《Purple Lightning Emperor》Chapter 88


Looking at the young man in front of him, the man in red cloak didn't dare to underestimate him. Lately, this young man was like a celebrity, almost everyone was talking about him. Whether it was the slaughter of more than a thousand bandits by himself or the fact that he was able to use the lightning element without the need to cast a magic spell, all of these things were beyond extraordinary.

He was a peak 6th rank expert, yet he wasn't confident in battling a hundred low-rank warriors by himself without running out of battle qi not to mention a thousand.

This young man in front of him was not even in his twenties, yet he possesses the power that could rival that of a high-level mage or a warrior. The 4th imperial prince's notoriety from his past exploits was well-known by everyone within the continent. Almost no one among the younger generation could match him.

Some people even started to compare him with his highness, the Uncrowned Emperor, the strongest senior mage throughout the continent. The Uncrowned emperor's power was so heaven-defying that not any high-level mage or warrior could face him. One has to be at least a peak 7th rank warrior or a peak 7th class mage to even dream about challenging him.

Furthermore, Everyone knows that it was only a matter of time before his highness the Uncrowned Emperor broke through the confinement of mortal and became a transcend being by breaking through the legendary Archmage in the myth. At that time, ruling over the whole continent would be as easy as snapping one finger. Yet, people dared to compare this young man in front of him with his highness just because he was able to control lightning freely and had a body as strong as a warrior.

" If it isn't the 4th imperial prince of the Djage Empire, I have long heard about your legend. It is an honor to finally meet you in person."

Even though the man in the red cloak really loathed Shad, he had to play it cool and not let his emotion get the best of him. Right now, they were in the territory of the Djage Empire, not the Draco Empire where he can act high and mighty.


The Djage Empire was tolerant enough to let countless of people no matter where they came from or their background to come in its own territory to look for a treasure that could even tip the balance of power between the four empires. It wasn't that they were willing, but they were not strong enough to face the entire world alone or the other three great empires alone. Otherwise, what would they let people come into their own backyard to dig for treasure that could even threaten them in the future?

Because of this, the man in the red cloak did not want to push it too far and offend the 4th imperial prince of the Djage empire whose power was similar to that of the Uncrowned Emperor in the Draco Empire.

As for Shad, he only threw a menacing glance at the man and did not even bother to answer him as he walked towards the injured Nina and gave her a small bottle of potion.

After drinking the small bottle of potions, the wounds on Nina's body quickly showed sign of recovery.

" 4th imperial prince, this young girl took something which belonged to my young master and he had sent me to bring her to him. My young master would greatly appreciate it if you could hand this young girl to him." Politely asked the man in the red cloak. At this moment, he could only hope that the 4th prince could willingly hand him the young girl because if he chose to protect her, it would very hard and troublesome to get her back. His young master was in a rush to get his hand on this girl to translate the book as time was running out.

"Are you feeling ok now," Asked Shad with a caring look on his face while looking at the young girl in front of him. This young girl was cold and elegant as always, despite being badly injured.

" I am fine. The injuries wasn't too severe." She answered with a grateful look on her eyes. If It wasn't for the appearance of Shad, there's no way she could have safely escape the grasp of that man in the red cloak. This man's cultivation was a rank higher than hers and if he really wanted to kill her, she would have died a hundred time already.


" Why are you being chased by this man?." Asked Shad with a worrying look on his face.

Nina had said that she was going to take care of some stuff and when she was done, she would come back by his side to accomplish her duty as a servant, but It seemed like that stuff was related to the crown prince of the Draco empire somehow.

" Let's go somewhere more private and I will tell you all about it." She answered after looking at the surrounding people that were looking at her.

Seeing that he was being ignored by the 4th imperial prince despite giving him a lot face in front of all those people, the man in the red cloak was enraged to the point where the veins in his forehead started to popping out.

Looking at Shad who was about to leave with the young girl, a cold glint surfaced on the man's eyes which were behind the hood of his cloak. The man in red cloak coldly uttered. " 4th imperial prince, I am afraid I can't let you go with this young girl because his Highness the crown prince has some business with her. Otherwise...."

" Otherwise what?" A kick came just as fast as the verbal retort. The speed of that person was so fast that even the man in the red cloak who was a peak 6th rank warrior couldn't react in time. The man slammed into the nearby tree which broke and a half while he spewed out a mouthful of blood.

The assailant was naturally Shad who flashed behind the man to deliver the kick. He then looked down on the man and slowly said: " You dared to even chase and injured one of my people in my own territory, and yet you had the audacity to threaten me not to take her away. I don't care what she has done or taken from your master, but tell him that this young girl is under my protection and if he dared to make a move against her than he will have to deal with me."

The overbearing and invincible style made all the spectators gasp. They couldn't believe that Shad instantly stomped one the members of the invicible Twelve Dragon Pillars down to the ground and seriously injured him.

Many people felt a chill, some even broke in a cold sweat after seeing this. The man was at least a 6th rank expert, yet a single kick from the 4th imperial prince sent him flying. Even though it was a sneak attack, but the strength behind this kick was not a something a mage should have.

" This young girl is one of the 4th prince's subordinates. It seemed like the Uncrowned Emperor has messed with the hornet's nest this time." Stated a spectator with horror.

The man in red cloak crawled up, both shocked and scared while shouting." You....! You....!"

" What about me? You lucky I don’t have too much time to waste otherwise I would have played with you a little longer" Shad said while looking at the man nonchalantly before he left with Nina, leaving the man with a twisted expression and a trembling rage.

If it wasn't for the fact that Shad wanted to look for the treasure left by Henry, he would have taken his time to torment that man. Plus, he also sensed a group of powerful people coming his way as well. From the look of it, they seemed to be in the same camp as the man in the red cloak.

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