《Queen of the Hill》Mupin vs F'raskas (1)


Half-starving and kinda eager to see how a Dwarf revolution would play out, I readily agreed to my captor's deal.

Relief washed over his entire being and he sighed, relaxing his tense shoulders. "Oi was worried you woulda been more concerned with yer own hide than helpin' this old beard overthrow his leader."

I shrugged. "Anything I can do for food."

"Not what Oi woulda expected from ya but a tiny beastie like you needs some grub, huh?" he said, pulling a key from his pocket.

Inserting the key into the padlock, he turned off whatever magic that kept me from touching the bars and opened my cell. Stepping back, he gave me adequate space to get out. Without further a due, I went about gobbling up the spilled food.

Not as good as Dwarf flesh but filling. We needed a bit of green, after all.

'Ah, there's that evil voice in my head. I'd been meaning to tell you I did not appreciate you taking over and killing all those innocent Dwarves.'

Innocent? Your willingness to pardon any negative action taken against you astounds me.

'Yeah, well, still. Mind your p's and q's, please. No more taking control unless it's absolutely necessary.' The voice huffed and muttered, Fine.

'Thank you!'

With that, the voice went quiet and I finished my meal in peace.

Licking the meat juices off of my cheeks, I sat back and sighed with contentment. My status reflected my happiness, stating that I was 'Full'.

"Say, aberrant," the Dwarf said, drawing my attention to him. "A creature as intelligent as you oughtta have a name."

Something told me that telling him my actual name wouldn't go very well. The system had warned me against sharing it, after all. And so I told him the disgraced Fairy-assigned name Gindano insisted on calling me.


"Dukgraeg's what de call me."

A handsome name for a handsome man. It suits him.

Do you find that sack of meat attractive? He's not even a dragon!

'Spiritually, neither am I. I'm allowed to have my tastes, aren't I?'

Disgusting. This is practically Beastiality!

'Since when is-you know what, I'm not arguing with a voice in my head over this.'

Clearing my throat, I asked Dukgraeg what his plans for this 'revolution' were.

"Tellin' me tren to get started, first off," he grunted, pulling out a device suspiciously similar to a cell phone. "A lotta dissenters in our grand army, ya see. Always ready fer sumthin' to pop off. Hafta be, wit dat witch always plannin' sumthin'."

"Right...and what about me?"

"You? Well, ya just need ta bring da loyal lassies under yisser spell, s'all."

I grimaced. The effects of my hangover had long since faded when I'd woken up but I didn't fancy getting drunk again. Sobriety, in my mind, was the best state to fight in a revolution. "I'll need to make myself a new spell for that," I said to Dukgraeg. "It won't take but a cotton pickin' minute."

"Nonsense," he rumbled. "That bomb o' yours worked like a charm!"

"I get plumb tuckered out after I get all sobered up," I argued. "And fightin' drunk outta my mind just don't hold water for me."

"For an aberrant, yer awfully scared ov lotta things, aren't ye?"

"I'm just bein' conscious of potential downfalls..."

"Sure ye are," he huffed. "Les get ta work den, Mupin. If ye aren't satisfied wit de drunk spell, methinks dere might be summin' in da royal tre-"

An explosion from up above cut him off. The prison shook terribly as the ceiling cracked under such heavy assault. Cursing like an old sailor in a storm, Dukgraeg grabbed me by the scruff of my neck and sprinted down the hall as fast as his stunted legs could carry him.


The walls groaned as they struggled to hold the weight of the ceiling. I watched in abject horror as a part of the stone caved in on itself, crumbling before my very eyes. To make matters worse, the roof decided to come down with it.

"Hey, hey!" I yelled, narrowly twisting in the Dwarf's grip to avoid a piece of flying rubble. "I enjoy rough handlin' as much as the next dragon but I think it'd be a mighty fine idea if I could run on my own! I got four fine paws; lemme use 'em!"

Dukgraeg grunted, tossing me in front of him without any hesitation. I landed awkwardly on my shoulder, wincing as the impact jarred the bone. The dwarf passed me as I got to my feet, stumbling after him. Calling over his shoulder, he said, "Keep up, aberrant! Explosion's only gonna get worse from here!"

I jumped to the side as a large chunk 'a stone slammed into the floor where I'd been not a second before. Gulping, I chased after the fleeing Dwarf. I hadn't the slightest idea how the bombs could get any worse but I ain't gone stick around to find out, that's for sure.

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