《Purple Lightning Emperor》Chapter 95


After leaving the summit of the huge mountain, Shad threw Nina onto his right shoulder and transformed into a beam of prismatic light that shot off into the distance.

However, the two men still haven't given up as they trailed behind him in pursuit. Unfortunately for them, it only took Shad a few minutes to completely lose them. Seeing that after just a few minutes they have lost all traces of Shad, they decided to give up on their pursuit with an ugly expression on their faces.

As for Shad, he continued to speed along silently through the forest. It was difficult to say how much time has passed since he had left the huge mountain. It seemed both long and short.

At this moment, the sky gradually darkened, and faint moonlight spread out into the blackness.

After just a few hours of running non-stop, Shad finally made it to Ozuna city. Even though it was in the middle night, there were still a few guards guarding the city gate.

The gate of the city usually close at this time of the night, but because the city was infested by a bunch of treasure seekers due to the rumored treasure left by Henry in the forest, the Marquis was forced to keep the city gate open all night long.

As soon as he got the to gate, all the guards that were stationed in front of the gate bowed their heads as they let him passed without any questioning. Almost every single person within the city knew how Shad looked like not to mention the guards, as such, once they saw him, they didn't dare to have any idea of scheming him or make him pay a toll or tax to enter the city.

However, they were all surprised to see him at this hour without any imperial knights guarding him, not that he needed to be protected, but still, an imperial prince was still imperial after all. As for where he was, all of them could guess it. After passing through the city gate, Shad went straight to the Marquis mansion where he was currently staying along with Nina.


While they were walking home, Nina couldn't help but threw an angry glance at Shad. After they had left the mountain, Shad has thrown her on his shoulder as though she was an object or thing without any notice.

To make matter worst, that little bastard ran as fast lightning with her on his shoulder which almost caused her to vomit as she was feeling dizzy at that time due his inconceivable speed.

She has to admit, when it comes to speed, she has never heard or saw someone as fast as Shad. Although his speed wasn't as fast as real lightning, in human's eyes, there was no difference at all.

While Nina was silently throwing a tantrum because of the way Shad had treated her earlier, they finally made to Marquis's mansion.

" Yo Shad, you little bastard. Do you think that you are grown man now? Ever since you left the capital, you did not even bother to send a letter to me or mom. Furthermore, one of your subordinates has this amazing dimensional portal ability, yet you did not even bother to use it once to go see me or mother."

As soon as Shad entered the courtyard, a young woman burst through the door, looking like an explosive dragon. Her magic power was quite profound, apparently, she was an early 5th class mage. This was none other than Shad's older sister, Viviana.

Thanks to being the only beloved great-granddaughter of the most powerful man in the Djage Empire, she has been trained personally by the old man since a young age. Although she couldn't be considered extraordinary among the members of her generation or the 7 Novas, she ascribed to the notion that slow and steady wins the race.

Every time she broke through a rank, her magic power and foundation grew stronger and more stable due to the guidance of the old man.

" I heard that you are very powerful now, maybe that's why you think you've grown. Why don't you have a taste of this fireball of mine." As she said that, she already cast a magic spell as a red magic circle appeared in front of her.


Seeing this, a look of surprise and astonishment appeared on Shad's face as he suddenly flashed off the distance to avoid the incoming fireball.

'Damn it, why did the old man bring that fiery temper girl with him.' thought Shad as he was running away. Shad was well aware of her sister's temperament, even though she appeared to be sweet, she had a fiery temper and like to rob people.

As Shad left his previous position, the huge fireball hit the gate of the mansion and turned it into smithereens. The huge fireball she had just sent caused the entire mansion to shake. The explosion sound of the gate turned into smithereens caused everyone sleeping inside the mansion such as the Lightning Corps and the neighbors to wake up.

" Stop running and get back here Shad, I promised I won't burn you to death, I just want to teach you a small lesson." Roared Viviana as she continued to send multiple fireballs and fire arrows towards Shad who was running around the courtyard.

" Hahaha, you two haven't seen each other for over a month. It's good to catch up." Said an old man who got out of the house with a young woman following him behind.

" Little bastard, you are already a man why don't you stop and take these fireballs like a man. They are burning with your sister's love for you." Said the old man with a cunning smile on his face as he was watching the so-called imperial freak, a young man that lately instill fear into many people's hearts throughout the continent running away from his sister.

' Take it like a man my ass.' Thought Shad as he continued to evade her attacks.

" Big sis, if I died, I'm afraid I won't be able to give you the gift that I brought for you," Shad said while he was still running away. Shad knew Viviana had a soft spot for robbing people, especially them three brothers. No matter how mad she pretended to be, as long as she was offered money or something valuable, she would instantly revert back to her cute caring big sister persona.

" What gift, do you think to bribe me from teaching a lesson." She said as she continued to increased her speed.

" 30 magic Crystals." Shad suddenly yelled.

" Little brother, we haven't seen each other for over a month. I've missed you so much, come let big sis give you a hug."

As soon as she heard Shad mentioned that 30 magic crystals, Viviana's attitude completely changed. She was no longer hot-headed. Her overbearing attitude suddenly became gentle as though she was an entirely different person.

She was now elegant and demure like a noble caring princess. Her bright eyes even became more enchanting and were capable of stealing the souls from spectators. Anyone would be melted and have all their rages and sorrow dissipated by her pure caring and innocent eyes.

Both Monalisa and Nina were dumbfounded after seeing this. This young girl ahead, or princess, transformed too quickly. This was simply a different person. Her shift in character and acting were astonishing.

"Hahaha, now that you guys have made up, little bastard come inside. we need to talk." said the old man while playing with his beard and watching Viviana who was currently hugging Shad as though they were two loving siblings that have been separated and reunited after many years.

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