time to wait and your house location is quite bad logistically. I already scanned the area and the places that we will need are not there.
-really could you stop talking in this way!
She once again reminded Arata as she was slowly getting irritated.
-ah yes sorry, anyway because we don’t want to waste time we should find a better place something closer to the centrum.
-fine I got it! But stop talking like that!
Rin ended up yelling at him.
-hey Arata why we are in such a rush? Rin’s house sounds good, she has really comfortable seats there.
Levi ended up asking.
-Levi, did you forgot that we are rivaling for the world’s first right now? There is no time to waste!
After Arata said that Rin walked closer to him and made a chop on his head. Then Levi commented.
-Arata you are overexcited so calm down. It’s been two years since the game came out, ten years in EOA time, during that time no one managed to complete the quest of rank three so few minutes here and there will not change a thing.
-Levi! You don’t know what you are saying. World’s first are usually decided by seconds. Sometimes even taking a toilet break can make the difference!
After Arata said that, both Levi and Rin face palmed themselves.
“Well, I might have overdid it this time. But I didn’t lie.”
Even Arata did realize that although he did not reflect on it.
-fine, we will not rush. So in this case, Rin let’s go to your favorite restaurant.
-why my favorite?
-me and Levi are not long enough in this city to have any favorites here so you are the only one who can have one. After eating your favorite food you will be in better mood right?
“From the series Whitesun’s secret, ‘how to prepare players before the raid even begins’. By Zaky.”
-okay follow me then.
And so Rin lead them to dwarven district where her favorite restaurant was. It had two floors but they could not go to the second floor as they were not ‘usual clients’. Still Rin said that the first floor was today unusually empty and indeed there were only few tables taken. They ended up sitting in one of the corners and asked for food. Arata made sure that no one will have a bear in their set even though they were usually on default.
-Arata one cup won’t make a difference.
Levi complained.
-I don’t want to test something called ‘true dwarven beer’ when we have stuff to discuss. Fight for world’s first is not a play, it’s a hard work! Getting drunk while trying to do it is not usually advisable.
-Arata I am telling it you the third time already. Stop talking like that!
Rin once again interfered.
-yea sorry, anyway there is no time for…-
Rin once again protested but this time not with words but with strange sound. Still it was needed to stop Arata who was not listening. But on the other hand it resulted in.
Levi right away laughed out loud seeing this reaction.
-I will kill, both of you, now!
Rin was not joking. The first danger of dying after getting this quest appeared.
-Levi, stop laughing!
-but Arata she just. Hahahaha.
“Man, who, I am working with?”
Arata would probably usually laugh as well but right now he was in his ‘world’s first mode’,
-Rin, wait don’t do anything!
Arata quickly said after seeing Rin standing up.
-it’s your fault Arata, now die!
-why is it my fault?
-I told you to stop speaking in that manner. Listen to this and remember it well. I am not taking orders from anyone.
-I wasn’t giving you orders!
-you were.
-yea Arata, no argue about that.
Levi also agreed to that.
-but if I don’t do that, we will never finish! Just like with prequest we were slacking off way too much. There is no other way but in group plays, someone needs to take the lead. I didn’t care about it earlier but now that it came to ‘world’s first’ we have to be serious.
-whatever you say Arata I am not taking orders from others. If you at least talked normally then maybe, I wouldn’t complain if your requests were reasonable but if you start ordering me around then no. And it’s already too late to try again.
Rin opposed him clearly.
-then what are we supposed to do? I already told you that we can’t do it half heartily or we should give up right from the start.
-is that leader thing really that important?
Rin asked him.
-yes it is. Discussions are a good thing too but in every group there is a need for a person who has a last word, otherwise we would just end up arguing nonstop and don’t make any progress at all.
Arata explained quickly.
-I see, in that case, I will be the leader.
Rin found a solution.
-you want to be a leader, when you don’t know the importance of it!? Were you even leading someone before?
Arata asked.
-don’t you remember, I used to be class representative.
Rin referred to really old times in this moment.
-I am not talking about something as meaningless like that.
-it wasn’t meaningless. Anyway, I am not taking orders from others so this is the only solution…
“How did she arrive at that?”
-let’s see, first rule of this party. If I really don’t like what either of you two is doing then it’s a death sentence.
She already was getting into it.
“It’s a directory you know.”
-hahaha, Arata let her do it.
Levi laughed out loud on that..
-Levi you really okay with it?
-I say it’s better she than you?
-why is that!?
-hmm, as they say, better the devil known then devil unknown. I am quite used to be ordered around by a girls you know. One in particular. Also I don’t want to be ordered by you.
“This is already going in bad direction.”
-well then Arata, you don’t have any problems with me being the leader do you?
Rin ended up asking him.
-as long as you do a good job.
“What’s with her today?”
-okay, now that it’s out of hands you can continue.
-nah, I just lost all my enthusiasm.
-don’t start slacking now off now, it’s an order from your leader.
It looked like Rin started to like her new position.
-you heard our ‘miss leader’, Arata.
Levi followed up to annoy Arata even more.
-fine, fine, whatever ‘miss leader’ says.
-wait, wait, don’t call me that!…-
Rin shouted out frustrated but she was completely ignored as Arata continued.
-so what I wanted to do before ‘miss leader’ was chosen was to organize few things.
-don’t call me ‘miss leader’!
-mostly what will we do right now…
Arata kept ignoring Rin.
“You eat what you sow.”
-our first objective is to find an item about which we have no idea about, except of its function which is to activate the so called gate to heavens.
-Arata, what about the message that the whole thing can be a fraud?
Levi asked.
-let’s ignore it, it’s not like we can do anything about it. Anyway finding the activator is our only concern, right now. Whatever happens after, happens after. No need to worry about.
-so how are you planning we find it?
-well I don’t have much experience in it so if you have an idea, go ahead. Still I was thinking that we should try with some libraries, chapels or any other thing that may be related to heavens. Like heaven based dungeon with angels, in it? I really don’t know what it could be. Anyway our ‘miss leader’ is a specialist on the surrounding area as well as Karma city so I hoped that ‘miss leader’ will share some information about it with us.
-new rule whoever try to call me ‘miss leader’ again, it’s a death sentence.
“Well I played with her long enough or maybe.”
-I understand, Capitan Rin.
Arata could not stop that easily as he still hold a grudge.
-hahahahahahahaha. Arata you are really hitting it off today.
-buuuuuuuu! Rin! Just call me Rin!
Rin once again answered with strange cute sound.
“The fact that she didn’t attack us yet is quite good sign for our party.”
-right, sorry Rin. Anyway back to the problem, do you know of any of those?
Finally Arata returned to being serious.
-I didn’t hear of any angel based dungeons in the area or actually anywhere. As for libraries there is one. Their collection of books is quite large so starting there might be our best course of action.
-and the chapels?
-well there is main cathedral in the center. There should be also two smaller chapels of smaller faith as well but I don’t know if they will really be of any use. Other things?… I don’t really know and I definitely didn’t hear of any heavens gates being nearby before.
Rin answered but apart from mentioning library there was nothing that could be of use.
-library it is then. Also we should not forget about other source. I think that searching the net for information about heaven’s gate and its activator might be fruitful.
-hey Arata, I have been thinking…
Levi interrupted.
-I don’t know if you heard of it or not but I think that the first part of this questline is ‘miracle finding quest’.
-emm… what is miracle finding quest?
-it’s a type of quest in which you get a quest in which you have to find something but you have no idea where it could be and even when you find out where it could be, the item you wanted to get will be long gone from that place. It is because other players might pick it up regardless if they have the quest or not. That’s why finding the item is nearly a miracle. Also some of those items are really in random places that no book, no NPC can tell you about it. You just have to simply find it. From what I saw so far, the first part of the quest even if it’s not stand alone quest fits the conditions perfectly.
“Wait, I did heard about it. Not only that… in fact, I do have one of those quest items myself. Wait! Wasn’t it something about angels? Maybe it is connected.”
Arata quickly operated the menu and found the item.
[Angel’s halo.
“Yea should have known it is not it.”
The item did not change in the least and even though there was word angel it was probably not heaven’s gate activator.
-Arata what’s wrong?
Rin asked seeing as he started checking the menu.
-nothing. Anyway I did hear about it as well. As you said, it will be bad if our quest turns out to be one of them. Levi, do you know a way to find the items in case they were from of this type?
Arata asked.
-there is a way for it? I never heard of any.
“Hmm… I think that Gerald once mentioned what to do in case you have that quest at that time. Everyone was angry that we choose a stupid useless quest item instead of normal items so I remember it well. But what was that way?”
-what about you Rin?
-em, I did have a quest that required me to find something like that. After three months I managed to locate it and luckily it was still there.
Rin answered. As expected he had a lot of experience… still.
“Three months! Okay I didn’t want to resort to ‘that’ but three months is a no.”
-guys, I will be right back. You can eat without me.
Without delay Arata press the bottom log out.
Arthur Rain woke up in the capsule after unplanned logging out from EOA. He didn’t waste the time on anything and quickly grabbed the phone.
At the phone he had one unanswered call as well as three messages. After checking if the sender was not Kotori, he ignored all of them. He did that just to be sure, although Kotori would not call him at time while he was logged in as they already synchronized their playing time so they have a specific time in which they call each other. As for other messages and calls from whomever they were, Arthur did not care about them and would return to them in the time he logs out as planned.
On his phone list, he first searched for a folder ‘guild’ and then for a number that was sign up as Gerald.
Still after two tries, Gerald did not pick up so Arthur decided to send him a message. It’s contains were.
[I have a question.
You once told us about the quest items and that they can be found everywhere. At that time you also mentioned something about the way to get those items should we need to find them. I don’t really remember what it was so could you tell me once again?
I happened to find a quest that asks me to look for quest item like that without much to go on. I didn’t even start looking yet but I thought I would ask you before trying any other method. When you are free, message me back.]
Although Arthur really didn’t want to resort to ‘this method’, the need was greater than his unwillingness. Right now, he really was planning on completing that quest no matter the odds and as soon as possible as the world’s first was in sight.”
“Gerald once told us ‘if you want to ask him something, then ask away. It’s your perk of being in my guild’.”
Right now Arthur was thinking.
“In times of need I will even sign up a contract with a devil.”
Well it was not that bad as Arthur thought but Arthur already could guess that at least once something like ‘Remember when you asked me for…’ will definitely happen. And with that argument Arthur will be unable to decline Gerald’s request.
“Now then…”
Arthur hopped back to the capsule without wasting much time.
When Arata appeared back in the world he saw an unimaginable sight.
-oh, Arata you are back.
Levi welcomed him.
-… .
Arata did not replay as he was focused on something else.
-incredible, isn’t it?
“So I didn’t have a hallucination.”
Levi confirmed what Arata saw. Right now, right before his eyes Arata saw Rin who was trying to eat a piece of meat that was at least half of her size.
-em, Rin?
She replayed while eating.
-you don’t plan on eating all that, do you?
She first swallowed the last bite and then answered.
-why else would I order it? Anyway I canceled your order as I have connections in this restaurant, you won’t have to pay but if you want to eat then you have to order again.
-no, I already ate before.
-is that so.
Rin returned to eating the ‘tower of meat’.
“Where does she plan to put all that?”
There should be limits inside human’s body after all.
“No, it’s better if I not saying anything also it’s a game she can do what she wants.”
-so Arata, did you thought up of something? You log out like that out of sudden.
Levi asked.
-you could say that but the results will appear later, for now let’s focus on what we can do now. After you guys finish, we will check the library.
-okay but Arata you know that it’s getting late right?
-and where is the problem with that?
-you know during the night I usually sleep.
Levi answered but the word ‘sleep’ triggered Arata gaming blood..
-sleep? You think you can go to sleep when you are rivaling for the world’s first? There is no sleeping till we complete the quest or die trying!
When Arata said that Rin stood up from her chair walked toward him then she made a chop on his head with her hand. After that she returned to her seat and continued eating without saying anything.
“What did I do again?”
-Arata, I already mentioned it but the game is out for ten years in EOA time. Also rushing will do more harm than good.
-you never tried to get world’s first so you don’t know!
When Arata said that Rin once again repeated her previous actions.
“Ups I overdid it again. Still her not trying to kill me for that is really a good sign.”
This time however after Rin sit back she started talking.
-it is true that rushing is no good but I don’t mind spending a night in a library, the old man there is really understanding and when I once stayed over there he even brought me some cookies and milk. The cookies were especially good and you can’t get them anywhere else…
“That’s your true reason!”
-anyway if you don’t want to Levi, you don’t have to, more cookies will be left for me… emm… I mean as a leader, I shouldn’t force you to do anything.
Rin continued.
“Your true intentions leaked out!”
-is that so? I like the sound of your plan but hmm.
First Levi made and evil simile and then he stood up and walked up towards Rin. He started whispering to her ear something and with each word Arata saw as her face is getting redder and redder.
-that’s not what I meant!
She ended up exploding with the shout.
-I was wrong? I thought that I got it right, hey Arata don’t you think that…-
-don’t tell him that!
Rin stopped Levi from saying additional word.
-ah don’t get too excited, your plan is save with me.
-it wasn’t my plan! Also! After thinking this plan through! You have to come as well. Order from the leader!
It looked like Levi had good time teasing Rin.
-Levi another order from a leader, do not ever mention that again!
-you mean your plan or everything.
-everything! It’s unpleasant!
-well I am a little unfair with that so I will try not to but I promise nothing.
-by the way guys, what are you two about?
Arata ended up asking.
-you see Arata, it’s…-
-don’t tell him!
It took some time before Rin finished her meal and when she did, it was already getting dark outside. Following the decision they made before, the party decided to visit the library in hope of finding informations about the item that they searched for. It was Rin who leaded them through the streets of Karma to the library but when they arrived there.
-hey Levi, we were here before right?
Arata said after seeing the library.
-yea, it was at the time when you wanted to learn a crafting profession.
-speaking of which, right now I do have gold for those books so maybe I should buy them.
-you still didn’t give up on those?
-having crafting profession is a must after all.
-not in this game. Anyway, wasn’t it you that kept on saying, faster, faster no time and now you want to start leveling up trade profession out of sudden in the middle of the quest.
-I guess you are right, I will return to it some other time.
“There is not time for that now and in comparison to world first, trade profession won’t run away if I leave it for now.”
-don’t return to it at all! Hey, Rin why are you entering without us?
Rin ended up going in alone without waiting for Levi and Arata to finish.
-if we don’t hurry then they will close the library. In the first place, normally people can’t stay in library at night. Only because I know the head librarian we even came here. I am still not sure if he will let us stay.
“It would be disappointing if he didn’t.”
They all entered the library and upon moving to reception they heard the voice of an old man.
-I am sorry but we are closing in five minutes so it’s better if you come tomorrow.
Old man said but then something really unexpected happened.
-grandpa it’s me!
For a second Arata and Levi did not believe that a word like that and in a tone like that could come out from Rin’s mouth.
-ah Rin. It’s a second time you came here this month. I am happy that you are checking on the old man…
The attitude of the old man completely changed upon he realized that it was Rin that came him.
-are you still looking for a man with black-white hair? Unfortunately I didn’t saw him again but I heard that someone fitting your description was fighting in the arena few days ago.
-shhhhhy, not so loud.
“I can hear you both.”
-oh, Rin look, isn’t it the man you were looking for.
The old man said after seeing Arata.
-yes, I already found him so you don’t have to say it.
-ah is that so. Good for you. But, wait a second Rin… Hey, you two! The library is closing now so come back tomorrow. Now where was I?
There was a clear difference in librarian attitude between Rin and Arata and Levi.
-hey grandpa I have a request, could you please let me and those two stay in the library for a night, we have something we would like to check.
-hmm, I don’t know, if it was only you then I would agree but.
“Is that the same Rin we know?”
From what Arata saw so far, Rin did not use words ‘please’ or ‘could you’ but rather ‘do it or I will kill you’. At least, in most cases. Well there was a time when she asked them to help her with the quest but it was still way different from what she presented now.
Right now she was showing a deer eyes to the old librarian and to those eyes no one could say no.
-hey Arata, this time for sure I fell in love with her. Also I could even erase my plan of harem for those eyes.
Levi commented what he saw.
-yea, yea.
Arata didn’t take him too serious and even if Levi was really serious which he probably was not as he was never serious. If by some miracle he really was serious, it was not Arata’s business.
-okay, you can stay.
The old librarian was defeated by those eyes after he struggled for 20 seconds. Rin continued.
-while we are at it, you know where all the books are right grandpa? Could you help us find what we need?
-I would love to but I am already appointed so… .
“Hey isn’t it too much? He might change his mind.”
Rin once again showed him the previous face to which no man, or rather no one could say ‘no’.
-well it would be too hard for you after all and it’s my job. I can be a little late I guess.
This time it took only 10 seconds for the old librarian to fall for it.
-I love you grandpa, but I would love you even more if you also brought those cookies that you gave me last time.
What Rin was doing right now was somewhat evil.
-I am afraid that I can’t do anything about this. It is my wife who prepared them after all, and this time I don’t have them.
The old librarian explained but that would not stop Rin.
-I really can’t.
-please! Please! Please!
-fine, fine I will try to do something about it but they won’t be ready earlier than tomorrow morning.
-thank you!
In that moment, Arata realized why the old librarian coped up with all Rin’s requests. The smile, that she showed him dazed a little even Arata and Arata was already experienced with the smile of the ten thousands suns.
-hey Arata, I will tell on you to your girlfriend.
Levi’s words brought Arata to reality.
-is that so? Go ahead.
-you are not too concerned, are you? I thought you would beg me not to.
-why should I, I didn’t do anything and also how to say it… First of all she would not believe you.
-oh, you are so sure of it.
-yes I am and you know why? It is because there is no way in hell that I will do anything that would upset Kotori and she knows it.
Arata said so without a second thought.
-eh, you are boring.
-Levi, you brought it up because of what just happened right? Since when looking at other girls is considered a crime?
-well if you had a jealous type of girlfriend them maybe there would be a good reaction there.
-I wouldn’t call her jealous type.
-you never know what girls really think though so don’t jump to conclusion so quickly…
Levi started.
-is what I would want to say but even though I only saw her only once I kind of believe you, why you say that. Really every time I am reminded that she is your girlfriend, I always starts hate you.
-if you stop talking about harems then maybe your chances of getting one yourself would increase.
-maybe but right now to win against you I need three girlfriends at least.
-and why I am your competition?
-ah, let’s end this subject already.
-eh, I was just giving you advice that all. Well a day will come that you will really like someone and at that time you will stop thinking of things like harem.
-why did you start to talk like an old man with twenty years of experience in marriage?
-ah, twenty years in marriage, I wonder how Kotori will look like then.
Arata ended up in dream land.
-ioioio! We have an idiot here, someone call the ambulance!
Levi commented like that.
-what? Was it wrong of me to say that?
-well rather than wrong, it’s really outside of your character.
-who cares about that? Also she always told me that I should be just be honest with myself when it comes to that. No need to hide anything.
-you don’t have to explain it to me, I already long knew that you are a lost cause.
-why is he a lost cause?
It looked like Rin finished talking with the old librarian and came to check on them.
-ah that’s…-
Levi did not give her explanation and stopped midway.
“I wonder what girl’s opinion on that?”
-Rin, what do you think? When you love someone you should be honest about it, right?
-what… what brought that up?
-hey Arata, it’s a men’s talk you know? You shouldn’t ask her something like that.
-men talk? From which side? Anyway Rin, right now, I am trying to be honest about my feelings towards someone, what do you think Rin… is that bad? Because this one thinks that it is.
Arata pointed at Levi.
-do I really have to answer that?
-well you don’t have if you don’t want to. But I would like to hear your opinion. So, is what I doing strange?
-hmm… I wouldn’t call it strange but I don’t think that everyone can be like that. I for one definitely can’t.
-that’s also true, thanks for an answer.
-hey Arata, we should already focus on the quest.
Levi once again interrupted them but then Rin asked.
-Arata can you tell me, is that person you like is the same that you want to meet? The one, waiting for you at the other end of world?
-yes, the very same. How did you know? Did I tell you about it already?
-I see…
Rin said only that and went silent for 5 seconds but then continued.
-no you didn’t tell me but I already suspected it from the way you talked about it, you know your eyes lights up every time you mention that person just like a second ago.
-really? I didn’t know. Well it’s not like I try to hide it, as I said, I am trying to be honest about it.
-you really love her, don’t you?…
Rin said that in a little different voice but she did not wait for Arata’s answer and continued.
-anyway, the grandpa agreed to let us stay for the night. He will also look for the books that might or might not help us. He said that our request is slightly not specific.
Levi said her name out of sudden. Arata felt as it was the first time that he called her out in this manner.
-what is it Levi?
-aren’t you…?
-if it’s the thing we talked about then no.
-is this your honest answer?
-what he just said does not change anything.
-why do you keep saying it! I even wanted to help you!
Levi suddenly bursted out.
-even if you did there is nothing and no one that can help me. I am already used to this fact though, so I am fine.
In comparison to Levi, Rin was answering calmly.
-how can you say you are fine…
“I wonder what they are talking about. Did she tell him about ‘the thing’ that she asked me not to ask about?”
-tell me what stops you and I will help you!
“Guess not.”
-Levi, I already told this to Arata and I will also tell it to you. Don’t ask about it and don’t try to find out the truth on your own. If you can’t promise me that then we will not speak again.
Rin said it to him completely serious.
-I don’t like it but if that’s what you want then I will never mention it again.
“I thought he will say that.”
Arata already knew Levi well enough to know that he is someone who will not stick his nose into someone’s business if not asked for. Although this time he was clearly upset by it.
-now that we are clear. Let’s get back to the quest.
Rin continued as if nothing happened.
-Rin what kind of books did you ask librarian for?
Arata asked.
-I said that we want any book that mentions heavens, heaven’s gates, gates activators that are not a work of fiction. Should, I ask for anything else?
-no, your order was perfect. If those books won’t have what we look for then it’s a lost cause.
-then while we wait, I will show you the way to the reading room. They have really good seats there…
“It’s so much easier if someone is familiar with the surrounding.”
They followed Rin and entered a small room. Rin lighted up few candles and it got brighter right away. There was pretty large table there and six seats around them. There was also a brown sofa in the corner as well as blackboard next to the door.
-there are few other rooms inside library like that, although grandpa says that people rarely uses them. I myself happened to use them quite often though.
-like when you were doing other quests?
-at that time too, but I use them usually when I just feel like reading. Although I must say that lately I read most of the things at home.
-I see that your reading habit is still there.
-you could say that. Some things do not change after all.
-hhhh…okay I had enough. I already have my assumptions but I must ask that. How do you two know each other?!
It looked like Levi passed his barrier of patience and had to ask this question.
-it’s not your business.
Still it seemed like Rin didn’t feel like telling him though.
“Well at first she did say to behave like we don’t know each other so I guess she really doesn’t want to mention it too much.”
-Levi, unfortunately it’s classified information, whoever finds out have a heart attack second later and die.
Arata joked around although he didn’t really see the need to hide anything. There were two things that connected Arata and Rin in the past or rather there were two things that connected Arthur and Amanda. First one was that both of them were learning fighting arts from Arata’s grandfather. Second was that they were in the same class in the high school for two years and also for nearly another two years in middle school. It was not a surprise as the city or rather the village they were living in was not that large so there was only one class for each year. Although at that time Arata was not interacting with others too much but you could also say that Rin was one that he interacted with the most. It was happening for two reasons. One already mentioned they were training under Arata’s grandfather together and often ended up sparing. Other was that Rin was class representative and although she hated Arata’s attitude, she had to deal with him whenever there was a need. Still, both of them definitely could not be called friends, mostly because of how Arata behaved. There was actually a time when Rin started to hate him with passion but luckily for Arata that feeling was no longer there, at least it appear this way.
-ah I feel left out.
Levi started complaining.
-you won’t be able change our mind with this.
-fine, I was just curious, not like I really have to know. From what I saw I am sure that you two trained together somewhere. I don’t really know where but it was the same place. Except that, I can shot that you were at least going to the same school together, she also mentioned that she was class representative, right? Was it the same class I don’t know, Rin looks slightly younger than us but if you were in the same class then I picture it like this. Arata was a bad hooligan and Rin was tasked by teachers to bring him back on the right track.
Levi skillfully used the information that slipped here and there and arrived to nearly perfect conclusion.
-why I was a hooligan?
Arata had to ask.
-then the rest is truth? Ah, here you have your great secrets. I really don’t know what you wanted to hide.
When Levi finished, a sound of someone knocking the door could be heard. Then without waiting for a reply the old librarian entered.
-I brought few books so you can start searching through them…
The old librarian entered the room while holding seven books in his hands.
-Rin, did something happen? You don’t look too well.
Librarian suddenly said that.
“I didn’t see anything strange with her.”
It looked like librarian saw something unusual in Rin which either Arata or Levi could not recognize.
-no, I am fine grandpa.
-remember that you can talk to me about anything. You are like grandchild to me after all.
“I think that the really have a similar relation to this.”
-if there will be something to talk I will come. Anyway grandpa, is there many more books to bring? If there are, I can’t let you carry them all by yourself.
Rin offered her help.
-as if I let you carry them, sit down and start reading through what I brought.
-but grandpa.
-no buts, we have already been through it Rin. I am not that old to let girl like you carry the things for me.
It seemed like librarian had his pride although he probably just didn’t want Rin to do anything.
-in that case, maybe I can help you.
Arata offered his help.
“I don’t really feel like looking through those books, so escaping for now under that pretext is a chance.”
Although, his reasons for helping were not pure.
-if it’s someone like you then it’s okay. Follow me boy.
“It worked!”
-start looking through those books I will be back soon.
Arata said before leaving the room and followed old librarian through the doors.
-Arata, you did it just to escape from work, didn’t you!
Levi realized, but it’s already too late.
“Oh he caught me.”
-of course not. I offered help coz the librarian is staying and working over hours specifically for us even though he should already go home. We can’t let him do more work than necessary, right?
-as if I believed that!
Levi was not easily fooled.
-don’t say that, Arata did it in good faith because grandpa never accepts my help. Arata, we will take care of it so go help him.
Rin said to him.
“I don’t think she was fooled, she is too intelligent for that. The reason she is letting me go is because she really wants me to help that old man.”
Arata read it as that.
-by the way Rin, why did you start to call him grandpa?
Arata stopped in the door and asked.
“If it goes wrong, I can run away so it’s a perfect opportunity to ask.”
-got a problem with that?
-no, no, I was just curious.
-eh… if I had to give you a reason then it is because his real granddaughter died. When he once told me about that to cheer him up I called him grandpa and because he was really happy hearing that I kept on doing so.
-hmm… I see that you also didn’t change in this part. You are still good hearten as always, to elder people especially.
-no… I did change Arata.
Rin said in slightly sadder voice.
-hey boy, you are coming or not! The library at night is worse than labyrinth, if you don’t follow me now, you will get lost later!
-yes I’m coming!
Arata had to leave in hurry and he run in the direction of the coming light. Although right before leaving he caught the glimpse of what old librarian mentioned. He saw that Rin was not all right as she claimed, earlier it was just hard to recognize. It was too hard to recognize because Rin was not all right ever since he meet her in this world, or maybe even, ever since she came to this world.
“Old man did not joke, you really can got lost here.”
It was already a night time but even if it wasn’t there still wouldn’t be a lot of light. The windows were quite narrow and bookshelves were so big that Arata at first mistook them for the walls. It was really like a labyrinth. Still getting lost was not a problem as Arata followed the light that came out from the candle that the old librarian was holding. Arata quickly catch up to him.
-that’s some book collection you have there, old man.
Impressed by the amount of books in the library Arata ended up saying that.
-haha, you are not the first one to say that boy. Also don’t call me old man, even though I am 79 years old I still can’t get used to it. My surname is Honbook and that’s how everyone calls me, so use it as well.
-I understand mr. Honbook, also name is Arata so don’t call me a boy if you could.
-in my age everyone seems to me like young boys and girls but I will remember your name, Arata.
-what are you saying, you aren’t even 80 years old yet mr. Honbook.
-you really don’t have to say that. Even though I don’t like being called an old man, I am well aware of my age…
“My plan to get friendly with this old librarian: failed.”
-right, Arata. You just said that I have a lot of books here right, wait till you see this.
The old man said that when Arata first caught a glance of blue light in the distance. Strange thing, it was coming from the ground. Upon coming closer Arata saw a large hole in the ground which end could not be seen. The radius of that hole would easily extend 15 meters. As for the depths of the hole it could not be told.
-fifth in the size Library of this world. The great library of Karma. Feast upon this sight as not many people were able to see it. Normally people are not let to walk through the library and only Librarians are allowed to go this far. Do you want to know why?
-because they would get lost?
-haha, that too but some of the book you see here does not exist anywhere else in the world. They are the treasure over treasures. Also if we were to let people search for the books themselves here they would never find what they wanted. Well those rules concern only what you see down here though. The library is divided into two parts the first one that we walked through just now is open to everyone and the second part here which is usually closed.
-so, why is it open right now?
-because of your request. But once again, you want to use the gate to heavens? Idiocy!
-you know something about it?
-I know that even if you happen to find the activator to that gate which I highly doubt you will, you won’t be able to reach the gate for sure. I won’t tell you anything else, instead let me ask you a question? Was it you who gave Rin the idea to look for it? Before she never even mention a word about it and today all of sudden she decided to go there.
-no, no it is rather because of her that I am going there as well. As for who gave us the idea, it was a task from one Wizard that Rin knew.
-so it’s that charlatan fault again!
The old librarian exploded.
-you know him?
-not personally but I know that he is the source of many of Rin’s problems. Does he even understand what she went through because of him?
-if you are talking about the prequest that he gave her, we completed it today.
Even though it was already late it was still today.
-so after Rin completed that unbelievable request, now he ask you to use the gate of heavens? Can’t that charlatan leave Rin alone!
-it’s not like he is forcing her to do it.
-hey, whose side you are on!?
The old librarian ended up asking that question. It was not easy to answer but after considering it Arata gave a reply.
-which side? Rin’s of course.
-ha, not bad, boy. Before we continue, let us start looking for books that will be useful for you…
The old librarian moved to the edge of the hole, when he did so, a large round platform start flying his way. When it stopped before him he hopped on it and asked Arata to do the same. While they were flying and picking up books on their way, the old librarian returned to the conversation.
-so Arata, was it you who helped Rin in that fight?
By that fight he meant tomb’s challenge.
-me and the other guy, the one that come with us. His name is Levi.
-I see, good thing that you continue to help her afterwards.
-rather than help, we have the same reasons as her to complete the next task.
They all had the quest after all so it was not exactly them helping her.
-whatever it is, you have my thanks.
-it’s not like we did anything that deserves thanks. If it weren’t us then there would be others who would end up wanting to do that quest anyway, so Rin would end up finding help eventually.
Arata explained as it was probably the truth but then the librarian asked a strange question.
-Arata, did you know that Rin don’t usually interact with people like you?
-what do you mean people like me?
-I mean other adventurers…
“Ah he meant players.”
-as far as I know the only person she likes from your kind is Yume. Well, you could say that Yume is a special case as everyone in Karma loves Yume but apart from her, Rin doesn’t involve herself with other adventurers.
“Now that I think about it, there is great difference in how she interacts with players and how she interacts with NPCs. This librarian is a perfect example of it.”
-well I did saw a difference but I didn’t have that much of a problem interacting with her so far.
“Expect few times that she wanted to kill me that is.”
-I see, still even if you are another exception, that doesn’t change much. So do you want to know, why is the reason for that?
“Wait, did she tell him ‘that’? Hmm… it’s may be an answer to the question that I have and I promised not to ask her… Yes, I promised.”
-I don’t think it will be fair if you tell me that.
-ah, she told you not to ask about it, didn’t she? It’s good that you want to keep that promise but I think if you don’t find out about it, you will only end up making her suffer. I already saw how hard it was for her to speak with you two and I think that if you don’t stop what you are doing, she well end up pushing you away like all others…
“I also feel like that a little.”
Arata once again remembered what Rin told him at the end of yesterday’s party.
-so how will it be boy? I know that promises are important but while living through all those years I know that there are few more important things in this world than that. Sometimes by breaking a promise with you can save much more and while keeping the promise you only destroy things. Not all promises should always be kept.
After hearing it from an elderly person, Arata was convinced.
“I hope I am doing a good thing.”
-tell me the truth.
-so, that’s the type of person you are. Good, good. Now then where should I even start? Well it’s not like I do know everything.
-she didn’t tell even you?
-no, she did, but I simply didn’t understand what she meant. The part which I did not understand too heavily involves adventurer’s nature. For me, who is not an adventurer it’s too hard to understand it. Still what I will tell you should be enough for you to not hurt her without knowing.
-that’s what I want to find out the most.
-remember that I telling you this not because you asked me to but because I want to help Rin. Also don’t tell her that I told you about it, if you do so then your relationship with her will be over…
“Should I really ask then? But if I don’t, everything will stay the same.”
-well then Arata, do you know what is the biggest difference between Rin and all other adventures?
Librarian started explaining with asking a question.
-emm, she is stronger than them?
Arata answered with the first thing that came to his mind.
-there is that too, but I meant something else. The difference is something that deeply involves adventure’s nature. Being an adventure yourself, you probably know much more how it works so you will probably understand what I mean even if I don’t fully understand it…
Librarian continued.
-‘Adventurers like you came to us from different world’, that is the fact that many people does not know or don’t want to admit but that is the truth. Still it’s not like adventurers came here forever and are forced to be here, at any time they want, they can return to their original world. They can also come back to this world once again anytime they want, it is very easy for you and all adventurers can do it. Is anything I said, wrong?
-we may have a different understanding of it but it is like you said.
“In short it’s a log in and log out bottoms.”
-good, now here is a difference. Rin does not possess that ability.
-… .
Arata did not know what to say at first,
-once again I will repeat. Rin does not possess the ability to return to her old world.
-hey! What do you mean she does not possess that ability?
“It can’t be right. It’s just a game after all, in worst case there might be a bug that somehow stops someone from using log out bottom, there are other ways to log out… Wait, there is nothing like that. Can someone log out in other way than simply logging out? I never had problems with logging out but what if someone hacked the system and make it impossible to log out. People would be trapped inside.”
Many thoughts started to run through Arata’s brain the instant he heard what librarian said.
-ah wait, don’t overthink it. I may have said it a wrong way.
Seeing Arata’s little panicked face Librarian said right away.
-wrong way?
-ah, your face really got pale for a moment. Anyway, I couldn’t understand this part completely either but this one is crucial if you want to understand the rest.
-but you just said that she can’t return to our world. Do you mean that she can’t leave this world and she is trapped in it!?
Arata was not wasting any minute and asked the question.
-hmm, it’s really hard subject for me so I can’t answer your first question but about the other one… yes she can leave this world like any other adventurer but the difference is that she can’t return to her original world, those are her words. I didn’t ask for details as I was not able to understand them.
“So it’s not like log out bottom was hacked. Still, I don’t know why she would tell this old man that she can’t return to real world. Was she playing a trick on him? No she did told him that and given that’s it her, her who hates lying above all, it must be a truth. At least it should be true in some sense, but I won’t find it out from this guy… wait, in the first place I shouldn’t try to find out at all.”
-I think you already told me enough. Now just tell me what I shouldn’t do to upset her.
Arata once again remembered his promise and managed to hold his thoughts back.
-now that you know that she can’t return to your world you should understand it yourself. Also, I am pretty much sure that Rin herself already told you that. She once mention to me, that if she ever going to involve herself with any other adventurer, she would state up front not to touch that subject.
“What she stated at front? That would be before our arena match. At that time she asked to not ask about ‘that’. But it can’t be about ‘that’ as only someone who at least knew her could know about ‘it’.”
-I think that when we meet there was something even more important that she had to tell me so maybe she forgot about the other thing.
-something even more important? … Does that mean you two knew each other in the other world?
-you realized already?
Even Arata was frightened a little that this old man could tell this much from one conversation. Still he was someone who knew Rin well enough for her to tell him about not being able to return to her world, even if he didn’t understood it.
-I have my years after all. Still, if you knew her from that world that would also explain why she coped up with you even though you are an adventurer. You are the same case like Yume.
-well, you can’t compare us like that. It’s a fact that we knew each other but we weren’t even friends, we don’t know each other too well.
“Although, if I had to think about it. She is one of few people that I interacted quite often over the past few years so I know her better than I know most of other people. Although it’s only like this from my perspective.”
-well the fact that you knew each other before coming to this world is enough. Maybe I was wrong and she will not push you away unless you really do something bad to her.
The old librarian’s words calmed down Arata a little.
-I will try not to.
-anyway, whatever you know her or not there is a thing you should avoid and that is speaking about the other world from where you adventurers come. Well it’s not like she gets upset every time she talks about it, in fact when she was telling me about it, she always had a smile on her face but still, it always ended up with her being sad. The longer we talked, the end effect was stronger.
-… .
-you should easily understand why it is like that? Rin has a lot of good memories of the other world. She has a lot of friends there and people who are waiting for her. She also has dreams that can only be accomplished there and things she can do only there. Being unable to return to that world is more painful to her than I can even imagine. Maybe you could understand that being an adventurer yourself but I simply can’t. I try to compare it with having to travel to some other city alone and never again be able to come here to see my family and the people that I lived my life with.
“Not being able to return to real world. It feels like story from the book and I never really considered something like that. Still even if I had considered it, I could still not compare myself to her. Just like librarian said, her live was full of happy things. People always surrounded her and she was always giving her best in everything. I don’t know what dreams she have but probably something great as well. Comparing to that, I spent my last five years doing practically nothing else than going to school and training under grandfather. Both of those things I did half-heartily, I can’t say that I was giving my best in them. I didn’t really have any dreams nor things to do. The only person that would be sad if I were gone would be my grandfather. Well, some things did change ever since I start playing this game, meeting Kotori being the most important of all but I don’t think even now I could compare myself with Rin. Even if I were trapped in game I would probably be fine as long as Kotori was there with me… I think I strayed a little bit too much of the subject.”
-boy, you are okay? You looked depressed for a second.
-I was only depressed with how my life progressed so far, don’t worry about it.
Arata answered on hollow voice.
-I don’t think you should say something like that with normal face but anyway, did you understand what I told you?
-in short, Rin gets sad every time she hears about our original world. So I shouldn’t completely mention it. Still you really sure it’s true? Today she told me that it’s fine that we talk about it, and it was even her who started the subject.
-hmm, that’s probably because you already knew each other before. I didn’t consider this possibility when we started talking. The thing is that Rin doesn’t want to talk about the old world but she likes to talk about how she lived there. While speaking with you, she probably wanted to recall the good memories of that time.
-that would be hard, as we don’t have any good memories together.
-who actually knows which memory is good and which is bad, it depends on how you look at it. Also I think that right now for Rin any memory of that world is a good memory. Anyway what you actually have to do is not avoiding talking about the old world but realizing when you can talk about it and when you can’t. Do you think you can do that?
-and how I am supposed to know when I can and when I can’t?
-well it’s probably impossible till you stay with her long enough.
-then what I am supposed to do?
-my advice is wait till she start talking about it and try to not ask any questions about the other world… yes, it should be the best this way…
“Then I was doing everything right and it was Levi’s fault that he mentioned unnecessary things.”
Arata arrived at final conclusion.
-well then, that would be the last book that you need.
-when did they multiply like that!?
Only now Arata realized that the librarian made a large stack of books on the floor of flying pedestal.
-should you require other titles, I recommend visiting the library in university of Arcadia. They have the largest book collection in the world, twice as much as here.
-I don’t think that there will be a need for it…
“Rather we already have enough books for three or four days of nonstop reading.”
-by the way, I wanted to ask. How many books does this library contain?
Arata ended up asking as even though they went down the hole quite much the bottom could still not be seen.
-23 401 764 copies…
“He gave me the precise answer? But, 23 million that’s a number. Wait the other library has a twice that number?”
Arata was skeptic about the Librarian answer but seeing how deep that hole actually went or rather not seeing, he might have to believe it.
-now then, you came here to help right? So start picking up the books already, we are nearly there.
They were now flying upwards back to their original position from where they came from.
-how I am supposed to pick up 30 on my own?
-haha, I was joking. You didn’t see the trolley when we were starting from here, you can use it.
Arata ended up transporting books with the use of trolley that was in fact waiting up there for them. The old librarian ended up escorting Arata back to the reading room they were using. While walking Arata considered what the old librarian told him. He even arrived at possible conclusion that combined everything he knew about Rin and the fact in which circumstances she disappeared one year ago and the fact that as librarian said could not return to real world and the fact that she would not be playing any games by her own accord. Everything combined leaded to one conclusion Arata was afraid to voice it as he did not want for it to be true. Also if the conclusion was the truth, there was nothing that Arata could do.
-that would be all from me, I hope you will find what you seek although I would still advice to cut your relations with that charlatan. Also tell Rin that I will come back tomorrow with cookies.
“Even though he was in hurry he ended up staying up late just to help us. He is good old man in the end. I understand why Rin is so different towards him. Anyway time to get going with this world’s first.”
Upon entering the room Arata saw how ‘hardworking’ his teammates were.
“Not like I didn’t expected it.”
Levi was already was lying on the sofa and was deep in sleep. Also it didn’t look like he worked himself too hard. On the other hand Rin was completely immersed in one of the books. On the table close to her there were already few notes that she took on paper.
“This is also as I suspected.”
Rin was so immersed in the book that she didn’t realize that Arata actually entered the room.
“First I should bring in those.”
Arata started to take the books that he had on trolley into the room. The trolley was so wide that it didn’t fit the door so he had to walk few times until finishing it. He was unloading the books on an empty shelf that was in the room. Now he realized that it was probably prepared for those occasions like that. After unloading them all Arata looked at the shelf and thought.
“Seeing all this, we really may end up spending few days here.”
-you should have said something when you have returned Arata.
It looked like Rin finally noticed him.
-I didn’t want to disrupt you.
-don’t worry about that. Still grandpa like always did not understand when I said few books and ended up choosing so much. Eh, seeing all this, we really might end up spending few days here…
“Haha, I just thought the exact same a second ago.”
-still it’s not like we really need all of those, for example look over here on this book title.
Rin continued and showed him a book in a red cover.
-‘How to construct heaven’s gate for dummies’? Who made this stuff?
Arata asked the question
-some anonym it’s says. The real author probably didn’t want to sign his name under it. Really why did he brought us a book like this?
-hmm, maybe in worst case scenario we might end up trying to build that activator by ourselves. No even worse, we might end up creating the whole gate by ourselves, there is no warranty that the one Wizard told us about will work.
Arata ended up thinking a back-up plan.
-you try to find a use to everything.
-well old man went through all this trouble for us to find all those books so we should at least use it to the fullest.
-that doesn’t change the fact that it’s idiotic to check through books like. Well I will still look through it later on…
Rin ended up saying.
“So it’s idiotic but I will still do it so his work won’t go for waste hmm. In the end, Rin was always a nice girl.
-nothing, I will get to work in a second but before that, I have to wake up someone.
Arata looked in Levi’s direction.
-don’t bother, if you wake him up right now it will do more harm than good. Seeing that we will spend more than just one night here, he said that tomorrow he will work hard and overall his effectiveness will increase after a sleep.
-to me its sounds like one big lie.
-I didn’t believe that either but if he is asleep then at least he is not talking. Being in his company for such long time today was too tiring for me, I need a break, so don’t wake him up.
-if you are tired then, why don’t you go to sleep already as well?
-what would be a meaning of coming here at night then? We already asked grandpa to bring us all those books and work overtime. Also I won’t go to sleep before you do, so if you are tired Arata why don’t you go to sleep.
-me tired? In times when I race for world’s first the word tired does not exist for me. Actions like sleeping, eating or breathing are unnecessary for a true pro gamer fighting for world’s first.
-… .
Rin once again showed him disgusted look today.
-hmm where should I start… no… what you said is way too helpless. I won’t even try to comment on that. But speaking of eating, did grandpa mention something before going home?
-he said that he will be back with cookies tomorrow.
-all right! Now I will be able to work through the whole night.
Rin returned to reading her book.
“Guess, I should start as well.”
Arata looked at the book that Rin gave him before, ‘How to construct heaven’s gate for dummies’ and ended up opening it. He had to start somewhere after all and this seemed like good introduction. Of course he was not going to read the whole book but just the fragment he was interested in. Arata sit down and started looking for it.
“Let’s see. Creation of gate’s activator is on page 74.”
He quickly found that page. The instruction for it was quite simple.
[This is the only part that you can’t create by yourself. If you want the activator, ask some angels for it. By the way it’s impossible for the heaven’s gate to work without it. There is no way around.]
“I already see this will be problematic.”
Seeing that this book would not be of any use Arata switched to other one. Not like he had any expectations from the first one given its title.
The second book he chose was simply titled ‘The heaven’s gate’. Arata decided to read this one from the beginning. Even though he wanted only to know where to look for the activator, he had to first get some general knowledge about the gate itself.
It took Arata a lot of time to go through that massive book but he found out quite a lot.
There was only one working heaven’s gate in world’s history. The original purpose of it was to send human heroes to heaven to help angels in their defense against incoming demon invasion. The fight between angels and demons was something that was continuing for ages and it was the time when demons managed to push back the angels to the very gates of heavens. In that time, Angels decided to ask the greatest human king with whom they were in good relations to help. Following the angels instructions, the king managed to build later on so called the heaven’s gate. With that being build he send reinforcements to heavens. With help of human heroes the angels pushed back demons and the balance was regained once again. Since then, there was no big advantage on either of the sides but the war never ended and will probably continue forever. After the battle for heaven the surviving human heroes went back to the earth and the heaven’s gate was closed. The angels left in king’s care an object that could open the gate whenever he wanted as they trusted the king but the king never used it even once as there was no need for it and the object became just a relic that symbolized the bound between the empire and the heavens. Except the relic, the empire did receive many other benefits for helping out in that battle but those were not mentioned in the book.
That was the sum up story from what Arata read. Following that from the other book Arata got a hint to where that relic may be right now. Although, those were not good news.
The other book was telling a story about the fall of that empire.
The empire with the rewards for their help was blooming and became the most prospering empire of that time but they ended up paying a heavy price for it. Four generations later, when nobody who saw the times of ‘heaven’s war’ still lived the doom has come. Demons who suffered a great defeat only because the humans joined angel’s army decided to punish humans for it. The demon army attacked the empire that once helped the heavens and after a long war, the empire fall and was erased from the map. Even though the empire had many great warriors and was the most prospering empire of that time, they had little chance against the demon legion. The good news were that the heaven’s gate was not destroyed as it was made in a way that only angelic or god’s power would be able to destroy it. As for the relic that would serve in opening the gate, it was taken by demons so even if humans wanted to use the gate again, they could not do so.
“After those two book, I probably don’t need to read about the heaven’s gate anymore. Now I should focus on location of the activator. From this book I found out that there is only one activator and it’s probably in possession of some demons. Well, I expected nothing else from the quest that makes world first.”
Arata continued with other books. There were many references to what he already read and no new news about possible location of the gate’s activator.
There were also few books that were about the heavens and the silver temple but Arata decided to skip those as they were not necessary right now and when he tried one, everything was just a speculation.
Arata stretched after finishing another book.
“Ah, this will not do.”
-you are doing a break?
Rin asked while seeing that. It was the first thing she said since their last conversation.
-rather than a break, even if I continue with those books I don’t feel that they will help us that much. Right now, we should look for information where demons are.
-I see that you already arrived at that part.
-it was mention in few of books that the relic, I mean the activator to the gate should be in hands of demons, right now.
-it might be in hands of demons but at the same time it might not. But, our only option right now is to believe that they do still have it.
-there high chances for it as pretty much if book mentioned the location of the activator it was always, “Stolen by the demons so the mortal races don’t use the gate again.”
-yes, but Arata you do know how much time has passed since the fall of that empire. At some time demons might have just lost it somewhere and it is lying in some underground cave that no one can reach.
Rin reminded him of that fact.
-but it’s a relic that they wanted to have so they should take care of it.
-that’s what we have to bet on it, although us fighting with demons? I hope it won’t come to that.
-you already fought against them before?
-I did have a short episode with them. It didn’t go good though.
-did you meet them somewhere close from here?
-I wouldn’t call it close but I wouldn’t call it far either. Also Arata, I know that there are small chances that the relic might be in that but I wouldn’t recommend that.
-why do you think there are chances? Sure if they are demons then maybe but that chance would be really small.
-Arata, do you know where the territories of the empire that created the heaven’s gate is located nowadays?
-I don’t really know how the world’s map looks like. Still if you do know where it is, then maybe we will have to go there and look for some demon oriented dungeons.
Arata proposed the idea.
-that sound reasonable but I don’t really think that we can assume that the relic remained on the lands of the empire. You wouldn’t have leaved the key next to the door right?
-still as a last resort we might end up doing just that. Even if we don’t find the relic we might find some clues about its whereabouts. So where are the lands of that empire?
-it’s actually pretty close you know. To reach the border of it we would just have to travel for two day to the west without rushing ourselves.
Rin explained. In short the unknown west was where old empire once stood.
-if it’s this close we should definitely go there.
-it isn’t that simple Arata. I don’t know if you heard or not, but let me tell you. The other name of Karma city is western edge of the world. You know why it’s called like that? It’s because no one managed to travel far enough to the west to actually find something that could be used as a base. While doing our prequest I found out why.
-what does the prequest have to do with it?
Arata didn’t see the connection.
-well I thought that you already understood that the empire that is mentioned in those books is the same empire that the ghost of the king we fought against once ruled over.
-wow, I didn’t know that. I thought the prequest was just some kind of test to see if player is ready for the challenge.
-yes, the prequest doesn’t have much to do with our current quest but while trying to solve it I found out all kinds of things. That ghost empire was called Solaris. Solaris was so powerful that other kingdoms would not win a war even if they all group up together. Also Solaris was in good relations with most of its neighbors. Only a force like demon legion would be able to wipe them out completely. Although up to today I didn’t know it were demons as it was always mention as the enemy.
-I see, so that’s why the tomb of the king is here. Last survivors of the empire must have fled behind the border and ended up honoring their king the moment they could.
-yes, if the tomb was too far from the country it would have no meaning. Still, I don’t think that we should focus on the past too much. We just need to find the gate’s activator.
-still even if we don’t find anything else here, we can always start looking for some demons in the west right. You said you meet them right, was it there?
-Arata if you want to go to the west you can already give up, fighting demons is not something we can do either. Let’s leave the demons for now and focus on other possibilities. In the books I read so far there was a theory in which the relic was not taken by demons but rather transported to the east to some church.
-Rin, why is it so hard in the west? I realized that you somehow really don’t want to go there, were you there before?
Arata ended up asking that question.
-I had one quest there so I was there already but thankfully that quest was not too far in those lands. Apart from that there was one time in which I decided to go to the west and see how far can I get. I did that to test myself as it seemed like a challenge. And it was quite a challenge. The world there is different, no cities, no people, monsters everywhere. Even only surviving is difficult. Also there are no maps of that area, there are no roads either. Traveling there is quite difficult. Also not like you have a destination where you can actually travel to. The biggest problem of the west is that there are no cities in which you could respawn should you die. Still it’s not like it’s an impossible feat to go there. You shouldn’t die right away unless you are unlucky. Still many challengers who tried to explore the west all eventually ended up dying without finding anything. Monsters there are especially good. After all they could wipe out expeditions that had five-hundred players or so with levels over 200. When I went there I tried to completely avoid the fights and mostly ran away from battles, that’s why I managed to get quite far but even then I didn’t found anything.
-Rin what you just described is a perfect ground for a quest of difficulty that no one managed to do yet.
-that’s why I am trying to find some other possibilities. Although I already know that we will end up going to the west regardless if the activator is still there or not. If we live long enough that is.
-why are you so sure?
-it’s simple, even if we find activator somewhere else, we will still need to reach the heaven’s gate, right? And where is the heaven’s gate located?
“She does have a point.”
-in the lands of old empire. That means the current west.
Arata answered obviously.
-see, we are doomed to go there anyway. Still, at least luckily the location of the heaven’s gate is quite favorable for us as it is said that it was closer to the eastern border rather than somewhere deep within the lands. If it was the case then our chances of reaching them would be close to zero. Well it’s not like our chances of actually completing this quest are any higher than that. But still, we shouldn’t worry about the west unless we really have to go there. We should focus on the issue at hand.
“Looking through another book won’t hurt.”
Arata ended up choosing another book from the shelf and started reading it.
He and Rin continued like this for another hour until the dawn arrived. The light entered the room through the window then about fifteen minutes later Mr. Honbook the old librarian returned. Just like he promised he did bring cookies. When he entered the room with them Rin practically jumped out from the seat and wolf them down. Arata refrain from taking even one before Rin herself said, ‘-you are not eating Arata? They are really good.’ That was after more than half of them were already eaten by her.
Arata asked the librarian about few books that say about demon’s nest that can be found in the world and especially in the west. Librarian ended up first bringing five books and added that the rest will be brought shortly. Arata explained him that the rest is really not needed, although it was hard to convince the old librarian. When Arata was going to start reading the ‘demon’s book’, Rin suddenly said.
-Arata, I know that you are in hurry and want to complete the quest as fast as possible but can I take free time today?
-sure take your time.
-I will probably end up coming back tomorrow so you also don’t work yourself too much.
With that said Rin quickly left. Arata didn’t suspect her that she did that to evade the work as he knew what type of person she was. It didn’t seem like something too problematic either. There was probably something important that she could do only today.
“What could she be doing for the whole day? First thing that is coming to my mind is that she decided to log out and take a break. But what librarian said, still stays in my mind. Also she would tell me that she is going to log out if she was doing so. Whatever, it’s not like I have to know what she is doing.”
Arata once again focused on what he was doing.
“Still, now that I think about it, even though I spend the whole night going through those books I don’t really have any of symptoms of sleepless night. Normally I should be in a zombie mode right now, wonder why that’s not the case? Nevertheless, I should do a log out break for few hours and now that Rin went somewhere it’s a good occasion to do so.”
Arata decided to go for a break.
“Okay, let’s do that, but first.”
-how long do you plan on sleeping?
Arata walked towards the sofa and dropped ‘the sleeping person’ from it. After falling down ‘the sleeping person’ was no longer ‘the sleeping person’ anymore.
-Arata, there are better ways to do that you know. I am not a hard sleeper so if you just yanked me by shoulder I would wake up.
-yea, next time. Anyway get to work already.
Levi stood up and looked around.
-eh, you really ended up working through the night. So where did you arrive at? Are those books of any use?
-if you read them you will get the general idea. But rather than repeating what we already did you should focus on other things. I am going for a log out break right now, so you can take it up from where I left it.
-log out? I could also use it.
-first do something before thinking of the break, you slept through the whole night.
-em… I meant later. Anyway what should I look for?
-in those books it is written that the gate activator, often also called the relic was taken as war loot by demon legion when they destroyed the empire which name is Solaris. Try to look for demon’s dungeons or something like this. Well, places where you can find demons in general.
-demons!?… Well, that’s what I expected from the quest of rank 3 but Arata you know that demon’s dungeons are called to be one of most difficult found so far. I actually read about it a little already. The article I read was about five demon’s raid dungeons that were found. Two of them were cleaned by one guild other three are still left undefeated. But that was that, only one guild in history managed to clean a demon’s dungeon so far and any other groups that tried it failed miserably. So Arata, don’t tell me that we are going to try to take down demon’s dungeon in three people.
-Levi, we have to do what others could not if we want to get the world first, right? If it comes down to it, then we will just do it.
-right, I forgot that you lost your rationality yesterday. Anyway if you want locations of those dungeons then I can already tell you where they are.
-oh, if you know that much then rather than trying to look for other, try to connect any of them to Solaris empire.
-okay, but once again what is Solaris empire?
-I guess you won’t understand everything fully till you read at least one of the books we have here. Try reading that one in white cover over there before doing anything else. Also none of those books mention the name of the empire. This is something that Rin told me. Also the territories of mentioned empire are to the west from here if you were wondering.
-okay, I know what to do from here on. But, I will probably end up switching to net anyway. By the way, where is Rin? Did she log out as well?
-I don’t know if she log out or not but she said that she will return tomorrow. I will probably also be back at that time given the time difference.
-I will also try to be at that time tomorrow then. Anyway Arata, maybe rather than playing all the time, you should read a little about the EOA itself. Maybe then, you would stop having ideas like, ‘hey let’s do the quest of rank 3’ or ‘hey let’s do a demon dungeon’. Get your rational thinking back.
-Levi did you try to do any of those before?
-no but I know that I would probably just end up dying while doing so.
-probably. That means not definitely. There are always chances for victory. Also while playing my previous MMO, I usually didn’t read too much about the dungeons and stuff on the net because I normally did dungeons when there was absolutely no info about them, as no one did them before. I had to learn everything by myself and think of how to deal with everything myself.
-well, I never was in progressive guild so I don’t know what it like is. Still I already said that I am doing it so don’t worry I won’t be leaving at least till we fail the quest.
-okay, see you later.
And with that Arata logged out. The location of the relic remained unknown for the time being.
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Let's learn HANGUL!!!PS. I DID NOT MAKE THIS. THIS IS WHERE I LEARNED AND I ONLY COPIED THIS FROM THE WEBSITE TO SHARE TO YOU. THANK YOU AND HAPPY LEARNING~big credits to the website (i forgot the link, sorry)cc-; meSeptember 23,2017
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"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked."I didn't want you to be ashamed..." I trailed off, "Your father was very proud of you, and you were in the ANBU and a lot was happening..." I spoke."How old is he?" He asked, looking at a picture of his son and me smiling in a beautiful flower field."7..." I said softly. "Good grades, and top in his class..." Itachi chuckled, I smiled a bit. "That's good." He said."Well he is your kid." I said.~~~~~Itachi, and other Naruto characters don't belong to me and pictures or video's don't belong to me unless said so.Highest Rank: #23 itachiuchiha#1 itachixreader#6 sasukeuchiha#1 uchihaitachi
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