《Purple Lightning Emperor》Chapter 110


After Klaus introduced the other Novas to Shad, the secret meeting of the seven Novas finally began. These seven people were the emissaries of the four great empires as well as the most powerful ancient noble families in the Egul Continent. As such, even though the resting place was filled with a sea of people, including people from all kinda influences, these seven young men were the real decision makers.

At this moment, Klaus stood in front of the six novas with a solemn expression on his face and cupped his hands as he said." Fellow friends, thank you for accepting my invitation and coming to this secret meeting."

" We have all gathered here today in this dangerous place in order to seek the treasures left by Henry in the Great Tower and at the same time find out the answer to the secret of the Great Tower."

" We basically have the same goal and the fate and honor of our empires are at stake in this endeavor. Because of that, there bounds to have some conflict between us. Some of us will try to get rid of the others on the way even before entering the Tower in order to decrease the competitors. However, the goal of this meeting is to prevent that and form a temporary alliance."

" I have two reasons for proposing this temporary alliance. First of all, the endless mist that surrounded the Great Tower is filled several strong magical beasts and those magical beasts are far too strong for us individually. Secondly, we've personally witnessed a large number of people from the Eye entered the endless mist yesterday morning. It's safe to assume that they'll leave some of their members at the entrance of the Tower to ambush us and prevent us from entering the tower as we have the same goal as them. We all know how vicious and ruthless the members of the Eye are as well as their plan and ambition, if they get their hands on these treasures before us, I am afraid it won't take them long before they take over the whole Egul continent and wiped out the four empires."

" Because of that, I wish we all can put aside our grievances and work together. As long as we can defeat all the magical beasts that block our path in the endless mist and get past the ambush set by the members of the eye, we will be able to safely enter the great tower with minimal damages."

" That's right, I agree with Klaus. If we want to enter the great tower, then there is no other choice to join hands otherwise we'll just become those powerful magical beasts' meal and fall into the trap of the bastard from the Eye." Said Andre, the 2nd prince of the Bartolo empire, with his long sword on his right shoulder.

" Indeed, it would be better for us to temporarily give up on our hatred and grievances. Passing through the endless mist and getting into the great Tower is of utmost priority." Baal said with a deep voice as he was looking at his brother Drake, the crown prince of the Draco Empire.

Baal was older than Drake and also the one meant to be the crown prince of the Draco Empire. The first child of the Emperor of the Draco empire was a girl and his older brother who was the 1st imperial prince had no interest in the throne Which made Baal the perfect and the most appropriate candidate for the throne. However, the birth of his little brother had changed everything. Whether it was talent, strength, and charisma, he was vastly inferior to his little brother.


Even though they were both parts of the seven Novas, their strength differed greatly. However, with the appearances of the treasures left by Henry in the tower, he finally has a chance to take back everything his little brother has taken away from him. Aside from the treasures left by Henry, the Great Tower had many treasures that are far superior such as powerful spirit beasts bloodline, if he could get his hands on any of them then he will have a chance to fight for the throne against his dreadful little brother.

Soon, all of the other Novas agree to an alliance, even the dreadful and arrogant Uncrowned Emperor. During this meeting, Shad didn't say much, he just nodded his head in agreement.

" Well then everyone, There's not much time to waste. Now that we all come to an agreement, we should plan accordingly. With the combined strength of the seven of us, we'll definitely be able to destroy those magical beasts and the Eye's ambush which will allow us to reduce the casualties to an absolute minimum." Klaus said with a big smile on his face.

Prior to this, Klaus had already talked to all the other novas except Shad about his plan and they all agreed with this temporary alliance. So this meeting was just a front to convince Shad to join them. Even though Shad was just new upcoming Nova, he was very powerful which was why Klaus wanted him to join the alliance despite being on bad term with him. Before, He thought that Shad wouldn't agree to team up with him because of their bad blood, However, who would have thought that Shad easily agreed to this alliance.

" We'll leave tomorrow early in the morning, the seven of us we'll lead our combine forces to pass through the endless mist and enter the great tower. The seven of us will take the lead and destroy anything that blocks our path." He continued.

"Well, that's the end of the meeting and I am glad that we all come to an understanding. If you guys want, we can stay a little longer and get to know each other as we will be working together from now." Klaus added as he was looking at Shad.

In truth, Shad was the only newcomer here. All the other six novas have known each other or run into to each others many times. They've known each other's abilities and strength. However, Shad was a big mystery to them. They knew nothing about him except for what the public knows. Klaus had seeing Shad fight once, but at that time, he wasn't as strong as he is now. Furthermore, he didn't even use his full strength back then.

" I would like to stay a bit longer, but I have something important to do," Shad said as he was trying to leave because that young man known as Berserker was looking at him with his eyes filled with battle intents as soon as Klaus said these last sentence, Shad could clearly feel that this guy was itching for a fight.

Not only him, but the eyes of the others were also glued onto him as well. At this moment, Shad felt like a new transfer student in a new school.

" Wait up my friend, why don't you have about with me before you go. It'll be very quick." Quickly said, Andre, as he blocked Shad's path.

Andre was the second strongest member of the Seven Novas. The Imperial family of the Bartolo Empire possesses a strange and mysterious bloodline that allow them to increase their strength by a minor rank when fighting. In another word, it'll make an early 6th rank warrior possesses the strength of a mid 6th rank warrior.


It was because of that strange bloodline that the Bartolo Imperial family was able to reign supreme over the Bartolo Empire despite the fact that their imperial family only give birth to warriors due to their bloodline.

Just like Drake, throughout the history of the Bartolo Empire, Andre had awakened the purest bloodline aside from the founder of the Bartolo Empire. His bloodline was so strong that it allows his cultivation to increase by two minor ranks when fighting. However, he was a blockhead that was addicted to fighting and didn't have any interest to the throne.

The Egul continent was ruled by mages. However, it wasn't the case in the Bartolo Empire. In the Bartolo empire, warriors reign supreme because of the prestige and the invincibility of the Bartolo Imperial family.

" Not interested." Shad shook his head in disagreement.

However, Andre seemed as though he was not going to take no for answer as he continued." Heh heh, friend please just one round, it's the first time I've met an opponent aside from that bastard Drake that can make feel threatened and endangered."

" Little brother, I am afraid this blockhead won't leave you alone unless you give in and fight him. He will even follow you everywhere you go until you fight him." Chuckled Florence as she was looking at Shad with a slight smile on her face.

" What she said." Added Andre with puppy look on his face. he was looking at Shad as though he had just found a new toy to play with.

Seeing the burning desire in Andre's eyes as well as the look of expectation of the others, Shad couldn't help but cursed this bastard in his heart. He really wanted to go back because it was the first time that Monalisa was sleeping in the forest with the other girls ever since they left for the Great Tower. He wanted to fool around a little with her before he embarked on this dangerous mission tomorrow, however, this little fucker was trying to ruin his business.

Furthermore , Shad was not a fool and could clearly see that the others were using Andre as a dagger to test his strength because of his love for battle.

" Ok, Hurry up then," Shad said with an impatient look on his face as he was looking at Andre.

Shad could tell from Andre's aura that he was a peak a peak 6th rank warrior. Being able to reach this stage at such an early age clearly indicated that the latter was a heaven-defying genius. However, what amazed shad the most was the fact that he could feel a strange powerful strength from this guy's body.

" Hehe, thank you, little friend," Andre said as he took a few steps back.

" Are you ready," Andre said as he held his long heavy sword in his right hand.

The moment the sword was in his hand, the atmosphere around him completely changed. A powerful aura swept across the summit of the mountain as a dark red battle qi enveloped Andre's body and his sword.

The dark red battle qi was like a tidal wave as it explodes forth from Andre's body. From the distance, it was as if he was wrapped up in soaring dark red flame.

Furthermore, as the dark red battle qi gushed out from his body, his cultivation started to increase until it stopped into the mid 7th rank warrior. And a dangerous beast-like aura flowed out from his body bit by bit.

When Shad sensed this dangerous aura coming from Andre's body, his eyes turned serious.


In a flash, Andre suddenly disappeared from his initial position and appeared right in front of Shad in a lightning speed. His speed was extremely fast, almost impossible to follow with the naked eye. As a powerful warrior, Andre had spent most of his time working on his speed which had long broken through the limits of the human. At this moment, his long sword that was covered with a dark red qi, reached Shad's head, piercing through it.

Surprisingly, from the beginning to the end, Shad stood there motionless and looked as if he didn't plan on dodging his attack.

Seeing the sword pierced through Shad's head,


Everyone let out an alarm cry simultaneously. Did the mighty Imperial Freak die just like that?

Andre was a little surprise as well, he didn't expect to win this fight that easily and even killed the 4th imperial prince by mistakes. Did he misjudge him or was the endanger feeling he'd felt when he first saw him just an illusion?

Not only him, every one of them was thinking the same thing as well, especially Drake.

However, to their surprise, there wasn't a hint of blood that came out from Shad's head, despite having been pierced through by Andre's long sword. Suddenly, Shad's image slowly disappeared as though it was just an illusion, an afterimage.

Just at that time, Andre suddenly felt someone pat his shoulder.

" You lost" Shad's voice reverberated behind his back.

Listening to the voice behind his back, Andre was shocked and his expression became serious because he didn't see when Shad had moved from his initial position. Shad was supposed to be in front of him, yet unexpectedly he was already behind him.

Not only him, but the eyes of the others present also became serious because they had clearly seen what happened. When that sword had almost pierced through Shad's head, In a split second, they saw a faint red lightning bolt spread from his body and the next moment he was already behind Andre as though he had used a teleportation magic spell.

" What kinda speed is that. This can't be real" blurted out Klaus with a hint of terror in his eyes. Klaus couldn't help but pinch himself ruthlessly as he had lost faith in his eyes. Once the pain came, he finally believed that this was neither an illusion nor a dream, this was a reality.

Klaus became pale at such sight. He thought about many things in this split second and shivered fearfully.

"How, how can this be." To many of them, even witnessing the event personally was not enough to convince them as it was simply too difficult to imagine.

Drake became greatly alarmed as well, he had seen and battle people with fast speed before. However, he had never seen or heard someone with a shockingly absolute speed such as Shad.

This kind of shocking speed caused all of them to take a deep breath as they felt their spines being frozen. Anyone would break out in a cold sweat after witnessing that scene.

At this moment, Andre was still standing there in the same positions he was when he had pierced through Shad's head with his sword with an absent mind. He was still trying to figure out what just happened.

The entire scene was silent at this moment as everyone stared in a daze. After a while, they finally began to accept this impossible notion as the truth. However, by that time, Shad was nowhere to be seen.

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