《Purple Lightning Emperor》Chapter 105


The dawn sun peeked through the hazy screen of clouds that dominated the morning sky, painting the sky an elaborate mix of bloodied reds and vibrant oranges. Though the clouds were mostly white, there's a hint of grayness which suggested that it might rain later in the day.

By this time, the members of the Lightning Corps had long resumed their journey. Because they were only a day away from the Great Tower, they didn't dare to waste any more time as they made haste.

Just like usual, on the way, they've only met a handful of humans that were going to Great Tower. Furthermore, most of them were mercenaries, hunters, and a handful of nobles from the small kingdoms such as Mulan kingdom and some people from the Sky Suppression City.

Because the other two great empires such as the Draco and the Bartolo Empire were located on the other side of the Dark Forest, Shad and his group didn't meet any of them on the way. He will only be able to meet them when he eventually makes it near the location of the Great Tower. As for the people from the Nicholas Empire, they probably left a night before Shad which was why he hasn't met any of them yet. Nonetheless, Shad was very happy with his somewhat peaceful journey because he really didn't want to get into some unnecessary frictions.


The most inner core of the Dark Forest was a place where humans rarely came by or passed through. Here, magical beasts of the 7th rank to the 9th rank could appear at any time. Most likely, only warriors and mages of the 8th and 9th rank would dare to trespass here.

However, at this moment, this dangerous place was filled with countless humans. There was even a man-made spot of flattened ground in the area. The people that gathered there were in groups, there were several groups of a fifty, a hundred and even three hundreds and more.

Furthermore, there were several tents scattered about. From the outside, one could see several men lying about within their tents to rest. All over the area, there were plenty of people sitting on the tree branches eating and drinking while others were resting.

There were several 7th and 8th rank experts among them. As for the 9th rank experts, there were none to be seen. It was unknown if they have chosen not to gather in the same place with these group of people or if they have entered the Great Tower already.

Additionally, even though all the people gathered here in this area came from different and even hostile influences, they all seemed as though they had reached a peaceful agreement to not fight each other. It was rather very peaceful there with no one causing a disturbance.

A few miles away from where the people have gathered, at the end of the mountains was a region of endless mist... and beyond that endless mist, there was an utterly dazzling, eye-catching tower. And this tower was none other than the legendary Great Tower, a tower that looked like it was made of gold. This golden Tower soared high into the sky and looked like a pillar holding up the heaven. The height of the Tower was so high that one could even see it from the outskirts of the forest. It could be said that this Tower was the tallest structure throughout the whole Egul continent and was made from some unknown golden material.


Aside from his popular name, the Great Tower, this tower was also called the Golden Thunder Tower by some people because from up close, one could faintly see streaks of golden lightning flash on top of it. It came and went as though the Golden Tower was the center of a storm.

" Even though it's my second time coming to the Great Tower, I am still amazed by it and still feel so insignificant and tiny when I look at it. My grandfather once said that this Great Tower was once the dwelling of the Thunder God." Said a young man that was looking at the majestic Great Tower from the distance. This young man was in a meditative pose on top of a small mountain. His body was emanating an unparalleled emperor's aura as if he was a born supreme ruler. He seemed as though it was one with the small mountain and the surrounding area. The nearby trees and grasses seemed to have prostrated themselves in his presence as if he was the bless child of the Earth. Behind him were two men in red cloaks, their faces were covered with the hoods of their red robes, so it was impossible to see their features.

" It is indeed a miracle and a mystery, however, with our current strength or the people within the continent, we could never hope to discover the truth about the Tower. The Ancestor once said that the highest people have ever made it to the Tower was the 9th floor." Answered one of the men in a red cloak with a hint of awe in his voice as he shifted his gaze towards the tall majestic Tower ahead.

" Indeed, and that was a long time ago. According to the legend, only the founders of the four Great Empires were able to make it to the 9th floor. After they've made it there, they were able to acquire the blood of four powerful spirit beasts. The founder of our Draco Empire, my ancestor, got the blood of an Earth Dragon, The founder of the Djage Empire got a blood of a Crimson Lion, The Nicholas Empire got the Blood of a Black Panther while the Bartolo Empire got the blood of an unknown ferocious Beast that seemed to strengthen their bodies unlike any other warriors in the continent. It was because of this that the Imperial families from the four empires were able to rule over their specific empire that long and created the imperial bloodline. Because of that blood, all their descendants were born with high affinities for fire , darkness or earth element etc. Almost more than half of them were born with a high spiritual energy which resulted an a high level of innate talent, putting them above the rest of the populace."

" However, as the time goes, their inherited bloodlines became thinner and thinner. It was through luck or maybe destiny that I was born with the purest bloodline from the Draco imperial family " Continued the young man as he looked at his right hand which was suddenly covered with a thin layer of green reptilian scale. However, the scales disappeared as fast as they've appeared, it was as though it was just an illusion.


" Even though, I was born with the purest bloodline, it's not enough for me to reach the apex. This bloodline is like a shackle for me, I can only reach the Archmage rank with it. I want to be stronger than that which is why I need a stronger bloodline." He said with a hint of determination in his eyes.

In the World of Eidrin, the magical beasts that have broken through the 10th rank were known as spirit beast because they were able to speak in human tongue and were comparable to the legendary Archmage in term of strength. Furthermore, they possess almost the same intelligence as a human adult in that stage and could even transform into a human form as well.

According to the history of the Egul Continent, for some unknown reason, there has never been a 10th rank beast or a spirit beast in the Dark Forest. If there was, the Egul continent would have a long time became a Beast Empire. However, there were quite some in the Great Tower. Most high-level magical beasts tend to go into the Great Tower as though there was something that attracted them in there. However, once they went in, it was impossible for them to come out.

" Your Highness, are you still going to look for the blood of a true divine beast within the Tower instead of the treasures left behind by Henry." Asked the other red-hooded man on the right side of the young man. Even though the red hooded man has never seen a true divine blood before, but he had heard the rumor about powerful beast dwelling on the higher floor of the tower and how powerful they were compared to the spirit beast.

Humans can only refine the blood of a spirit beast or higher if they wanted to obtain the attribute of that beast which will, later on, pass on to their future descendant. As such, most people that venture within the tower hope to find a wounded spirit beast in order to acquire its blood as they always fight among themselves.

Furthermore, as all the spirit beasts whether strong or weak were trapped within the Tower, there's a chance to acquire their blood without the need to fight such as making a deal with them. The main reason that the founders of the four empires were able to acquire the blood of four spirit beast was not that they were strong enough to defeat the spirit beasts, but because they have made a deal with them. They had taken an oath to free them from the Tower once they've acquired the power to do so, and if they weren't able to accomplish that on in their lifetime, it would fall onto their descendants to do so.

"Both, before I wasn't even able to make it to the 5th floor because of our lack of forces but now, with all those people present here looking for the treasure left by Henry. I think it's a good opportunity, we can use them as sacrifices and baits to pave the way for us." Answered the young man with a cunning smile on his face.

" Here I thought Viper was the only cunning old fox from the 7 Novas." Said one of the red hooded men with a smile on his face. These two were the only people that could joke around with this young man because they've been following and served him since he was just a child. As such, they've viewed him as their own child and talk intimately with him when they are in private.

" I am still a baby compared to Viper, Dragon Fang. Furthermore, I will need his assistance if I want to make this plan work." Answered the young man. Just like the two red hooded men, the young man also viewed them as his most loyal subordinates and senior.

While the three people were talking to each other while looking at the majestic Great Tower ahead of them, another man in red cloak suddenly appeared on top of the mountain they were staying.

" Your Highness, The 4th Imperial Prince of the Djage Empire along with his troops have already made it to the resting place." Said the man as he bowed behind the young man even though he was not looking at him.

" Things are gonna get more Interesting now. Anyway, It's time to finally meet that so-call legendary Imperial Freak that even Viper's wary of." Said the young man with a devilish smile on his face as he stood up and disappeared within the summit of the mountain along with the men in red cloaks.

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