《Diary of Erica Kron》Day 11-13


Day 11

Today i woke up to the songs of the pair of birds. It was a pleasent way to wake up, nothing like waking up to fire falling from the sky.

The gnome returned today. They were incredibly excited, if their eagerness to show off their spoils said anything. Apparently they got a pretty powerful potion, it was difficult for me to get them to calm down enough for me too understand what it does. Eventually they managed to tell me, a life- extention potion. according to them it will increase someone's lifespan by between 75 and 90 years. After a lot of deliberation they decided to drink it, commenting 'this tastes like shit, literal shit' after.

Later we snacked on some berries while i listened to some of their stories as a dungeoneer. I particularly enjoyed the story of them killing a dungeon dragon whelp with a small explosive and some glue. They were exciting to listen too, nothing like my life, where the only really exciting thing that has happened was the day that, no nevermind. I'm sorry. I'm not ready to talk about that yet.

Day 12

Last night i fell asleep in the gnome’s arms, who’s name i found out to be Tiddol. They told me they would leave in a couple days again but would definitely return, hopefully with something interesting.

Today was fun, Tiddol and i hung out mostly. We tried running races against each other, i would always win despite their superior physique, being able to walk through trees is useful when running in a grove. They also brought out some cards and we played a few games, i would always lose those.

There was a bit of drama when the goblin showed up again, Tiddol thought he was a pest, as goblins usually are. I explained to them that i had fed them and were trying to befriend the goblin and they let him go, with a couple berries.


At night they told more stories of their adventures, like the time they met one of the last remnants of Origin, whatever that is. I enjoy being with Tiddol, I guess they would be my friend, I wouldn’t know, the only ones i have ever been close too before were family. It’s nice, having a friend.

Day 13

Today I woke up to something wet hitting my face, turned out to be rain. It ended up pouring all day. The rain makes the flowers smell nice, but mud gets everywhere. Tiddol pitched a tent for the two of us to keep dry though I spent as much time out of the tent as in it. Personally, I don’t mind the rain as much as Tiddol does.

I have something to admit; I didn’t Learn their gender till today when the rain soaked through their clothes I could see that Tiddol was definitely a her. The reason I didn’t ask before was because I didn’t think it mattered, but still it’s nice to know.

The birds stayed in their nest today, so there were no lovely songs from them. After mentioning that too Tiddol she offered to play some music for me before pulling out a wooden instrument she called a flute. I had never seen one though that’s not saying much as the only instrument I had seen was the ocarina my dad used to have.

The song she played felt, sad almost. Like the music told a story of loss. I loved the song.

I want to write more but it’s time for me to sleep, so goodnight.

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