《Purple Lightning Emperor》Chapter 126- The Start Of A Bloody Battle


Seeing how one of their comrades got killed by a single kick from that human boy, the other grey horned Wolves that were following behind stopped immediately. Each wolf stood behind each other in a line and was obviously showing fear as they all peeked at the area where the lifeless body of the grey horned wolf laid down with blood flowing from its mouth like a waterfall.

Not to mention to grey horned wolves, the people that came with Shad were also stunned. Seeing how the 4th imperial prince was able to effortlessly instakill a grey horned wolf, they were overjoyed as they could finally see the light of hope.

Aside from Little Blue, all them began to think that the 4th imperial prince did not have his strength suppressed by the Tower. It might seem absurd to think of such a thing because there has never been a human that entered the Tower and not have his strength suppressed by it. However, that's the only explanation they could come up with seeing how he was able to kill a grey horned wolf with a single kick.

One has to understand, Wolves are ferocious wild beasts, even though the grey horned wolf were all rank one beast, their body toughness was always a rank higher than their actual rank. Which means a rank one wolf will have the body toughness a rank two magical beast which was three times stronger than the body of a rank one human warrior.

So their assumption wasn't groundless when they thought that the 4th imperial prince did not have his strength suppressed by the Tower. Otherwise, it would have been almost impossible for him to instakill a rank one grey horned wolf with a single kick.

" Hehehe, How could I let that damn kid get all the glory by himself. Let me show you how Lord Lillte Blue do things, little girl."


Little Blue started laughing out loud before she leaped out from Vivi's hand and landed on the ground. At the same time, she changed into her real form. She was as tall as a grown man and looked very fierce and strong despite having her cultivation suppressed to the first rank as well.

Her two meters blue thunder wings spread wide as though she was about to blot out of the sky. Her pair of wings were adorned with some sort of delicate patterns which made it looked mysterious.

" These little wolves really have bad judgment. Didn't they see that these humans are under the protection of Lord Little blue? They didn't even try to run and hide when they saw Lord Little Blue, but they instead want to kill me. Look how I'm gonna bite them to death and incinerated them."

Little blue had a sinister smile on her face. she raised her head high up in the air and started walking towards the pack of a wolf with arrogance. From time to time, she looked back at Vivi to see the expression on her face.

It was as though she was trying to see if Vivi was stunned and impressed after seeing how awesome she was. However, Vivi didn't even bother looking at little Blue. She was more focused onto the pack wolves. There were two magic scrolls in her hands waiting for the wolves to make a move.

Seeing that she was being ignored by Vivi, Little Blue suddenly spread its thunder wings and ten blue streaks of lightning that were as wide as fingers and at least a meter long shot out from her wings! Each lightning streak was like a curved sharp blade, spreading at least an area four meters before her.

"Clap clap clap! Boom boom boom!"


The lightning blades were shooting out intensely with the sound of thunder rumbling. The lightning energy that burst out from the wings of Little Blue exuded an intimidating and terrifying aura!


In an instant, more than seven greys horned wolves were cut into shreds.


A shrill howl came from the Grey Horned Wolves as they were being cut into shreds by the blue lightning blades shot by Little Blue.

At this moments the grey horned wolves were enraged as they pounced towards Little Blue along with Shad and his group.

The bloody battle started at once.

" Don't break the formation, all you stay in a circle and defend against the grey horned wolves," Shad uttered loudly.

There were more than five hundred wolves and they were more still coming. If they were to fight them one on one or by forming a small group, the wolves would have the advantages as their numbers were far greater than them and were stronger than them individually as well.

The only thing he could do now was to make them defend in a tight circle together instead of fighting individually in order to lower their casualties. In the meantime, he would try to slaughter them all.

Now is simply not the time for him to hide his power, Shad's entire body was radiating a red light as his body was shrouded by red streaks of lightning, making him seemed like a thunder God.


With a single step, Shad instantly appeared in the middle of the pack of the bloodthirsty grey horned wolves leaving an afterimage behind.


Shad's left hand directly grab and smashed the throat of a grey horned wolf. Then, like a flood dragon coming out of its cave, his hand formed a fist as he suddenly threw a punch with all his might which has a strong penetrating force.

With a 'bang' noise, a large hole appeared in that grey horned wolf's head. Everything inside its head has been shattered by the shock of the strike. However, that didn't even faze the rest of the wolves as the continued to attack Shad and his group like crazy. It was as though they were in a frenzied state.

Seeing how the rest of his subordinates were in a bind as he wasn't able to kill enough wolves to lessen their burden, Shad quickly changed his tactics. Currently, there were more three hundred wolves that were attacking them, even though Lillte blue was killing them like crazy as well, some of them still managed to slip through and attacked Gomez and the rest.

"It's time to get serious," Shad whispered to himself.



A huge amount of red lightning bolts swirled around his right hand like snakes until they formed a blood red lightning scythe. The scythe was three meters long, its blade was crimson red and cold crescent moon surface that was peerlessly sharp, and its surface was shrouded with endless red lightning bolts.

At the instant it appeared, Shad's aura changed completely. He looked like a devil god as he pounced towards the pack of wolves with a cold glint in his eyes.

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