《Cultivation Online》Chapter 2 - Character Physiques


"First and foremost, this is the Heavenly Continent, and we are currently at Mountain #90. Before you appeared here, everyone should have met a representative from our world that gave you an evaluation. That is your character status; it tells you almost everything about yourself."

"We will start with the basics. In this world, humans and monsters cultivate their body and mind with Spirit Qi that allows them to obtain supernatural powers. We call people like them Cultivators, and the higher the cultivation you have, the stronger you will be in this world. Legacy and Bloodlines are special features that can be obtained later on if you are fortunate enough. As for Physique, everyone here should have one. Whether or not it is useless, this will tell you."

Elder Song waves his long sleeves, and thousands of talisman flies towards the people.

"Activate it with your thoughts," said Elder Song.

The crowd follows his instruction, and loud exclamation resounds soon later.

"Oooh! It says I have an Earth-ranked Physique!"

Elder Song looked at the young man who said that and nodded. "Chances of having Earth-ranked Physiques are one in a thousand."

"Elder, how many ranks Physiques are there?"

"The rank for Physiques consists of Mortal, Earth, Heaven, and Divine."

"Elder, what does having a Mortal Physique mean, and what is the difference between the ranks?"

Elder Song became silent for a moment, before saying with a grin, "Having a Mortal Physique means you are only ordinary, but having an Earth Physique means you are talented. The difference is obvious — you are naturally inferior to those who have a better physique than you!"

His words caused many faces to sink, especially those with a Mortal Physique.

"Can our Physiques be changed?" Someone suddenly asked.

"Physiques can be changed, but the process is hideous and painful."

The people signed in relief after hearing that their Mortal Physique can be changed.


"Does anyone here happen to have a Divine rank Physique?" Elder Song's eyes flickered with expectation, but when nobody replied to his question the light in his eyes dimmed.

"The chances of someone having a Divine Physique is one in ten million, a genius above genius that knows no equal, so it isn't surprising that such a prodigy wouldn't appear amongst a mere thousand people." He shook his head inwardly.

"Elder, I have a Heaven-ranked Physique." An individual suddenly said out loud, causing everybody there to look at him.

"Hoh? The chances of a Heaven Physique appearing is one in a hundred thousand. You are a fortunate one, young man. What is your name?"

"My name is Shen Ming," said the handsome young man.

"Shen Ming? Isn't he the eldest son of Shen Li, the CEO of Royal Entertainment?"

Some people there recognize the handsome young man whose face looked exactly the same as he does in real life.

"Did you receive something from the representative who did your evaluation?" Elder Song asked him with great interest.

"Yes, I did." Shen Ming did not hide that fact and told him the truth. "I received this pouch from the representative."

"Oho… That is a storage pouch used to store items, there may be a few things in there that could benefit you. However, only cultivators are capable of using it. Additionally, if you can meet the person who gave you that gift again, then you may even join their sect."

"Sect? You mean like guilds?"

"A sect is a place created by one or a group of people for the purpose of nurturing its disciples to become powerful Cultivators — a school for Cultivators, basically." Elder Song briefly explained. "Is that it? Does nobody else have a Heaven Physique?"

After a moment of silence, Elder Song shook his head and thought to himself, "What a pity that there is only one person out of the thousands here worth investing into. But even then, I don't know who had given him that storage pouch. It'd be rude of me if I were to steal away their target, and I might even offend someone I cannot afford to offend."


"I have one question for everybody here before I let you leave… What do you desire to achieve in this world? Strength? Status? Wealth? Handsome men and beautiful women? Tell me, Mortals from another world!"

"I want to fly like you!"

"I wish for power!"

"I want to be famous!"

"I want to be wealthy!"

"I want beautiful women!"

"I want handsome men!"

Elder Song smiled upon hearing the masses' desires. "If you want to survive in a world such as this, then you must have enough power! In this world, the strong rules the weak! Wealth and fame will naturally come if you are strong! People will flock to you if you are strong! Remember my words, young ones — this world looks down on the inferior, respecting only the strong!"

"Who do you think have the most power in this world?" Elder Song glanced at the people below with a narrowed gaze, sending chills down their spine.

"Cultivators! We, Cultivators, are a symbol of power, wealth, fame, respect — we are the rule of this world!"

"Cultivators, is that some sort of class?" The people wondered.

"Elder, how can I become a Cultivator?"

Elder Song smiled. "It's simple, really." He suddenly waves his sleeves, and thousands of glowing orbs fly towards the people and directly at their forehead, submerging into their brain.

"I have just given you all the method to cultivate. It is now up to you to decide whether you want to cultivate or remain as a mortal." Elder Song waves his sleeves again, and four portals appear not too far away from the group. "Each portal represents a Continent. In this world, we have Four Great Continents not including this Heavenly Continent. Once you step inside, it will take you to a place within one of these Four Great Continents randomly, even I do not know exactly where you'll land so it is up to your fate."

"Now, scram. I have spent too much of my precious time dealing with you mortals. You will learn more about this world as you travel. Even if I use the remaining of my longevity, I won't be able to explain to you everything about this world."

With another wave of his sleeve, everybody there began flying towards the portal as though they were being pulled towards them.


Shocked cries resounded, and those who entered the portal would soon appear in this vast and unknown world at random.

After being thrown into the portal, Yuan felt the slight dizziness again, and before he was aware, he was in the middle of a forest.

"Where is this? Is there a map I can use?"

Suddenly, a large map with four large continents separated by water appears before him.

"Eastern Continent?" That was the only information he could gather from the map. Anything else was blacked out.

Yuan looks at the bright sky and sighs. "I didn't get to ask him about my Physique. That old man said that there were only four ranks of Physiques: Mortal, Earth, Heaven, and Divine, so why does my Physique not belong to any one of these four ranks?"

In his grasp was a talisman with the following:

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