《Purple Lightning Emperor》Chapter 116


In a flash, the discussion about whose group was going to fight which magical beast was over. Before any of them chose which magical beast they were going to fight, they did not only take in considerations their strengths but also their innate skills.

As a lightning mage, Shad had volunteered to take on the Thunder wolf. The Thunder Wolf was the strongest of the five magical beasts along with the Golden Lion. Not only the Thunder Wolf was able to spit out lightning out of his mouth but it was also able to discharge electricity from its body. Moreover, it was very fast, the fastest among the five magical beasts.

Furthermore, Shad had chosen the Thunder Wolf because he believed that it was the most suitable opponent to test his lightning skills as well as his speed. So far, Shad never encounter an opponent that could keep up with his speed let alone match it. Also, he had never fought against an opponent that uses lightning just like himself, except for that one time when he fought against that junior mage in the magic battle assessment in the academy. However, at that time, he had thrown that fatty out of the stage before he could even cast a single magic spell. In fact, Shad had never known what it felt like to be hit by a lightning bolt.

Being known as the strongest of the 7 novas, Drake didn't want to fall behind as well as he chose the Golden Lion which was also an 8th rank magical beast. Just like the Flame Tiger, The Golden Lion's innate skill or attribute was fire. Moreover, its body was protected by a layer of golden scale that had an extremely high defense.

The Poisonous Python was chosen by Klaus and his group. Even though the Poisionus Python was weaker than the Thunder Wolf and the Golden Lion, it was just as dangerous as them because it was able to spit out an extremely potent poison that could even corrode one's battle qi or mana.


The Ice Rihono was chosen by Andre, the 2nd imperial prince of the Bartolo Empire along with his group. As for the Flame Tiger, it was assigned to Baal. Florence and Anderson were the only lucky ones of them as they didn't have to fight any of the five magical beasts. However, they had the duty to clear out the way for the others and watch their backs, making sure that they didn't get ambush by any of the remaining members of the Eye or by the other magical beasts that were within the vicinity while they were fighting.

Although the five magical beasts were very powerful, each one of the Novas had more than five hundred imperial soldiers under their commanders and some of them were 7th and 6th ranks warriors, especially for the Uncrowned Emperor who had two 8th rank warriors under his command, So if they didn't want to fight any of the magical beast ones on one, with the combined forces of their group, it wouldn't be a big problem to deal with a single magical beast.

After walking for another hour or so, everyone came to a stop as they sensed a powerful killing intent and bloodlust directed towards them.


Suddenly, the loud roar of a magical beast could be heard in the haze as it shook both the heavens and the earth with an ear-splitting sound. Then, five enormous magical beasts came into view as they walked out within the endless mist. An enormous python head was two times the size of an adult human's head emerged from within the mist. It was impossible to see its complete size as the rest of its body was still covered by the fog of the endless mist.

Right next to the giant Python was a large Tiger. It looked incredibly vicious and had red colored scales layered all over its body. It was as though its whole body was on fire.


To the side was a hill-sized, twenty meters tall massive monster.

That monster was covered with an extremely thick blue hide and was at least forty meters long. It was truly like a small mountain. The energy emitting from its nostrils caused the ground beneath it to be cover with a thick layer of ice, this magical beast was none other than the Ice Rhino.

Next to the Ice Rhino was massive muscular Golden Lion. Both of its bloodthirsty eyes were glowing brightly as it was looking at those preys in front of him. The Golden Lion was known for its strong body and Its strong attacks. Even though both the Flame Tiger and the Golden Lion had the fire attribute, The fire used by the Golden Lion was more powerful than the one used by the Flame Tiger. Not only because it was stronger than the Flame Tiger, but because its fire was a tier above or purer than the one used by the Flame Tiger.

And finally, a sturdy-looking giant wolf was majestically walking next to the Golden Lion. Its entire seven meters long body was completely blue. On its back, was a pair of giant wings that seemed like they were made of thunder and lightning. Its wings were so big that it seemed that once it spread, it would be able to fly around the world unhindered. Occasionally, a ripple of electricity would dance across its body. From the lightning energy fluctuations around the Blue Thunder Wolf's body, it was clear that it was the strongest of the bunch. Also, Instead of bloodlust and savagery, a highly intelligent feels were leaked out from its eyes which made it seemed human like.

Upon seeing the appearances of these five magical beasts, The seven Novas couldn't help but swallowed their saliva. As for the others, they felt a chill run down through every part of their bodies.

Also, as these five magical beasts appeared, a strong presence could suddenly be felt. It's like there's a massive weight pressing down upon them. Additionally, the air around them was shilling to the bone.

" Together now, there might still be other magical beasts around, so be careful," Andre said without wasting any time as he held up his long sword and charged toward the Ice Rhino with his eyes filled battle intents. Following straight behind, Klaus, Drake and the others charged with their weapons as well.

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