《Diary of Erica Kron》Day 20


When I woke up this morning I was absolutely famished, to the point that I could barely move. I was slowly feeling better because I was absorbing ambient mana, but at this rate it would have taken me all day to be able to move.

Luckily for me, Par seemed to be keeping a close eye on me, so it was easy to ask him for food. well relatively easy, it was kind of hard to speak because of the hunger pains.

The food he brought me was the leftovers from the boar he killed the other day, it was old, dry, and kind of smelly, but I ate all of it within minutes. It didn’t help much, but it at least took enough of an edge off that I could concentrate on something that would actually fix my problem, absorbing ambient mana faster.

It took till mid-afternoon before I was satisfied. At that time I decided to ask Par what happened, it was kind of hard to interpret so I will sum it up.

First, the lightning struck the tree, lighting it on fire and breaking it in several places. Then I cast a spell, the spell put out the fire and repaired the worst of the damage. And lastly, I collapsed. I’m assuming that I collapsed due to how much mana the spell consumed. as I am a creature almost entirely made of mana if I consume too much I will die, so I probably blacked out to avoid that.

Personally, I am just glad the tree is fine, yeah it is burnt a little and there are shallow cracks running along its trunk but it is still alive and healthy, amazing even as it seems to have absorbed a lot of mana from something. All the trees have, but that one, in particular, absorbed the most.

The birds came out as I was writing this. I enjoyed watching the colorful ones dance through the sky while the other ones sing with their beautiful voices.

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