《Purple Lightning Emperor》Chapter 102



Seeing how the group of tiny humans were charging toward it like a bunch of small ants, the huge ape bellowed loudly before stomping heavily on the ground with his right foot.


As an oppressive roar rang out, the ground around and beneath the huge ape shook violently as a series of web-like cracks or fissures ran throughout the ground.

Soon, the area of two hundred meters radius with the huge ape at the center was covered in cracks. The violent shaking of the ground caused some of the nearby trees to fall down one by one.

However, this kind of tremor didn't affect the Lightning Corps in the slightest as they quickly arrived at the huge ape's feet and fiercely slashed at both of its feet with their weapons.

Unfortunately, their combined attacks didn't damage the giant Earth Destroying battle Ape in the slightest. Even its fur had remained completely uncut by their attacks.

Just from this exchange alone, one could imagine how exceptionally strong its defense was. The Earth Destroying battle Ape was one of the hardest magical beasts to deal with in the Dark Forest.

Just like humans, where between a mage of the 6th rank to the 7th rank was a huge gap, magical beasts of the 6th rank had a huge gap in power compared to the magical beasts of the 7th rank.

Furthermore, a magical beast of the same rank was slightly stronger than a human of the same rank, So it wasn't just a flick that the combined attacks of the Lightning Corps and the two commanders who were both 6th rank warriors weren't able to leave a dent on the battle ape.

One has to be at least an 8th rank warrior or mage to face that Earth Destroying Battle Ape. Furthermore, it would still be incredibly hard to kill it because not any weapon could penetrate through its defense or skin.


After being attack by the group of tiny human, the large battle Ape angrily roared as it lifted his right foot high into the air before strongly slamming it down upon the Lightnings Corps that looked like a bunch of ants on the ground.


As its leg blotted out in the air, it covered the sunlight as the sky above the heads the Lightning Corps turned dark as though it was nighttime. All they could see was a huge foot coming down upon them like a huge mountain.

Seeing this, the Lightning Corps didn't dare to relax as they quickly used their fastest speed to roll away and dodged the battle ape's foot.


Not even a second after they escaped, the entire area shook violently as the battle ape's foot slammed into the ground with a seemingly endless amount force, creating a huge crater as its foot sunk deep into the ground crushing all the small plants and grasses underneath.

" The defense of the battle ape is terrifyingly strong. Everyone put all your strength into your every attack and combine them. All the 4th rank warrior and above use battle Qi to coat your weapons when you attack it because normal attack won't cut it." Cried out Mark with his long sword in his right hand.

At this moment he quickly looked at Shad who slightly nodded his head in approval. After seeing how powerful and strong the defense of the battle ape was after their first exchange, Mark wanted to take part in the battle. However, he couldn't just go on his own like that without his highness permission as he was given the duty to protect the princess and the other two girls. But after his highness gave him his approval, with an explosive shout, a large amount of battle Qi surged into his sword as he slashed down onto the Batlle Ape.

Even after Mark and the other Lightning Corps used their entire strength on every attack, it still didn't have any effect on the battle Ape. The Earth Destroying Battle Ape's skin remained undamaged like before and not even a single strand of its fur was cut.

At this moment, the faces of the Lightning Corps members were deathly pale as they have fallen into a hopeless situation. They fell into despair, no matter what they did, they still couldn't injure the huge ape in front of them. Furthermore, they were exhausted as they have used every ounce of their power and battle Qi in every attack.


Seeing how overwhelmingly powerful the large Ape was and how the combined attacks of the Lightning Corps couldn't damage it, even after Mark, the most powerful of them all joined the fray, pure terror surged through Mina's veins, like an icy dagger straight to her heart. The fear she felt when she was abducted by the 5th eye was nothing compared to how she felt now. And she wasn't alone, The other girls weren't well off either as they were paralyzed in fear.

" What do we do now, the battle Ape is too strong. Our combine attack didn't even faze it." Shouted a one of the Lightning Corps as he was looking at Mark.

In the meantime, the huge Battle Ape continued to harass them as he charged forward with heavy footsteps trying to stomp them into meat paste.

Witnessing how the huge battle Ape was trampling over, the Lightning Corps quickly retreated in defeat as their attacks couldn't harm the battle Ape.

As for Shad, seeing how his subordinates were being pushed back and toyed with by the Battle Ape, seeing how his big sister and the other girls were terrified by the battle Ape, he slowly walked forward with a cold expression on his face.

Suddenly, he dashed towards the huge battle Ape that was about fifty meters away like a bullet. His speed was exceedingly fast and impossible to follow with the naked eye. In the blink of an eye, he appeared right in front of the battle Ape.

Without using any weapon or lightning energy to coat his fist, Shad jumped high into the air like an eagle soaring into the sky as he suddenly threw a powerful punch in between the eyebrows of the battle Ape.


As as the powerful punch landed, the ground violently shook as the large Ape took three steps backward, crushing a small tree that was behind it. However, it didn't fall.


The huge battle Ape let out an angry roared as both its eyeballs were staring at shad with a bloodthirsty glare and threw both of his hands at him as though he was trying to crush him in between of its palms like a mosquito or an ant.

Without wasting any time, Shad quickly used his right foot to kick the battle Ape in the chest and used that momentum to dodge its attack as he landed on the ground.


Fierce winds blew as a huge shockwave was sent out when the two palms of the giant battle Ape collided.

At this moment, the battle Ape was truly angry as it was rubbing the area where Shad had punched him.

" Everyone retreat at least two hundreds meters away from the beast." yelled out Shad to the lightning Corps.

" Come, let me test that so-called strong body that you are so proud of," Shad said with a mocking smile on his face as he was looking at the giant beast ahead of him. Even though the beast couldn't speak in a human tongue, it was still able to understand what Shad was saying, especially that mocking smile on his face.

Looking at the human in front of him who was the size of an ant, dared to compete in physique with him and even had the audacity to mock him, the Earth Destroying battle Ape angrily roared as he rushed forward the little human as he lifted his right foot in the air to stomp him like the ant that he was.

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