《Purple Lightning Emperor》Chapter 117


At this moment, aside from the Thunder Wolf, the other four magical beasts dashed towards the incoming group of humans with a vicious look on their faces.

" Foward." Roared Andre as he charged toward the Ice Rhino followed by more than a hundred imperial soldiers with his long sword that was imbued with a dark red battle qi.

Andre was a peak 6th rank warrior and when he used his bloodline ability, he became as strong as a mid 7th rank warrior while the Ice Rhino was a peak 7th rank magical beast, so no matter how conceited and how addicted he was to battle, he didn't dare to face the Ice Rhino alone.

Not only him, whether it was Klaus, Baal, and even the prideful uncrowned Emperor was followed by two of the strongest members of the Dragon Pillars who were both 8th rank warriors as he dashed towards the Golden Lion.

The members of the Eye were already inside the Tower looking for the treasure left by Henry, so they didn't care about showing off their skills by fighting the magical beasts one on one, not to mention any of these beasts was stronger than them. Unless they used their trump cards, it would be almost impossible to defeat these magical beasts alone, let alone killed them.

"Bang." An explosive sound and a billow of energy pulsed out like a tidal wave as the four magical beasts along with four Novas collided against one another. In the blink of an eye, the surrounding area quickly turned into a bloody battlefield as the four Novas along with their group was engaging in a fierce battle against the four magical beasts.


As the bloody battle continued for some time, a cry filled with pain could be heard as two men were being gobbled up the huge Poisonous Python.

Seeing how two of their men were being eaten alive by the enormous Python,


With a red streak of light, one of the commanders of the Red Storm Legions quickly shot an arrow imbued with fire battle qi from his longbow towards the poisonous Python.



The arrow collided against the gigantic body of the Python with an explosive sound. With an enormous hissing sound of pain that could sting the ears, the Python spat out the two humans that was in its mouth. However, by that time, half of their bodies were already corroded as though they had fallen into a huge container of acid.

On the giant Python's body, a single gaping bloody hole could be seen as a poisonous black blood was oozing out from it.

" Grooowl..." The poisonous Python suddenly let out an angry roar. At the same time, an enormous green scaled tail emerge from within the thick mist at a high speed, sweeping towards Klaus and his subordinates at incomparably high speed.

" So fast." Klaus blurted out with a serious expression his face. The incoming tail attack was so fast that Klaus didn't have any time to cast any magic spell. Moreover, even if he was able to cast a magic spell, it wouldn't change a thing because he was a wind mage and defense was not his strong point.

The green scaled tail of the Poisonous Python was so massive and long that it seemed like it could sweep the whole Red Storm Legion away with this single attack. Seeing how all of his subordinates were going to be swept away and possibly be killed by the Python's tail attack, Klaus didn't dare to be picky as he took out a magic scroll from his pocket and threw it at the incoming attack.

As soon as the magic scroll touched the ground, it began to tremble violently after which a huge earth wall grew from the ground protecting Klaus along with the Red Storm Legion by separating them from the poisonous python's attack. All of them were behind that wall while the giant Poisonous Python was on the other side.


A huge explosive sound rang out as the giant scaled tail of the enormous Python collided against the earth wall. However, the earth wall created by the magic scroll only shook a little and some stones fell but it still stood erect.


That's to be expected because that magic scroll contained an 8th tier earth defensive magic spell known as Unbreakable Earth Wall. Unless the Poisonous Python was an 8th rank or a 9th rank magical beast, it could only dream about breaking that impenetrable and unbreakable earth wall. The only problem about that kinda magic scroll was that the magic spell within could only last thirty seconds at max. After the time limit, the spell or the earth wall would dissipate by itself. Nonetheless, that thirty second was enough to save the lives of countless Red Storm Legionnaires.

In the meantime, Klaus along with the Red Storm Legion didn't just stay there like sitting ducks waiting for the Poisonous Python to attack them again when the earth wall dissipated. They all moved a few steps backward on the other side of the earth wall as they drew out their longbows and arrows on the ready, waiting for the earth wall to dissipate so they could nail that damn poisonous python to the ground. Each of their arrows was imbued with battle qi which increased their power by at least two folds.

While Klaus and the Red Storm Legions were going through a bloody battle with the Poisonous Python, the others weren't well off either, especially Andre.

The area where he was fighting against the Ice Rhino was covered by a layer of freezing ice. Dozens of frozen corpses stood there like ice statues, whether on the ground, lying down, or standing up. There was no longer a hint of life in them.

Furthermore, the Ice Rhino wasn't well off either as its body was filled with cuts and was covered in blood. Countless arrows were planted on its body like flagpoles.

Seeing the dozens of icy corpses of his imperial soldiers, Andre was truly enraged as his heart was filled with the strong desire to kill the Ice Rhino and chopped its body into multiple pieces.

" You truly have angered me." Roared Andre as he pounced towards the Ice Rhino with his long sword that was imbued with a dark red battle qi. As he got closer to the Ice Rhino, a large amount of frost continued to accumulate around his body untill it covered his whole body with ice. As soon as his body was covered with ice, Andre's clothes rippled slightly as he discharged a large amount of battle qi from his body and broke apart the layer of frost. However, the same phenomena kept happening as he got closer the Ice Rhino and all he could do was constantly break it apart by discharging battle qi from within his body.

As Andre got close enough to the ice Rhino and was about to slash it with his longsword, a massive foot, so large that several imperial soldiers would be needed to wrap their arms around it in a circle, came crashing down from up high, stamping down towards him like a small mountain.


The earth shuddered, and an enormous crater many meters in size appeared where the massive foot had landed. However, long before that massive foot had touched the ground, Andre had immediately moved like a gust of wind and retreated more than thirty meters away from it.

As soon as Andre had dogged its attack and before the Ice Rhino could even make its next move, a rain arrows had descended upon it like raindrops. Andre's tactic was to keep the Ice Rhino away from its troops while his imperial soldiers would shoot arrows at it when he was in a safe distance. Earlier when he had engaged into a close combat with the Ice Rhino along with his troops, the Ice Rhino had killed dozens of his men with its Ice breath in less than a minute. As such, he was forced to use a different tactic as he didn't want to lose more of his men before he could enter the Tower.

While the Four Novas were engaging in a fierce battle with the four magical beasts, they didn't even notice that the Thunder Wolf and Shad along with his men had already disappeared from the endless mist.

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