《Purple Lightning Emperor》Update


Rank of royalty and Aristocracy in the Eidrin world from high to low.


the top rank of royalty in the Eidrin world is the Emperor, who rules an empire. it is widely known that an empire is an extensive group of states or countries under a single supreme authority, which means the emperor might govern two or three kingdoms. it can be said that the emperor is the king of kings.


The second rank is the king. A king is normally the sovereign of an independent nation or kingdom. At the same time, he can also be under the authority of an Emperor.


The third rank is the Dukes. it is a rank under the kings and it also a title usually held by the members of the imperial family including those in line for the throne. the dukes are usually under the authority of the emperor of the king. In some case, a duke can be an independent sovereign and rule their own dukedom without a king or an emperor to boss him around.


A prince is lower than a duke in the world of Eidrin. they are the child of an emperor or a king. they are in line for the throne as well along with the dukes related to the imperial family, known as the Royal dukes which differentiate from the other regular Dukes.


Marquis is a rank of nobility lower than a duke and a prince. A Marquis has his own territory which is usually at the border of an Empire or a kingdom. they have a lot of soldiers under their command as they needed it to defend their domain against invasion. this title can be conferred to powerful knights or mages in the army that have rendered great service to the Empire or the kingdom whether they were commoner or not. it is the highest title that can be given. However, there are some cases where the Kings or the Emperor adopt a talented person as their child, but he or she does not have the right to the throne even though he has the prince title.



A kingdom is usually split up into many counties and a county is governed by a count.


The next rank below the count.


the last rank of nobility which is usually held by a low-level mage or knight who had rendered some meritious service for the empire or kingdoms. they governed the smallest manors granted by the kings and were considered as lord. Boneless, they still have the right to attend the imperial court.

* From Baron until Marquis, all those noble ranks may be acquired by a commander of an army, soldiers, knights, mages. Also, a baron can upgrade his rank depend on his meritorious service, but it still pretty hard to do so.*


Platinum Coin = 10 Golds

Gold coin= 10 Silvers

silver coin= 10 Coppers

copper coin

* Agate Crystal: an agate crystal is a light blue color crystal that contained the magical essence of the world, also known as mana. it is also the main energy source in the world. the Agate crystal is another currency in the world mostly uses by the mages and knights. the only way to acquire them is by killing magical monsters. the size of the agate crystal varies on how strong the monsters are and it is almost impossible to break.

Battle qi: an internal form of energy.

Mana: the energy of nature, which mages absorb into their bodies and use to create or cast spells.

Mage: A term used to describe any individual who can use magic. A 7th class mage is title magic Scholar, the 8th class mage is titled magister and the 9th class mage is the title Great magister.

Magic elements: Light, darkness, fire, water, lightning, earth, wind, wood, ( Ice)

Void magic: void magic is some type of null magic use by some mage. Void magic does not an affinity to any of the magical elements. they are also known as a void mage. it is very rare and some are very powerful such as gravity, summoner. some of them can useless as well, useless when it comes to battle or a war.


Rankless magic spell: A magic that has no rank or tier. it is cast by any mage and its power depends on the amount of mana the caster can provide. A rankless magic spell always has a time limit.

Warrior: A term used to describe someone that can use battle qi. the warrior path is common for those commoner and ordinary man that could sense battle qi after training their body to their limit and be able to sense to energy. the battle qi is stored in a fist-sized location directly beneath the navel. just like a mage, a warrior is divided into nine ranks. A 1st rank warrior can pick up a 100 pounds object with one hand.

Imperial noble family: A group of ancient noble families that had been around ever since the creation of an Empire. their accumulations of wealth and strength can even Rival that of an Imperial family sometime.

Innate talents.

Yellow= 1st class mage

Orange= 2nd class mage

Green= 3rd class mage

Violet= 4th class mage

Red= 5th class mage

indigo= 6th class mage

purple= 7th class mage

silver= 8th class mage

gold= 9th class mage

* there will be more as the story progress.*

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