《Purple Lightning Emperor》Chapter 121


Listening to the sudden ancient voice that reverberated within his mind, Shad suddenly stopped his track and surveyed the area, However, he didn't see anyone except for the people that were following him.

" Brother is everything OK?" Asked Viviana with a hint of concern in her voice.

" Everything is fine, I just seemed to have heard a voice."

"Did you guys hear anything?" Shad asked as he looked at the people behind him.

Listened to the 4th imperial prince's questions, they all had a bewildered expression on their faces as they were looking at each other. It was as if they were asking the same question to each other, but instead of using their voices, they used their eyes to communicate with one another.

" I didn't hear anything, what about you big sis." Quickly answered Vivi as she looked at Monalisa.

" Nope, I didn't hear anything either." She said as she shifted her gaze to Nina and then Mina who then shook their heads and said no as well.

Mark and the others didn't hear anything either, which means that voice was only heard by Shad and no one else.

Shad stood still for a while to see whether he could hear that voice again but with no avail. Shad was a hundred percent sure that he had just heard a loud voice as soon as he passed through the door of the Great Tower, yet no one else was able to hear that voice but him.

Furthermore, that voice wasn't soft either, It was loud as hell and had a powerful and ancient feel to it, yet none of them heard it.

It was the same as when he had found the Eye of the Red Lightning Dragon Emperor. At that time, the Eye of the Red Lightning Dragon had flown into the sky and turned the whole continent into a type of redness. Even the sun was colored red by it. Furthermore, nine Lightning Dragons had appeared in the sky and started to roar so loud that it seemed as if space itself was going to shatter like a mirror.


The Eye of the Red Lightning Dragon Emperor had caused such a huge ruckus that even someone in the central mainland would have been able to notice it, yet not even Monalisa and the Lightning Corps who were pretty close at that time heard it. And today, the same thing had happened again when Shad passed through the gate of the Great Tower.

' Let's go." After confirming that he was the only one who had heard that voice, Shad didn't dwell on it anymore as he continued moving forward. He already had a pretty good idea as to why he was the only one that was able to hear that voice.

After Shad and his group entered the Tower, they found themselves walking through a dark, gloomy passageway that was lit up by countless small balls of blue flame. The passageway was so large that a hundred people could walk side by side without bumping into one another. It was very dark inside and one could not even see thirty meters ahead. However, the small balls of blue flame were constantly being lit up on both side of the passageway as Shad and his group was moving forward. It was as though the blue flame was showing them the way.

" Everyone gets ready, we've arrived at the end of the passageway," Shad said as he was looking at a huge round hall ahead of them.

Just like the passageway, the huge round hall was lit up all around by the small blue flame as well. The round hall was so big that it could hold more than a thousand people and it still wouldn't be crowded. Moreover, there was a huge magic circle that encompassed the whole hall.

From his position, Shad also saw another three passageways that lead to the same round hall.

" It seemed like there was more than one entrance," Shad said as he was looking at the other three passageways ahead of him.

",Indeed, according to father, the Great Tower has four entrances and each one of them has a different carving on the door. This one has the huge Purple Lightning Dragon standing on top of countless ancient powerful Lightning Beasts. The opposite side is the massive carving of nine different items that looked like a set of powerful weapons. The power emanating from each of these weapons wasn't the least weaker than that of the Purple Lightning Dragon. On the other side is another massive carving of the person wearing the same set of weapons that were on the opposite side and battling a giant person with six pairs of eyes. As for the last one, it was the carving of nine huge worlds that shattered or broken and transformed into trillions dust like worlds." Answered Gomez with a puzzled look on his face.


The carving on the doors of the Great Tower was clearly telling a story. Also, even though they couldn't get the whole story while looking at and analyzing the four carving on the doors, they still had a rough idea about what went down from looking at the four carvings. However, they didn't know if that story was whether true or just fiction. Also, they didn't know who was that massive Purple Lightning Dragon and his relationship with that person that was battling the six pairs eyes giant on the other side. They all wanted to uncover the secrets of the Great Tower, but for some unknown reason, aside from the four founders in the past, no one has ever been able to make it to the 9th floor where the spirit beasts resided till now.

Even though Gomez was following his father's order to support the 4th imperial prince of the Djage empire or the 2nd protector, he knew that his father had another motive as well for ordering him to do so.

He believed that the 4th imperial prince had a huge chance of making it to the 9th floor otherwise that old geezer wouldn't have sent him. If he actually made it, even if the possibility was very small, then he and his son would have the chance to get the bloodline of a spirit beast and strengthen their family. If he couldn't make it, then they still wouldn't lose anything as they would get on the good side of the imperial family by supporting the 2nd protector.

Furthermore, unlike Shad and the other Novas, Gomez knew some secrets that they didn't. For example as to why they sent them inside the Tower and gave them such an important mission that could cause the rise and fall of the four empires while the Magic Council pretended to keep watch on what they believed to be the main base of the Eye.

After listening to Gomez's explanation about the three carvings on the other three entrances, Shad's body suddenly shook violently, after that, his eyes showed that he had an understanding expression. From that four carvings alone, even though he couldn't connect all the dots, Shad had a pretty rough idea about what went down as well and the relation between the purple lightning seed within his infinite space with the purple lightning dragon and the person wearing the set of weapon that was battling the giant with the six pair of eyes.

Shad suddenly had more than a hundred of questions that spanned out of his mind after knowing the existence of the other three carvings. However, he knew that he wasn't going to get any answers unless he subdued that Tower just like he did with the Eye of the Red Lightning Dragon Emperor. He had the feeling that by subduing the Tower, he will have all the answers to his questions.

In the blink of an eye, they all had entered the huge round hall. And then, the huge magic circle that encompassed the whole round hall suddenly lit up beneath their feet as Shad along with hundreds of people that were following him disappeared from the hall as it returned to normal and the small blue flames were gone as well turning the hall and the passageway pitch black.

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