《AI immortal god soul》Chapter 18: A future enemy or Friend?


Chapter 18; A Future Enemy or Friend?

To his right were the line for the Beast Sect, there a crowd began to form and the cause of this sudden uproar was at the center of the crowd.

At the center of the enlarging crowd was a young boy that looked to be no more then….. years old.

Right now a furious violent aura was rushing out of the young boy.




Afzol was shocked beyond words looking at the states of the young man.

To think that someone soo young would already be at core creation. It was not the cultivation itself that surprised him but the fact that this child was able to reach core creation without any outside help. Afzol was sure that reaching core creation at this wasn’t a big deal within big sects but this child here was able to reach it without any resources so it could be imagined how fast his cultivation would improve after getting proper teaching and resources.

With this kind of talent he was sure to have an unimaginable future, all sects would fight to make him there disciple and he was sure to treated as prince.

As he thinking this more and more people started to gather around the child trying to get a look at this monstruos genius. People started to leave their lines to join the crowd which helped to only increase the disorder and soon the whole recruitment process was stopped.

Wale this was happening the cause of the havoc was standing and watching the crowd with smile full of pride and arrogance.

As Afzol watched the show Suddenly a powerful aura drowned everyone. The terrifying aura caused everyone below Body transforming stage to fall to the ground. Afzol was able to somewhat resist the aura with some pain but decided to sit on the ground as too not bring any attention to himself.


Although he could also show his talent and cause a commotion this was not something Afzol even thought of doing as it had little benefits and a lot of trouble.

For the boy the benefits of showing his talent are likely to be, getting top cultivation arts, maybe becoming a personal disciple of the sect head thereby so getting guidance from him and lastly getting resources.

As for why Afzol hadn't thought of showing his talent was because the first two of the three Benefits were pretty much useless to him as he had no need for cultivation art or any guidance for learning them as he had the system and his innate ability did not need him to cultivate but only needs for him to kill in order to increase his cultivation and as for personal guidance, this would not be of much to him as he had the AI system to help with that.

So the only beifet would be the resources which was tempting to Afzol but it was not worth the hassle as by showing your talent and becoming a disciple of the sect head would 100% create for you enemy’s which you might not be able to handle such as sect elders, and other disciples that would feel threatened of there future positions by Afzol’s talent. And this would not be worth a few resources that he could get using many other means.

Some could say this was a good thing as it would only give people he could kill and earn revenue from but if considered carefully the experience from killing a few disciples and elders was not much and would only result in him struggling within the sect. The main reason for going to the sect was to gain information of the cultivation world and he could get experience from killing beasts which was much less hassle. (Author note: I am sure that plan will work out)


If you see most mc’s in novels the reason they fight humans is to create pressure for themselves so that they can push their cultivation or techniques to new heights which is harder to do with low intelligent beings. This makes sense but is useless to Afzol who has full understanding of a technique from the moment he gets it, well that’s the case for now as most of my innate skills have been passive so far.

As Afzol was in his thoughts a powerful aura out of nowhere.this aura enclosed the whole recruitment area causing everyone to stop whatever they were doing as they felt their breathing harden as if the oxygen they could breath in was much less than before, everyone felt like they in race to devour the oxygen around them before it disappeared.

“Ahahahaaa ahahhaha luck seems to be blessing me today, to think I would find such a talent in this forgotten place. Bringing back such a talent I can finally redeem myself and return to the sect hahaha”.

As everyone was drowned by the mysterious aura loud laughter was heard coming from the sky forcing everyone to left there head to look at stare in ewww at the at a middle age man standing on a large surfing board that radiated with magical power.

The man and surfing board slowly descended from the sky clearly towards the talented youth surrounded by a crowed.

As the the mysterious man was landing everyone in the crowded backed away.

Now only the talented boy and the mysterious men stood facing each other.

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