《Purple Lightning Emperor》Chapter 91


It was late in the afternoon, and the Black Mist forest was still bustling with activity. Many people chose not to leave even when the sun was setting. The reason for this was very simple...The Uncrowned Emperor and the 3rd imperial prince of the Nicholas Empire were still there.

Two hours ago, the Uncrowned emperor who had left the Black Mist forest come back with the 12 Dragon Pillars. To make matter more interesting, the 3rd imperial prince of the Nicholas empire along with five commanders of the Red Storm Legion was with him as well.

The two of them along with their subordinates traveled deeper inside the forest, but no one knows why. However, many people speculated that they were searching for the legendary treasure left by Henry as well while some believed that they were following or looking for the 4th imperial prince of the Djage Empire.

Some of them were present when the 4th imperial prince of the Djage Empire had stumped upon one of the members of the 12 Dragon pillars and even threatened the crown prince for a young girl, In their minds, the prince was looking for revenge. However, the majority of them still believed that they were looking for the treasure instead.

Although no one had seen it yet and they held a skeptical attitude about its existence, the two imperial princes and their subordinates continued forward.

The 3rd imperial prince of the Nicholas Empire was the most familiar with the Black Mist Forest and led the way. Because of this, everyone guessed that they were really searching for the treasure instead of the 4th imperial prince.

This was why the majority of the people were still staying in the forest. No one truly wanted to give up on this legendary unknown treasure.

A while later, even more, people came to the forest for their search. There was no lack of warriors, mages and regular fighters following the two imperial princes' group either.

If such a treasure really did exist, the two imperial princes' group had a better chance of getting it than anyone else. It wasn't only because they were powerful, more importantly, no one else in this place could understand the Black Mist forest more than the 3rd imperial prince of the Nicholas Empire.

The 3rd Imperial prince likes to hunt magical beasts for fun and the Black Mist forest was like his hunting ground as it was closer to Sky Suppression City. Because of this, many of the warriors and mages following them and trailing them in the distance thought it wouldn't be bad to get some leftover soup from the group.


At this moment, their presence even made more people believe in the rumors. Thus, they explored and excavated everywhere. The entire forest became quite lively.

" Boom!" As everyone was turning the forest upside down, the ground suddenly started to shake violently as a huge explosion rang out from the deepest part of the forest.

This disturbance of the explosion caused the entire Black Mist forest to an uproar. Countless low and mid-level magical beasts frantically fled, afraid that they would be caught off in that earth-shaking battle that was taking place in the deeper part of the forest.

The huge disturbance coming from the deeper part of the forest was naturally discovered by all the treasure seekers that were within the area. They were both stunned and surprised when they heard that big explosion. Even though they were pretty far away, the skin on their scalps turned numb at this moment. Just what kind of power was that, to cause the whole forest to shake to this extent.

As for the two imperial princes, they suddenly stopped their footsteps and looked at the location of that explosion.

" It seems like your guess was right, our little friend really did know something." Said the 3rd imperial prince of the Nicholas Empire as his swept the Uncrowded Emperor with his gaze before looking towards the north with a cunning smile on his face.

The crown prince only smiles a little before he continued to move forward which was also in the same direction where that explosion came from.

" Someone must have found the treasure because there seemed to be a big fight on that side of the forest." The treasure seekers eventually calmed down and felt jubilant. Without wasting any more time, they all rushed towards the location where the explosion came from as well even though it meant putting their lives at risk or in danger. While animals might die in such for food, human mostly died because treasure and greed.


In the deepest part of the Black Mist forest, Shad stood on the summit of a mountain peak while he was surrounded by an enormous crater many meters in size.

The summit of the mountain that was filled with vegetation and green grasses was burned into ashes with nothing remaining. A little further from the huge crater, splintered trees laid ash-like on the ground and dust covered every blade of grass that surrounded the big crater.


Within the huge crater, laid dozens of burned and charred corpses with a horrified expression on their burned faces. Shad was standing alone within the deep crater surrounded by many charred corpses.

"Cough!" "Cough!" "Cough!"

On the ground, at the edge of the crater, a man in black somewhat hideously crawled up with a slightly pale expression on his face. It was unknown if his clothes were black, to begin with, or were caused by something else.

" Heh, you can still stand up!" Asked Shad when he saw the man in black stand up, his eyes twinkled as he chuckled.

" Little bastard, regardless of the price I have to pay, I will rip you to shreds today."

The man in black's eyes was malicious and filled a poisonous hatred as he was looking at the young man in front of him. This young man attack was too vicious and its hurricane-like close contact blows caught them off guard, Luckily, even though he was injured, these injuries were not lethal. Evidently, beforehand, even when he was being hit, he was doing his best to protect his vital spots.

" Here I thought after following me that long, and even almost killed me, I thought you would have been able to put a good fight but I was wrong. I got my hopes up for nothing. I guess the members of the Eye aren't as powerful as the rumor." Shad said with a disappointing look on his face.

Yep, that distressed and beat up guy was none other than the man in black that has been following Shad ever since he left the Imperial capital of the Djage Empire. He even almost killed him if it wasn't for Monalisa at that time that save him from his sneak attack. A few weeks ago , that man seemed to be very powerful in Shad's eyes. He was like a huge mountain which Shad did not dare to climb at that time. However now, a few weeks later, he was nothing but a little toy in front of him.

Yet, he had the audacity the set up an ambush for Shad within the forest even before he could find the treasure left behind by Henry. Unfortunately for him and his crew, a single ancient magic spell inherited by Shad from the memory of the Red Lightning Dragon Emperor known as " Red Lightning Blast" was enough to annihilate them and rendered that man into this sorry state.

He was only able to survive because he was a 7th rank warrior, as such his battle qi was very abundant and strong which allowed him to create an armor made of pure energy that was strong enough to survive the lightning blast.

Shad had no idea what tier the Red Lightning Blast magic spell was as he had inherited from the memory of the Red Lightning Dragon. However, it was overwhelmingly powerful.

Just like the name suggested, the red lightning blast was a magic spell that created a large, powerful ball of red lightning energy that could shoot beyond sixty meters. But the lightning energies or bolts weren't all there was to be feared. The red lightning blast wasn't just an explosion of lightning bolts descended from the sky or whichever positions the caster launched it_ it also carried a terrifying wave of energy with it that was so immense, that not any 7th rank warrior could fend it off.

" I'll tear your mouth into pieces." Yelled the man in black. At the same time, the battle qi inside his body howled forth, before it completely poured into the long dark sword that was in his right hand.

His eyes turned increasingly hideous, a formidable battle qi gradually undilated on his left hand. As these battle qi gathered below his palm, faintly, it seemed like his palm had turned into an extremely sharp long sword.

A dual sword, one made of pure energy while the other one was a real sword but shrouded with battle qi. At the same time, his body was emanating an aura of ruthlessness. Anyone could tell that this attack was definitely going to be the most powerful attack from that man in black.

Looking at the man in black preparing to launch his strongest attack, there was no hint of fear or panic in Shad's eyes, instead there was a slight smile on his face.

" Bring it on." He said as his body was shrouded by red lightning bolts which were swirling around him like snakes.

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