《Vacation of a God》Chapter 12


Leaving palace grounds the heroes were excited to see the new world they would now be living in. There were a few guards accompanying us but they were more like tour guides leading the way throughout the city and making sure we wouldn’t get lost. The real protection role came down to myself and Angelica.

“Where does everyone want to go to first?” Edward said energetically.

“I think we should visit the market district first” said Linda.

The guards who got the instructions starting leading the way through the city streets that were filled with people.

“Why is everybody so excited and why are they decorating?” Sarah asked the guard who was leading the way. The guard was was tall and well built and definitely gave off an aura worthy of a warrior.

“The people of the city are preparing to celebrate the festival which will celebrate the arrival of the heroes.” The guard spoke respectfully and politely in order not the anger the bossy looking woman.

Linda who was walking quietly suddenly became quite excited when hearing the news. Her excitement was mostly aimed at Lilly who was quietly holding Linda’s hand. Lilly’s eyes were previously dead, but they had slowly regained signs of life. I’m guessing she’s slowly starting to believe in the second chance that she was given.

A couple of minutes of walking and we reached the market place with no incidents occurring. Sticking together we entered the district which was filled with shops and stalls selling any items you could think off. From old antiques to furniture to swords and staffs and even toys.

This district was full of people from all walks of life. There were young children running around. Adults who were armed to the teeth selling or buying weapons and armour. There were the housewives gossiping and carrying out their daily shopping. Overall this place was full of life and clearly the heart of the city.

When arriving the guards at this point became more alert and aware. The atmosphere had changed around them and it was easy to notice. This place would be perfect for an assassination or a commotion. A place such as this full of people had hundreds of ways for an enemy to hide and escape.

Scanning the whole market district with my divine senses I could see plenty of shady looking people hanging around the alleyways and other dark empty areas around the district. I would deal with them all at once but murdering hundreds and hundreds of people would just cause unnecessary trouble later on.

“Let’s go check out the weapons and armour in that shop over there! We will definitely need them in the future.” Edward said running over to the shop in a hurry.

“Let’s get this over with.” Sarah said with a sigh. The rest of the heroes just smiled wryly and followed behind.

Reaching the store Edward was already looking at the swords like a child who had found new toys.

“How is this guy an adult?” Sarah mumbled under her breath. Of course I and Angelica were the only ones to hear her.

The store owner who was a middle aged skinny man became super excited seeing the new batch of customers entering his store. Straightaway he went over to Edward and started showing off his wares.


With Edward looking at the swords Linda decided to look at the armour and magician robes. Sarah and Lilly were checking out the magic staffs and wands. On the whole everything was quite peaceful.

The swords and armour in this shop weren’t anything amazing. It looks like the forging techniques in this world aren’t that advanced. The metals this world works with are the standard bronze, iron, steal, mithril, adamantine and orichalcum. Talking to the Smith I did find out that orichalcum and adamantine were the best and rarest metals this world had to offer. There were other materials that were stronger such as dragon bones but these materials were insanely hard to work with and of course were extremely rare and hadn’t been see in decades.

Before we left the store empty handed I created and tossed a gold coin from my pocket to the shop owner. After all we did just waste a lot of his time questioning and inspecting his wares. Creating things like coins can be done in my sleep. I don’t know how much value a gold coin has but seeing his eyes shining with greed he was obviously satisfied.

Walking out the store the sun was still at its peak and was radiating the world with its warm light. The city was peaceful and the atmosphere was calm, but this peaceful moment would not last.

“You filthy bitch how dare you! Have you forgotten who I am!?” (Unknown man)

Walking towards the commotion with the heroes in tow I could see a crowd had gathered around two people who had 3 guards around them.

A plump looking man was screeching at a bruised up woman who was kneeling on the ground. You could clearly see she was beaten quite badly.

“My Lord please forgive me.” (Unknown woman)

The voice of the woman on the ground was weak and carried and no hints of emotions. She reminded me of Lilly. She had given up life.

The plump man who was dressed in pompous clothing was fuming from the woman’s response. He wanted the woman to cry and beg yet her voice lacked any emotion.

Turning my attention towards the heroes I was interested in what they would do. In the world they came from a commotion like this out in public was unheard off. A commotion like this would make headlines in the cities of earth, but in this world something like this would be forgotten when the sun settled down.

Looking towards Edward I see him frozen in shock. I was kind of expecting him to run out and act all heroic but instead he just stood watching shocked at the events occurring. The girls Linda and Sarah had a look of disgust and Lilly was hiding behind Linda shaking.

Am I benevolent god?

Probably not.

I do what I want to do. If I want to destroy universes I will. If I want to change the life of a beggar and make him into a king I will. Nothing shackles me down nothing ties me down I do what I want to do and right now this disgusting man is a stain in my sight.

A beautiful elf slowly made his way towards the commotion which was taking part in the busy streets of the holy kingdom. Every step he took gathered more and more attention. By the time he reached the front of the crowd which was full of people spectating the event all eyes were on his beautiful figure.


The silent crowd then watched on as the elf made his way towards the man surrounded by guards. The people knew something was about to happen but what happened next shocked them to their cores.

Not even waiting for the guards the elf released an earth shattering pressure. The guards who looked like they could handle any problem were now on the floor unable to move. The ground beneath them cracked and destroyed with the enormous pressure.

The crowd watching the spectacle were petrified watching the scene taking place. The man was just walking and the guards were defeated. He didn’t even raise his hand. No magical chants nothing.

It didn’t take long for the beautiful elf to reach the disgusting man. The atmosphere was extremely tense and no one dared to make a sound. No one except for the disgusting man himself.

“You, you dare lay your hands on my guards! Do-do you know who I am elf? Just one word from me and this whole kingdom will tu”


The sound of a hand hitting a cheek was so loud it echoed throughout the surroundings. The disgusting mans cheek was red from the backhand he had received from the elf.


Before he could finish his sentence the sound of a hand impacting against a cheek once again echoed throughout the city streets. The crowd watching had their eyes bulging out of their sockets. As citizens of the city the crowd clearly knew who this man was. He was the bastard child of a noble. If he was a female he would have been married off in a political marriage but as bastard male he had no political value. Even worse for the man he was disliked by many other nobles for his cruel practises and disgusting habits but he was still the son of a noble.

Right now in front of dozens of people the arrogant disgusting man was being slapped again and again by a handsome elf.





Eventually the man fell on his backside covered in snot and tears. His lip and nose were bleeding and his cheeks were redder than a blushing maiden. If the atmosphere wasn’t so tense the crowd would be laughing their arses off but most of them couldn’t help but worry about what would happen to the elf. The heroes were shocked beyond belief not in their wildest dreams would they think this would occur. Seeing the strength of the elf a flame had ignited in each and every one of them.

The elf however didn’t even change his facial expression. It was like humiliating the pitiful man in front of him was just a small task.

Turning around the elf was now looking at the kneeling woman. There was no way she would ever have a normal life. One of her eyes were gouged out and she barely had any teeth remaining in her mouth. Her head had bald spots were you could clearly see that hair had been forcefully pulled out. He left hand had no fingers and on her right only 2 fingers remained. One her legs were shorter than the other and since she wore no shoes you could see she had no toes. The state of this girl made Lilly’s situation look like paradise.

The angry elf was releasing a bloodthirsty aura. The guards on the ground had pissed themselves and passed out. The disgusting man who was crying on the ground was now terrified of what was to come.

The elf grabbed the mans hair and lifted him into the air. The man now was screaming and crying begging to be let go. He tried everything from bribing the elf to offering himself as a slave but nothing worked. The elf’s face was full of hate and disgust. This disgusting mans life would certainly come to an end today.

“Give my greetings to Azrael”


Bright white lightning descended down on the world shaking the atmosphere and everything around it. The noise that followed was deafening which caused many to close their eyes and cover their ears. The place the lightning descended upon was of course the hand of Skyler. The lightning which shook the world left not even a scratch on Skyler but the opposite could be said for the man that used to be in clutches.

Tsk I need to calm down. I almost destroyed Eremel in my fit of anger.

Seeing that the disgusting man no longer existed the kneeling woman collapsed on the ground. She started shedding tears knowing she no longer had to suffer.

Seeing this I could only sigh. I knew the ugliness of mankind had no bounds but there had to be a line. Kneeling down I started patting the girls head and started the process of healing her. I slowly pick her up and carried her in my arms. Would someone like this be able to integrate back into society? She’s been abused so much would she still grasp the miracle called life or would she let go and fall into the abyss.

The woman now in the arms of the handsome elf started to feel the warmth surrounding her. Knowing that she was about to loose consciousness she knew she had to look at the person who saved her life one more time. She had to see the person who ended her suffering. Slowly lifting her head she once again looked at the handsome elf. She could see his troubled face as he looked down on her undesirable face. Are those tears at the edge of his eyes? Are those for me? But why? I’m not even good enough to be slave. With those dark and depressing thoughts she finally lost consciousness questioning the situation at hand.

Turning around with the woman in my arms I start to walk back towards the guards and the heroes. Edward and Lilly were looking at me like I was hero while Sarah and Linda were wearing conflicted expressions. Angelica was no where to be seen but I had small inkling of where she had disappeared to.

This is the first time the heroes have witnessed death. I’m surprised Lilly isn’t traumatised. Her eyes are sparkling just like Edwards.

“We should head back to the castle.” I could only smile wryly at the reactions from the people surrounding me. The crowd around me was still silent but most of them had the same sparkling eyes as Lilly and Edward.

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