《The Nomads of Sol》Interlude Shields/Analysis


Shields are energy screens used to protect a ship. They can come in several different types. The first type commonly referred to as traditional shields also known as absorption shields are the most common type of energy screen used. Next on the list are deflectors, which function differently and are almost as common. Also on the list is the more unusual and specialized interception shields. The last item on the list and the most unique here are cloaking shields.

First let's look into traditional shields or absorption shields. Many races develop and employ these shields as they provide an excellent amount of protection, take up a moderate amount of internal space, and have a relatively low production cost. These shields protect a ship in two critical ways. They produce an energy barrier that deals with incoming fire. When an energy bolt or projectile impacts the barrier a portion of the energy is immediately radiated into space usually as light. This property of shields called mitigation is why they glow when under fire. The rest of the energy directed against the shield is absorbed by the barrier itself. The barrier itself can only absorb so much energy before it reaches a state of maximum saturation. Once at the point of maximum saturation the shield must radiate all the energy store or it will collapse. If the shield collapses the equipped vessel will become vulnerable to incoming fire while the shield generators cycle.

Deflectors are equally common for protecting ships. A deflector, unlike traditional shields doesn’t try to absorb incoming fire, but instead attempts to redirect the shot. The degree of deflection is determined by several primary variables. The velocity of the shot, angle of impact, the energy of the round, and the strength of the deflector shield all play a role in how much any incoming fire is redirected. Deflectors may sound like they would use more energy than traditional shields, but they typically use less. However they can become highly energy intensive depending on the design and intended use. Like absorption shields, deflectors can fail. If too much energy is directed against the shield in too short a time frame the generators may be over taxed. Because of how deflectors work, these devices are all or nothing in the protection department. They are however cheaper than traditional shields, and take up less space. Most races use them primarily to protect a ship from navigational hazards, but a few races use them to protect a ship from weapons fire.


Interception shields are the most interesting concept on the list of shield types. Unlike the previous two shield types these shields are of no real value against energy weapons. Interception shields function by surrounding the ship in a web of lasers or charged particles. This web is rather intense, and any projectiles that attempt to pass through will start to burn up. In theory if the web is intense enough any missile, torpedo, bomb, or kinetic slug that attempts to damage the protected ship will be burned up before impact with the hull. In practice these shields are less effective than that, and only screen a percentage of incoming fire. These shield types are rather energy intensive, and the barrier can’t be maintained indefinitely. Human Energy Webs are an excellent example of this shield type.

Cloaking Shields are a rather unique type of shields. These shields are designed not to protect a ship from incoming fire, but instead they redirect and absorb sensor signals directed at the equipped ship. The process is highly energy intensive, and the shields are sensitive to charged particles. Which can become lodged in the screen, and make the ship visible to sensors. As such most versions of the technology cannot use energy weapons while cloaked. As such most cloaked ships are employed like submarines in an offensive role. As the shield doesn’t interfere with weapons that require projectiles such as missiles or torpedoes. Some advanced versions of the cloaking shields are less energy intensive, and hardened against charged particles which allows the use of energy weapons while cloaked.

Contact lost with task force 4112-Beta. Reviewing final data transmissions.

Presence of Species 11257 detected in system. Insufficient data on species to determine why. Reviewing data on resulting combat.

Weapon adaptations determined as partially successful at countering unique armor of Species 11257. Destroyer type DD-40 deemed ineffective at fighting Species 11257. No new data found on 11257’s shield penetrating torpedoes. 11257’s shield disruptors continue to defy analysis. Shield adaptation found to be completely ineffective. Non-neutronium armor schemes deemed ineffective at protecting against 11257’s energy weaponry. Conclusion specialized ships are needed to effectively counter new threat.


Assigning third priority resources to designing new countermeasures and ships against Species 11257. Reassigning task force 819212-Gamma to complete 4112-Beta’s mission. Assigning additional cruisers to taskforce to ensure success. Redirecting CCS-47998212 to investigate starsector 117812 for presence of 11257’s main fleet. Once found they are to engage and attempt capture of a ship for analysis.

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