《Diary of Erica Kron》Day 34-35


Day 34

Tiddol and her party got back this morning, only someone was missing. The centaur, Lesys i believe his name was, wasn’t there when they returned. They weren't as sad about it as i would have thought, but I could tell, his death was eating away at them. The didn’t even ask what happened with all the goblins around today, though Thes did acknowledge Par.

I managed to get Tiddol alone around midmorning. She cried. It was heartbreaking. I spent a while just embracing her, and it seemed to help a little. Eventually she fell asleep, so i carried her to her bed. When i tried to pull away then she clung tighter, saying something in her sleep that I couldn’t make out.

We laid there almost all day, only when she woke up to the smell of richly spiced stew did she let me go. When i asked her if she was alright then she said ‘no, but i will be. This isn’t the first time we’ve lost a companion and it won’t be the last. I’ll get over it eventually.’

The stew was amazing, even if it tasted bad I would have said that because it managed to really cheer up Tiddol, though it did also taste amazing.

I’m going to stop writing here because Tiddol asked me to let her hold me while she falls asleep. It was comforting to her, and she could use it.

Day 35

I hung out with Tiddol all day. To her credit, she didn’t spend the time moping about. It was a pretty active, if mostly unproductive, day.

We made breakfast in the morning for everyone, including Par’s tribe. I am not exactly skilled at cooking, but I don’t think they minded. We made scrambled eggs in large batches and mixed in some cooked sausages before wrapping the whole thing in a flat piece of bread Tiddol told me was a tortilla. She told me it was called a breakfast burrito, and it was pretty good, not as good as the pancakes Par made the other day, but it was good.


After we were done with breakfast we played with a deck of cards Mest had. The two of us played several different games, so many that I wasn’t able to keep track of them. Occasionally Par would join us, but he mostly spent the day fighting with Thesys, I think they were actually trying to kill each other, or organizing his tribe.

In the evening she asked me to explain what happened with the goblins. When I told her she stared at Par with a look I had never seen before. It was close to respect, but not quite, admiration perhaps? No even that feels a bit off, I guess time will tell.

For dinner, Thesys made bear steak, which struck me as a little wrong coming from the bearzerker, but I wasn’t about to argue with the taste.

It is a bit difficult to write this as Tiddol fell asleep holding onto my dominant arm, forcing me to write with my other hand. It was a fun day, tiring though so I am going to end it here and go to sleep.

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