《Purple Lightning Emperor》New fictions


New fictions.

After a long hiatus from Royal Road, I've decided to come back and have begun publishing some brand new serials such as: The Seven Demon Gods’ Successor. the Heaven Defying Rat and I also continued an old novel of mine, the

Ultimate Weapons System In An Apocalypse World

1) https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/45906/the-seven-demon-gods-successor

2) https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/47763/the-heaven-defying-rat

To tell you the truth, I wanted to continue and rewrite two of my previous works such as the Gamer’s Godship and the Purple Lightning Emperor, but it's been so long that I felt like most people forgot about them and moved on.

Anyway, I would like you guys to give these new novels of mine a try. Maybe you might end up liking one of them despite their flaws.

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