《The Nomads of Sol》A Brief Interlude: The Database: Ground Units


Disruption Walker:

Role: AEW Light Walker

Armaments: Four mounted Anti-infantry Light Particle Cannons, One Anti-tank Medium Phase Lance Cannon. 24 Protected Infantry Positions

Armor: 270 mm Mark IV light Overlord armor (Titan II alloy)

Faction: Sol Refuge

Notes: The Disruption Walker is a lighter walker unit, It is slow, but does have enough protection to keep it safe from infantry and light vehicles. Heavy weapons are needed to take down a walker from the outside. However this is not a frontline combat unit, but a support vehicle. Its greatest asset is a device that projects an energy field around the walker. Multiple walkers can expand this field. The field disrupts all communication and detection devices in its radius. In addition, energy weapons not properly shielded are rendered inoperable while the field is active. Refuge weapons are naturally shielded against the field. The Walker roughly resembles a spider with a spire on its back.


Role: Heavy Combat Walker

Armaments: Three heavy Disrupter Cannons, One Ultraheavy Disrupter beam cannon. Fourteen Mounted Anti infantry disrupters.

Armor: 433 mm TRD Plating

Shielding: Class II Ion

Faction: Cylovan Collective

Notes: Slow but powerful Cylovan frontline units. Its shields allow it to soak up massive amounts of damage, and its armor makes it quite sturdy. However, it is lacking in long-range firepower, and can easily be destroyed by Refuge Scorpions long before it gets into weapons range.


Role: MBT

Armaments: One Mounted Heavy Disrupter. One Mounted Anti-infantry disrupter. One Coaxial light disrupter cannon.

Armor 158 mm TRD Plating

Shield: Class I Ion

Faction: Cylovan Collective

Notes: A fast if relatively light main battle tank. Heavily employed by the collective. It is often the first ground unit sent into a battle. Its shields are its chief protection, but its armor is decently sturdy. It is a poor match for the Refuge Raptor but is far cheaper to produce and often employed in greater numbers. In addition, it is somewhat faster and can outrun the Raptor.


Raptor I R7-C

Role MBT

Armaments: 155 mm Photon Shell Cannon mounted as the main cannon in the turret. Coaxially mounted Medium Anti Tank Phase lance Cannon. Five twin-mounted Anti-infantry Particle Turrets.

Armor: 1000 mm Mark Four Heavy Overlord Armor (Titan II alloy)

Faction: Sol Refuge

Notes: The Raptor R7-C is the latest version of the Raptor employed by the Refuge. Although Rumor has it that a new version of the tank is being developed with a larger turret. Like all Raptor tanks, she employs a duel propulsion system and has both a hover and tracked vehicle mode. Fast and sturdy they can do a lot of damage to enemy targets before they are destroyed. The main cannon can destroy most targets in a single shot a tank typically carries enough ammo for 60 shots before she needs to rearm. The Coaxial is fairly powerful and used primarily for lighter targets. Since the tank is powered by two small fusion reactors she doesn’t need to worry about ammo for her other weapons. The reactor also provides power for both propulsion systems which have been integrated as much as their differences allow to reduce size, weight, and complexity issues associated with two propulsion systems. Even so, the tank remains slightly overweight when fully loaded. This doesn’t present a problem when she is using the tracks, but the hover engine has a lower weight limit and suffers from breakdowns during prolonged use, typically breakdowns occur between 6 to eight hours of use, a problem that would later be fixed with the Raptor II R-3A. The effective operational length while in hover mode made fixing the problem a low priority which is why it wasn’t fixed until the third major refit of its successor tank.

ST-48 R1-A

Role: Recon, APC

Armaments: The main cannon is a 55 mm Photon Shell Cannon. It also carries twin Anti-tank Photon missile launchers integrated into the turret, and a coaxial anti-infantry phase lance cannon.


Armor: 200 mm Mark IV Light Overlord Armor (Titan II Alloy)

Faction: Sol Refuge

Notes: The ST-48 R1-A is a refit over the original. Her armor has been enhanced, and her coaxial replaced with a phase lance cannon. She is extremely light, fast, and relatively cheap to produce. She can transport a single squad of infantry. Often used as a lighter support vehicle or to recon enemy positions. Carries 16 missiles, an improvement over her predecessor which could only carry ten.

Scorpion I R9-C

Role: Heavy Combat Walker/ Attack Sub

Armaments: One Tail mounted Superheavy Phase Lance Cannon. Sixteen mounted Dual Anti-infantry Particle Turrets. Eight Mounted Dual Anti-tank Phase Lance Turrets. Two Spinal Mounted Anti-tank/ship Phase Lance Cannons. Eight Torpedo Launchers. It can be outfitted to carry troop pods, Flak Projectors, or Photon Artillery on its customizable hardpoints.

Armor: 4200 mm Mark IV Heavy Overlord Armor (Titan II Alloy)

Faction: Sol Refuge

Notes: The Scorpion R9-C was the last iteration of the Scorpion I and was employed heavily during the Cylovan Conflict. Many Commanders even preferred her over her successor the Scorpion II. As she was more reliable, even if her armor and weapons were arguably weaker. The Scorpion I until the advent of the Scorpion II was the single most powerful ground unit employed by the Sol Refuge. Designed as a heavy all-terrain walker, the Scorpion was designed for orbital drop and is used to establish beachheads during a planetary invasion. Any oceans are a prime site for deployment, and the Scorpion was designed with that in mind. Its armor makes it an extremely tough target, invulnerable to all but the heaviest of weapons. In addition, it is highly versatile, and its size and mobility make it ideal not only for a heavy frontal assault but as a mobile command post as well. The Scorpion is very popular with frontline commanders as their command bunker.

Scorpion II

Role: Heavy Combat Walker/ Attack Sub

Armaments: Twin Superheavy Phase lance cannon tail-mounted. Four Linked spinal mounted Anti-tank/ship Phase Lance Cannons. Sixteen Octuple mounted Anti-infantry Phase lance Turrets. Eight Quad Mounted Anti-tank Phase Lance Turrets. four customizable hardpoints that can be outfitted with Flak Projectors or Photon Artillery

Armor: 7200 mm Heavy Overlord Armor (Titan II Alloy)

Faction: Sol Refuge

Notes: The Scorpion II is an upgunned and uparmored version of the older Scorpion I. During ground ops against the Cylovans the need for a heavier ground vehicle became apparent. The Scorpion II was the answer, but she was rushed into service before her reliability issues could be solved. Namely, she was overweight and often suffered breakdowns because of this. Greatly limiting her operational viability. This problem was solved during a later refit, but the damage had already been done. As a result, the II would end up serving alongside her predecessor the I. Often only being deployed when her firepower was needed.

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