《Diary of Erica Kron》Day 32-33


Day 32

This morning i saw a large number of goblins, led by what looked like a much larger goblin, approach my glade. It was terrifying, i thought that the large goblin had killed Par and was now coming to kill me.

I was shocked at first when the large goblin bowed to me throwing the head of a large goblin at my feet saying ‘my queen, I return bearing the head of our enemy’. I knew who it was then and there, Parius had won.

After some near crying on my part, I managed to hear the whole story. Par found the tribe and snuck inside. After looking around he managed to identify the leader, a greater goblin according to what Par had read. He challenged the leader for control over the tribe, the fight lasted for the better part of a day before Par emerged victorious. After killing the greater goblin he fell asleep, evolving through the night into a hobgoblin.

Compared to before he isn't ugly, certainly not attractive but his face alone wouldn't scare someone off. He is also about twice his old height and very lean, almost no fat on him.

For dinner Par organized some goblins into making rabbit soup, it was ok, not as good as the stuff Par makes himself. He did make a batch specially for me however, that was nice.

It's good to have the not-so-ugly little guy around

Day 33

Today I got to watch Par organize and lead a small tribe of goblins, around twenty-five of them. It was pretty impressive in my opinion.

He organized ten of them into hunting parties of two each. They were instructed to bring back at least a certain amount of food, while more would get them rewards and less would get them punished. Unfortunately most brought back under the goal, Par spent at least an hour beating them before giving them what little was leftover from dinner. One group actually brought slightly more than was requested, they got one of the berries as a reward. Based on their expressions when they ate it they are going to try harder tomorrow.


He spent most of midmorning teaching five of the goblins how to build a small shack with wood he requested from me. I didn’t have to harm a tree to get it, I just had to kind of ask for the wood while providing energy to grow it, plus a little extra. The shack was big enough to fit five goblins comfortably if all they did was sleep there. He told me he planned on having them build several more of the shacks tomorrow, I happily provided him the wood required.

As for the last of the goblins, he had them start to plant a certain type of grain. According to him, it grows best in partial shade, and I instinctively knew he was right.

Listening to him talk about his plans for the tribe is fascinating to me. He ultimately wants to develop the tribe into a city. Most of what he said about it went over my head, but one thing I did get is that he wants it to be able to benefit me.

I ate berries today for every meal.

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