《Vacation of a God》Chapter 8


Entering the city I could see the festival was fully underway. From what I could see the people were celebrating something about heroes.

Seeing the crowded streets I take Angelicas hand.

“So we don't get separated.” I said with a smile..

Walking side by side we made our way through the streets towards the guild. The further inside the city we went the thicker the crowds were becoming.

Finally out of the crowds we enter the guild. I would have left handing in the quest for another day, but we needed more money for future. I could just create an unlimited amount of gold but I only wanted to that only if it was necessary.

Walking over to Samantha’s desk we give her a wave calling her over.

“Samantha we’re here to hand in our quest.” (Skyler)

“Huh? Wait you’ve already completed it? In one day? You took care of all 7 of them?” She sounded shocked and barraged us with questions. Her shouting garnered the attention of the surrounding adventures who silently listened in on the conversation.

“Would you like proof here on in the back room?” Angelica said pulling out one of the wyvern heads.

Gasps echoed throughout the room followed by mumbling. Already used to this we were lead into the back room by Samantha.

Entering the back room we were greeted by a smirking guild master.

“Fufufu. Only you two can make Samantha lose composure like that.” (Dreyfus)

Surprised to see the guild master Angelica wanted to get straight to the point about his surprise visit. “Guild master Dreyfus, to what do we owe the pleasure?”

“Straight to the point huh, very well please take a seat.” (Dreyfus)

Sitting down the atmosphere in the room turned serious.

“With the festivities outside you’ve probably realised somethings going on right?” Seeing the pair nod their heads Dreyfus continued. “The human kingdoms are going to be summoning heroes in the near future.”


“What does this have to do with us?” I asked puzzled.

“Well you see the heroes need someone to teach them magic and martial arts. As guild master I want to recommend the two of you.” (Dreyfus)

"Wouldnt the country be in charge of training the heroes?" Angelica asked confused.

"The guards cannot be compared to S rank adventurers like yourselves. The A rank quest about the wyverns you two completed would have taken a small army an the both of you completed the quest in one day. Only our adventurers can be that capable." He spoke with pride.

“Sounds interesting I don’t mind what about you Angelica.” (Skyler)

“You don’t even need to ask I’ll follow you anywhere.” She said with a proud smile.

Standing up Drefus walked over to the two of us. “Very well, I thank you both for taking this quest fufufu.” I could see how happy Dreyfus was as he was shaking my hand and laughing like a maniac. Samantha was just shaking her head in the background. Judging from her reaction this is probably a usual reaction from the old man.

“When will these heroes be summoned?” Angelica asked, I could see her becoming irritated with the guild masters laughing.

Giving Angelica a warm smile as a thanks for bailing me out I join in on the conversation. “Will they be summoned here in Zeah?”

“To answer both of your questions, the summoning will take place here in Zeah as soon as we had the teachers and other personnel ready.” (Dreyfus)

“Why wouldn’t they summon them in the royal capital of this country?” If I remember correctly the map named this country as the holy kingdom or something.

“Good question, well there are three main reasons. The first is that goddess of this world personally made the summoning circle here thousands of years ago.” (Dreyfus)


A lesser God? Hmm so someone rose through the ranks of mortality into divinity interesting. Becoming a god is a rare feat itself achieved once in a billion years.

“The next is that the forest to the south of the city. It holds monsters of all ranges. The F rank monsters at outskirts to the S rank monsters deep in the forest.”

Wyverns are A rank monsters. The only reason it was an S rank quest was because of how many A rank monsters were together. Other than dragons I wonder what other creatures are classified as S rank.

“Finally the last reason. We don’t who we are summoning. Zeah is an adventurer city the and strongest will be present in the city during the ceremony. If we summon an evil being and it escapes into the world you can only guess the consequences.” Dreyfus sighs and continues his speech.

“Only one thing is confirmed and that is that they are not from this world. There’s a reason why we only summon in dire situations. The goddess has warned not to summon heroes for our own selfish desires.” (Dreyfus)

Dire situation? Asking what the situation is would be too ignorant. I guess we will find out soon enough. The most interesting situation would be fighting a fallen god. If it’s a higher fallen god maybe I’ll finally have a fight that’s lasts more than one move. My last fight with a higher fallen god ended within 5 hits before he started to beg for redemption. The challenge would be to fight without destroying Eremel in the process. Exciting truly exciting.

Feeling Angelica softly patting my back I realise I almost released my bloodlust. That was close really close. I’m glad she’s here with me.

Putting my arm around her waist and holding her tight I ask Dreyfus another question. “I’m guessing by your excitement we were the last people needed? If so where will the summoning take place?”

“The summoning will take place at the castle in the northern side of the city. Members of royalty and the high priest are already present. The summoning will take place tomorrow midday. When you arrive at the castle just show your badges to castle guards and you will be escorted to the summoning room.” (Dreyfus)

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